Svyatoslav Vakarchuk - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Songs 2021



I compose a new song, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk gives her to listen to the spouse or colleagues in the group to find out the opinion from the side, but the main thing remains its own. Also with an interview, which, however, gives rarely.

Svets Svyatoslav Vakarchuk

The musician is ready to answer any questions, perfectly realizing that people will hear not those answers that they want. Svyatoslav is convinced that he deserved the right to say what he thinks.

Childhood and youth

Svyatoslav Ivanovich Vakarchuk was born in Transcarpathia, in the small border town of Mukachevo on May 14, 1975. At that time, the father of Svyatoslav taught theoretical physics, and Mom is mathematics in high school. Soon the family moved to Lviv, where the active creative biography of the future musician began.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk as a child

Ivan Aleksandrovich Vakarchuk, Father Svyatoslav, went to science, defended his doctoral thesis, elected by the rector of the University of Lviv. After the Orange Revolution, I worked for some time the Minister of Education of Ukraine. Mother of the musician moved to work at the Academy of Veterinary Medicine. In addition to Svyatoslav, Oleg's younger son rose in the family, now a bank employee.

In school years, the future rock musician participated in the activities of the school theater and was fond of basketball. The guy developed his musical abilities, visiting the Lviv music school, where he studied to play violin and accordion.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk in his youth

School, where Vakarchuk strongly studied English, he graduated with honors. Son, like parents, had a tendency to accurate sciences. Therefore, Svyatoslav decided to study physics and economy in Lviv University. At the end of the university, the singer received two diplomas. Soon he entered the graduate school by choosing the Department of Theoretical Physics. The result was written dissertation and the candidate degree. But in the youth of the Forces, it was enough for Muzitia, and on scientific research.


Being a freshman of the Department of Theoretical Physics, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk met with the musicians of the local team "Clan Sishina". Basically the guys performed in urban cafes and cultural palaces. Soon, several musicians came out of the "Clan of Silence", and led by Vakarchuk, a new team was formed, which was called the Ocean Elzy.

The founding of the Ocean Elza can be considered on October 12, 1994. First, the team where Vakarchuk became a vocalist, as well as the main composer and the author of the songs, played predominantly pop and rock music. In December 1994, the musicians recorded a demo-cassette of four songs. In the same year a debut video clip appeared. The first speech "Ocean Elzy" spent in his hometown, right on the square in front of the Opera House.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk in youth

Since 1996, the Group of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk begins to actively tour. Guys, throwing a large city of Ukraine, go to Poland, France and Germany. And in April 1998, Vakarchuk with the team finally moved to Kiev, where in the same year they will present their first album "There, de For us,".

In 2000, the team led by Vakarchuk participated in the Rock Festival "Invasion". It was their first visit to Russia. Collective received broad fame in the Russian Federation, after entering the screens, Alexey Balabanova "Brother-2". Two songs performed by Svyatoslav Vakarchuk - "if you are dead" and "Cavacy" - became the soundtracks of the film. Clips of the Ukrainian team are becoming popular outside the country, and each concert collects tens of thousands of fans.

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This breakthrough to glory and fame, the Vakarchuk group did in 2001. The album "Model" fans of the Ocean Elza are considered the best in discography. By the number of sales, records beat the fourth album called "Supersimeter", published in 2003 and became twice platinum. "Gloria" - the fifth album, which appeared in 2005, in the first hours of sales also becomes platinum. Released by 100 thousand circulation, it was instantly excavated.

In 2007, Vakarchuk and Ocean Elza also work productively, without slowing down the pace. Musicians produce another album, which is dedicated to the memory of Sergey Tovstolwall, who worked in the Sound Producer group and committed suicide. The album "MIR" is the fastest of all.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk on stage

But the next disc, published 2008, is a solo project of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk. Two lyrical compositions are extremely popular. These are the songs "Taka, Yak Ti" and "Do not lower your rally." Already in early 2010, the group with the participation of the artist pleased the fans of the Seventh Studio Album "Dolce Vita".

In 2011, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk continues his solo career and will soon present a new project "Brussels". For promotion, the singer goes to the concert tour and removes the clips into two compositions - "Airplane" and "adreal_n".

The next 2 years again nothing is heard about the "ocean of Elzy", but it becomes known that Vakarchuk in Brussels works on the Earth's solo album with the support of the famous producer of Ken Nelson. "Earth" comes out at the end of 2013. Fans of Creativity Svyatoslav Vakarchuk especially celebrate two songs - "Obimi" and "Strailya".

This gift was received by the fans of the Ocean Elzy Group in 2014. The musicians again gathered together and held a large anniversary concert called "Ocean Elzy - 20 years together!". 75 thousand fans gathered on it.

In 2016, a ninth studio album was released from 11 compositions. The new disk was not founded in one direction of music. It presents the divorce tracks, but fans believe that the new songs focuses on military topics. Vakarchuk himself stated that romantic compositions based on love lyrics were entered into the record, and several songs with social overtones.

In the same year, Svyatoslav Vakarchuk was already involved in the project "Voice of the Country", where he becomes a mentor of one of the teams that competed with the teams of Tina Karol, Potap and Ivan Dorna. Following the music show, the Twitter microblogging service and other social networks were not at all discussed not to achieve participants and their leaders, but conflict between Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and a popular rap performer by Potap.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk refused tour in Russia

The comments of the Ukrainian Rapper addressed the students of the soloist "Ocean Elzy" became a reason for further proceedings. Vakarchuk accused some artists in the fact that they defend their personal interests, thinking only about money, do not put the soul in the song. Thus, the musician hinted on the travel of Potap to Russia, where Raper gave concerts.

Speaking of Russia, Svyatoslav himself does not allow sharp statements. Sharing people on the basis of belonging to the state - not a European way of thinking.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and Potap
"And I'm trying to be a European. I have friends with Russian passports who were born in Russia. You need to judge people according to their words and actions. "

In one of the seasons of "Voice", Vakarchuk was faced with a student of the Philological Faculty of Lviv University of Christina Solovi. Svyatoslav made a personal production project from the girl, because of which the beginning singer was nicknamed by the female continuation of the Ocean Elza and Protege Vakarchuk. Although Christina says that the influence of the "godfather" in the music ended back in 2017, and its rebellious character. Creative tandem managed to record an album and release 2 clips.

As part of the tour tour tour and USA in 2017, the Rock Group "Ocean Elza" spoke in New York, which introduced both new songs and long-faced compositions.


The musician is not standing away from political processes. In different years, the famous Ukrainian performer often participated in political actions, but such actions were negatively perceived by the fans who accused the singer in bias, tendency to a specific political position.

Interest in public life Svyatoslav Vakarchuk showed back in 1999. Then the singer, together with other candidates, acted in support of the election campaign of the President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma, who ran up to the main position of the country.

Viktor Yushchenko and Svyatoslav Vakarchuk

In the 2004 elections, the rock musician sharply changed political views, supporting the opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko at that time. Svyatoslav Vakarchuk was an active participant in the Orange Revolution, performed at concerts in support of Viktor Yushchenko on the Maidan inequishment along with Oleg Violin, Ruslana and other musicians.

Infinite fame and popularity allow Vakarchuk in 2007 to become a People's Deputy of Ukraine on the lists of the "Our Ukraine - People's Self-Defense" block. This political movement has advanced to the post of Minister of Education Father Svyatoslav.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk supported Euromaidan

A large number of voters believed in the honesty of the Musician's intentions, because Vakarchuk did not shine in the center of high-profile political scandals, and his desire to change inspired people hope for the implementation of positive changes that would affect the life of each Ukrainian.

However, the work of the musician in parliament was not remembered by ordinary citizens. In 2008, Svyatoslav said that she filed an application for the addition of powers of the People's Deputy of Ukraine. It was assumed that the famous rock musician was disappointed in politics and will no longer try to realize his plans in this area, but it happened otherwise.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk was the People's Deputy of Ukraine

In November 2013, mass protests begins in Ukraine. In a large-scale event, Vakarchuk will take an active part after the use of force to the peaceful protesters from representatives of law enforcement agencies. On December 14, 2013, the Ocean Elva Group gave a concert in supporting protesters. On the events in Ukraine, the singer will repeat later, commenting on the situation in the state.

Vakarchuk's opinion about Russia has changed radically after Euromaidan. If earlier he visited the neighboring country with concerts, then later revised plans, refusing to visit the Russian tour. Nevertheless, Svyatoslav opposes the introduction of "black lists" for Russian artists who are prohibited from entering Ukraine.

Personal life

The only woman was left in the heart of a popular Ukrainian rock musician - Lyal Fontareva, from the first days of moving the group in Kiev - stylist and art director of the Ocean Elzy. For 15 years, the couple lived in civil marriage, and only in 2015, the chief of the singer officially became his wife. Personal life of Svyatoslav Vakarchuk - the topic for the press closed. Only one thing answered all questions to all questions: "There is a family, and I am happy." There are no common children with a lantern from the artist. The only child is Diana, the daughter was about first marriage.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and Lyal Fontareva

In the same 2015, according to a number of media, the singer for 4 months became a student of the Yale University under the program of training the world leader than Yale World Fellow. Among graduates of a prestigious educational institution - the former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and John Kerry, the Russian oppositionist Alexei Navalny.

Vakarchuk himself at different times he lectured in Harvard, Colombian, Stanford and California universities. He was listening to students of Ukrainian universities, the London School of Economics, as well as Oxford, Sorbonne and Cambridge.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk with his wife

Svyatoslav retains interest in the sciences, followed the publications of Stephen Hawking.

"Natural sciences help me analyze what is happening, because you know that the world is much deeper and multifaceted than it seems, and that some things you can describe with mathematical formulas. The same fundamental laws act in society - the principle of energy conservation, the law of action and counteraction, the principle of the smallest action. It is impossible to go against them. "

The fact that Vakarchuk started the page in "Instagram", Jamal's singer said. Here are just a photo to view are not available - the account is closed.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk now

In March 2019, presidential elections must pass in Ukraine. Since the fall of 2017, in the lists of possible candidates for the highest post of the country, the name of the leader of the Ocean Elza was played. In the ratings, compiled by all sorts of agencies and sociological services, Svyatoslav was certainly in the top five leaders. At the same time, Vakarchuk has not publicly stated anywhere in political ambitions. However, the release of the new song "Skilki us" was regarded as the beginning of the election campaign.

There was ambiguous attitude towards the situation in society. Some considered the singer "decorative candidate", whose task is to pull the voices from another participant in the election, hinting at Yulia Tymoshenko. Others believed that from the musician who had an army of fans, whose leaders listened, prepare at least the head of the parliamentary faction. When Svyatoslav urged Svyatoslav in June 2018 to oppose the authorities and the political system in the country, the audience appreciated it as an entry into the election race.

Svyatoslav Vakarchuk at the conference yes

Later, reading lectures to students of the Ukrainian university, Vakarchuk said that he was not interested in his position, but change in Ukraine. At the conference yes, the words of the musician sounded the words that the politicians and rob the country are the last quarter of a century.

The composition "Skilki us" sounded on the first after an almost annual break of a concert of the group of independence, which took place at the Kiev Stadium "Olympic". According to Vakarchuk, the full-fledged studio album to tell prematurely, but new songs are already available, and performed "in the sky of his wife" and "without you." The audience also heard "Kolya Tobі is important", "my little inequality", "not yad" and others.


  • 1998 - "There, de the Nem"
  • 2000 - "Yanneb_bv"
  • 2001 - "Model"
  • 2003 - "Supersimeter"
  • 2005 - "Gloria"
  • 2007 - "Mira"
  • 2010 - "Dolce Vita"
  • 2013 - "Earth"
  • 2016 - "without intermediary"

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