Alexander Lukashenko - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, President of Belarus, Age, Mother Catherine 2021



Alexander Grigorievich Lukashenko - the first and only president of the Republic of Belarus, who rules the country for more than two decades. In the world community, the Belarusian leader is called the last dictator of Europe with a hint of his undemocratic board.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Lukashenko was born on August 30, 1954 in the village of Urban-type Spicy, located in the Vitebsk region of Belarus. The future president was brought up only by the mother of Catherine Trofimovna, who worked as a militant on the farm.

His parents did not live together. There is almost no information about Father Lukashenko, it is known only that he was a forester. According to the nationality, Alexander Grigorievich - Belorus, but his grandfather Trofim Ivanovich was from Ukraine, from the Sumy region.

The childhood of the future president was held in the village of Alexandria in the center of the collective farm "Dneprovsky", where he, together with village children attended high school.

Already at an early age, Sasha often helped mother. He drove firewood with a teenager, mowed her grass and even drowned cows. Heavy homemade labor did not prevent young people to learn well for the main subjects and graduate from the Music School in the Bayana class. In his spare time, he wrote poems.


At the end of the school, the guy entered the Mogilev Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Story. In 1975, Lukashenko on the distribution was sent to the city of Shklov, where in High School No. 1 he took the position of Secretary of the Komsomol Committee.

Having worked there for several months, Alexander went to the service in the army. On the distribution, the young man fell into the border troops of the KGB.

After the army, he continued to activities as secretary of the Komsomol Committee in Mogilev Zip. In 1979, Alexander received membership in the CPSU, and in 1980, the second time went to serve in the army, in which during the next two years he commanded a tank rose on the political part. Now the President of Belarus has the military rank of lieutenant colonel.

Lukashenko was appointed Deputy Chairman of the Shklovsky collective farm "Drummer" after the second term of the army service, and then took the position of deputy director of the building materials plant in the same district center.

In 1985, the future political leader received the second higher education in the economic specialty, after graduating from the Correspondence Faculty of the Belarusian Agricultural Academy. At the same time, he headed the state farm "Gorodets", activities in which allowed the young specialist to lay the foundation for the future political take-off.

Lukashenko became the first one who in restructuring began to introduce a lender in a row in the state farms, thanks to which the loss of state farm in the short period turned into an advanced one. In his youth, he has already demonstrated the successful results of management activities.


Policy Alexander Grigorievich got through the achievements in the collective farm "Gorodets". His efforts and merits were appreciated by the top leadership of the USSR, the man was invited to Moscow, where he became a People's Deputy of the Belarusian SSR. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the policy became a sovereign state, which allowed him to rapidly climb the vertical of power and build a dizzying political career.

Having created a reputation as a defender of the people and a fighter with corrupt authorities, the politician won the confidence of the electorate. Despite the intrigue, he could break through to power. The exposure activity of Lukashenko allowed him to become the most popular politician of the time surrounding the large number of comrades.

After the start of the implementation of plans for a man, many team members left him by going to the opposition. For some, the departure from Lukashenko became the final of the political biography, since only the units of the people who do not support the future of the Belarusian head of people were able to resist in the upper echelons of power.

The pre-election program of Alexander Lukashenko was based on the position of salvation of the economy, which was on the verge of collapse. The people supported his candidacy in the presidential election of 1994, as a result of which Lukashenko became the first president of the Independent Republic of Belarus, gaining more than 80% of the votes.

President of Belarus

Alexander Lukashenko's bright political leader, coming to power, immediately began to implement a plan for the conclusion of the Republic of Belarus from the crisis. From the first days in the presidential post, he conducted a referendum in which the Russian language was assigned state status, the flag and the emblem of the young state was introduced, and the political integration with Russia was approved.

Thanks to Lukashenko in 1995, a payment and customs union was created between Belarus and Russia, and the agreement on friendship, cooperation and good neighborls from the Russian Federation was signed. A year later, economic and humanitarian integration was established with the Kyrgyz Republic and the Republic of Kazakhstan.

In November 1996, the Belarusian leader conducted a constitutional reform, unrecognized US and the EU, according to which the countdown of the five-year presidential term was started again, and the head of the republic received great powers.

The second presidential term Lukashenko started in 2001, when he scored more than 75% of voters in the first election tour. Then the world community and the OSCE stated that the election of the President of Belarus did not meet international standards, but Russian leader Vladimir Putin personally congratulated the winning Lukashenko, who publicly welcoming his re-election.

Having come to power for the second time, the head of state began to conduct a controversial policy with Russia - Lukashenko and Putin could not find a compromise solution in the management and introduction of a single currency. In addition, the tense situation between the Russian and Belarusian leaders aggravated the gas scandal arising against the background of the reduction and complete cessation of Moscow gas supplies to the Republic of Belarus.

At the same time, in economic terms, Alexander Grigorievich achieved success, and also held a third referendum, on which the amendments to the Constitution of Belarus were approved, providing for the removal of restriction in the form of two presidential terms for one person. The results of this referendum, like the two previous ones, were not recognized in the United States and the European Union, against the background of which economic sanctions were introduced against the republic and Lukashenko himself.

Despite this, the head of state did not move away from the political direction, saying that "color revolutions" in Belarus will not, as it will not allow Western bandits to bring "orders" in the country.

In March 2006, the third presidential elections were held in the republic, in which Lukashenko became an unchanged leader, gaining more than 83% of voters. The third term is notable for the adoption by the Belarusian chapter decision on the construction of a nuclear power plant, which will ensure the country of cheap energy, which will save up to $ 1 billion per year on the import of natural gas.

Saving the position of popularity, loyalty and love of Belorusov, Alexander Grigorievich again wins the presidential elections in 2010 and becomes the fourth time already permanent country leader. The victory in the opposition and in the West was named falsification, although this time the OSCE observers recognized that the elections were transparent and democratic.

Lukashenko's fourth presidential term fell on a sharp currency crisis in Belarus 2011, during which the ruble was devalued to the dollar by 189%. But at the same time, the Belarusian chapter did not recognize the economic crisis in the country and continued to maintain his policy in the selected direction.

In 2015, Lukashenko participated in the presidential race for the fifth time. Having won a convincing victory, he again headed the power in the country. Nevertheless, the politician did not exclude that the factor of fatigue from its 20-year stay in power may already be present among the population, but this did not affect the level of confidence in the people to his person.

The public of Belarus no less closely began to follow the life of Nikolai Lukashenko, the son of the head of state.

The younger son of a permanent Belarusian leader regularly appears with his father at official events, journalists believe: this fact is an indicator that Alexander Grigorievich is preparing Nicholas to the presidency. The media repeatedly asked the policy of the Son, trying to receive confirmation of their speculations, but the head of Belarus in circulation hurried to assure the public in the fact that he did not want such a "presidential destiny" for a child.

I remember TV viewers of Alexander Lukashenko interview with Ksenia Sobchak. The TV presenter after the conversation admitted that the conversation turned out to be frank, and the politician can fascinate.

In social networks, users often discuss the quotes of the Belarusian leader about specific situations and problems. Thanks to the bright statements, Alexander Grigorievich has repeatedly became the hero of memes, which are distributed through the Social Network "Instagram" and other services.

The president himself relates to various parodies at his own expense, but in 2011, he advised the Russian media primarily to parody their own political leaders, and then it.

Nevertheless, Alexander Lukashenko knows how to discharge the situation at meetings with an electorate or other politicians in time with a telied joke or a successful joke, thereby demonstrating the excellent sense of humor.

At the end of 2019, the President of Belarus signed Decree 492, adjusting a list of a number of administrative procedures. So, to obtain the driver's license to citizens of the state no longer need a coupon, and the need to obtain a certificate for the passage of state vehicle inspection of the CU is canceled.

In February 2020 there was a meeting of a delegation from Belarus with the Russian side. At the negotiations, the issue of ensuring the union state with the necessary amounts of fuel was solved. The presidents of the two countries communicated 8 hours without a break, after which Alexander Lukashenko left Krasnaya Polyana, without talking to journalists.

Later, the telephone conversation was held by Alexander Grigorievich and the leader of Armenia Nikola Pashinyan, during which they discussed the overestimated level of prices for natural gas supplied from Russia.

In 2020, during a pandemic of coronavirus infection, Alexander Lukashenko became one of the few leaders who did not introduce the regime of self-insulation in the state. The president argued this decision by the fact that the whole economy would have suffered.

Not all citizens were on the side of Lukashenko in this matter, which influenced the decline in its rating per year of the presidential elections.

At the beginning of Summer, Alexander Grigorievich, he retired the government, whose representatives carried out duties since 2018. The opposition candidate for the presidency, politicians, doctors, bloggers, journalists, and 200 people were subjected to repression, the repression of the expression of their political views. The international community responded to UN ultimatum.

The opposition was not going to give up. The network has information about the ranking of the current president, which was 3%. This figure soon became meme. At a meeting with voters in Brest, Alexander Lukashenko reported that he knew about new nicknames, but urged oppositionists not to insult him personally.

At the end of June 2020, Alexander Grigorievich flew to Moscow at Victory Parade. His younger son Nikolay Lukashenko, who changed the appearance of which made an impression on the audience. The young man was painted by the Belarusian Prince William, and his photos were converted on the net.

Alexander Lukashenko about Ukraine and about the Crimea

Often speeches policies quote Belarusian and foreign media. Many foreign citizens have long been repeating the words from Lukashenko's speeches, trying to interpret the meaning of his messages in different ways. Voters are interested in his opinion on specific events, as well as the future development of relations with neighboring countries - Ukraine and Russia.

In 2014, the President of Belarus repeatedly commented on the situation in Ukraine. Lukashenko called the political situation in the country "nightmare and catastrophe".

According to the head of state, in such terrible consequences, the ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych is primarily to blame, since it was the leader of the nation that was responsible for all the processes that took place in the country, rejecting the opinion of different layers of the population.

An even more rigidly Lukashenko spoke about the Crimea. At a meeting with media representatives, he repeatedly noted that he often discussed this problem with representatives of the Supreme Ukrainian leadership. According to Head of Belarus, in 2014, at a meeting with the acting President of Ukraine Alexander Turchinov, he directly expressed his opinion, saying that he had to fight for his land, and the Ukrainian authorities actually ignored the established circumstances.

"If this is your land, then why didn't you fight for her? Especially since there were a lot of Ukrainian troops. Why not fought? What, recognized that this is not your land? " - noted the Belarusian leader.

The news about the coming to power of Vladimir Zelensky Alexander Lukashenko perceived positively. The first meeting of the heads of fraternal states was held on a positive note. It took place in October 2019 on the second forum of the regions of the two countries. Alexander Grigorievich called Ukraine the main trading partner of Belarus, at the same time stressed that together both states are ready to resist external influence.

Lukashenko about Russia

Repeatedly in Belarus discussed the statements of the president about Russia. Lukashenko always focused on strong friendship with a neighboring state, pointing not only to partnerships, but also to the "fraternal understanding, blood relationship of peoples." Nevertheless, in 2016, the statements of the President of Belarus have changed.

During the Message to the National Assembly, Lukashenko not only emphasized the importance of alliance with Russia, but also reproached partners in a dismissive attitude to the Belarusian position:

"We are brothers with Russia, but we will not be boys on the blisters."

Already in 2017, during the traditional meeting with representatives of the media, the leader of Belarus criticized the Russian side, accusing in violation of allied arrangements. He noted that the oil and gas dispute between Belarus and Russia, which lasts almost a year, considers "mockery".

Oil and gas dispute has become a painful topic in the relations of two states. Minsk declared an unfair price for Russian gas and unilaterally began to pay for him at a lower cost. In turn, Moscow declared a decrease in the duty-free supplies of oil resources into the neighboring country, tied up with a decrease in the supply of petroleum products to the Russian Federation.

In Russia, the political activities of Lukashenko regularly illuminated on the radio station "Echo of Moscow". At the end of 2019, Alexey Venediktov took an interview with the Belarusian leader.

Elections 2020 and Protests

The election results were not unexpected: according to official data of the CEC Belarus, Lukashenko scored 80.08% of the votes. In the second position turned out to be the name Svetlana Tikhanovskaya, the main opposition competitor. She managed to enlist the support of 10.09% of voters. These figures caused distrust in many voters: a serious wave of protests rolled around the country, and all candidates who participated in the elections were complained of the CEC.

Protesters who decided to express distrust of the voting results were detained by representatives of force structures. Information about the set of incidents of particularly severe attitude towards the detainees, as well as to peaceful passers-by and even children. Contrary to the expectations of the authorities, it only spurred the wave of discontent: demonstrations and rallies did not end, more and more people went to the streets.

A separate mention deserves the appearance of Lukashenko with an automatic machine in hand: with a weapon and in the body armor, the President decided to flew Minsk on a helicopter so that with his own eyes to see the number of protesters. Son Nicholas, who accompanied his father, was also armed.

Dissatisfaction of citizens forced the president to look at the situation from a new point of view.

"Perhaps I reinforced a little," he said.

Lukashenko also noted that it was ready to discuss amending the Constitution of the country, after which it does not exclude the early conduct of new elections. At the same time, he stressed that it simply does not intend to leave and is ready to defend his country to the end. According to Alexander Grigorievich, it is impossible to exclude the influence of the United States on what is happening.

Protest shares on the streets of Belarus, meanwhile, did not stop. September 23 began it to be known that Alexander Lukashenko secretly joined the position of president. The inauguration ceremony took place in closed mode, the date of its holding was not reported in advance. In his speech, Alexander Grigorievich stressed that "there is no right to throw Belarusians who have tied up with a state course not only political preferences, but also their destiny, the future of their children."

Personal life

Alexander Lukashenko's personal life is not so constant as his political career. In 1975, the future Belarusian leader married Galina Zhinelovich school girlfriend. Soon two children were born in the family. The eldest son Viktor Lukashenko today holds the post of advisor to the Belarusian chapter in the national security adviser, and Dmitry Lukashenko is headed by the Central Council of the Presidential Sports Club.

In the Belarusian press, it was repeatedly reported that in recent years, the president does not live with his wife, but at the same time officially continues to be married. Galina Lukashenko lives in his own house in the village of Ryzhkovichi and is under the constant protection of her husband, on behalf of which no comments about the relationship with him does not give.

According to official information, in 2004, the President of Belarus was born an extramarital son Nikolai, who, according to media, gave birth to a former doctor of the presidential family Irina Abelian.

The President of Belarus has two grandchildren and five granddaughters, which Lukashenko tries to allocate time to communicate. They do not feel the lack of attention of the influential grandfather, for which they remain the most priorities in the family.

It is known that in 2008, the eldest daughter Viktor Lukashenko Victoria performed the main role in the film "On the back of the Black Cat", and after 2 years he appeared in the acting composition of the Russian series "Divination with candles".

A lot of time-free president also pays hockey with a washer. Other Hobbies Lukashenko - Ski races, on which he rides not only with bodyguards and comrades, but also competed with high-ranking officials of other countries.

Lukashenko repeatedly participated in the night league games. The team from Belarus in 2013 entered two of his older son. For the family of the Belarusian president, an exception was made: in the column "GROWTH AND WEIGHT" of each participants, they put a ditch. Alexander Grigorievich secked his data from security reasons.

Thanks to regular physical exertion, the head of the country does not complain about health, although the rumors have spread that he suffered a stroke.

Repeatedly Lukashenko attributed relationships with young girls - the winners of beauty contests. This information is expected and is based on the traditions of Alexander Grigorievich to appear at public events with young employees of the Protocol service, such as Daria Shmanai, Alina Roskach, Maria Vasilevich

Alexander Lukashenko now

In May 2021, an emergency landing of the Ryanair aircraft in the capital was perfect by Decree of the President of Belarus in the capital. Among the passengers who made the flight from Athens to Vilnius, there was an ex-editor of the opposition channel NEXTA Roman Protasevich, who was detained immediately after landing. In addition to him, his companion Sofia Saphega turned out to be arrested.

This situation instantly caused an angry reaction from the European Community, which began to blame the Belarusian leader in the threat of life and the health of passengers. Lukashenko did not give comments for some time regarding the incident.

On May 25, the head of the republic made an official statement. According to him, the reason for the decision taken to land the aircraft received from Switzerland information about an explosive device laid on an aircraft. So, Alexander Grigorievich stressed, he acted within the law. Moreover, a politician noted, such messages were received not only in Minsk, but also in Vilnius, and in Athens.

Despite the fact that Switzerland denied the fact of transferring any information about the bomb, Lukashenko continued to stand on his position. The reaction of the European Community did not make it wait - a few days after the incident were the introduction of the first sanctions against the republic.

A request was announced from the EU Council to stop any flights to Belarus. In addition, in the near future it was planned to close access to European airports of Belarusian air carriers. Among the main requirements, the immediate liberation of detainees Sappai and Protasevich sounded.

At the same time, a package of helping of Belarus from the European Union was frozen in the amount of € 3 billion. According to the head of Ursula, the village of der Lyien, the decision to cancel personal sanctions will be accepted only after democratic transformations begin in the country.

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