Khalimat Taramova - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", orientation, Anna Manylova, Chechen 2021



Khalimat Taramova is a Chechen girl who suffered from domestic violence and reserved from his husband's house 22 years old. Her biography has become one example of the need to change legislation on the protection of women's rights.

Childhood and youth

Khalimat Ayubovna Taramova was born in Grozny, Chechen Republic. Father Ayub Dokkamich graduated from the Moscow Institute of the Sergo Ordzhonikidze Department in the specialty "Organization of Management in Construction", led the office of the regional administration, worked by Deputy Minister of Hospital Chechnya and the Public Assistant of the Special Representative of the President of Russia to ensure the rights and freedoms of a person and a citizen. In 2016, he became the director of the Grand Park shopping center.

In the same year, Khalimat entered the Tax Institute of the Russian New University in absentia. Brother Yunus studied at the Russian State University of Justice, where in 2018 received admission to the military department.

Personal life

In 2016, Taramova got married, he liked his spouse, but after the wedding he began to morally suppress his wife. The girl appealing for help to her parents, but the mother stated that she had to stay in someone else's house and tolerate, no matter what happened in her personal life.

Khalimat Taramova and Anna Manylova

In 2020, Chechen met in social networks with Anna Manalov from St. Petersburg and actively rewritten with a new girlfriend, which gave a native reason to suspect her in a non-traditional sexual orientation. After that, Khalimat, according to her, was repeatedly subjected to beatings from the father and her husband.

Khalimattaramova now

On June 6, 2021, Taramov escaped with the help of Mananyl to Makhachkala, where a few days spent on the apartment, filmed by the activist of human rights movement "Marem" by Catherine Izoznikova. There was also a rehabilitation woman with a 15-year-old daughter, affected by father's harassment, and other victims. The Khalimat recorded two video events to the regional and federal authorities, where she asked not to declare her wanted and not to inform the place of stay. After the disappearance of the daughter of Ayub, Dockekovich appealed to the police station of the Baysangurovsky district of Grozny.

On June 10, 2021, Chechen and Dagestan security forces appeared at the address and tried to penetrate the apartment. Taramova refused to go out and locked on the balcony, promising to commit suicide. As the human rights activist Said Ninalalov reported, an employee in civilian clothes entered the balcony of a neighboring apartment and persuaded the Chechen to climb him, assuring that he would protect from his father. As soon as she found himself inside, the girl grabbed employees and shook the car into the car.

Svetlana Anokhina activist, Svetlana Anokhin, was also taken to the interrogation, which scratched the face of the policeman and received an accusation of an attack on the representative of the authorities. The lady was checked for content in the blood of alcohol and drugs, but did not find anything. The other women were injured and the security forces caused them injuries, and Marem's volunteers managed to make several photos on which bruises were visible.

For some time about the fate of Khalimat was not information, but on June 13, on the state TV channel "Grozny", as well as on his page in "Instagram", a plot of a runaway appeared. In the video, Chechen human rights defenders came to the village of Ayub Taramov, among them was authorized on human rights Nurdi Nukhaziyev. Khalimat told guests that now they turn well with her, and expressed joy about returning to the family.

The Minister of the Chechen Republic on external relations, press and information Ahmed Dudaev said that the escape had health problems, she was treated in clinics, the head of the Republican psychoneurological dispensary Adam Jamurzaev said that he could provide documents confirming this information. However, the majority of journalists agreed that one television plot was not enough to forget the history of Khalimat, and suggested that her statement was done under pressure.

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