Natalie - biography, personal life, photo, news, singer, songs, "instagram" 2021



Natalie (Natalia Rudina) is a Russian popular singer whose name for many years has been associated with the hit of the 90s "Wind from the Sea of ​​the Dul". The song has become a business card of the artist.

Returning the stars turned out to be no less bright - the hat "Oh God, what a man!" Got all-Russian popularity.

Childhood and youth

Singer Natalie, she is Natalia Rudden (Minaeva's maiden name) was born on March 31, 1974 in Dzerzhinsk. The girl grew in a simple working family: Father Anatoly Nikolaevich worked by the Deputy Main Energy at the factory, and Lyudmila Pavlovna's mother was a laboratory assistant. 4 years after the birth of her daughter, two more children appeared - twins Anton and Olesya. Later, the younger brother also took up the show business, today he is known under the creative pseudonym Max Volga.

From early childhood Natalie showed organizational abilities, she could not sit without a moment. The school studied perfectly, in parallel how much time to participate in all creative activities. The girl was also popular with classmates who easily recognized it with an informal leader thanks to a benevolent nature and sociability. Teachers were also rejoiced by a talented and smart student, who was an example of ideahttps: // behavior.

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In 1983, Natalie visited a music school with his girlfriends, after which she persuaded the parents to give it to the piano class. In school, the girl studied vocal execution for 7 years. The schoolgirl began to compose songs, and also traced the guitar game. She participated in musical competitions, and later, together with the creative team performed at urban festivals.

In 1990, the girl was invited to participate in the filming of a documentary film dedicated to her native city. Natalie successfully passed the casting and received a major role in the picture. She also traveled to St. Petersburg to the Studio "Lenfilm" to voice the ribbon. Filming in the film has largely contributed to the popularity of the artist in Dzerzhinsk.

Despite the musical activity, the future star dreamed of becoming a teacher and apply talents to teach children. In 1991, she easily entered the Dzerzhinsk Pedagogical School, and at his end it was settled in a local school teacher. In 1993, she together with her husband moved to Moscow. The creative biography of Natalia in the capital received a new impulse, which led her to All-Russian glory.


The first steps in the musical industry Natalie did aged 16. When the future star studied at school, her younger brother Anton led sister to the music team "Chocolate Bar". The guys performed at local festivals and concerts. At the same time, she met Alexander Rudin, who in the future had a considerable impact on the life and creativity of the singer.

Thanks to Rudin, the guys recorded 2 cassette albums: "Superboy" and "Pop Galaktika". Many songs performer composed on their own in the early school classes. A year later, she became a vocalist of the group, who had a greater fame called "Pop Galaxy".

Natalie perfectly understood that in the provincial city she would not achieve popularity, and decided to try her happiness with her husband and producer Rudin in the capital. Alexander has made efforts so that the wife's talent is noticed. He came out on the capital producer Valery Ivanova and gave him the first cassettes for listening. Ivanov decided to take a young singer under his wing and engaged in the promotion.

In 1994, Natalie issued the first official album as a solo performer called "Mermaid". The plate came out with a circulation of 2 thousand copies, but this did not prevent her to find his own audience. The first time the singer was forced to be content with the participation as a "warmer" at eminent colleagues, difficult times affected.

All-Union Glory came to the artist thanks to the execution of the song "Wind from the Sea Dul". The girl performed her on the guitar from the age of 13 and could not even imagine what she would make her famous. The work of the composer Alexander Shulgin helped the compositions to acquire a brighter and memorable sound, she became the title to the album "Wind from the sea", which was released in 1998. The track instantly turned into a hit, making Natalie star.

The work of the artist was interested in listeners written by her musical compositions found numerous fans. One of the most beloved people was the "Turtle".

The performer continued to publish albums and clips, but none of them had such success as the "wind from the sea." Then the years of the clutch come.

In 2012, Natalie again broke into all the charts of the country with the composition "Oh God, what a man!". Poems wrote a poet freelancer, and the music of the artist created within an hour after reading. For the singer, the song became a real salvation, since for a long time I was remembered only as a performer of one hit the 90s.

Thanks to this song, Natalie was nominated for the "Return of the Year" and "Sometimes they are coming." The video also enjoyed success in the audience, for 2 months he was viewed 2.5 million times.

Confidently returning to the show-business, in 2013 the singer performed the song-duet "Nikolai" with the popular singer Nikolai Baskov.

The composition enjoyed success, and the artist began to invite to television. She also received the "Best Video Clip" award from the TV channel RU.TV.

Another bright duet turned out to be a singer with a rap performer, with whom Natalie recorded the song "You've".

In 2014, on his birthday, the performer has released a new clip - Sharerazada. In the same year, the same album was released, dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the singer and turned out to be 12th in Natalie discography.

In 2014, the artist became a member of the Music Show "exactly", where he served songs of famous musicians. Even in the first program, she struck members of the jury, who did not know at all at the way Valentina Tolkunova Natalie. Also during the project, she reincarnated in Masha Rasputin, Sergey Zverev, Lyudmila Senchin, Love Orlov.

The artist was a member of the Hit show and won in him, fulfilling the song in the final "Come on with me behind the stars."

In 2014, the singer became a guest of the release of the next season "Battle of Psychics". Natalie was under a great impression of rival magicians who, according to her, forced a lot in life to think. Most of all the performer struck the prediction of the winner of the season of Victoria Rydos, not even enlisting on Ether.

The future star of the show warned from the misfortune of the younger son Natalie, asking her to get rid of the bike presented to him. The actress at first did not give the values ​​of the Witch's words, because nothing such a boy was given. However, upon returning home, she was reported that the grandfather bought the grandson bike. Being amazed to the depths of the soul, the singer was listened to the Council and still confident that she did right and defended his family.

In June 2015, there was a TV host show "People" on the TV channel "Russia-1". Also, the performer voiced the joy in the cartoon "Puzzle".

In the same period of 2015, on the birthday of President Vladimir Putin, Natalie presented the song "Volodya". In 2016, the Single "Ask Prigogine" came out. A year later, the artist pleased the fans with a new hit "I have only you."

In 2018, a new video "I am without weapons" was published, recorded jointly with the Sultan Hurricane group.

In 2019, the performer pleased his fans with a collaboration with Vyacheslav Dobrynin "Love is happy." The author of the music is Dobrynin himself, and Words wrote Simon Osiashvili. Another new year 2019 was the song "Male-Dream".

In early 2019, with the participation of Natalie and other stars of the Russian show business, a festive release of the transfer "New Year on the TV Center" was published.

In 2020, the premiere of the composition "Go to the country" and the video clip to it took place. In the same year, the artist received the Golden Gramophone in the category "Jubilee Ceremony" for the song "Wind from the Sea Dul".

Personal life

With a future husband, Alexander Rudin, the performer met a schoolgirl. They met after the singer's speech at the local rock festival, and the novel rose between them. Alexander Soul did not have a chalk in the manager and tried to help her. He initiated the idea to record her first cassettes. When Natalie turned 17 years old, the couple played a wedding.

Much made a lot of spouse for a career, he found producers and composers who worked with the singer. Together they moved to Moscow and fought for a place under the sun in the Russian show business.

Spouses one time could not have children. The actress even desperately and together with his sister went to local evacuars. I poured the children from God, which frankly spoke on the air of Andrei Malakhov's program "Let them talk."

For 10 years she had a somewhat miscarriage, and when once again, the artist found out about pregnancy, she worried about the safety and health of the child. Fortunately, everything was done, and in 2001, the Rudiny family had a long-awaited firstborn, who was called arsion. After 9 years, they were born the second son Anatoly.

Returning popularity forced Natalie in 2014 to register in "Instagram". Now the singer leads his account, then the case of Baloia fans by photographs from professional and personal life. Also, the performer has its own website and numerous fan pages in social networks.

Natalie is striking the fans by a demonstration of the model figure and numerous photos in a swimsuit and even without makeup. The singer today looks no worse than in his youth. With a height of 165 cm, its weight does not exceed 60 kg, although the star did not differ in harmony before the adolescence. Parents watched the "healthy" daughter's nutrition, ranking the favorite Chado with calorie dishes. As a child, Father Natalia called her gently "my bubble".

In his youth, the artist was fascinated by Shaping and Pilates, and also switched to diet products in their diet. In addition to sports training, the form of the singer helps to maintain the original exercise that Natalie calls the "Pose of Corpse". For 15 minutes, the performer falls on a flat surface, consistently relaxing all the muscles of the body, after which she observes a tide in the body.

The main event of 2017 in the life of the singer is not associated with creativity. The 42-year-old Natalie was pregnant with a third child and 7 April gave her wife Eugene Son. The baby was born in the hospital of Moscow with a weight of 3500 g and 51 cm tested. According to the performer, they are happy with her husband, because the woman had problems with confusion.

Already 3 months after the birth of the singer, together with her husband and children went on vacation in Greece. Natalia was worried about the thoughts on how the baby will behave in a new place, but Zhenya, like all family members, experienced joy from staying on the sunny beach and swim in the sea.

Natalie told Natalie in an interview with Ivan Urgant in the Evening Urgant program in September 2017. Also this year, the artist presented his new song "How sweet to be a mother" on the mother's day.

The secret of the happy personal life of the singer considers his profession, which helps her always look at height. At the same time, the actress remains an excellent hostess: so far there is no housekeeper in the house of Rudiny, Natalie copes with all the responsibilities itself. And being a pregnant second son, he experienced such a craving for cleaning, which even regularly went out to wash the entrance than every time shocked the neighbors.

In 2018, the performer became a guest of the transmission of the "secret to a million", where he told Lere Kudryavtseva about his youth, the beginning of the creative path, family life. The TV viewers learned that the actress began to think about marriage for another 13 years and considered the workers as potential husbands. But none of the peers approached.

The first meeting with Alexander Rudin was held in a business key, although even then the future spouse experienced tender feelings to Natalia. A young man managed to draw the beauty of the beauty.

In June 2020, the singer lost his father. Anatoly Nikolayevich died at the age of 70, the cause of death is a stop of the heart. The artist published in his microblog in "Instagram" photos from the family archive and touching post.

Natalie now

On the eve of 2021, on his page in "Instagram", the singer shared with subscribers of the photo with Stas Mikhailov. Artists met visiting the fashion designer Vladimir Mid, creating concert suits.

Now the singer continues to touring the country and abroad with famous hits and appear on television. Natalie acts in bars, at weddings, corporate and anniversaries.


  • 1994 - "Mermaid"
  • 1996 - "Snow Rose"
  • 1998 - "Wind from the Sea"
  • 1999 - "Considered"
  • 2000 - "First Love"
  • 2002 - "Don't Fall in Love"
  • 2004 - "All I need"
  • 2009 - "Seventeen Moments of Love"
  • 2012 - "Oh God, what a man!"
  • 2014 - Sharerazada

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