Elvira Abramova (Gismatullina) - biography, personal life, photo, news, wife of the comic book Ivan Abramova, "Instagram" 2021



The wife of the comic book Ivan Abramova Elvira - an extraordinary personality: playing KVN, then from scratch created several business projects and started his own Yutyube show. But the general public became known due to the scandal caused by the ambiguous replica of the spouse.

Childhood and youth

Elvira was born on May 26, 1986 in the family of Gismatulin. Her parents, Tatars by nationality, moved from Bashkiria to Orenburg before her daughter appeared.

The girl attended the Orenburg school number 51, and after graduation, it went to conquer Moscow, where he entered MESI to the economic and financial faculty. In 2008, he received a degree in a specialist in the global economy and international relations.

Humor and creativity

Even in the student years, Elvira was fascinated by KVN and advocated two women's teams. In the University team "7 Hills" Gismatullina became one of the four participants - Macy's student. In the Voronezh national team "25th", in addition to the girl, there were much more participants, among whom are Yulia Akhmedov's humorists and Ruslan white.

As part of the teams of Elvira Chaise in the country, appeared on television and became recognizable among KVN fans, which gave the girl a dizzying humorous career. But that, having received the Higher Education of the managerial, was filed in business.

The first independent project was the beauty salon "Women's Club", which Elvira Gismatullina opened in 2013. It could not only bring marafet, but also to do yoga, spend a cultural evening, visit the course of lectures about fashion. Over the years, a small salon has grown into a full-fledged beauty studio Daelle, which still exists.

At the age of 28, the girl was invited to TNT, where a new show was planned to launch - "Once in Russia," and Elvira became a coordinator in it. The skills that she received in this position were useful in the next commercial project.

In 2018, the A-CONCERT agency was discovered under the guidance of a businesswoman. The company was engaged in organizing tour and concerts in Russia, Europe and the United States. Among those with whom the Agency cooperates, artists from the Stand UP show on TNT (Ivan Abramov, Dmitry Romanov, Glory Commissarenko, Ilya Sobolev) and TV projects "Once in Russia", "Women's Standap" and "Improvisation".

Finally, Elvira decided to replenish his own creative biography. In November 2019, she launched the Yutiub-channel "Wife of the Humorist" and acted as an interviewer, communicated with the spouses of popular comedians: Pelagey Karibidis, Natalia Soboleva, Alena Yarushina, Catherine Keschian and other heroes that are behind the shoulders of modern humorists.

Personal life

The club of fun and resourceful bordered Elvira with another Kavience - the leader of the Parapararamen team by Ivan Abramov. A modest young man first did not impress a bright girl, and she perceived him for a long time as a buddy.

But his perseverance and beautiful courtship eventually gave fruit: the humorists had a novel, who after 6 years old dating ended in a wedding in France. Already at that time, Elvira was in the position, and in the fall of 2014 she gave birth to her husband's elder daughter. Ivan dreamed of a big family, and after 4 years the second girl appeared in the Abramov family. The daughters called Karina and Alina, they are engaged in music, dancing and sports.

Personal life of spouses has remained mystery for many years to fans of Ivan, who became more and more popular for the year, but the family relationship did not put a deposit. Elvira was engaged in business and the house, brought up children, sometimes accompanied her husband on tour and almost did not appear on television screens. Only in 2016 participated in the show "Where is the logic?" Together with a humorist.

The growth of Elvira Abramova 169 cm, weight 57 kg.

Elvira Abramova now

For many years, Nobody knew anything about non-public beauty-wife Abramov. He himself created the image of an ideal relationship with his beloved, while in June 2021, noise was broken around the family due to ambiguous statements of the standper.

In the scandalous interview, which took another spring, Ivan criticized women who cannot come into the form after the birth of children, and stated that Elvira should also support the figure for maintaining his interest.

After a few months, a careless phrase caused a squall of the negative in the direction of Abramov and the wave of sympathetic comments against the spouse. In addition, users are simply perplexed, because the Ivan's exemplary family man always talked about his wife as a beloved mound and noted more than once that they would not insulted the loved ones for the sake of a joke.

Ellvira herself decided to stop the traveler, supporting her husband in a personal instagram account. She began to answer Heaters and tried to prove that the words of the humorist missed the words, and he himself was not at all a homely tyrant and harmony and love reigns in the family.

Despite the conflict that happened, Abramov continued to publish photos and videos with her husband.

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