Vitas - biography, personal life, photos, news, clips, concert, Dimash, in China, "exactly", Zabra 2021



Vitas - singer, songwriter, actor. His exceptional manner of execution of Falletet caused the interest of the public and brought unprecedented popularity not only in Russia, but also beyond.

Childhood and youth

The real name of the singer - Vitaly Vlasovich Grachev (Vitas - Latvian version of the Russian name). He was born in Latvian Daugavpils on February 19, 1979. Soon after the birth of the son, the Grachevy family moved to Odessa, where Grandfather Vitas Arkady Marandzman lived. The artist himself considers himself more Odessa and the Ukrainian, as he left the Baltic states in early childhood. Gracheva and now Ukrainian citizenship and Odessa regulation.

Mother Lily Mikhailovna simply adored her only son, tried her better to wear him. At that time, the deficit was in everything, and the woman sherself sewed clothes. By the way, already when Vitas became popular, he spent for a long time in the things stitched by her mother.

But with the father of Vlasas Arkadyevich, Vitas had a difficult relationship. He told about this in December 2016 on the program Andrei Malakhov "Let them talk." The artist honestly admitted that several years did not communicate with his father. The cousin Vitaly reported that the family relationship would deteriorate after the grandfather died. Very seriously worried the singer and death of the mother, who left life in 2001. At that time, parents were already divorced.

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On the air, Vitas told that he received a letter from his father and so sincerely dad did not speak with him. The artist thanked Vladas Arkadyevich for the fact that he supported him in his childhood (it was he who bought him the first synthesizer), and invited him to celebrate the New Year together.

The family of the young men loved and revered the music. Vladas Arkadyevich was a soloist of the vocal instrumental ensemble, and Grandfather, Arkady Marantzman, sang in a military choir. It is not surprising that the guy also pulled into this sphere, so he not only studied in a secondary school, but also three years mastered the game in the music school.

And the boy served in the local theater of plastics and voice parodies. At first, Vitas talentedly copied the movements of Michael Jackson, later it was brilliantly paroding a variety of people, and it is equally successful both men and women. Soon Grachev began to engage in jazz vocals with the teacher Anna Rudnev. After graduating from the 9th grade, Grachev went to conquer Moscow.


When the guy arrived in the capital, immediately began to cooperate with Sergey Puddowikov, who noticed an unusual boy still in Odessa. He became producer of Vitas. And Sergey's mother, according to the confession of the singer himself, caught him as a native, subsequently, practically replacing a deceased mother.

With the help of Pudovkin, the first clip appeared on the composition "Opera No. 2", written by Vitas at the age of 14, which immediately liked the public with his originality: the listeners struck the piercing falsett of the young singer and strange "gills" on his neck.

The performer began to engage in solo creativity in December 2000, so the start of his creative biography is made to count precisely from zero. After the debut of Grachev on the Russian stage, many listeners and experts wondered: what lies the secret of his amazing falsett and how can a man pull such high notes? Musical critics and teachers did not understand why the performer does not sing in the thoracic register.

Around the identity of the young singer was a variety of unprecedented. There were those who really believed that the musician was the descendant of Ihhtyander and the gills shown in the clip, real. Someone from journalists even expressed his suspicions that the boy was castrated in childhood.

Vitas Sergey Pudovkin produced without tired, explained that this is not a fraud, but a special device of his throat and ligaments. We must admit, they believed a few. For example, the Associate Professor of the Vocal Department of the Moscow Pedagogical University, Elena Kirashvilvili, argued that the singing of Vitas on low notes is not at all singing, but by a speaking, which is characteristic exclusively for performers who never engaged in vocals.

Success in the capital Vitaly Grachev did not achieve immediately. His first touring tours were failed and did not bring income, barely covering losses. But the producer of the performer did not give his arms, arguing that everyone who came to Vitas's concert, he will warm his fans at the same time. Colleagues on the stage argued that Vitas sings under the phonogram, but in fact, the performer's performances were gone live.

It is noteworthy that Grachev managed to feed even Sergey Penkina, whose voice in 4 octaves is called silver. Vitas takes 5.5 octave, but if necessary, it is capable of singing and bass. The Debut Disc-Single "Opera No. 2" performer released, making little blocks of his red scarf to him, which was supposedly on his neck in the clip.

After a bright first single, a debut album called the "Found Philosophy", consisting of 13 tracks, among them - "Opera No. 2", Opera No. 1 and "7 element".

Video on the composition "Opera number 1" was filmed in the Vietnamese temple of the Emerald Buddha. It is worth noting that Vitaly liked East and his contemplative ideology. They rummed that Vitas after the death of Mom visited Tibet and received a dedication to the monks.

Loss of mother at an early age influenced the creativity of the singer. He dedicated her an album "Mom" in 2003, whose hit was the "Star" track, and the collection of "My Mom's Songs", released a year later.

With solo programs, Vitas has visited dozens of countries of the world for his career. Particularly adore Grachev in China, where he is considered the most popular singer of Russia. The atmosphere of this country was inspired by the MADE in China disk, consisting of 12 tracks and the fan of the song "Dancing under the Moon".

In the subway, Vitaly made his debut as an actor. He played in several films, among which Mulan, "Last Secret of the Master" and "Creating a Party". In China, the official fan club of Vitas has over a million fans, and in Shanghai installed a statue in honor of the "Russian Miracle".

Even at the beginning of the creative path, the artist released the song "Coast of Russia", whose words in some sense marked his career path, developing in parallel in two countries:

"I get tired of the land of someone else's

Incomprehensible and unfamiliar

Returning to my home ... "

But at home, Vitas had not only fans, grabbed him and critics. For example, Dmitry Umbashko in the Pooh and the dust defeated the work of the singer, saying that only people with a very strong psyche could listen to his early album "Kiss in Eternity" album. The same opinion about Vitas Artemy Troitsky, who in one interview said that he did not see any difference between the songs of celebrities.

At the end of August 2018, the singer presented a new song - Roll With the Beat. He also removed the clip on the composition and recorded it together with the American hip-hop by Nappy Roots. In the frame of Vitas is located in the space laboratory. Soon he flies to the ground, where it is satisfied with the party. Judging by the reaction in social networks, not all fans failed to taste his new image and clip. It is noteworthy that the singer sings little in the roller, more complex sounds.

In September, he presented to the audience to the court another new job - released a clip to the Give Me Love composition. The plot as such is not in the video, but the artist himself appeared in it in the image of a brutal macho. The same song in Russian to some listeners recalled the early work of the "Affectionate May" and Modern Talking.

The new word in the concerts of the artist were performances with her daughter. For the first time, Vitas was completely sang with Alla in Russia, and later in China on the Global Variety Show Grachev with his daughter and Chinese opera singer Li Yigan performed the song "Moscow Region" on a combination of two languages.


A popular singer willingly accepts offers from TV house producers. In 2014, Vitas visited the first season of the project "exactly" and surprised the audience unexpected reincarnations. At the first stage of the show, he turned into Yuri Shatunov and sang him hit "White Roses", and on the third he struck all reincarnation in Zemfiru and Maria Callas.

The viewers liked the participant in the new seasons of the project in 2015 and 2016. Vitas visited the images of Stas Mikhailov, singing his song "All for you", and also reincarnated in the soloist of the AC / DC group, fulfilling the hit Thunderstruck.

In September 2018, the singer came to the "Evening Urgant" program, it was an anniversary, thousandth ether of the show. Grachev appeared in front of the audience in his new image and a new weight - he was very thin. As the artist confessed TV presenter Ivan Urgant, the best period came in his life and work.

Vitas repainted hair, becoming a platinum blond. The man said that such an amplua is focused on foreign countries. In addition to China, he performed in the USA, Mexico, Brazil. In Mexico, the singer gathered a concert, which came 250 thousand spectators.


In May 2013, a loud scandal broke around around the name of Vitas: the Svets SUV shot down the cyclist and, according to her, tried to hide from the scene of an accident. The girl managed to jump from a bicycle that Vitas moved first in front of the front, and then the rear wheels.

The incident happened in the evening of Friday near the VDNH (at that time - the All-Russian WCC), when Muscovites were walking down the street, who became involuntary witnesses of events. Then the video hit the network, which shows that Vitas was drunk. Plus, a man insulted the police, not embarrassed in expressions.

Later, the representatives of the singer reported that the artist himself was sitting behind the wheel of the SUV, and his driver. But eyewitnesses argued that a foreign car was ruled by Vitas. In the police, where they delivered the drank and the defeating star, Grachev passed the layout of the Makarov pistol, which was threatened with a knocked cyclist.

As it turned out during the investigation, Vitaly has already got into such unpleasant situations. In 2007, he was deprived of the right to control cars for almost 2 years for drunk driving. But a year later, Grachev, being a citizen of Ukraine, received a new driver's license and again violated the rules of the road, having left for the oncoming lane.

In May 2013, Vitas refused to undergo a medical examination, and the decision of the world judge of the Ostankinsky district of the capital was deprived of the driver's license for a year and a half.

In July, the singer presented the final accusation with which he agreed during the investigative actions. In August, the Ostanki Court recognized the singer guilty of committing a crime and sentenced him to a fine of 100 thousand rubles.

In early 2017, Vitas recalled himself again, but this time the scandal around the young colleague from Kazakhstan Dimash Kudaibergenova broke out.

A talented Kazakh singer took part in the I Am Singer competition - 2017 in China. Cudibergenov became the winner of several tours, won the incredible glory and the love of Chinese music lovers. And the reason for the scandal was the fact that Dimash in the second round was performed by the song of Vitas "Opera No. 2", with which, at one time, the Russian singer won the love of Middle Kingdom.

In Chinese media, they wrote that Vitas Sergey Pudovkin turned with a complaint with Watson & Band's lawyer with a request to ban Cudibergenov sing hits of his ward. In the meantime, in China, Dimasha new Vitas already called that the original name was hardly liked.

In March 2018, Vitas again learned the scandal. Grachev in the yard of his own house on Rublevka arranged a shooting from the starting pistol. It lasted for 5 hours. Neighbors called the police, but the singer himself refused to open law enforcement agencies. The door was hacked, Vitas was taken to the site, where they made a protocol.

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Examination on the state of alcohol intoxication The musician also refused to pass. 45 sleeves, 4 cartridges and a signal pistol were discovered on the site. Then the neighbors reported that such a shooting was not the first time.

The court sentenced Vitas to 7 days of arrest on the article "Small Hooliganism". The week the artist was in the Istra special reception. The advocate of the musician was the famous lawyer Sergey Zhorine played in circles of show business. The media published photos and videos from the courtroom, and the fans of a once-beloved singer were extremely surprised by the changes in his appearance. The artist fused himself strongly, his whiskey was toned with Sedin.

Later, he repeatedly apologized to the neighbors, which disturbed them with his leaving. According to him, that day he had a holiday in the house and shooting from the starting gun, he expressed his joy.

Personal life

Vitas and his wife Svetlana Grankovskaya together for a long time. When they met, Vitaly was already a star, and the light was a 15-year-old schoolgirl. Their acquaintance occurred at the Musical Comedy Theater. Seeing the girl behind the scenes, Vitas immediately realized that it was love at first sight.

"I fell in love with her. I loved her so much that I could not live without her and 10 minutes. And then I decided to steal her, "says the artist.

And stole. Today, Grachev argues that only now, when he became a father himself, realized the whole horror of such an act.

Vitas and Svetlana have three children. Alla's daughter was born in November 2008, Son Maxim was born on New Year's Eve 2015, and Alice - May 18, 2021. The personal life of the spouses has developed happily, they have a strong family.

Part of the time of Grachev and his wife and children live in Russia, and part - in China. The singer acquired a plot in Shanghai, on which a unique house with its natural hot springs was erected according to special design.

In the autumn of 2020, the singer shared with fans in the "Instagram" account with the news that he had not been his father.

Vitas today

Despite the scandalous reputation, Vitas and now continues to collect the full halls and surprise the public with new non-standard hits.

The mini-album of the singer "Opera 20" amounted to 6 tracks, some of which are in Chinese. The Towards The Sun composition ("Toward the Sun") Grachev recorded along with the Chinese performer Wang Yun.

In 2021, the West edition of Mel Magazine issued an article dedicated to Vitas's unique voice. According to the authors, some sounds published by a singer, for example, in the track "7 Element", having heard once, it is impossible to forget. The composition gained a new wave of popularity and in China. The challenge spread in the network, in which people unsuccessfully trying to repeat the most difficult fragment of the song.


  • 2001 - "Found Philosophy"
  • 2002 - "Smile!"
  • 2003 - "Mom"
  • 2003 - "My mother's songs"
  • 2004 - "Kiss in length in eternity"
  • 2006 - "Return home-1"
  • 2007 - "Return home-2. Scream caravyl
  • 2008 - "Hights of the twentieth century"
  • 2009 - "Tell me what you love"
  • 2010 - "Masterpieces of three centuries"
  • 2011 - "Mom and Son"
  • 2013 - "Only you. HISTORY OF MY LOVE-1 "
  • 2014 - "I will give you the whole world. HISTORY OF MY LOVE-2 "
  • 2016 - "Madeinchina"
  • 2016 - "ComeJustForyou"
  • 2019 - "Bit bombing"


  • 2000 - "Opera # 2"
  • 2001 - "Opera # 1"
  • 2001 - "Blessed Guru"
  • 2002 - "Smile!"
  • 2003 - "Star"
  • 2003 - "Mom"
  • 2004 - "Bird of Happiness"
  • 2004 - "Kiss in length in eternity"
  • 2005 - "Coast of Russia"
  • 2006 - Lucia di Lammermoor
  • 2006 - "Creek by Zhuravlin"
  • 2007 - "Jamaica"
  • 2009 - "Love me"
  • 2009 - La Donna è Mobile
  • 2011 - "Once, two, three"
  • 2012 - "Frontoviki"
  • 2012 - "I would be in the sky"
  • 2013 - "I will give you ..."
  • 2016 - "I divide love for a share"
  • 2018 - Roll With the Beat
  • 2018 - "Give me love"
  • 2018 - "Symphony"
  • 2019 - "Della"


  • 2003 - "Evlampia Romanova. The investigation leads dilatant-1 "
  • 2005 - "Seven Juliet and two Romeo"
  • 2005 - "Cinema Passions" or "Lord Cinema" "
  • 2009 - Mulan
  • 2010 - "Last Secret of the Masters"
  • 2011 - "Creating a Party"

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