Rada Paradise (Elena Gribkov) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



Rada Paradise is a Russian executor in the style of Chanson. The singer from the distant Magadan managed to conquer his talent in the capital, and then the whole of Russia.

Singer Rada Paradise

Her hits of "Soul", "Star", "Kalina", "The Territory of Love" regularly sound at the concerts of the Chanson awards ceremony.

Childhood and youth

Rada Paradise was born on April 8, 1979 in Magadan, on the shore of the Okhotsk Sea. The real name of the singer - Elena Gribkov. Girl's parents worked on a fishing vessel and often went out into the sea, where they met. The father of Rada, Gypsy by nationality, later got a job to work on the fish factory, where the daughter often visited him. In kindergarten Lena participated in mugs of amateur performance, played the role of Snow Maiden in New Year's production.

Rada Paradise in childhood

Paradise grew by an artistic and dreamy girl, about the career of the singer dreamed from childhood. Perhaps the fading of the father affected: in his youth, he, together with the brothers, created a musical team, who performed on local discos. Little glad sang at every opportunity: when she walked with her mother, at public transport stops, during the gaming of the courtyard. Parents supported the passion for her daughter, and already at the age of 6 she went to a music school at the vocal department.

When Rada was 14 years old, her mother decided to move to another city, so the daughter had the opportunity to develop talents. Together with Mom, Rada moved to Nizhny Novgorod, where he passed the entrance exams to the music school. Balakirev, enrolling on the vocal compartment. After 2 years, the novice singer moved to Moscow and was enrolled in the Gnesin school. Talents are pleased so impressed the adoptive commission that the girl was immediately taken to the 2nd course.

Rada Paradise in youth

However, there he studied half a year: for everyone who studied in the School for less than a year, they introduced paid training that the young soloist was not affordable. The girl entered a jazz college, but he soon threw him, because he could not combine evening classes with earnings. At the initial stage of his creative biography, the artist performed songs in the restaurants of Moscow. She got acquainted with new people from the world of music and was looking for ways to get to the big scene.


The debut of the singers Rada Paradise took place at 17, when she found the first serious work in the capital - the girl sang in restaurants. From the moment there was enough time before she was able to debut as a full singer, performing his own repertoire.

The girl worked as a back-in-vocalist in many famous Russian performers, including chanson singer Vicky Tsyganova, thanks to which he met with a talented musician Oleg Uricov. He saw the talent and prospects of the girl and invited her to take the stage pseudonym Rada Paradise.

Rada Paradise on stage

Under the advice of Urakova, I was glad to sing in the style of a folk song, and together they recorded the first demo of the performer. With him, the couple went on Radio "Chanson", where the director of the radio station advised them to contact the Production Center "Soyuz Soyuz", with which the singer eventually signed a contract. At the same time, Oleg Harkov became the musical producer of the singer and a musician of her group.

The record of the disk began with the Kalina composition, thanks to which the producer center learned about the talented singer. The song required a serious refinement, and at all the time the record the artist became a special guest in the program of the popular singer Andrei Bandera.

Styles of execution from both artists were similar, because it was Andrei Bandera who inspired the producer of Rada to create a music project Rada Paradise. Together they toured in the cities of Russia, using extraordinary success among the listeners. The girl performed 3 songs with a standing album, and later made a duet song with a gangster.

In 2008, on the radio "Chanson" for the first time began to spin the debut album of the singer "You are my soul ...". The plate was published by a large circulation, unusual for chanson. Nevertheless, the project was successful, many of the songs for several weeks were kept on the upper positions of the charts, and the Kalina song instantly became a hit.

Rada Paradise at the festival

It turned out that the Russian show business had long lacked a performer similar to Rada Paradise. Although the vocalist itself does not refer itself to the number of chanson. In the choice of musical material, it focuses on its own taste and often appeals to the genres of the people and urban song, as well as to lyrical ballads.

Next year, the singer returned to cooperate with a colleague on stage Andrei Bandera, thoroughly on the album "Music Story of Love". The disk contains 18 compositions on the theme of love, performed as Rada and Andrey. The final song has become "You fly, my soul", filled with a duet.

For the first time, the joint project was presented at the concert held in the State Kremlin Palace. The album and the concert program used stalking success at the listeners and were warmly accepted by musical critics. In the same year, the singer received a reward from Radio "Chanson", becoming a "opening of the year."

In 2010, Rada returned to solo creativity and released the second album "I am glad." More than half of the songs from this album were written by ordinary people who were able to send their own compositions to the "Folk Producer" site. Thanks to this project, the singer managed to quickly collect material for a new album. The Song of the Album Song "I am glad" became a hit and held a long time on the upper lines of Russian charts. Rada continued touring around the cities of Russia, collecting full concert halls and becoming a guest at corporate evenings.

In 2011, a joint album "Songs, Spit with the heart" was published and a young singer and composer Arthur Rudenko. With him, the actress met with the center of the Soyuz Soyuz, where Rudenko sent his demo record to a creative competition. As in the case of Rada, the young performer was offered to first go on tour with the already famous singer to introduce listeners with their work.

In 2012, Rada Paradise released another album "released into the sky ...", where the new songs of the singer and one old - "Drink Bonfire" - in the new arrangement. Almost all the compositions were written by the participants of the site "People's Producer", which made it possible to reveal a lot of talented composers and writers.

Singer Rada Paradise

On February 18, 2015, the release of the fourth album was taken by Rada Paradise "The Territory of Love". The disk for the most part consists of romances that are so loved by the fans of the singer. This includes several old compositions that organically complement the title theme of the entire project. Immediately after the edition of the disk, the singer went to a large tour of the cities of Russia with a new concert program.

Personal life

The singer is not used to devoting reporters to his personal life. Yes, and the satellite Rada also turned out to be a few people. With her husband, Oleg Harkov Rada met with general friends-musicians. At that time, Oleg was a drummer in one of the teams, although he is also a talented composer and plays many tools.

Druzhba rides between the singer and the musician, which over time flowed into the novel and strong relationships. Joint photos of the spouses often fall on the personal page of Rada in "Instagram", where many posts artist devotes a review of professional activities.

Rada Paradise with her husband Oleg Harkov

Together they created the project "Rada Paradise", where the singer became the face and performer of the songs, and Oleg created the melodies and played the tools. The chosen one supports his soul mate, the couple spends a lot of time together. And although Rada admits that with her husband they have different characters, but they found a common language and complement each other. In the family of artist, Idilly reigns, but the children of the spouses are still not.

Rada Paradise now

The celebrity is regularly becoming a performer at the Chanson Year awards ceremony. In 2017, she presented the musical composition "Gorky Medicine", next year - "Do not judge me, love." In 2018, a vocalist prepared two new albums for the release - "Everything will say music for us" and "Gypsy girl". The popular hit "We are with two shores" the singer has released a video.

A new hit was also the duet of Rada Paradise and Timur Temirov "Loving Soul", which singers presented the clip. The song sounded at the concert "Eheh, walk!". In May, together with Edward Mesmestyev, Rada released the song "carelessly." According to the artist, the musical composition was born at concerts, where each time the performers added something new to the musical material and arrangement. Only after a number of speeches, they recorded the track in the studio. Joint performances artists will continue in 2019.

Now the glad is actively toured, she visited Magadan, performed at the Golden Kolyma Festival. In December 2018, he presented to fans a musical composition "notice snow". She became an invited performer at the anniversary concert of his colleague Vladimir Zhdamirov.


  • 2008 - "You are my soul ..."
  • 2010 - "Rejoice"
  • 2012 - "Restored to the sky ..."
  • 2015 - "The Territory of Love"
  • 2018 - "Everything will say music for us"
  • 2018 - Gypsy Girl

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