Leontini Kondrakhin - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", girl, age, growth, music 2021



Heirs are not easy to heirs: every success of the son or daughter of the celebrity, the soundlessness is explained by the relationships of parents, and any age stupidity becomes a reason for approval "The children of geniuses are resting." One of the young people looking for a path in life is the conjugant blue-eyed chatente of Leonatius Kondrakhin.

Childhood and youth

The only son of Tina Kandelaki and Andrei Kondrachina appeared on April 28, 2001, 15 months after the birth of sister melania. When the boy was 9 years old, his parents divorced, and when it turned 13, the mother married one of the founders of the Russian Holding "Apostle" Vasily Brovko.

In 2014, the program of the TV channel STS Leonty said he wanted to be a programmer, and said that he studied the biography of Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs. Next, the teenager studied at the Cadet School, as evidenced by the picture laid out in the instagram account of Kandelaki in June 2017 and signed by the Comment "Dembel". Leonthy, who has already rented his growth, posed in cadet form with a testimony of basic education in his hands. At the 16th anniversary of Tina, Hivuevna made the son of the royal gift - rewritten to the young man in the center of Moscow with an area of ​​340 square meters.


From 13 years old Leonthy plays a guitar and writes music. The greatest popularity was the composition of Kondrachin "Punk rock for soulful and patients" and "You are so alone" in the Sharaga.

In the fall of 2020, the guy publicly criticized Ksenia Sobchak and the musician Dmitry Spirina for the opinion expressed by the leader of the "Cockroaches!" In the talk show "Caution: Sobchak!", That rap, and not rock now is youth music.

"There is a place in punk rock for someone fighting for a favorite genre!" - said Kondrakhin.

Personal life

Judging by the Instagram account of Leonty, the guy smokes and does not have the use of alcoholic beverages and use in writing and oral speech of abnormative vocabulary. In November 2020, a musician, in some pictures of Externally resembling Freddie Mercury, together with buddies, made a perfomb at the entrance to the building HSE on the meat street of the Russian capital. Young people spread the rolls of toilet paper on the steps of the university and removed what is happening on the camera.

Leontini Kondrakhin and Melania Kondrachina

In December 2020, Tina Hivievna opened the curtain over the personal life of the Son. To the question, whether the teleda will accept the girl of the Sibling, Kandelaki responded that Leontius independently and love, and she would agree with any choice of the heir. The General Producer of the Sports TV channel "Match TV" always falls on the side of grown children. In particular, Tina Giviyevna rigidly responded to rumors about the deduction of melania Kondrachina from the faculty of MSU journalism. Kandelaki reported that now daughter is studying at another Faculty of the university, headed by Viktor Sadovnichi.

Leonthius Kondrakhin now

In the spring of 2021, Leontia turned 20 years old. For the anniversary, the guy recorded the song "Tupay", as if half ameloning with the name of the most famous mother project - "the smartest". Tina Hivievna in his instagram-akakakunt posted a photo of the induced offspring, congratulated the young man on his birthday and the track. Kandelaki wrote that, apparently, I did something good in my life, the Most High awarded such a son.

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