Dana Borisova - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", Daughter of Polina Aksenova, Age 2021



Dana Borisova - Actress, journalist and TV presenter, whose name and now does not come off with headlines of news tabloids. It is obliged by its popularity of Teediva not only an attractive appearance, but also by the ability to bypass vitality, responding to problems with irony and smile. The biography of the Talk Show participants is a story of a bright and bold person, whose personal life is far from look like a fairy tale.

Childhood and youth

Dana Alexandrovna Borisova was born on June 13, 1976 in a small Belarusian Mozyrus, but his hometown does not remember: when the girl was only a few months, the family moved to Norilsk. Self-discipline Teediva is obliged to parents. Alexander Borisov, Father Dana, served in the police. Ekaterina Ivanovna Borisov, the mother of the future television, worked as a nurse.

As a child, the girl had to often stay at home alone, because parents were constantly working, and with peers did not get the relationship. Being slender and inconspicuous, the star of the TV show did not like the boys, and the activities in the circles and sections, as well as good estimates in all subjects of peers and could not forgive them at all. Dana was not indifferent to the music and played the piano.

Stunched alone became the younger sister, which was born 3 years after moving Borisov to Norilsk. The TV presenter repeatedly recalled that he read a book sister and always shared candy with her.

In his youth, Borisov once saw an announcement of the set in the class of television journalist, which organized the television and radio company Norilsk. "But what if?" - I decided to give the forces. Schoolgirl and herself was surprised when it was possible to go through the strictest competitive selection. She was not too high an opinion about his abilities, so the results of the selection were pleasantly struck. So began a career in journalism.

For the first time, TelEkran was given for the first time at a young age - at the age of 16. Studying in high school, the schoolgirl led the program for young people called "Zebra", established himself as a speaker of the Norilsk TV channel. Later, Borisov became the leading TV show "Take Congratulations". Make sure in his own talent, the blonde decided to try happiness in the capital and immediately after graduation moved to Moscow.

Since 1993, Dana studied in Moscow State University. Lomonosov. But, unlike admission, studying there, there was no successful student because of the passes, the reason for which were shooting in a telecast for a military soldier called "Army Store", where Borisov got at the same time, in 1993. Of course, it was not easy to combine study and work, and the future telediva preferred to the highest formation career growth.

After the transfer of a bright blonde, they spoke in the media. From this, the success of the beauty began in the role of the TV presenter. Even in his youth, it began to be recognized on the streets of the city, and among the soldiers for whom the transfer was intended, Dana became idol - every day came a lot of letters with confessions in love.

And although such life looked beautiful and trouble-free, but Borisov adhered to another opinion: for her, this period was difficult. The family of the stars just moved to Sergiev Posad. Therefore, after filming, Dana fled to the last train, where he repeatedly became a victim of theft. Yes, and in the family was not everything okay: the parents diverged, the mother of the TV presenter moved to Moscow, and his father in Belarus.

But the career, on the contrary, was waiting for a rapid takeoff. In 1996, Borisov made something that none of the TV presenters of the former Soviet Union did not dare to her - appeared almost naked in a photo shoot for Playboy magazine. This led to a service investigation, but there is no goodness without good - so the popularity of the teledil flashed even brighter. From the Army Store, Dana went in 1997, but later returned to the TV show.

In 2002, Borisov recognized the most popular Runet girl, thanks to which the blonde was invited to the realistic show "The last hero - 3: stay alive." This project clearly demonstrated the delicate beauty that the harsh life on the uninhabited island is not for her.

Having left the program, the Teedulation turned out to be one of the leading transmissions "City of Predaters". A little later in the "domino principle" with Elena Khangoy Borisov appeared in front of the audience in a new image - now it looked colder and sharp, which corresponded to the format of this talk show. At the same time, Dana Alexandrovna tried herself as an actress in the film "Bear Hunting".

Until 2012, the lady disappeared from the screens, and after the triumphal return happened - the TV presenter appeared in the popular Ukrainian project "Battle of psychics", and then in the show of the first channel "Tishka". In 2014, on the channel "Pepper" Borisov began to lead the TV shows "Machine" with Viktor Loginov. In 2014, Dana and Singer Stanislav Kostyushkin visited the game "Who wants to become a millionaire?". Celebrities were able to answer the questions of the TV presenter Dmitry Dibrova, winning 800 thousand rubles.

Drug addiction and scandals

Scandalous stories with the finely were more often associated with its dependence on prohibited drugs. Once, the Network appeared pictures of Borisova with rest in the Maldives. In the photo, Dana appeared in a swimsuit, the upper part of which "treacherous" gone from her chest. In the post, the lady apologized to the subscribers for such an intimate frame, but did not remove it.

In April 2017, a scandal broke out in life. On the ether of the program "Let them say", Mom Borisova told that the daughter drug addiction. The woman publicly reported on the addiction of the star daughter to forbidden substances, contacting the help of Andrei Malakhov and Studios. She decided on this step, because, according to her, Dana came to a dead end.

Catherine Ivanovna stated that the moral and physical condition of the given concern to fears from relatives and loved ones. The woman said that he personally saw in the house of the daughter of narcotic substances, although there were already a treatment for the television in a special block. The fact that there is a severe dependence on prohibited drugs, confirmed some friends of the TV presenter.

According to the mother, daughter for drugs could suck her producer Tima Bric, who died as a result of a heart attack in February 2016. Such assumptions soon discarded their native producer. Borisov herself denied the presence of a problem, refused to communicate with her mother, stating that is an absolutely healthy person.

Having learned about the drug addiction of the celebrity, Andrei Malakhov promised to influence the situation and turned to Dane right in the studio, asking her for forgiveness for the fact that it could not do anything otherwise, the TV presenter insisted on a compulsory treatment was given Borisov.

In the second part of the program, which came out a little later, the studio tried to learn about the state of health given. It turned out that the celebrity undergoes a rehabilitation course in Thailand, on the island of Samui. Also, the show appeared the stylist Ray Samedov, whom Mom Borisova called the chief culprit of the daughter's narcotic dependence.

In 2017, the Russian media appeared information that Danan Borisov was deprived of parental rights. The TV host daughter has lived for a long time with his father in Moscow. Borisov confirmed that the court declared the deprivation of her parental rights, while she could not return to Russia, fearing to lose progress achieved in the treatment. Now the star seeing the daughter only in the presence of Maxim for an hour.

"I consider this decision unfair. I will not interrupt my recovery. I want to recover myself and help other addicted people, "the television star noted.

In June 2017, Borisov in "Instagram" reported that she would interrupt treatment in Thailand for one day. Soon the lady published a photo from the Moscow hotel, confirming his stay in Russia.

Having again visiting Andrei Malakhov's transfer, Dana told about his experiences and the course of treatment, shared his plans, stating that everything changed for the better. Borisov noted that he had already recovered and would never eat narcotic substances. According to the TV presenter, it plans to open its own rehabilitation center to help people who not only suffer from dependence, but also found themselves in difficult life situations.

In 2018, Teediva became a participant in the scandal associated with the participation in the program "Fashion sentence". In the release of "just no one was nearby" Borisov told about the difficult fate. Girlfriend, accused of blonde, noted that there are no taste. The stylists of the program proposed the heroine three fashionable elegant images.

It seemed that the participant of the show fashionable changes came to the soul. But after some time, after the release of the television, a post published a post in which the work of professionals criticized, accused of spoiled her hair. The Lion's lioness had to restore the former beauty in the hairdressing salons. And the stylists did not apologize to her.

In the spring of 2020, a new scandal with the participation of Borisova broke out in the media. In the program "In fact" for "disassembly" TV presenter caused Alena Kravets. Earlier, at the beginning of 2018, a loud conflict has already managed between the ladies, which was publicized in the "Direct Ether" show. Then Dana, he stated that the beauty of Alain, being married to the oligarch Ruslana Kraveki, parallel to other men intimacy services.

Now, in the transfer of Timur Arereyev, the "accused" side made a "retaliatory visit". Alena told the audience that Borisov sent a private video to her husband. In the video, the naked TV presenter thanked Ruslan for the romantic weekend, the gifts that businessman brought to her, and asked for money "to manicure."

Do not be embarrassed in expressions, Krarakets collapsed with angry passages to the opponent. In addition, the blonde led a frivolous correspondence penish with an oligarch as proof of Ajulter. In response to this, Borisov said that she was a free, wealthy woman, herself decides who to sleep with whom.

In the same year, being a guest of the program, Vitaly Milonov's policy, Teediva decided to disclose the secret addiction of the stars of show business in an interview. So, Yuri Dudia, Nastya Iveliev, Morgettern and other lady called drug addicts, and the cord (Sergey Shnurov) and Ksenia Sobchak "recorded" into the number of alcoholics.

Appearing on the Yutiub-Channel of Alena Zhigalova "Alena, Damn!", Dana, among other things, admitted that the Covid-19 had a specially infected with Coronavirus in the midst of the epidemic, so that she was invited to some talk show as a media person who had dangerous illness. This, according to the TV host, it was necessary for the sake of money, but for the embodiment of a creative idea.

In 2021, Teediva did not cease to surprise the public. So, in early February, a regular piquant video with nude Borisova appeared in the telegram-channel. Journalists immediately danced Danu "New Jübe", since quite recently the public shocked an intimate video with a popular football player. The merged frames with the Star Show quickly scattered over the network, which became known to the most secular lioness.

What happened did not cause a lady panic - Borisov admitted that the shooting was held 7-8 years ago, at that time, when she used drugs. The desire to capture itself in such a liberated form of the actress called the "consequence of hazardous experiments" with prohibited substances. Video itself, according to the star of the secular chronicle, lost the relevance. The guilty in the appearance of such confidential content on the network was given by Anna Kalashnikov.

Personal life

TV presenter attributed a lot of novels. It is known that Dana lived with Singer Danko for several months. Borisova herself told about this novel to journalists. The lady knew that the musician had a beloved pregnant from him, but preferred not to think about it. Relationships broke off when the performer became a happy father and returned to the family.

In 2005, Teediva became acquainted with the businessman Maxim Aksenov, who became a civilian head of a television star. After some time, the couple began to live together in the apartment of Maxim, which is located in the center of Moscow. In August 2007, Borisovoy and Aksenov had a daughter of Polina, and less than a year later, the spouse left the family.

Then he followed a difficult period for Dana, depressed was coming. FINANCIAL QUESTIONS Former beloved solved through the court. However, subsequently they set up friendly relations.

After that, Borisov's unpleasant period began to actively follow himself, lost weight, even causing rumors about anorexia. The lady did not hesitate to talk about what was well refer to plastic operations, which was the cause of new rumors about the likely face suspender, as well as attempts by fans to analyze photos before and after plastics.

In a short time, the personal life of the TV presenter began to work again, and the celebrity played a wedding with Andrei Trochenko, a new beloved. According to Dana, at that time they were familiar for 3 years, lived together, and their relationships were just great. Dana married June 22, 2015. The actress and her future spouse just came to the registry office without beautiful costumes and guests and issued a relationship. The solemn ceremony took place only 2 months after that.

The couple liked to journalists and fans, the press should begin to write that the second child gave birth to. But neither replenishment in the family nor a strong union did not happen. After 8 months after the wedding, it became known that Teediva filed for a divorce, although, as journalists later found out, the decision to break up Andrei himself.

Shortly after the divorce Borisov was published with a new worker. Chief TV host became Hockey player Alexander Morozov. Roman began in June 2016, but by the autumn of the same year turned his loud scandal. According to the press, Danan was invited to the United States to shoot, and Alexander was against, forcing them to choose between him and career. And the celebrity chose the second.

There was another version of the star quarrel. In one of the TV shows, the hockey player claimed that he threw Dana because of her infidelity. Unknown, introduced by Borisova's lover, sent an intimate video with her by Alexander. The "benevolent" was Denis Kozlovich, the ex-participant of the "House-2 show", who told reporters that the girl lived with him for several days, forgotten about his own child.

Relations with Kozlovich Borisov denied, and her little Polina Aksenov was told to the camera that the mother did not leave anywhere and did not leave the girl alone, but the charges and in treason did not fall on the celebrity, and in irresponsibility. Many declared that the TV host often appears in the public drunk, because he suffers from alcoholism. In response to Travel, Dana recorded a video that posted in "Instagram", asking her to leave her alone.

Relations with daughter

In 2018, Teediva managed to return the daughter: the court restored her as rights and determined the place of residence Polina with his mother. In an interview, Dana said how happy from the reunification with the girl and literally "dissolved" in it.

At the same time, Polina samped communicating with his father, as well as grandparents on the father's line. However, due to an unpleasant incident (the schoolgirl put out a frank avatar on the social network), those blocked his granddaughter and stopped being connected.

Not in the best way, according to Borisova, there were cases with the Father. He became less and less common with the heir, and at the requests of the former wife to give more time to the child answered rudely. Polina suffered from the inattention of the parent, in every way trying to contact close relatives.

Such a situation entailed problems with the psyche of schoolgirl. Polina began to apply their cuts with a knife. By the way, her mother immediately turned to doctors with a request to help her daughter. At the same time, Dana tried to contact and with the ex-spouse, because he was in a state of his girl.

In May 2021, Polina was hospitalized to the clinic: this time she attempted suicide right at school. Not knowing who to rush for help, the TV presenter appealed to the first channel.

Dana Borisova now

On May 25, 2021, Dana Borisova took part in the transfer "Let them say". The theme of the ether was the suicidal behavior of Polina. Experts tried to find out the reasons for the inadequate state of the teenager. At the same time, her mother was a negative commentary and her mother: Dana laid out in the Storsith "Instagram" video with bloodied sheets and towels, devoting subscribers to personal affairs.

The program was granted and video interviews of the girl, which at that time was treated. According to her, the mother of "hypocrite": it is confessed in love for her, then there are unpleasant things. Polina also responded sharply about the father who was often not shy in expressions towards her mother.

To the question, for what it cuts out, the schoolgirl reported that it was before that at the time of panic attacks. Then passed into the habit. Doctors diagnosed in a patient border disorder of personality, speaking psychotherapy and antidepressants.


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