Tabriz Shahidi - biography, personal life, photo, news, nationality, wife, "music empire", "Instagram" 2021



"Success is a work in combination with a tact, determination, taste and charm," said Producer Tabriz Shahidi, in whose accounts you can meet joint photos with such a variety of people as Leonid Parfenov and Vladimir Soloviev, Denis Matsuev and Alisher Morgenshtern. For some of these Selibritis, the native of Tajikistan has already become a concert director, others establish connections with the founder and head of the Agency "Empire of Music".

Childhood and youth

The future producer was born on July 28, 1975 in Dushanbe in the family of composer Tolibhon Shahidi and his wife Gulsifat - Choir Carrier, subsequently worked as a journalist. The name Tabriz means "heir", and the boy was to inherit and what to be proud of.

Grandfather of the Father's Line Ziyadullo Shahidy is a famous Tajik composer, one of the founders of national classical music, his biography is inscribed by the golden letters of the music chronicle of the Central Asian Republic. Tabrira has two younger brothers - Hofiz and Firdavs, which now live in London and are investment.

At the age of 7, the firstborn of Schahidi's spouses entered the republican middle a special music school, the name of his grandfather, in the class of piano. After graduating from 9 classes, the young man went to Moscow.

At the age of 20, Tabriz graduated from the Music School named after Peter Tchaikovsky at the Moscow State Conservatory and received the qualifications of the "Pianist, a soloist of the ensemble, a concertmester and a teacher." During his studies, Shahidi became the winner of the first prize of the first international competition of pianists named after Sergei Prokofiev in Dushanbe, the winner of the Russian Prize "New Names".

Also, the young man became a diploma of the International Festival Mozart in Prague and twice - the laureate of the International Contest of Pianists in Austria. It was at the homeland of Johann Strauss and Wolfgang Amadeu Mozart Shahidi continued learning after the release from the Moscow School, becoming a student of the Higher Academy of Music in Vienna.


The young heir to the musical dynasty was referred to a brilliant artistic future, but Tabriz unexpectedly preferred a journalist career. In the mid-1990s of the 20th century, Shahidi worked as a correspondent and editor of cultural news on the Radio Station "Peace" and in the Intermedia Information Agency. Then the professional pianist led the live ether and produced music programs on the radio station "says Moscow".

In 1998, Tabrih established an autonomous NPO "Rockerjava" and became its general producer. The organization that existed for three years supported various directions of modern music - from jazz-rock to art ethno jazz. From 2001 to November 2004, Shahidi worked as a Promotional Television Manager, Radio and Internet Projects of BMG Russia, and in 2003 established the Agency "Empire of Music".

Dushanbe's native is a concert director and a PR manager of such stars as Elena Temnikov, Ekaterina Bulkina and Lera Kudryavtseva. The raspberries were attributed in 2019 the leading "Secret on Million" Roman with Tolibrikhonovich Tolibhonovich, but rumors remained rumored.

Personal life

Producer does not advertise a personal life. However, it is known that Tolibrhonovich Tolikhonovich has a wife Anna, who gave a man two sons, Timur and Karima. Siblings a native of Tajikistan brings up in the spirit of traditional values ​​- respect for the elders and aspirations for self-improvement. Shahidi believes that all children, regardless of gender and nationality, must be learning to music.

Tabriz Shahidi now

In March 2021, Shahidi supported the extension of the majp on Eurovision. The producer stressed that the singer is too good for the European version of the song, but this competition, despite its absolute usefulness for the professional growth of vocalists and composers, provides a pulse for the development of the brand and enhance the fees of artists who have participated in it.

In April 2021, Tabriz Tolibhonovich organized the author's evening of his father in the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the composer. For a conductor console at the concert was a former classmate producer, a native of New Jersey Gavriel Heine. Due to coronavirus restrictions, tickets were sold for half places in the hall, and the bouquets of the anniversarier and the performers could only be transferred through administrators.

Muscovites first heard an overture for the symphony orchestra, the symphony painting "Darius" and a concert for Viola and the Orchestra, written by Tolibhon Shahidi in 2018 at the request of Altist Maxim Novikov, who solired at the concert. The guest of the event was the composer Alexander Zatsepin, who, being older than Jubilee for 20 years, came to Tajikistan and stayed at his father, grandfall of Tolibrhonovich Tolibhonovich's grandfall.

In June 2021, it became known that Svetlana Loboda broke up with his producer of holochloride historical after 11 years of joint activities. The termination of the business cooperation of the ladies followed after the scandal caused by the offensive words of Kratpivina to Philip Kirkorov and David Manukyan. In Instagram-Account, Tabriz Shahidi wrote that henceforth he would be the concert director of the singer. But Svetlana Sergeyevna clarified that the responsibility shares between two producers: the native of Tajikistan will be responsible for the Loboda's private events, and Andrei Alekseev - for her concert tours.

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