Oleg Tabakov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, Theater, Cause



Tabakov Oleg Pavlovich was born in Saratov in the family of physicians. The first years of life the future actor spent in a communal apartment. Children's memories of Oleg Tabakov very bright. He was surrounded by many loving people: Mom, father, two grandmothers, uncle with aunt, stepbrother and sister.

However, this happy, serene life ended in June 1941. In the first days of the war, his father left a volunteer to the front. At the end of 1942, Mama Oleg Tabakov fell ill with abdominal typhoid and even after recovery, he could not stand on his feet.

In the spring of 1943, Maria Andreevna, taking children with him, went to the town of Elton, located in the north of the Caspiani. Here, having joined the current army, she worked in the hospital by a physician two years. In Elton, Oleg went to school. But then the family returned to Saratov, where Tabakov continued learning in the men's secondary school.

Oleg Tabakov got into the famous young guard theater famous for all Saratov, under the leadership of Natalia Josephovna, the Support of Natalia, which he calls his shaggy mother in the acting profession. Classes in the Children's Theater played a decisive role in choosing a future profession.

Oleg Tabakov decided to enter the Theater Institute decided in the capital. He filed statements to the Studio School of Mchat. Nemirovich-Danchenko and Gitis. He was taken immediately in both institutions, but Tabakov preferred to Mkat, who considered the "peak of theatrical pedagogy".

The head of the course, which was studied by Oleg Tabakov, was one of the largest theatrical teachers of his time, the People's Artist of the USSR, head of the department of acting skills of the Studios of Vasily Toporskov. At the same time, the future masters of Valentin Gaft, Galina Volchek, Leonid Armored, Evgeny Evstigneev, Oleg Basilashvili, Tatiana Doronina, Mikhail Cossacks studied at the MHAT Scene Studio School of MCAT.


After the Studio school, the young actor was distributed to the Moscow Drama Theater named after Stanislavsky. But fate led Tabakov to the new, created by Oleg Efremov, the theater, which later received the name "Contemporary".

After the care of Efremov, Oleg Tabakov was headed by MCAT "Contemporary" for almost seven years. In December 1986, an order came out about the creation of three new theaters in Moscow. Among them was the Studio-Studio under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov. So his cherished dream came true about his own theater, which soon dubbed the "tobacco".

The beginning of the "Tabakcoque" path was not cloudless. Some critics were not perceived seriously the emergence of a new studio. But in the audience the theater on the street Chaplygin, there was always anchlag. The first work of the theater studio under the leadership of Oleg Tabakov was the play "Chair" delivered to Tobakov on the topics of Yuri Polyakova on March 1, 1987.

For the period of the Board, the Tabakov Theater there is a fundamental update of the repertoire and the actor. A number of young and talented actors are accepted in the troupe: Marina Neelova, Konstantin Raykin, Yuri Bogatyrev and others. Repertoire has been updated. Oleg Tabakov attracted to the theater for new works of famous directors and writers who brought fresh ideas and a new impetus for creative development.

Theatrical biography of Oleg Tabakov is very rich and diverse. Tobacco worked a lot abroad as a teacher and director director. The Russian Master has put more than four dozen performances of Soviet, Russian and foreign classics in the theaters of the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Denmark, USA and Austria. And on the basis of Harvard University, the actor opened the Summer School named after Stanislavsky, which he himself was headed. From 1986 to 2000, he is a rector of the Studio Studio MCAT, the head of the Joint Postgraduate Studio School and University of Carnegie Melon (USA).

Since 2000, Oleg Tabakov was the head of the Moscow Art Theater named after Chekhov.

In addition to movies and work in the theater, Oleg Tabakov appeared on television. It was tobacco who became one of the first actors who participated in television performances that were broadcast live. On his account two monospectacles - "Konk-Gorbok" and "Vasily Terkin".

The most famous productions on television with the participation of Tabakov became "ESOP", "Shagreen skin", "Pecs". Also, the actor and director put his hand to the creation of a television version of the performance of the "Contemporary" called "Twelfth Night".


Already in the third year of Mkhat, Oleg Tabakov's theatrical biography begins to intertwine with cinema. The debut was the role of Sasha Comleva in the film "Sasha enters into life" Mikhail Swituezer. She helped the actor to get acquainted with the "cuisine" of cinema.

The first heroes of Tabakov were called "Rosovsky boys." Schoolboy by name Oleg Savin, who played tobacco in the tape "Noisy Day" on the play "In Search of Joy", Viktor Roshova - this is the embodiment of the best features in the people of Khrushchev. Directness of judgments, purity of thoughts, the ability to defend their position - it all applies to Oleg Savin, and to Viktor Bulygin from the film "People on the Bridge", and to Sasha Egorov from the "trial period", and to Serya from the "Clean Sky". Nikolai Rostov from "War and Peace" can also be attributed here, and Kolya Babushkin from the film "Young-Green". These paintings are definitely the best roles of the actor at the beginning of the film.

The on-screen roles of Oleg Tabakov began to appear during the period when a revaluation of the value system took place in society. Heroes of Tabakov in youth united civilian pathos and direct judgments. This can be seen, for example, in a "noisy day" or "probationary period".

On account of Tabakov involved in more than 120 films. Not in all he played a major role, but all his roles are noticeable and charismatic. On the set, the fate of Tabakov with a large number of recognized and even great actors. In the legendary series about the Stirlitz "Seventeen Moments of Spring" with Tobacco, Vyacheslav Tikhonov and Leonid Bronvory were filmed. In the "12 chairs" of the partners of the Blue Thieshki, Tabakov became Andrei Mironov and Anatoly Papanov.

In the Oscarial film Sergey Bondarchuk "War and Peace" (1968), Nikolai Rostov played tobacco. In the picture "Several days from the life of I.I. Oblomov "(1979) Oleg Pavlovich brilliantly embodied the image of Ilya Ilyich. In the same year, Tabakov littered in another legendary Soviet film "Moscow does not believe in tears." In D'Artagnan, he very accurately presented to the viewer of the Supreme King of Louis.

Another bright character was embodied by the actor in the "man from the Kapuchin Boulevard", where Tabakov literally merged with the way of greedy to the money of Salun Harry McKew. His partners in the film were Andrei Mironov, Nikolai Karachentsov, Lev Durov, Leonid Yarmolnik.

With his participation, a large number of children's films and film barns came to the screens. In Mary Poppins, goodbye "(1983) Tabakov reincarnated to Miss Andrew, in the film" After the rain on Thursday ", the actor played the most widged immortal. After the voice of the cat Matroskin in the already cultivated cartoon of "Prostokvashino" tobacco, it simply could not not voice the Hollywood Cat Garfield in the cartoon of the same name.

Personal life

In the early 1990s, Oleg Tabakov's personal life has become the top-topics of tabloids for a long time. After 35 years of living together with the first wife, the actress Lyudmila Krylova - Tobakov left the family to actress Marina Zudina. The difference between the age of Tobacco and the Zudina, which was used by the actor in his daughter, is 30 years old. Tabakov's children, Anton and Alexander, supported Mom and in protest even left the profession. Over time, relationships with the Father only have an Anton Tabakov.

Oleg Tabakov and Marina Zudina signed in 1995 after a 10-year-old novel. It comments on your departure from the family tobacco: "No matter how trite it sounds, Lyuboff has come." All the facts from his personal life and career and, of course, their history of love tobacco described in the autobiographical book "My real life."

Roman with Marina Zudina was not the first in the life of the actor, when he became interested in a young actress. They say about the passionate novel of the 34-year-old at that time Tabakov and 16-year-old Elena Proclonova, who rose on the filming of the film "Gori, Gori, My Star." The proclova does not hide that Tabakov was her first real love, and various gossip around their relationship and the minority actresses only prevented their further relations.

A young wife in 1995 presented Oleg Pavlovich Son Paul, and in 2006 - Mary's daughter.

Pavel Tabakov managed to grow and continue the case of Pope. He graduated from School-studio Oleg Tabakov (they say, he entered there without any protection) and plays in the performance of MHT them. Chekhov. At his account, participation in such famous paintings as the "Star", "Duelist", "Orleans".

The actor has three grandson: Nikita, Anya and Polina.

Last years

In the fall of 2016, a long-awaited event occurred. At Sukharevsky Square, the opening of the new scene of the Oleg Tabakov Theater was held. The housewarming "Tabakcoque" visited the mayor of the capital Sergei Sobyanin. He, in particular, told how scrupulous and eaten was the artistic director of the theater who did not allow the project to simplify. But the theater turned out to be superior, with thoughtful to small equipment.

The director has achieved the opportunity to computerize all the equipment and scenery. In addition to the large scene, a room for 400 seats and an extra, small room was equipped. The premiere in the new building of the theater was the play "Sailor Silence" on the work of A. Galich.

In 2017, Tabakerque celebrated the 30th anniversary. On the first day of the spring, a festival called "Benefis thirty-year-old", which will gather all those who stood at the origins of the theater - Oleg Tabakov, Marina Zudin, Andrei Smolyakov, Sergey Belyaeva and others were held on the new scene on Sukhorevskaya. As part of the festival, the performances of the "Seagull", "Lyedchi", "Year, when I was not born," "Waiting for Varvarov" was held.

In addition, the TV channel "Culture" showed television rules of the best performances of "Tabakcoque" of different years - "Room of laughter", "At the bottom", "last", "Passion on Bumbarash", "Sublimation of love", "Story about seven hanged". The creative evenings of the artists of the theater, both experienced and beginners are scheduled.


In November 2017, Oleg Tabakov was hospitalized with suspected lung inflammation. The 82-year-old artist later discovered the "deep stunning syndrome" and sepsis. It was connected to the machine of artificial ventilation of the lungs and conducted tracheostomy. In the press, this and the case arose about the deterioration of the state of the people's artist, introducing it to an artificial one, but fans to the latter hoped for the recovery of the actor.

In February 2018, the doctors reported that, due to the colossal losses of the elderly organism, Oleg Pavlovich will no longer come to a former form, because it is not worth waiting for him to return to the scene.

On March 12, 2018, it became known that Oleg Tabakov died in Moscow on the 83rd of life. He never managed to be issued from the hospital.


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