Evelina Khromchenko - biography, personal life, photo, news, stylist, expert, website "Fashion Tips", "Fashionable sentence" 2021



Impecable laid hair, elegant dresses and costumes, strict glasses and a sharp tongue - such Evelina Khromchenko used to see millions of television viewers and guests of secular events closely following the latest fashion trends. The expert in the selection of clothing and accessories made the fashion daily landed norm, having lost women, and men, too, from the thought that elegance is not available.

Childhood and youth

Evelina Khromchenko was born on February 27, 1971 in Ufa. The family icons of the style was intelligent: the father of Leonid by education economist, and the mother worked as a teacher of the Russian language and literature. The girl's upbringing was influenced by a grandmother who taught German and dressed "with needles", complementing the image of memorable accessories.

Chromchenko grew curious and intelligent. She learned to read for 3 years due to the famous newspaper Izvestia, which her grandfather read daily. When Evelyna was 10 years old, the family moved to Moscow.

In school, Chromchenko was also standing out among other children, he studied on the top five and had to be led to creativity from the old age. Teachers loved obedient, diligent and diligent student, who gladly performed at school evenings of amateurs.

Parents dreamed of growing from the daughter of the famous musician, because they themselves were in a large extent fond of music. However, Evelina showed a character and had different from the parent opinion, which sincerely learned to formulate clearly and clearly.

The future style icon did not at all attracted the prospect of a musical school, and Chromchenko persuaded his mother with his father to give it to drawing. In the 4th grade, she began to study in an art school, which, however, was not destined to end. Soon, Evelina began to worsen his eyesight, because of which the doctors recommended abandoning classes, and the girl had to forget about the dream.

Closer to the graduation class, Chromchenko again thought about the prospects for the future. She could easily go to the Linguistic Institute through training in a specialized English school and learn languages ​​as mother and grandmother. However, in the youth, the future fashion expert chose another path, deciding to tie a biography with journalism, enrolling in Moscow State University. In parallel with study, it began to look for work in order to get the necessary experience by graduation.

Here she was helped by related ties: the Father was devoted shortly before that with his mother and married again, and the stepmother Evelyna worked on the "Youth" radio station. Thanks to the protection, the young journalist agreed to "see" and hired. Its small plots have become a base for programs of other, more experienced journalists.

In 1991, Evelyna was taken to the All-Union Committee on Television and Radio Broadcasting, where she fell into a broadcasting department for young men and girls. There, the young journalist has quickly moved through the career ladder, paying useful dating and contacts, which in the future helped to realize in the professional sphere. Chromchenko combined with study, because of which it was sometimes forced to skip classes.

However, the teachers encouraged the practice in the field of journalism and often closed their eyes percentage. Evelina led on the radio channel "Pelevock", lying for about four hours. Conducting a live broadcast prevented a student to appear at the presentation of diplomas at the university, which she graduated with honors. In 2013, Chromchenko became a teacher at the Department of Journalism in Native University.


The first steps of Chromchenko in the fashion world became the author's program "Sleeping Beauty" on the radio "Change". At that time, the radio officers were listed by the student of the institute.

In 1991, Evelin was invited to the "Europe Plus" radio station, where she took the position of the leading heading about fashion. Brief reviews The girl came up with literally on the way to the studio, where he voiced live: the radio station saved on the records, since talented chromchenko had a fairly serious essential training.

At the age of 20, the journalist founded a fashionable teenage magazine "Marusya". But due to the dishonestness of the business partner, Evelyna eventually did not have any rights to the printed edition. She left the project, leaving his favorite brainchild. In 1995, a PR-agency "Department of Fashion Evelina Khromchenko" was organized. In a year, it was called "artifact" and became the chief organizer of the Fashion Fashion Festival of Russian Fashion Week. In parallel with PR Evelin, the articles for popular women's magazines wrote without tired.

For the sake of exclusive information, Chromchenko on its own means flew to Paris to the most important events from the world of fashion, took an interview with the famous figures of this sphere of Yves Saint-Laurent, Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer. Articles written by Evelyna, with interest paid up the cost of travel, and soon she became the main specialist in fashion in Russia. Her PR agency was engaged in organizing press conferences of recognized leaders and novice fashion figures.

Press and television

In 1998, when the French magazine L'Officiel decided to establish a Russian-speaking edition, the position of chief editor without the slightest oscillations offered Evelyn. It became a turning, but quite expected event in the creative biography of the journalist. The feature of the magazine was the lack of translation articles, as well as great attention paid to the Russian fashion segment and young designers.

Thanks to L'Official readers learned the many names of Russian fashion designers who are now known all over the world. In the journal, Khromchenko worked until May 2010, after which Maria Neva, the wife of the head of the publishing house "Passalan", who produced L'Officiel replaced her. The official reason for the dismissal of the project publisher called "Excessive Guidance of Chromchenko's own career."

In September, the Publishing Group "AST" received the right to publish the Russian version of L'Officiel. Less Editions Jalou Group of Companies, which also includes L'Officiel, returned the Russian stylist to the previous place. Evelina not only headed the Russian edition, but was also appointed to the post of the international editorial director of Les Editions Jalou.

In 2007, the author's project "Fashion sentence" started on the first channel, where Evelyna became coordinates. Together with the chief judge of the project, the fashion designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev, who soon changed the historian of fashion Alexander Vasilyev, and invited guests to the role of Star Defender Chromchenko gave advice to guests to transmit regarding the style of clothing and behavior, making from ordinary fashion and non-standard persons.

In 2009, Evelyna wrote the first book about the Russian Style fashion, which was published in two languages ​​- English and German. The work enjoyed a considerable success outside the country, showing foreigners "other Russia." Chromchenko presented a new literary creation in Paris at the heute Couture fashion height. The event included the autograph session.

In the fall of 2013, the lady became the initiator of the birth of the undergraduate module "Journalism of fashion and lifestyle", which started in Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov. The fashion expert independently developed a program with the transfer of disciplines offered to the study. Also Chromchenko, herself selected candidates for teachers reading courses.

In the same year, it became known that Evelyna Leonidovna included in the list of Business of Fashion 500, compiled by the British site. The lists have traditionally selected person from the feshen world, whose views and work influenced the formation of the global fashion industry. The name of the former chief editor of L'Officiency magazine has fallen into the "Media" section along with the names of such personalities as Anna Wints, Karin Roitfeld and others.

In 2015, a project "School of Fashion Evelina Khromchenko" appeared, on the basis of which knowledge about the history of fashion and style was broadcast for the interested public. In subsequent years, the TV presenter remained a permanent expert in the program "Fashion sentence". She also became a guest of various entertainment shows.

In particular, fans have repeatedly seen a favorite in the Evening Urgant program. In 2019, in this program, the fashion expert told about the upcoming master class "eight fashion styles". During the conversation with Ivan Urgant, Evelina dispelled the myth that a small black dress can be used to different frets - "and in order to pass the exam, and in order for the neighbor's cat to bury."

In addition, Chromchenko disassembled bright outfits from the Oscar ceremony, the most memorable among which was a tuxedo dress of the actor Billy Porter, stitched by the designer of Christiano Siriano.

Personal life

In details of personal life, the expert fashion does not devote anyone. It is known that Evelina Khromchenko met with a future husband Alexander Shumsky, being a student MSU. The couple got married and led the business - founded the PR agency and organized Russian fashion shows.

In 1996, they had a son of Artem. The news of the divorce, held in 2011, reached the surrounding only in 2014. Chromchenko supported with her husband only the visibility of relations, appearing with him in public events.

Since 2014, Chromchenko since the artist Dmitry Semakov. Lovers live separately, but spent a lot of time together. Evelina is passionated by the promotion of a career and creativity of his lover, helps in organizing exhibitions. There are no joint children.

A large army of fans signed on the Instagram account of Evelyn. On the principles of filling the wardrobe, a fashionable expert tells on the official website and in groups of social networks "Vkontakte", "Facebook" and "Twitter". Excerpts from the interview, the photos of the last collections, the news of the Personal School of Fashion are published.

In addition, a miniature (height 158 ​​cm, the weight of 48 kg) chromchenko does not make a secret from a diet that he sticks to remain attractive. For breakfast - a glass of water, oatmeal or a corn loaf sandwich with solid cheese, coffee without sugar and milk. If you want sweets and other harm, you can only in the morning.

TV presenter loves low-fat cottage cheese, avocado and fresh vegetables. Woman, believes Evelina, can not save on manicure, pedicure, haircuts, shoes and underwear. Twice a week, a journalist is engaged in sports under the supervision of a personal trainer, makes a massage and periodically go to Valencia to windsurfing.

In 2018, Khromchenko started the telegram channel, planned to strengthen the positions and on the Yutiub-Channel.

"Like any publisher, I am preferably followed by the increasing number of Folloviers. And, of course, I communicate with my subscribers - besides the fact that it is just interesting to me, this is one of the conditions for the high intelligence coefficient. "

According to the SMM-tool, the son of Artemy Shumsky came to the rescue, but at the university, the young man studied chemistry and biology.

Evelina Leonidovna produced nominal collections of shoes and accessories in collaboration with the company "Econica". And although half of the audience of Internet channels Chromchenko amounted to 18-35-year-old citizens, subjects under the brand name Evelina Khromtchenko & Ekonika were popular with buyers regardless of gender and age.

Evelina Khromchenko now

In 2020, the journalist continued to work on television, gave an interview, and also never ceased to acquaint the public with fashion trends and shared fashionable advice on the Internet sites. So, Follovers learned what trends in summer wardrobe were characteristic of a coronavirus infection situation, how to choose decorations combined with protective masks. In addition, the stylist has discovered the public, what rules dictates the autumn / winter season - 2020/2021, what down jackets, dresses, coats, caps, skirts and other wardrobe items will be in trend.

Evelina Leonidovna does not cease to ratify the ladies to show correctness in choosing clothes in accordance with age and type of figure. Especially these recommendations Chromchenko likes to give women 50+, who often forget about themselves, cease to take care of appearance, and also to discuss in the releases of the "fashionable sentence" of fashion fees for complete - such heroines the leading program tactfully calls "corpulent". Do not lose the importance and previously allocated by the journalist principles of basic wardrobe.

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