Clara Great - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, Cause



Clara Stepanovna is beyxightly born in Ukraine, in a small village of Chudovo, in Poltava region. Parents actress - peasants. And the Father, and the mother worked as directories of the state farms of neighboring villages. An example for the girl was mom - smart, volitional, full of energy woman. In addition, Anna Ivanovna sang great and was an artist of the mobile theater. In his youth, she even sang in the church with the legendary Ivan Kozlovsky.

Apparently, Mamino's passionate theater passed and Clara: She dreamed of becoming an actress from a young age. Parents did not approve of his daughter's choice - they dreamed of seeing her in the future lawyer or doctor.

In childhood and youth, Clara looked at an awkward high teenager, for which the peers teased her "Giraffe." When the girl studied in medium-sized classes, the family moved to live in Poltava, where he met the war. To finish the decade, Clara had to be in Kazakhstan, in the Jambulian secondary school: there the family was evacuated during the war.

When Clara was completely over the school, she accidentally hit the newspaper announcement that the metropolitan VGIK, evacuated in Almaty, is gaining first-year students. And the girl, not a minute, not spending on reflections, tagged into Almaty. Mom, who used to be categorically against the acting profession, seeing the determination of his daughter, no longer obstructed her. But the blessing of the Father Clara was not able to wait, because Dad was at the front at that time.

The girl came from the first attempt and was enrolled in the workshop of the legendary Sergey Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. A smiling student was a favorite of Tamara Fedorovna, and she called her "Petunia" for the persistence of the nature and "punching" force that did not allow to break under the blows of fate.

At the end of the 50s Clara, Lightly graduated from VGIK and continued to build a film, the beginning of which was laid at the institute. In a diploma of young artist, there was a recommendation to the future director: "Turgenev Baryshnya."

Personal life

In the smiling, the Static Beauty with radiant eyes fell in love with many, but she managed to sincerely love two men in her life.

The first husband of Clara was Lukyanov's first husband. With him, the artist met when he was filmed in the "Kuban Cossacks". Lukyanov, as you know, played in the picture of Proud Gordeevich Crow. In fact, the young beauty leanedly led Lukyanov from the family, where his 10-year-old daughter was growing up, Mom actresses Darya Darovanovaya. They say, seeing Clara, Lukyanov exclaimed: "I disappeared!"

A few months after the end of the filming, the pair legalized her relationship, and soon their common daughter Oksana appeared. Spouses happily and friendly lived together fifteen cloudless years. But in March 1965, Sergei Lukyanova was not: he died suddenly from a heart attack, which he acted as he acted at the meeting in the theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov.

The second husband of Clara was at all 4 years after Lukyanov's death. Random acquaintance with Dmitry Mamleyev, a young and applied journalist "news", soon turned into real love. Lightly and Mamleev happily lived 36 years. The death of his beloved wife Dmitry Fedorovich was experiencing hard and died seven years after her care.

It is noteworthy that until the very last day of his life, the star retained a great appearance and an excellent figure. Clara was not attended by the gyms, expensive massages and cosmetologists: she did all the work on the house on his own, adored to cook, clean the house, dig in the ground in the country area. She never complained about his health and had a blooming complexion.

The movie star had a huge collection of caps that were surprising to go to her, giving some aristocraticity. Once, the love of Clare hats is absolutely attacked by the Love Orlova itself, the skillful to build amazing headdives with their own hands from the girlfriend.

The daughter of Clara is Lukko Oksana Lukyanova graduated from two theatrical universities - Vgik and Gitis, but did not go to the feet of the parents - became a journalist. She married, his son Sasha gave birth and lived in Canada for some time. But the personal life of Oksana did not work out, and, along with his son and grandson, Clara is Greko, Alexander returned to his homeland.


Clara Cinematic Biography Lightly started on the fourth courses of Vgika. In the painting "Three meetings", a beginner actress played Geology Bal Mukhtarov. With this first serious work, the young artist coped wonderful.

The next role of Clara is Lucco - Ulyana Gromova in the thesis "Young Guard" diploma. In the heroic image of Ulyana Clara reincarnated so well that he received the highest ball from Sergey Gerasimov. After the production, the famous director immediately took up the film on the novel by Alexander Fadeeva. Of course, Clara was absolutely sure that the role of Ulyana would get in the picture. But then it was comprehended by the first and very bitter disappointment: instead of being completely playing Gromov, Nonnom Mordyukova fell. And Clara received a poor role of the Tsushka. They say, the artist is so offended by Gerasimov, that he almost left the profession.

After the "Young Guard", in which the Clara is absolutely in the image of Nobody noticed almost no one, followed not too successful another - "Motherland of the Captain". The young actress was so much disappointed that it turned out to be practically at the exit from the cinema.

Fortunately, in this difficult period, the actress called in his picture a famous director Ivan Pyriev. The role of Dasha Rust in the tape "Kuban Cossacks" helped Clare to perceive the Spirit and not leave the profession. Moreover, the picture after entering the screens did the best-known artist of the Soviet Union. For this work, she received the Stalin Prize.

After this legendary film vehicle in Clara filmography, many paintings appeared, many paintings, which not only entered the Golden Fund of Patriotic Cinematography, but also built a young artist in the rank of the star of the first magnitude. The most famous of these "Donetsk mines", "Return of Vasily Bortnikov", "Big Family", "On Seven winds", "State criminal" and "twelve night".

The last film is the full-length artistic belt Jan Frida, set by the famous director on the play of William Shakespeare. Clara is better played in the picture the role of Viola. The "twelve night" went to the screens in November 1955 and produced a furor, becoming a leader of rolled products. Comedy, in which the main roles went to Clara Great, Alle Larionova and Vadim Medvedev, looked without a small 30 million viewers.

Clara is Great, already known after the Kuban Cossacks Film Schittle, literally bathed in the love of the public and glory. It is not surprising that it was beyond the Soviet delegation of cinematographers in Cannes. It is noteworthy that the young actress went to the famous Cannes Festival, along with the love of Orlova - the legend of Soviet cinema. Even then the Western public noted that two stars are similar to each other as a mother and daughter.

But in the mid-1960s in personal and creative life, the actress has occurred a difficult period. Suddenly, the husband of Clara Stepanovna died, there was straight in the film. The proposed roles did not like the famous artist, but she agreed on everything, just not to "stand up" and not to lose skill.

Clara is Lightly adequately survived this black strip and waited for white: in the past two decades of his life, the actress played its best roles. The experienced affected the game Clara Stepanovna. Now the images embodied by it have become deeper, psychologically filled and multidimensional. This is completely different, mature and experienced artist. If you compare Clara at best in the first of its pictures and films of the last years "Guardian", "We, the following", "Carnival", "casket of Maria Medici" and "alarm sunday", then you can easily be convinced about it.

Clara Great - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, Cause 21355_1

But the main picture of the latter, and perhaps all years of life, Clara is absolutely possible to consider the Motheric Melodrama "Gypsy": its access to screens was accompanied by a deafening success. Therefore, soon there was no less successful continuation called "Fauwly Return". The main heroes of the film - Clara Gaucheko and Mihai Volontir - received the title of folk artists of the USSR.

But there was a role from which Clara was absolutely refused. This is an image of a seductive Anna Sergeyevna from the "Diamond Hand". The artist decided that she was not to appear in such frivolous quality. And even after the loud success of this golden comedy, she did not regret what he refused, it would seem such a winning role.

In the new century Clara, he had time to lie only in two paintings: in the military-detective militant Rudolf Fruntov "Sunshine strike" and Comedy Yulia Gusman "Park of the Soviet period". In the last ribbon, the movie star appeared only in the role of Kameo, and in the "sunshine" played one of the key roles - Clara Miller. The film was released on the screens in 2002.


Clara was not quite suddenly: a woman who was preparing to celebrate his 80th anniversary was full of strength and new creative plans. But Sabbar in the morning of March 26, 2005 actresses did not. The cause of death was the broken thromb.

Dmitry Mamleyev's husband saw his wife sinking in the apartment on the boiler's embankment and immediately caused an "urgent", but the doctors remained only to state death, which happened instantly.

Thousands of her fans and hundreds of colleagues came to the funeral of the stars, who sincerely grieved about the talented actress and incredibly bright and good man. Civilian Panhid took place in the House of Cinema.

I buried the star at Novodevichy Cemetery: her grave is located on the 10th plot next to the burial site of the famous surgeon Boris Petrovsky.


  • 1948 - "Young Guard"
  • 1949 - "Kuban Cossacks"
  • 1952 - "Return of Basil Bortnikov"
  • 1964 - "State Criminal"
  • 1970 - "Guardian"
  • 1979 - "Gypsy"
  • 1979 - "Do not part with your loved ones"
  • 1981 - "We, below,"
  • 1981 - "Carnival"
  • 1985 - "Return to Fauy"
  • 1994 - "Parable about STILITS"
  • 2002-2009 - "divorced bridges"
  • 2006 - "Park of the Soviet period"

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