Olga Lapshina - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, filmography, "instagram" 2021



Olga Georgievna Lapshina - Russian actress, more famous in the theater lovers in the circle than among the wide visual audience. Now in the actor's environment, it is recognizable as a God-fearing, a churched person, which undoubtedly imposed a print on the character of the game. The film critics paid attention to this performer after a played dramatic role in the film "Live".

Childhood and youth

Olga was born in 1962, on May 8, in Moscow in the family of an officer. The girl since childhood showed interest in art: sang, participated in school productions, and also studied at theatrical studio under the leadership of Yakov Klebanov.

At the end of the school, young Lapshin tried to enter various theater universities in a row for five years in a row, but, alas, unsuccessfully. In the end, she began working at the "on the boards" theater, which was led by S. Kurginyan, but he threw the dream of becoming a professional actress. In the youth of Olga graduated from the library institute and worked for some time in the specialty.


At 27, Lapshina again tried to enter Gitis, and this time she succeeded. The girl became a student of Galina Wolchek and Igor Kvashi, artists who were standing at the origins of the creation of the Contemporary theater. Four years later, in 1993, the actress played the first "etudes" in the films "Vitaka Shusher and the car" and "Sikimoku", but the paintings did not cause interest among the general public.

Soon the episodic roles were followed in the film "My first teacher, or a boy in Russian", "Give me life", "December 32". In the comedy "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...", where the main roles went to Julia Menshova, Alika Stormovova, Zhanna Epple, Lada Dance, the actress played a contender to the general.

Olga Georgievna got into Big Cinema in 2004, starring in a secondary role in the film, which became the director's debut of Renata Litvinova: "Goddess: as I loved," the project is eccentric and originally not designed for the general public.

The detective storyline on the investigation of the causes of suicide of a couple and a myth about the Orphea has been connected in Film. The main heroes played the screenwriter and director of the picture, as well as Maxim Sukhanov, Svetlana Svetlynaya, Victor Sukhorukov.

In the same year, Lapshina's "Children of Arbat", detective "Icon hunters", adult melodite "Adjutants of Love" followed the work of Lupshina. The actress appeared in the project Pavel Lungin "The Case of Dead Souls", where Pavel Derevyanko played, Konstantin Khabensky, Sergey Garmash, Nina Usatov, as well as in the screening of Roman Lyudmila Ulitskaya "Casus Kukotsky", undertaken Yuri Grymov.

In 2006, a tragic short switch "Watching" was published with Olga Georgievna in the lead role. In the same year, the actress appeared in the role of Kondrathi in the Dram Andrei Eshpaya "Multiple". The film was told about the fate of a sculptor who lived in the Epoch of Stalin. The main heroine was played by Evgeny Simonov.

A year later, the detective TV series "Fucking" came out with the participation of noodle on television screens. The actress also appeared in the episode of the Drama Andrei Zvyagintseva "Exile", which was presented at the International Film Festival in Cannes. After time, the director invited the performer to episodic roles in the following projects - "Elena" and "Leviathan".

Among the work, the actress of this period is also the roles of "Your Stop, Madame" melodrama, the adaptation of the work of V. Nabokova "Event". But the most significant projects were the social drama Valeria Gai Germanic "Everyone will die, and I will stay," where Lapshina reincarnated to mother of the main character, and the film of Vladimir Kotta "Muha". Both paintings are devoted to the topic of adolescent girls.

In 2009, a miracle film project was released, where the actress played a secondary character. In the picture, we were talking about an amazing event that happened in the 60s and called the "standing of Zoe". Sergey Makovetsky, Anna Ukolova, Polina Kutpova starred in Kinolent.

Olga Lapshina - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, filmography,

Later the Lapshina filmography was enriched with the TV series "House of Baby", "Zemsky Doctor", the drama "Boris Godunov" and "lived one woman". The military drama "demoted", in which the actress appeared in the image of a rustic woman, brought Olga noodle Prize of the Film Festival "Constellation".

After that, there were several secondary and episodic roles, while in 2012 a heavy tape "live" director Vasily Sigarev, where the character of Lapps became the main thing in one movie of the film. For this role, the actress was nominated for "Nika", but did not receive a prize that it became a blow to her.

In an interview with Olga Georgievna told reporters that was surprised by the call of Vasily Sigarev. The director said right: "I wrote a role for you." But the actress still doubted what was possible. Only later from third parties Lapshina found out that Vasily really wrote a role, wanting to see in the picture only her. Moreover, the director was going to long with the Spirit before the call, because I was afraid of the failure of the actress.

The film "Live" was highly appreciated by critics, which also noted the sharpness of the topic of the topic, and the acting grantee of Olga Lapshina. After that, many directors drew attention to the actress. In the same year, the artist fell into the basic acting staff of the detective melodrama "Polysevidelnitsa", where Evgenia Lose and Alexander Ratnikov also played.

Next, followed by shooting in the projects "My guy - Angel", "Heir", "Baby". The actress looks convincingly in diverse role, among which are simple rustic residents, and intelligent ladies, and Soviet officials. In 2013, in the repertoire of the artist, the role of an apartment hostess in the TV series "Kubrin", where Mikhail Porechenkov played the main character.

Of the subsequent work with the participation of the actress, the greatest interest among the public was called the "Correction Class" and the series "Young Guard", which became a bright addition to Olga Georgievna's cinematographic biography.

Later, Lapshina began to constantly use both in film stakes and in theatrical productions. In 2017, the actress was filmed in six projects. Olga Georgievna appeared as a doctor of ambulance in the social drama "Close", in the image of the heroine of Lyudmila in the criminal series "Policeman's wife". In the Family Saga "Fatherland", the artist embodied on the screen the image of a rustic woman Matrena. In the drama "As Vitka Garlic, a pin to the house of disabled people," the performer played a similar role.

Among the works of 2017, the greatest popularity among the audience was the film version of Roman Alexei Tolstoy "Walking on the flour", in which Olga Georgievna reincarnated to the heroine Agraphen. Well, in 2018, Muscovite has already appeared in the acting ensemble of the comedy "Light from the next world." The actress embodied on the screen the image of a social worker. The main character of the film depicted Maria Mashkova.

In 2019, the filmography of the performer was replenished with a number of bright works, different in the genre and timing. So, the audience rated the acting dar of Olga Georgievna in the short film "Vanya", where the Muscovite performed a major role. Directors of the project Eugene Yazkina and Alena Rubinstein opened a dramatic story on the screen from the life of a orphanage, in which the Heroine noodle is arranged by the dishwasher after serving the term in prison.

In the same year, on the basis of this short film, the feature film "It is not forever", in which more plot lines appeared, more social problems were touched. Oohn in the genre was the film project "Diplomat". In this incendiary comedy with the brilliant acting (Alexander Lazarev Jr., Polina Kutepov, Igor Yasulovich) Olga Georgievna played the mother of one of the characters.

2020 brought actress a number of successful paintings. Among them, the drama "Conference" directed by Ivan Tverdovsky was especially stated. In the picture returning the audience to the tragic events of 2002 - the attack on Dubrovka during the representation of the Musical "Nord-Ost", - Lapshin appeared in the episode.

Mystical thriller "Call Center" directed by Natalia Merkulova and Alexei Chupova came to the screens. Olga Georgievna performed the role of Mother Liza Nekrasova in a multiserile picture (which Polyna Pushkaruk played), a girl working as an online store for adults. Muscovite also starred in the continuation of the comedy series "Olga 4".


Olga Lapshchin dedicated to the theater most of his life. While studying in Gitis, the girl fell into the "contemporary". In 1993, the actress with friends went to France, where they performed as a stray theater called Théâtre Des Fêtes.

Then Olga collaborated with the center named after Konstantin Stanislavsky and served in it 20 years - until the new artistic director Valery Belyakovich "asked" the actress to free the place.

Among the work of the actress, the roles in the performances of "Ivanov", "Taming of the Shrew", "Twelfth Night" and others. On account of Olga Lapshina - the new drama festival premium. In 2003, the artist was awarded the "Seagull" award for participating in the play "Captive Spirits".

Olga Lapshina, the most interesting experience of creative cooperation, considers work with the director Vladimir Mirzoyev. The actress played in his performances "Pigeons", "That this light", "Saint Seven from the village of Beluju."

The actress worked with several teams, including with the theater of Nations and the theater "Center for Dramaturgia and Directory A. Kazantsev and M. Roshchina". In 2018, fans were able to appreciate the skill of the performer in the play "Sea. Pines ", created on the play Mikhail Ugarova. The action in which the fate of the two generations of heroes merge, turned on the sunset of Khrushchev thaw.

Personal life

The personal life of the performer has developed harmoniously and happily. In 1986, having gone with friends to the expedition, Lapshin met with the first and only husband Sergey Starostin. Sergey Starostin - a famous figure in the circle of ethnographers and folk music performers. As a student of the Moscow Conservatory, once visited the ethnographic expedition and captured a folk original song tradition.

Spouses are married for more than 20 years, they have two adult children, daughter Maria and Son Stepan. Parents attracted children a love for folk music. Together they created the "Family Ensemble of Sergey Starostin", with whom toured by ethnographic festivals. Photos and videos from the speeches of the musical team periodically fall into "Instagram", "Yutyub" and other Internet resources.

Olga Lapshina now

In 2021, the actress continued his creative career. In early January, the Military Drama "Zoya" was released on the screens, dedicated to the feat of the Zoe Kosmodemyanskaya, the first woman, awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. In the painting, the directors of whom Leonid Plyskin and Maxim Brius, Olga Georgievna played Voronin. The performer also participated in the filming of the films "Flooring against the magic well", "tear and throw out." The work of the artist in the theater continued.


  • 2004 - "Children of Arbat"
  • 2004 - "Goddess: how I loved"
  • 2008 - "Everyone will die, and I will stay"
  • 2008 - "Fly"
  • 2009 - "Miracle"
  • 2011 - "Polysevidelnitsa"
  • 2011 - "Live"
  • 2014 - "Correction Class"
  • 2014 - "Leviathan"
  • 2015 - "Young Guard"
  • 2017 - "How Vitka Garlic Vise Lech Pins in the House of Disabled"
  • 2017 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 2018 - "Lights from the Light"
  • 2019 - "Diplomat"
  • 2019 - "This is not forever"
  • 2019 - Call Center
  • 2020 - "Whirlpool"
  • 2020 - "Zoya"
  • 2020 - "IP Lunegov"
  • 2020 - "Olga-4"
  • 2020 - "Good man"
  • 2020 - "Man from Podolsk"

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