Andrei Ilyin - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, movies, TV shows, wife, "instagram" 2021



Andrei Ilyin is a popular actor and cinema actor, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. He is a member of the organization "Union of Cinematographers of the Russian Federation", awarded the Order of Friendship.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Ilyin was born in the summer of 1960 in Gorky (Nizhny Novgorod). The parents of the boy did not have anything to do with the art: the mother of Zinaida Ivanovna Ilina - Zavtoz in PTU, and Father Epifan Illarionovich Ilyin worked all his life by the driver. The elder brother Valery tragically died at the age of 28.

The family lived in a disadvantaged Sormovsky district, which local residents called "Shanghai" and did not recommend guests to appear there. But Andrei went well at school, loved literature. He also worked in a dramatic circle, where he understood that he would connect a biography with acting profession. At the age of 15, he entered the Gorky Theater School, which graduated in 1979.


Even in his youth, immediately after graduation, Ilyin was in the Riga Theater of the Russian Drama, where he was led by Arkady Katz. Initially, Andrei Epifanovich had roles in children's performances, but a little time passed, and he entrusted more serious characters.

In one of the first works, Ilyin was embodied in Klezlekov in the "Revolution". Then it happened to play Trepleva in the "Seagull" A. P. Chekhov, and after a couple of years - Alexey Ivanovich in the "player" F. M. Dostoevsky. In addition, it was possible to realize the dream of many actors - to appear on stage in the image of Hamlet.

In the Riga Theater of Russian Drama, Ilyin worked for 10 years, until 1989. Then he moved to the theater. Mossoveta, where I expected a game in the performances "My poor Marat", "cute friend", "How important to be serious." In these years, the roles were not so much - a difficult period began in the country, and the artist was seriously thought about to quit work. Ilyina had to work out by remuneration to survive difficult times.

In the theater's troupe. Mosovet Ilyin served until 2000. Then the situation in the country has improved, and new proposals appeared. Andrei Ilyin got into the number of main actors in the statements of the MHT. Chekhov, at the same time he played in the theater of Sergey Bezrukov, collaborated with theatrical agencies "Ir-Service", "Art Partner of the XXI" and "La'Teater".

Since 2015, he began to go to the scene named after the Evgeny Vakhtangov theater. During this time, Fans remember the roles of Ilyina in 2 performances of the director Mikhail Tsitrinyak "Games of Lonely" and "Creek Langstone". And also in the productions of Vladimir Ivanov "Take an umbrella, Madame Gautier!" And Andrei Maksimova "Love at the throne."

All theaters and creative associations, within the framework of which Andrei Epifanovich performed on the stage, can be listed for a long time. Among them, it is certainly worth mentioning such eminent spectacular places as the Moscow Dramatic Theater named after M. N. Yermolova and the Moscow Gubernaya Theater.


Kinokarier Andrei Ilina started in 1980. The first work in the industry was the game in an educational short filming called "Three Lemon for Any". Next, they followed those 9 years when the actor fell out a chance to play only in the tiny roles of poorly promotional tapes.

In 1989, Ilyin received a serious role in the movie "Constellation of Kozlotra", where Semen Faraday and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan became partners on the set on the set. The comedy remained a practically unnoticed by the viewer.

Economic devastation, which began in Russia, almost put a cross on his career. The cinema almost stopped shooting, the television broadcast was flooded with soap operas like "Slave Isaores" and "Wild Rose". Nevertheless, in the first half of the 90s, Ilyin starred in a number of paintings. Among them, the spectators remember the projects "Catami", "Flying Dutchman", "Cynic", "Wolf" and "split".

Andrei Ilyin in his youth

But especially fans like the role of Sergeant of Silver in the film Peter Todorovsky "Anchor, more Ankor!". In 1995, the actor managed to once again work with the same director in the dramatic film "What a wonderful game".

Glory came to Ilyin in 1999, when he played Leshki Chistyakov, her husband's main character of Helena Yakovleva, in the detective series Kamenskaya. Despite the fact that the role came out small, the image of Chistyakov brought Andrei Epifanovich fame.

In the following seasons, the "Kamenskaya", the lipped character of Leschi Chistyakov acquired increasing significance. The image of a patient, understanding, caring, in one word, the perfect husband was doomed to the love of the viewer. At the same time, Ilyin risked, because he could simply get stuck in the role of a positive hero.

Fortunately, the roles that directed in the future were offered Ilyina, turned out to be disliked on each other. The actor reincarnated in an experienced thief in the "Marche Turkish", then in Prince Golitsyn in the series "Satisfaction". Ilyina even had to try the image of a killer in the painting "Manor".

In 2004, the artist appeared in the Moscow Saga filmmaker, removed based on the trilogy of Vasily Aksenov. Ilyina got the role of Savva of the Surgeon, Surgeon, the second husband of Nina Gradova. Andrei Epifanovich's on-site spouse played Olga Budina.

So, in the filmography Andrei Ilina has accumulated more than a hundred works. The actor starred in television series and full meter. It is worth noting the projects "Bad Blood", "Major Police", "Alchemist. Elixir Fausta, "Vasilisa" and "Senior Daughter."

Ilyin played one of the central roles in the dramatic series "Without Witnesses." Character Andrei Epifanovich called Igor Kirillovich Maximov. This is a story about a woman whose sessions help people rethink life. But the results happen unpredictable - from reconciliation with the world before suicide. Ksenia Kutepov, Dmitry Orlov, Ilya Lyubimov and others were opposed to Ilina's colleagues.

One of the central images of Andrei Epifanovich was embodied in a multi-sieu film "Native people". Hero Ilina, Sergey, after many years found the old beloved, with which he once had to drive around at different ends of the world, and with her native children. Irina Rosanova, Maria Mashkova, Ignat Akrachkov and other actors became colleagues on the set.

At the end of 2017, Andrei Ilyin appeared in the image of Peskov in the series "Silver Bor". This is a story about a friendly family of archup, faced at the turn of epochs with problems capable of shaking idyll. Maria Shukshina, Sergey Makhovikov, Mark Bogatyrev and others starred in a multi-ribbon. At the same time, the artist got the main role in the short picture of Tatiana Zhukov "Confession of Misantroprop".

At the same time, Andrei Epifanovich was invited to the 6th season of the popular melodrama "Sklifosovsky" on the role of a doctor of separation of maxillofacial Surgery of Crivitsky. Hero Ilina is an experienced doctor, who lived in Israel for many years and decided to return to his homeland. Elena Yakovlev, Elena Yakovlev, became a partner on the shooting platform. The new participant took root in the project and remained for the next seasons.

In 2018, Andrei Ilyin is embodied in the central image of the 4-serial film of Karen Zakharov "Murder on Fridays". Businessman Vladimir Markovich Shelekhov, who played the artist, good-naturedly invited to his old manor tourists from all over the country, until the tragedy did not happen. In 2019, the audience saw the 2nd season.

Personal life

The first wife of Andrei Ilyina became the associate professor in the department of acting skills of the theater institute. Boris Schukina Lyudmila Voroshilova, who was older her husband. Being married, the couple acquired an apartment in Riga. But after the restructuring of people who were Russian by nationality, they were accompanied by oblique looks. Because of this, Ilyin with a beloved left Latvia.

The marriage of Andrei Epifanovich and Lyudmila collapsed in 9 years - the spouses were cooled to each other, lost love, became strangers. After the divorce, the artist left the former spouse apartment, and he walked on removable dwellings. Nevertheless, they remained in friendly relations.

Then Ilina had a novel with TV presenter and actress Alexander Tabakova. The actor's colleagues argued that those 8 years that existed a civilian marriage couple, the daughter of the great director "imagined himself a princess" and called her husband, since he allegedly could not provide her worthy existence. Star heirs pointed celebrities at low origin, because she was the daughter of Oleg Tabakov. Alexander wanted Andrei Epifanovich to throw art and engaged in entrepreneurship. As a result, the family did not work out.

Passed quite a long time before he decided on another marriage. About coach for swimming Olga Ilyina, his rightful chief, he told with warmth. Therefore, when the actor filed for a divorce before the celebration of the 45th anniversary, such changes in their personal life became shock.

In 2010, the Civilian wife Andrei Epifanovich was the editor on the television of Inga Rutkevich. They met when Inga arrived with the film crew to shoot a transfer from him in the country. Communication has row, grown into the novel. In 2013, the Son Tikhon appeared at the pair. Ilyin, who became a father in 53, recognized that he relates to the child very trembling, trembles over him and pamper.

Like each real star, now the famous artist has an account in "Instagram". True, new posts here appear rarely. But the actor has a formal site on which fans get acquainted with the latest news from the life and creativity of Andrei Ilin, posses and photos.

Andrei Ilyin now

Andrei Epifanovich does not forget about the game on the stage. At 2021, he was planned to perform performances in the theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov and the Moscow Gubernsky Theater.

Call and on movie shooting. After completing the work in the 8th Sklifosovsky Sene, he began for other projects. At the beginning of the year, the premiere of a multi-sized comedy with Love Aksenova "Nastya, gather!", Where Ilyina got a secondary image.

He worked as an actor and in detective TV shows "under the cover" and "Mentalist". In the last story, the Marat Basharov appeared among the characters in the role of himself.


  • 1989 - "Constellation of Koztotour"
  • 1992 - "Anchor, still Anchor!"
  • 1993 - "split"
  • 1999-2011 - "Kamenskaya"
  • 2004 - Moscow Saga
  • 2005 - "Adjutants of Love"
  • 2006 - "Pushkin. Last Duel »
  • 2008 - "Craobiles"
  • 2009 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2009 - "Wolf Messing: Seeking through time"
  • 2011 - "Lecturer"
  • 2012 - "No Witnesses"
  • 2014 - "Vasilisa"
  • 2017 - "Silver Bor"
  • 2018 - "Native People"
  • 2017 - Sklifosovsky
  • 2018 - "Murders on Fridays"
  • 2021 - "Nastya, Gather!"

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