Elena Malysheva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Live Great!" 2021.



Elena Malysheva - TV presenter, or, as it is sometimes called, Clevea. It leads medical programs, where in a simple language explains how diseases arise and how to deal with ailment. In her show, there are many visual examples and comparisons that gave rise to a huge number of jokes and memes, and some fragments of issues turned into viral videos on the Internet.

Childhood and youth

Malysheva Elena Vasilyevna (in the Majan of Shabunin) was born on March 13, 1961 in the city of Kemerovo. Father Vasily Shabunin and mother Galina Morozova worked by doctors. Elena has a twin brother, which in the press is often called the twin brother, and the elder sister. All children went to the footsteps of parents, received medical education and tied life with medicine.

In childhood, Elena, in addition to the secondary school, attended musical. After the 7th grade Mom staged a daughter to the hospital, where the girl worked in the buffet. The duty of the teenager included the organization of nutrition of patients of the children's office. Malysheva brought children food and fed them. Here her brother worked the janitor.

Elena's school graduated with a gold medal and entered the Kemerovo Medical Institute for the Medical Faculty. In 1984, Shabunina graduated from the university with honors, having received a red diploma. On this, the girl did not stop and decided to continue his studies in the capital.

In the same year, she entered the Moscow graduate school of the Academy of Medical Sciences, and after 3 years she defended his thesis for the degree of candidate of medical sciences on the topic "Preventing and eliminating heart rhythm violations by adaptation to stressing and activating gamma-aminobacing acid."

In the youth, Elena Vasilyevna Malyshev worked as a physician, but then he became an assistant in the Department of Internal Diseases of the Second Medical Institute in Moscow. Currently holds the position of Professor of the Moscow State Medical and Dental University and has a TV host.

Personal life

Elena Vasilyevna is happy in marriage. Her husband is a scientist, professor, doctor of medical sciences and molecular biologist Igor Malyshev. Elena Malysheva's personal life has never been the top theme for the boulevard press and did not give food for rumors and gossip.

The Malyshev family raised two sons, Yuri and Vasily. The eldest son Yuri Malyshev chose the doctor's profession and works together with mom on television. Now he works in the position of creative producer of the transfer "Live Great!".

Despite Russian citizenship, both sons were educated in the United States. And if Yuri went to the footsteps of the parents, then Vasily became a lawyer. Two children are brought up in the family of an elder son.


Elena Vasilyevna, Head of Russia, did not immediately. The television biography of Malysheva began in 1992 in his native Kemerovo. The first gear called "Recipet" came out on the Kuzbass city television channel. And Elena Vasilyevna came to television randomly.

When her youngest son was 10 months old, he was seriously ill. The baby was operated on in Moscow, and the family returned to Kemerovo: a rehabilitation period was easier in his hometown. Then Malyshev suddenly noticed that there are no good and informative medical programs on the ether. Elena Vasilyevna even called the press service of the Kemerovo administration to complain about this omission.

School friend Elena Vasilyevna, Herman Gandelman, persuaded Malyshev to change the situation itself - to go to local television. He also introduced a girlfriend with the release editor, submitting it and stating:

"This is Elena Malysheva. She will lead the good health transmission. "

And a young mother with medical knowledge immediately began to keep live broadcast on the Kuzbass TV channel.

A year later, Malyshev was headed by the Lazaret program, which was on the air of the North Corona television channel broadcasting on the 6th Frequency Channel of Russia. Bright TV presenter quickly noticed and invited to Moscow, where since 1994, Malyshev became the author and the leading daily program "Doctor called?" on RTR.

In parallel with the work on television, she improved his medical knowledge and held a course of study at the European Health and Environment Center in the United States. By the way, only the most outstanding journalists engaged in topics of health were invited to these courses.

In 1997, on the Channel ORT resumed the release of the popular health program, which Yulia Belyanchikova was previously resumed. Elena Malysheva became her successor - leading, leader and author of the program.

All the time, while Malyshev worked the lead, she did not stop learning. After 10 years, Elena Vasilyevna wrote and defended his dissertation for the degree of doctor of medical sciences. In the same 2007, she became a member of the Academy of Russian Television.

The popularity of the program "Health" and the leader grew. Since August 2010, Malysheva also leads the transfer "to live great!", Which comes out daily on weekdays in the morning prime-taime on the first channel and Radio Radio.

Transfer reviews are contradictory. A number of television viewers and users of the network believe that at the age of Elena Vasilyevna has already indecent to lead such a show, the transmission itself is called a phantasmagoric, and the actions of the Malyshevy and its coordinates - offensive and emphasized and stupid.

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Chief Cleaver Russia and her team are not afraid to raise risky topics in transmissions. Repeatedly on the air discussed the problem of alcoholism. At one of these programs, Andrei Urgant visited, who told about how he managed to defeat this ailment.

Often, problems with potency or gas formation are discussed on the federal channel. Sometimes puppet performances are played in the show, layouts and costumes are used, children participate, the audience bathe in tea, doctors depict the internal organs.

This makes the esters of Malyshev's bright and memorable, causing public resonance, although sometimes he is also a humorous shade, giving abundant food to the parodists. "Friendly cartoons" on Malyshev have repeatedly did Maxim Galkin and Ivan Urgant. In 2011, Cvell was even awarded the Anti-Silver Kalosh anti-refrembation in the nomination "Malyshev and Dalyashev".

Also, ill-wishers also accused a TV presenter in inadequacy, and sometimes they attributed to her participation in the world conspiracy, according to obscure reasons, often referring to its external similarity with Lvom Trotsky and the alleged Jewish nationality. Also criticized the appearance of a television. Its hairstyle is called outdated, and the rims are offered to change to more fashionable.

Elena Malysheva's critics also argue that her program "live great!" It is the adaptation of the popular American DOCTOR OZ program, based on the same topics and uses the layouts of the same name.

Despite all this, the teleadutium transfer loves and still looks with pleasure. Professional doctors recognize this program useful and express TV presenter thanks for popularizing the simple and obvious, but not popular among the population the idea that for diseases you need to consult a doctor and contact official medicine, and not to go to the signs and do not engage in self-medication.

At the same time, Elena Malyshev does not deny the positive effect of folk remedies, for example, it responds positively about the effect of tea on the body, but at the same time it repeatedly emphasizes that as if the herbs did not strengthen their health and contributed to the exchange of substances, pharmacological medicines they will not replace.

Most likely, the bootable and bright format of health transmissions was chosen specifically that the issues remember and diverged on social networks and sites, and the advice of doctors saw and understood representatives of various age audience.

The authority of the Malyshie in the field of medicine for the mass viewer was so great that fraudsters began to use it. In early 2016, the TV presenter included in one edition of the transmission a fragment where she tells how to find the advertisement of monastic tea on the Internet from her face.

Elena Malysheva exposed deception and stated: Not only that she did not advertise such a product in the program, but also found that tea did not pass any research and is hardly therapeutic. The TV presenter asked the audience not to believe such an advertisement.

In the future, the Internet has flooded advertising tablets for losing weight "lipocarnit", which also supposedly offered in Elena Malysheva. Subsequently, a lie was exposed and damaged the drug for the stomach.

Clevetle added their popularity points with the help of a diet developed by it. And Elena Malysheva diet became popular before it was officially represented. Earlier, the Internet "exploded" with all sorts of gloomy recipes "from Malysheva". At that time, the lion's share of these recipes was a frank fraud.

Elena Malysheva responded to the sudden popularity of his name as a professional - first organized a project in which volunteers lose weight in real time, registered the official website of Elena Malysheva, where the viewers were able to send letters.

Later, TVTravel launched his own dietary dietary brand and released a book-designer about diets. So Elena Malysheva diet appeared. The doctor had to experience her influence on himself: In 2018, Elena lost 10 kg thanks to a balanced diet. Today, with growth, 168 cm its weight does not exceed 63 kg.

Nevertheless, age makes itself felt about what the TV presenter mentioned. Despite the fact that now Malysheva is only resorted to injections of botulinum and hyaluronic acid injections, in the future, it does not exclude plastic facial.

TV presenter made focus on simplicity. Malysheva diet is not constant complex recipes and calorie counting, all calculations and cooking make professional nutritionists and cooks.

The participant of the program delivers ready-made frozen shock freezing dishes from a varied menu, which includes cereal, dietary soups, as well as desserts and, it would seem, "harmful" food like spaghetti or Chile Kon Karna.

Also on the site presents suitable dietary programs and to maintain weight, and for balanced nutrition in hypertension. Thus, the program makes it possible not to tighten to follow healthy nutrition at home, which makes it attractive for losing weight, and for busy people who do not want to spend money for cooking, nor sacrificing health.

During the professional career, Elena Malyshev became the author of more than 50 scientific publications in the field of medicine. And for his contribution to the development of Russian broadcasting in 2006, it was awarded by the State Award - the Order of Friendship and the Two Governmental - Medal "For Merit to Domestic Health" and the Big Sign "Excellent Healthcare".

In 2017, as part of the program "Live Great!" The "Breathing of Motherland" project was launched, whose participants are offered highly qualified assistance in resolving health problems. In 2019, there was a transfer of the slimming "discard the extra", whose participants entered into the struggle over a million.

In March of the same year, Elena Malyshev opened the Medical Center of Elena Malysheva in Moscow, in which a wide range of medical services is offered. In medical institutions, consultations are conducted by specialists who are familiar on the program of the First Channel program - neurologist Dmitry Shubin, cardiologist Hermann Gandelman, anesthesiologist Mark Galperin, Gastroenterologist Igor Gorodokin and otorinolaryngologist Igor Branovan.

In a personal account in "Instagram" TV presenter accommodates small rollers from the "Consultation per minute" series, in which doctors answer the questions of television viewers.

Sometimes the doctor of Elena Malysheva faces non-standard patient problems. In 2018, the transfer of "Live Great!" Kirill Tereshin became, the Internet star, which became famous for the biceps pumped hazardous substance. The young man got a nickname hand-bazuki.

Syntol injections turned out to be unsafe for the health of the young man, he began to experience severe pain from the inflammatory process flowing in the muscles. The program of the Malysheva was collected by the Consilium of doctors, which determined that the danger from the muscles of the "syntholkip" muscles is not possible.

In November 2018, helen Malysheva visited Anita Tsoi, who had survived the removal of the gallbladder before. The celocker called the cause of the ailment, which led to surgical interference, extreme diet used by the singer. Anita admitted that sometimes arranged unloading days, limiting consumption of fats. This, according to the doctor, has adversely affected the work of the gallbladder.

Malyshev herself in a home diet uses a fractional food method. The basis of the correct diet is the use of servings whose volume does not exceed the size of a single glass. This allows the stomach of a person not to stretch in size, and the sense of saturation occurs even with a small number of food. Slimming in this case passes as comfortable for the patient.

Loseable TV presenter decided to experiment with the image. Now, besides favorite skirts and dresses, Elena Vasilyevna does not refuse from elegant trousers. TV presenters have already appreciated the updated wardrobe, which the doctor demonstrates in the photo in the microblog.

In 2019, in the program "Live Great!" Discussed causes of illness Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. The studio was invited by Neurosurgeon Andrei Galanov, who commented on rumors about the presence of a brain tumor at the actress.

The doctor summarized that such a disease is stopped at an early stage, but in untimely treatment leads to irreversible consequences. The ECO procedure has not caused cancer development, but provoked it.

Criticism and scandals

Some issues of the program "Live Great!" For a long time cause perplexity from the public. These are the transmissions, on the ether of which questions raise the circumcision of the foreskin in infants, the problems of defecation, problems with the disappearance of potency in men and the receipt of orgasm. An ambiguous assessment was subjected to "live healthy!", In which songs "about testicles" and "On the Singing Make" were presented.

In the spring of 2019, Malyshev declared that in Russia there is no such medical specialty as osteopath. A doctor from St. Petersburg Dmitry Mokhov, who stressed that the activities of Charlatans did not diminish the merit of professionals, was indignant to the TV presenter's replica. Osteopath wrote the appropriate complaint with the leadership of the first channel, but did not follow the official response. Elena Vasilyevna herself, instead of an apology, turned to colleagues through "Instagram" with the replica "Osteopaths, let's live together!".

In the summer, another scandal rushed with the release of the program, in which Malysheva offered the topic "Where children-kids are taken from." Ether was used by the Screensaver "My Child - Idiot". The transfer issued representatives of the Autism Association - Regions, which opposed the use of discriminatory terms relating to people with intellectual failure.

The Ministry of Health urged the TV presenter to apologize. But Elena Vasilyevna justified his scandalous statements by the fact that critics did not watch the program to the end.

Also wide resonance caused a call for a television to further increase the retirement age. TV presenter is confident that raising the standard of living and its duration influenced the performance of the population. A woman in 50-55 years is not ready to complete his career, so Elena Vasilyevna named the optimal care period of Elena Vasilyevna.

The video appeared on the network at the end of 2019, although Cvell itself claims that the record was made long before the pension reform.

Elena Malysheva now

In 2019, Elena Vasilyevna was first faced with serious health problems. It was hospitalized in Botkin's hospital after a hypertonic crisis. The TV presenter has risen pressure to the indicators of 200 at 130, after which the relatives caused ambulance.

During his stay in the hospital, Malyshev did not lose time in vain. She posted a video in the "instagram", in which he told about the vessels. After treatment, the TV presenter returned to the usual duties.

In February 2020, Malyshev on the air TV show "Evening Urgant" expressed its opinion in relation to the spread of coronavirus. The presenter drew attention to the correct behavior during sneezing, which will help avoid the risks of infection with any infection. On the Yutiub-channel Irina Shikhman in the transfer "And to talk?" Clever assured that the epidemic will become a seasonal infection.


  • 1992 - "Recipe"
  • 1993 - "Lazaret"
  • 1994 - "Doctor called?"
  • 1997-2014 - Health
  • 2003 - "City of Women"
  • 2010 - N. BP. - "Live healthy!"

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