Nikas Safronov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Exhibitions, Pictures, Sons, Artist, Work 2021



Nikas Safronov is a Russian artist whose creativity has been repeatedly noted by international and state awards, including the title "Honored Artist of the Russian Federation". At the same time, the painter spends large sums on charity and help with young talented colleagues, helping to develop art in Russia.

Childhood and youth

Nikas Stepanovich Safronov (real name - Nikolai) was born on April 8, 1956 (Zodiac sign - Aries) in the city of Ulyanovsk. Brought up in a poor largest family - the artist has four senior brothers and younger sister. Stepan Grigorievich Safronov's father was a military resignation by the time of the birth of Nicholas. Safron's dynasty consists of hereditary priests whose pedigree is traced until 1668. The family of Nikolai by Mother Anna Fedorovna is from Panevezys and has Finnish-Lithuanian roots. Hence the Lithuanian origin of the pseudonym chosen by the artist.

The creative biography of Nikas began in childhood: the young man copied illustrations from school textbooks and made attempts to work out his own style, where in a manner close to romanticism, embodied his own dreams about adventures and travels.

After graduating from the 8th grades of high school, Nikolai went from his native Ulyanovsk to Odessa and entered the nautical school. After the first year of training, the Safronov left the maritime case and moved to Rostov-on-Don, where she filed documents to the Art School named after M. B. Grekova. In his youth, I tried myself as an artist-butafora in the Rostov theater of the young viewer and at one time worked as a janitor, a loader and a guard. In 1975, Nikas went to the army and not graduating from the school.

After the army, the guy moved to Panevezys, his mother's hometown, where he continued his career artist-designer. In 1978 he moved to Vilnius and entered the Art Academy to the Faculty of Design.


After five years of study, an ambitious designer goes to conquer the capital and enters the Moscow Academic Art Institute named after V. I. Surikov. In addition, the collection of diplomas Safronov replenished the metropolitan University of Technology and the Office in which he studied at the Faculty of Psychology.

Safronov began to expose their work since 1972. After the exhibition in 1978, the artist spoke as a talented surrealist. The first serious exposition took place in 1980 in Vilnius. Later, moving to Moscow, Nikas worked as an art director of Penthouse luxury real estate magazine, combining this activity with the work of the designer in Aura-Z magazines, "diplomat" and "world of stars".

Despite the fact that Nikas was already known in the narrow circle of artists, the world glory came to him at the beginning of the 90s of the last century. At that time, Safronov began to work on a series of cloths with portraits of public figures and politicians. Among his clients - President Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko, many high-ranking officials of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Turkmenistan, as well as celebrities, including Nikita Mikhalkov, Philip Kirkorov, Nicole Kidman.

A number of these portraits enters a series of works called "River Time". Its distinctive feature is the paraphrase of the great works of the past and simply the stylization made in the spirit of the Flemish School of the Renaissance era, where the famous people of modernity are presented by the heroes of the plots of vintage canvases.

In 2005, Nikas created a self-portrait in the costume of the captain of Blad, on which he presented himself with serious and thoughtful. Such an image of the artist was highly appreciated by critics.

Safronov exhibitions were held in large cities of the CIS. In 2007, the exposition of his paintings was located on the territory of the Kremlin in the Corps of the Office of the President of the Russian Federation. You order portraits or landscapes in Nikas only secured people, since the cost of the canvas varies within $ 6-10 thousand.

In the works, the artist uses a special style into which the generalization of the creative method is investing, where classical painting is combined with the use of imagination and intuition.

In November 2016, Nikas shared the news that he wrote a portrait of Donald Trump. True, in a hurry confused white house with the Capitol.

According to the master, he hurried to complete the work, hearing from the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Sergey Lavrov information that the victory of Trump in the elections is very likely. The finished portrait of the artist promised to present the new president of America as a gift.

At the end of the summer of 2016, Safronov opened his own school of painting, thus embodying a long-time dream of his own workshop. She is in Moscow, in Bryusov Lane.

Nikas Safronov is open to everything new. Recently, the artist participates in unexpected collaborations, as reported by "Instagram" from pages. Prints based on his work appear on the items of the wardrobe from the collections of Svetlana Lyalina, images of Safronov paintings are decorated with gift boxes of the Babaevsky chocolate factory.

The artist continues to make exclusive celebrity gifts. He presented the author's portraits Alexander Shirvindt, Sophie Lauren, Nick Keiva. Photos with the owners of the paintings of Safronov places in a personal microblogging.

In September 2019, the exhibition of Safronov "other worlds" opened at the State Museum of Modern History of Russia. This is not a simple event in the gallery: thanks to modern technologies and the talent of the artist, visitors saw the illusion of changes in space in the form of a digital decor. Due to multimedia projectors, the paintings purchased an additional volume and other perception.

In the spring of 2020, the official website of the painter appeared the news about the preparation for the release of the second book Valentine Gafta and Nikas Safronova "I and you". In the review, it is described as a unique author's publication, representing a collection of verses of Gaft and paintings by Safronov.

A couple of months before this event, the artist became the guest of the festival "Impossible is possible" in Moscow.

Scandals and Tele Show

Lifestyle and creative artist's manner make it an ambiguous figure in the world of modern art. Despite the abundance of state awards and personal exhibitions, Safronov is criticized by colleagues and art historians.

The first loud scandal with his participation occurred in 2002, when it turned out that portraits of his brushes were "slightly" edited by the seal on canvas. Subsequently, it became known that many pictures of Nikas have duplicates manufactured similarly and sold in private collections. He was accused of notching, frank Haltur and Dunovkussia.

In 2008, the transfer of "Gordon Kihot" Nikas was also criticized. Information that the artist's work was checked, the prices of which are difficult to call, acquired the Hermitage for its own collection, as Safronov told earlier in an interview. Representatives of the museum officially denied this picture of the painter.

In the winter of 2012, Nikas again was in the epicenter of a loud scandal, which "saved" is hardly all the media. A shocking girl from Rostov-on-Don Mary Voskanyan accused the famous portraitist in rape. If you believe her words, the artist volunteered to write her portrait. But when the simulator came to his room, the painter attacked her.

When the scandal hit, Safronov turned to court, demanding to protect his honor and dignity. The slanderer was supposed to pay him 10 million rubles. The Savelian Court of the capital rose to the side of the portraitist, but the amount of compensation reduced to 300 thousand rubles.

Another loud news appeared on the network at the end of 2019, but this time the son of Safronova Luke Okavokin was in the epicenter of events, which was stuck in the toilet on board the aircraft. It happened because of the big weight of the musician. Instead of helping, one of the passengers pulled a mobile phone and began to shoot the occurrence of the chamber.

The video quickly scattered over the Internet, Luke began to write unpleasant comments regarding its appearance. And if earlier, Pozalekin could lose weight, again gain weight and again with the same ease of reset it, this time the son of the artist said that he was not going to lose weight, although he experienced some difficulties because of this.

In 2021, the artist himself decided to tell about an interesting incident in his professional biography. So, Nikas told the press about the harassment of a rich client in the distant past. According to the celebrity, the customer made a man from Switzerland, asking to write a portrait of his wife. She decided to pose nude, which was surprised by Safronov. But afterwards the woman began to at first to hint unambiguously, and later and directly talk about the desire to join the artist in an intimate relationship. He had to refuse this work.

Personal life

Both professional and personal life Nikas is saturated with events. The artist gives food to journalists of yellow publications, his women write about his women. It seems that the portraitist and himself does not mind that he remembered. He was always extremely opened, did not make secrets from his personal and was not afraid to shock the public.

In one interview, Safronov told that the first wife was ran away during the honeymoon. At that time, in the early 80s, the young artist arrived to conquer the capital and lived in a communal service. He met the girl Dragana from the wealthy Yugoslav family. She studied in Sorbonne, and he came to Moscow with tourists as a translator: Dragan was perfectly owned by the Russian language. Nikas argues that the girl was not in his taste, but he was taught the spirit of conquest.

A year later, the Safronov met New Love Angela, the Scotch by nationality. And everything would be fine if there is no fleeting intrigue of a loving artist with an American. The girl was insidious: she found a way to inform the Angele that she was waiting for a child from her beloved. On this novel with the Scotch ended.

The second time of the Safronov married Italian Francesca Vendramine. Spouses lived for 13 years. But, according to the portraitist, most of this time they existed apart, each in itself. Nevertheless, the son of Stefano Safronov was born in this marriage. When the boy was 4 months old, the father went to Russia, since he ended the visa. In Italy, he no longer returned.

For many years, the former wife did not allow the son to see his father. But when the guy grew up, he met with his parent in London, where he arrived with the exhibition. Since then, Safronov communicates with Stefano.

These are not all women with whom reporters attributed a man's relationship. Among other choices of the artist in the press mentioned the names of the actress Elena Koreneva, the singers of Irina Ponarovsk and others.

Actress Tatyana Vasilyeva admitted to journalists that she had a novel with Nikas Safronov. But each in this pair turned out to be so bright that there could be a speech about a joint life. The portrait on which the naked Tatyana Vasilyeva is depicted, remained descendant. True, the artist claims that she did not pose the artist, so in the figure it is a fictional figure.

Now Safronov does not advertise the details of personal life, but there is a muse in his life. Nikas lives in a luxurious apartment in the very center of the capital. From the windows of the house overlooks the Kremlin and Red Square. Prior to that, he changed several addresses in Moscow: managed to live on a small Georgian street, Pushkin Square and Tverskaya. In the 90s, the man finally settled in the Bryusov Lane, in the house, which was recognized as an architectural monument. The interior is stylized under the Gothic Palace.

He did another major acquisition in 2014. The Turkish-Russian company presented the artist apartments in Alanya, and he bought out the rest of the apartments on its floor. Such a step of the Safronov explained to a large number of friends who will probably want to buy from him. In total, Nikas appeared more than 800 square meters. M new residential area.

Cottage, too, is at the disposal of the artist, on the Volga he acquired a plot of 25 hectares and now goes to nature when he gets tired of the noisy city.

Special passion Nikas is experiencing to machines. With eloquent everything about this, his sports car Porche € 120 thousand, a man admits that he loves to "drive" and often violates the rules of the road, for which fines receive.

In early April 2020, Safronov celebrated his birthday, and on the eve of the holiday went to the store for products, since the celebration was planned to hold at home with friends and close people. But on the way to the supermarket there was an unpleasant event. Nikas got into an accident: another car crashed into the artist's car, when he stopped at the crossroads. Presumably, the chain of the accident began asleep at the wheel of the taxi driver. Safronov was separated by a broken lip, tooth and headache, which was not too much reflected on his health as a whole.

A year before this event, he was a member of the accident on Rublevka, the situation turned out to be similar, only this time he was not alone in the car. The comrade of the artist suffered stronger, Nikas only complained about the pain in the neck, but by visiting the manual therapist a couple of times, solved the problem.

On May 16, 2020, Safronov became the main hero of the "Secret Million" program with the leading Leroy Kudryavtsevaya, where he told the details of his personal life and other information unknown to the public. He also told, as for the cut on the finger, received the amount of $ 320 thousand from the insurance company.

Heirs and inheritance of the artist

In addition to Stefano, Nikas has four extramarital children. The son of Luca Savrickin is a talented pianist. He was born in the 1990th and dwells in the capital. The junior child of the artist, the son of Landin Sorokh, was born in 1999 and lives with his mother in Australia. The fourth son Alexander Filimenko is also Muscovite too.

Dmitry Tsybulsky was born in 1985 and lived in Lithuania. He himself found his father and began to communicate with him. Safronov helped Dima in a material plan, although men had doubts about his fatherhood.

Put points to them helped participation in the television show. In the year of its 62th anniversary, the artist decided to find all possible extramarital sons and daughters to distribute a billionatic state between them. Nikas prepared a will, where all the heirs inscribed. It was assumed that real estate, antique furniture and rare collections go to Safronov. For the sake of acquaintance with illegitimate children, the painter appealed to the NTV channel program "DNA", where all of the estimated children was made a test for determining kinship.

The results of the genetic analysis confirmed by Dmitry and Nikas kinship were announced. And in 2019, rumors appeared that Tsybulsky made a proposal of the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova, to which she answered agree.

By the way, in 2021, Nikas came to the transfer of the "Stars came together", where he voiced the decision to give all the acquired property and the state of the state. Why the artist decided to divide the children, is unknown.

Nikas Safronov Now

On the eve of the Great Victory in 2021, Safronov presented a new series of paintings. This time he wrote portraits of famous scouts. In an interview, Nikas reported that his collection would give the service of foreign intelligence of Russia and expressed hope: the paintings will be preserved and will not be subjected to private hand.

Few later celebrities by decree of the President of the Russian Federation was awarded the title of a national artist of Russia. The wording was in the text of the document: "For great merits in the field of visual art."

This year, Nikas fell into an unpleasant situation. He accused Snow, his brother's wife, that allegedly stole Anatoly from the house and hidden in the clinic. To answer the attacks of a woman and protect the honor of his own behalf, Safronov came to the transfer "Let them talk."


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  • "The impulsive memory of staying in Paris"
  • "Portrait of Artemy Troitsky"
  • "Portrait of Sophie Loren"
  • Series of portraits of scouts

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