Sergey Chonishvili - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sergey Chonishvili brought the formula for success in the profession - to play himself. Even if other features are cultivated in the character, character, the actor must go around. Permanent employment in the theater and on the set - not from the desire to earn all the money of the world. The artist is joking that if I wanted to become rich, I would throw art, it would have taken oil or gas, and then I would try to happiness in the corridors of the State Duma."If you want to exist normally, it should be sitting on several chairs. Not in terms of monetary signs, and so that you have career growth. "

Childhood and youth

Honored Artist of Russia, writer, actor theater and cinema Sergey Chonishvili born in 1965 in Tula in a creative family. Chonishvili's feather's father - People's Artist of the Soviet Union, after death, the Omsk House of the actor was called in his honor. Mother Sergey, Valeria Prokop - People's Artist of the Russian Federation.

Sergey Chonishvili as a child

Despite the fact that the childhood of the boy passed in the theater and observations of what happened behind the scenes, he did not dream about the profession of the actor. Sergey liked the oceanologist received by Romantic more, and his idol was a famous scientist Jacques-Yves Kusto. In school years, the future actor visited a music school, Chonishvili and today playing the piano and adores jazz.

Sergey Chonishvili in youth

In high schools, it becomes clear that the parent genes won: the Son first thought about what would go in the footsteps of Pope and Mom. After School, Sergei Chonishvili, throwing the last doubts, becomes a student of the theater school named after Boris Schukin. The guy was taught outstanding masters of Scenes Yuri Avsharov, Alexander Shirvindt and Yuri Katin Yartsev.


In 1986, the actor is awarded a red diploma and invite to work in the troupe of the famous "Lenkom". Sergey Chonishvili plays second roles for a long time or participates in the crowd.

Sergey Chonishvili at the beginning of a career

On the first major role, he was invited by Andrei Zhitnikin, who set the play "Game in Zhmurki" for an independent theater project. The director was impressed by the acting skills of Chonishvili, and he invited him to cooperate further.

Sergey Chonishvili's creative biography continued on the stage of "Tabakcoque", Oleg Tabakov Theater. It was brought here by Zhitytkin, who put two performances on the stage "Tabakcoque" - "Psycho" and "Old Quarter".

Sergey Chonishvili in the theater

The actor also played on the scene named after A. Chekhov. Here theaterly saw a talented artist in the sensational performances "Event" on the play of Vladimir Nabokov, "The perfect husband. Comedy "on the works of Oscar Wilde and" Musketeers. Saga. Part one".

However, the main for Chonishvili remained "Lenk". Here, Sergey Scheryevich played his best roles in such performances as "Va-Bank", "dictatorship of conscience", "Juno and Avos" and "Mysterification". For the role of Nozdrev, Sergey Chonishvili was awarded the prestigious theater award "Seagull".

Sergey Chonishvili on stage

In 1999, Chonishvili assigned the title of Honored Artist of Russia.

In 2000, the artist was awarded the award named after I. M. Smoktunovsky. And after 7 years old for the role of Kochkarev in the formulation of Mark Zakharov "Marriage" Chonishvili received the second premium "Seagull".

Films and sounding

As for the movie, first the actor, like many of his novice colleagues, was offered only episodic roles. In 1986, Sergey Chonishvili played a friend of Kati's main character of Kati in the surviving youth film "Courier".

The first major role in Sergey Chonishvili was only in 1995 in the historical TV series "Petersburg Secrets". The ribbon based on the famous novel of Vsevolod of the Cross "Petersburg slums" had a tremendous success. The creators of the project gathered in it the color of Russian cinema. Sergey Chonishvili appeared in the image of a cunning seducer - Prince Voldemara Shadursky.

Sergey Chonishvili and Irina Klimova in the series

The image brought the act a fame, but on this filmier suspended. For a long time, Sergey was not invited for a long time, so he decided to do another type of art - visible films, cartoons and commercials.

Today, Sergey Chonishvili is the most famous artist of the voicing of Russian cinema and television, he became the official voice of the CTC television channel. The actor voiced dozens of documentary and feature films. With the advent of Computer Games, Chonishvili took up for them: on his account not less than four dozen voiced game roles.

Sergey Chonishvili's unique velvety timbre (bass-baritone) is no less recognized by contemporaries than in the 20th century, Yuri Levitan's voice. The voice of the artist for the scenes sounds in many popular projects of the central TV channels of Russia. From 1999 to 2005, Chonishvili voiced the favorite millions of "Around the World" on the channel "Russia". On NTV, his voice for the scenes sounded in the program "Completely secret", and on the first channel Sergey Serevievich voiced the documentary tapes "Secrets of Love" and "Secrets of Death".

An amazingly beautiful and rich artist's voice came in handy and for voicing the many audiobooks: on the account of Sergey Chonishvili dozens of read works.

In the 2000s, the actors began to invite to the main role in the movies. In 2002, the audience saw him in the film's first book of the famous writer Boris Akunin about the adventures of Erast Fandorin: in Detective Ribe Alexander Adabashian "Azazel" Sergey Chonishvili played Ippolit Alexandrovich Zharov.

Soon the artist was invited to noticeable roles in the pictures "Forgive, Dr. Freud", "shifted", "Bride to order" and "New Year's Romance".

Sergey Chonishvili in the film

Sergey Chonishvili with his velvety voice and east appearance (father by Georgian nationality) can often be seen in the image of the Hero-lover, in which he is very convincing. Directors invite him to such roles quite often.

In 2005, the audience was observed with the development of passionate relations of the heroes of Sergey Chonishvili and Irina Pegova in the series "Special Purpose". And a year later, the artist appeared in the Melodrame "Lovers", where the teacher played, who seduced his student - Beauty Dina. The role of the student went to the young actress Glafir Tarkhanova.

Sergey Chonishvili and Glafira Tarkhanov in the film

In 2008, Alexey Muradov's melodrama was released on the screens "not in one river in one river", in which Sergey Chonishvili and Olga Lomonosov played a married couple. In the film, the spouse changes his wife, heading the "virtual" girlfriend, while he does not even suspect that this is his wife, who decided to test his half to loyalty.

In 2010, Sergei Chonishvili appeared in two remarkable films - mystical criminal tape "Thirty-Seventh Roman" and the adventurous TV series "Notes of the Freight Guide of the Secret Chancellery", in which he played one of the main roles - the head of the secret office of Ushakov. In this series, he met on the set with Anna Snatkina, Peter Krasilov and Ilya Sokolovsky.

Sergey Chonishvili in the film

Next year, a successful project was continued: the 2nd season of the series was released on the screens, in which Chonishvili played Andrei Ushakov again.

The Ironic Detective "Blue Merine" - the screening of the one-name story of Sergey's colleagues on the workshop, the People's Artist of Russia Andrei soft. The film talked about the investigation of the murder of the former wife of the actor, in which her girlfriends were suspected. And all because all 3 women were once in love with idiot, but he ignored them. The company Chonishvili in the frame amounted to Olga Cabo, Alexander Domogarov.

Sergey Chonishvili

In the melodrame "All sake of you", Sergei performed the role of co-owner of a construction company, which simultaneously solves problems in business and on the "personal front".

In the early 2000s, Sergey Chonishvili tries himself as a writer and sells his children's dream - writing books. His first collection is called "Minor Changes", and after 3 years, the actor issues a full-fledged book "Man-Train".

Sergey Chonishvili - Writer

In 2013, he played Major-Sobil in the Suffered Military Drama "Sidel", which received high ratings and laudatory reviews. Next year, Sergey Chonishvili pleased his fans with the appearance of the "New Year's flight" in the melodrama, in which Oxana Folders, Svetlana Khodchenkova and Marat Basharova were in one row with key heroes.

Shooting a "Iznikka" detective with the participation of Chonishvili, as well as Ingeborgi, Dapkin and Mikhail Grusur ended, barely started. It is unknown to the background that the eponymous project of Dmitry Brusnikna came to the viewers with Anna Bashchikova, which the creators of the first painting saw in the image of the helpers Dapkin.

Sergey Chonishvili - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021 21231_12

And in 2016, Sergei Chonishvili played a grandfather in the Russian-Ukrainian series of Igor Moskvin's Russian-Ukrainian series. But the grandfather performed by the artist is not quite like that most of us represents: this is a successful and respectable businessman who is going to marry young beauty. Therefore, the granddaughter woven on his head is a real exercise with which you need to learn to live.

Hero Chonishvili in the drama "Cruel World of Men" - a representative of the world of business and one of those who lead for the nose of the new Financial Corporation. In this role, Ravshan Kurkova starred.

Personal life

A little known about the personal life of the popular Russian actor, although they say that she has a rather stormy artist. In official marriage, Sergey Chonishvili visited once: the wife gave him two children - daughters Anna and Alexander. But Idilly existed for a short time. The artist assures that he did not work with his family due to permanent employment, and love is a plant that requires constant attention and time for its development.

If you believe rumors, Sergey Chonishvili visited marriage, but civil. And in the studio of Julia's program, "alone with everyone" admitted that children are much more.

The names of women who lived with the actor for some time are unknown: Sergey is extremely reluctant to open the veil of mystery in this area of ​​life.

"Why am I not allowing to shoot at home? Not because I have a torn wallpaper there, but because it is my territory that has its own energy. I am a terrible egoist and I think that not every person who just wants to learn anything about me, has the right to it. "

The name of one of the elect Chonishvili, the novel with which he is attributed to - Lisa Boyarskaya. If you believe rumors, Sergey was the first serious love of Elizabeth, but for unknown reasons for the couple broke up. Whether Lisa's father was opposed to the novel between his beloved daughter and man, which is 2 times her older, whether the windiness of Sergei Chonishvili and his unwillingness to tie themselves with marriage Uzami played a fatal role - unknown. Elizabeth Boyarskaya and Sergey Chonishvili did not give comments about his relationship.

Sergey Chonishvili and Lisa Boyarskaya

The actor is not present on social networks, but the photo and video with the participation of Chonishvili are freely available online and on its official website.

Sergey Chonishvili now

In 2018, Sergei Chonishvili recorded new audiobooks - "The Last Russian Tsar" about the emperor Nicolae II Edward Radzinsky and Karmalodzhik psychotherapist Alexei Sitnikov. In parallel, he has time to play in the MHT named after Chekhov, "Tabakerque" and the theater of nations. Perhaps this speed of life and incorrect, but no free time is a way to always be in a tone, says the actor.

Sergey received the role of a second plan in a thriller with elements of the erotica "Designs". This is the first series in the career of director Konstantina Bogomolov, and his former wife Daria Moroz played one of the main roles.

Sergey Chonishvili in 2018

In the first quarter of 2019, the premiere of the film "Wizard" about the former rock musician, who gives the lessons to a disabled boy. In the acting ensemble, in addition to Sergey Chonishvili, Maxim Sukhanov entered, Ivan Okhlobystin and Irina Kompanko.

Together with Andrei Chernyshov and Daniel Spevakovsky, the actor is removed in the criminal tape "Anatomy of the Murder." In the center of the plot is the difficult life of a pathologist who hides a professional mistake of colleagues.

Soon, the historic tape with a budget of $ 16 million will appear in the filmography of Sergey. "King Madagascar" removes Oleg Ryaskov, with whom Chonishvili worked in the "Notes of the forwarder of the secret office". In the new project, the artist again plays the head of this body of political school, General Andrei Ushakov.

Sergey Chonishvili on stage

The fantastic drama "Ikaria" is devoted to the topic of the immortality of a person. Eternal life will acquire those who dare to repeat the flight of the Grandfather and Ikara and at the same time make a complex moral choice. Along with the experienced Sergey Chonishvili, the young artists of the Gogol Center Alexander Revenko, Rinal Mukhametov and Nikita Kukushkin, starred in the image of a smoker in the picture. Ivan Yankovsky was invited to the main role, Oleg's grandson and son Philippe Yankovsky.


  • 2003 - "Theatrical Blues"
  • 2005 - "Girlfriend Especially Appointments"
  • 2006 - "Lovers"
  • 2007 - "Return point"
  • 2008 - "twice in one river"
  • 2010 - "All sake you"
  • 2010 - "Blue Merin"
  • 2013 - "Case Come"
  • 2016 - "Grandpa"
  • 2017 - "Vera"
  • 2019 - "Wizard"

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