Irina Muravyova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



The name of the most charming and attractive actress Irina Vadimovna Muravyyeva, who remembered not to one generation of the audience of the Soviet and post-Soviet space, "Carnival" films "Pure English murder", "Carnival", "Moscow does not believe in tears", "Artist of Gribova" and many other, forever insisted In the Golden Film Film.

Actress Irina Muravyova

Pictures with her participation are the classics of Soviet cinema, which is happy to revise today.

Childhood and youth

Irina Muravyova is a radical Muscovite, born in February 1949 in the capital. The artist is the second daughter of two loving parents whose feelings have been checking the war. Father Vadim Muravyov gave a volunteer to the front almost from school bench. The victory and his love sent as a reward for courage and heroism, he met in Berlin, to which she came together with Soviet troops.

Mom actresses - Belarusian, along with many compatriots fell into Berlin not by good wax: the Germans sent here to the girl for coordinates.

Irina Muravyova in youth

From Germany, the parents of Irina Muravyova returned a couple, and in 1947 became spouses. One after another they had two daughters, of which Irina Vadimovna is the younger.

Girls were brought up in rigor: the father supported the "military" discipline in the family. Irina had to always come on time, she forbade dubious entertainment like dances or walks with boys. Mother closely followed the daughters, fencing from the excessive attention of the opposite sex. Nevertheless, parents all tried to help children and encourage their best aspirations. Mom was an excellent seamstress and sewed girls beautiful outfits, thanks to which her sisters looked immaculate.

Irina Muravyeva

From school Irina Muravyov brought some fives: Teachers loved the girl and from the first to the last class put in an example to others. Otherwise, Ira could not learn, because parents reacted extrepressively even on the fourths in the diary.

Irina not only approximately "granted the granite of science." Muravyov still in orphanages is great in the world of the theater. From an early age, the girl participated in the local circle of acting amateur in the local circle, performed on school performances and concerts. To the senior classes, Irina Muravyov was clearly determined with further career.

Irina Muravyova in the film

Later, playing the main role in the picture "Carnival", Muravyova will repeat his youthful years: the film in many ways turned out to be autobiographical.

After graduation, Irina Muravyov showed unprecedented stubbornness: contrary to the will of the parents decided to become an actress and came to the samples in all theatrical universities of the capital. But Iru, like her heroine in the "carnival", was waiting for bitter disappointment: no educational institution took a talented girl, and in Schukinsky school even advised to forget about the career of the actress and find another profession.

Actress Irina Muravyova

However, Irina Muravyova showed an amazing purposefulness: a year later she again submitted documents to the same institutions. The decision of the examination commissions was not changed, and the girl was forced to study in a dramatic studio at the Central Children's Theater: the competition was less. After graduating from the studio and taking experience, Muravyva was still enrolled in the famous guitis, but he chose a correspondence department, because at that time he was already listed in the state of the Central Bank.


The first role of Muravyova, played on the stage of the Central Children's Theater, was the appearance of a play-tale on a goat in the extras. Over time, Irina Muravyov played male characters, among whom Shura Tychinkin was found in the "Sombrero" and Fedya Druzhinine from the play "2001". In the Children's Theater, the young artist served until 1977.

In the 1977th, the actress was already known at that time in the world in the world in the prestigious theater named after the Mossoveta. The first performance of Muravyova in a new location was called "halfway to the top" in the formulation of the lead director of the Theater Pavel Khomsky.

Irina Muravyova in the theater

At the same time, Irina Muravyova played a key role in the "House on the Sand" on the play Rustam Ibrahimbekov. For 12 years, the actress has appeared in eight performances. Since 1982, she played in three productions, devoting almost all his time to work in the cinema.

In 1994, Irina Muravyeva left the Theater of the Mossovet, facing the memoirs of Elena Virkishkina, with unbearable rudeness.

"Then I wanted to finish with the theater and art. I suddenly understood with horror that my coach was crashed. I do not implement, I don't like me, no one. Everything is bad, everything is terrible. All the movies are already behind, and in general everything is behind, "the actress told.
Boris Klyuev and Irina Muravyov in the play

The second home for at that time, the Small theater was already the secondary artist of Russia, where Irina came at the invitation of Yuri Solven.

"The Small Theater is a minus vulgarity, minus experiment in the worst sense of the word. It's happiness when you come to the theater, you play the theater and you are not ashamed for what they will listen and watch the audience in the hall, and that they will come with their children, "the Muravyev admitted in an interview.

Its multiform allows you to play any roles: from lyrical and naive heroines like Mamaeva in the play "On all sages of pretty simplicity" to the antipathy of the audience characters, such as Matrius in the production of "Power of Darkness".

Irina Muravyova in the play

In March 2015, the premiere of the play "Eight Loving Women", where Irina Muravyov appeared in the image of an experienced experience, but a rather mischievous grandmother.

In the same year, the artist appeared in lyrical entrepreneurship "on rain strings" Akim Androsov, playing Bella. The genre of the performance is indicated as "intriguing comedy". The premiere took place in August and received an incredibly warm reception of viewers and the laudatory assessments of theatrical critics. Irina Muravyova played the main character, and, together with her, young and talented colleagues Anna Terekhov, Leonid Bechevin, Anna Ukolov and Evgeny Kulakov came to the scene.


Irina Muravyova, since childhood, dreaming of playing on the stage and in the cinema, first appeared on the screens in 1965, agreed on a small role in the mass aim of the film "Children Don Quixote". This picture begins its cinematic biography. Nice roles in the filmography of artists began to appear at the beginning of the 70s: In 1973, Muravyova made his debut at the same time in two tapes: "Letter from youth" and "Rice Grain".

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In the 70s, Irina Muravyova appeared in several famous paintings, among which the most beloved spectators "Ivan and Kolombin", "Duegy" and "purely English murder". In the last Detective Dram Samson Samsonov, the color of Soviet cinema was gathered - Alexey Batalov, Georgy Tarautkin and others.

Irina Vadimovna played a lot of roles, but the real All-Union Glory fell into it after participating in the legacy of the 2-serial melodrama "Moscow does not believe in tears", which appeared on the screens at the end of 1979. A story about three girls from the province, who came to conquer Moscow, was awarded the Oscar award and acquired millions of fans.

No one expected such success from the film was expected, because initially Soviet critics were very skeptical about the tape, which was based on an unpretentious story of the old as the world of the Cinderella story. The image of the punchy and deprived of Sitimens Ludmila was not ignored by the audience and directories: a talented actress was covered with suggestions to play the main characters in new film projects.

In 1981, Irina Muravyeva received a proposal to play the main character in the comedy "Carnival" Tatyana Lioznova, in which she had to translate the graduate on the screen, who had come to conquer Moscow theatrical institutions. The plot turned out to be surprisingly similar to the biography of the most ants, and the artist gladly agreed to the role. At that time she was already 32 years old, and on the scenario she played a young 18-year-old girl Nina Solomatin.

Irina Muravyova and Alexander Abdulov in the film

Despite the difference in age, Irina Muravyova coped perfectly with the role - the personal memories and experience helped. A talented game and a brilliant duet with Alexander Abdulov so liked the audience, that the readers of the Journal of the Soviet screen were recognized as the Actress of the Best Actress of 1982.

In this melodrama, Irina Muravyov demonstrated that she is an actress in the widest concept of this word. The actress is superbly dancing. After the release of the movie "Call me, Call" was a hit for a long time, she was heard from everywhere, although the head of the main heroine sounds in the frame, and the singer Zhanna christmas. Irina was preparing to sing another song - "Thank you, life," but, as the composer Maxim Dunaevsky told, the director did not need to write a singing ant.

For their work, the artist was awarded several more prestigious awards, which strengthened it in the star status of the Soviet cinema. In 1983, Irina Muravyova received the Order of the Hall Sign for High Achievements in the Sphere of Culture, and also became the Honored Artist of the RSFSR.

In the 80s, Irina Muravyova appeared in several noticeable paintings, among which the most popular "hands up", "the most charming and attractive", "we, the following" and "Calf Year".

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The comedy "The most charming and attractive" has become a cult: 80 million viewers looked in cinemas. In this film, the actress again demonstrated its vocal talent.

The classic repertoire attracted the Muravyev and in the theater, and in the cinema. The actress played with Mikhail Kozakov, Lyudmila Telikovskaya and Boris Plotnikov in the adaptation of the works of Anton Chekhov "Incredible betting, or a true incident, safely completed hundred years ago."

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The 70s and 1980s - the golden period in the biography of the famous artist. At this time, Irina Muravyeva managed to regularly appear in new films, lead on radio and television Sunday children's transfer "Alarm clock" and voiced cartoons.

Melodia was produced by a record with a fairy tale "Old Man Hottabych", the role in which, in addition to the ant, read Lyudmila Gurchenko, Alexander Barykin, Oleg Anofriey and Mikhail Boyarsky.

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After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Irina's Career Muravyeva slowly went to the decline: the actress appeared on the screens less often. From the roles of this period, it should be noted the work in the melodrama "This woman in the window", where Irina managed to finally demonstrate a singing talent and to execute the romance of the oquesawa romance.

Music comedy "Marshmallow in Chocolate" A number of sites assigned the status of one of the first film projects of Ukraine as an independent state. In the film Muravyova and Alexander Pankratov-black played the parents of the girl, in which the black guy falls in love.

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Heroine actresses in the series "With New Happiness!" - a nurse abandoned by her husband. So a sad event occurs on the eve of the New Year holidays. However, the new year is not in vain the time of miracles, and the woman acquires a new fan. In 2001, a continuation of the series, named "With New Happiness! 2. Kiss in the frost. "

In 2005-2006, Irina Muravyova participated in the filming of the popular comedian-dramatic television series "Failed beautiful." The picture used incredible success, thanks to which the new generation of viewers received a chance to get acquainted with a talented actress, which played the role of Mom's main character performed by Nelli Uvarov.

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In 2010, Favorite Millions, Irina Muravyov appeared in the Lyric Comedy "Chinese Grandma", for the work in which the star of Soviet cinema was presented with the National Award "Nika" as the actress of the second plan.

After this tape, Irina Vadimovna no longer replenishes the filmography and rarely appears on television, devoting his life to the family and his beloved small theater. Is that periodically published in the network photo actresses indicate that Muravyov is still in the ranks.

In 2007, the star of the house was the transfer of the "apartment question", but her exit was scandalous. Irina Muravyova, together with her husband, trusted masters and designers repair of beloved cuisine, but did not like the result. The actress, who is not accustomed to showering, straightly told his disappointment.

Personal life

According to Irina Muravyeva himself, in early youth, she did not seek to marry and dreamed of a career only. Working in the theater, she met the director Leonid Eidlin, who in 1973 suggested a charming girl with his hand and hearts.

Wedding Irina Muravyeva and Leonid Eidlin

After 2 years, the first son of Daniel was born from the spouses, and in 1983 - the second, Eugene. Irina turned out to be a good mother and wife, a real custodian of a homely hearth. She is proud that the children of Danya and Zhenya, unlike most acting offices, grown at home, and not in dusty theatrical crowd or on the backyards of the shooting pavilions. The actress with ease refused the tempting roles in the theater and cinema, if children were not left with anyone. He was shot only in Moscow and did not leave the city for the sake of multi-month expeditions.

The graceful sons also appeared in the cinema, playing couriers in a multi-sized picture "With New Happiness!". Daniel subsequently studied in the legal admission, passed an acting course in the French Ecole d'Art De Blois and Ateliers ActeursTudio, continues to be filmed. Eugene graduated from the Production of the Faculty of Gitis, opened the restaurant, but in 2017 the business burned.

Irina Muravyeva with children

Irina - twice grandmother. The first grandson Ivan was born in 2005 in the Daniel family, the youngest, son of Eugene, appeared in 2017, but the public found out about it only at the end of January 2018.

In 2014, Idilly in the Muravyeva-Eidlin family was tragic: at the end of January, Leonid Danilovich was put in hospital with stroke, and on February 16 he died. This tragedy has become a serious test for popular artist, but Irina managed to find the strength to live on.

Irina Muravyeva with her husband

Favorite the public of the movie star retired from the bustle of the outside world at the maximum distance. Muravyova does not attend secular events, does not like journalists and does not accept proposals for the creators of popular TV projects.

Ranking, Irina Vadimovna from his head went to religion and even believes that she, as a believer woman, is indecent appearing in public and to be filmed in too "depraved" modern melodramas. The artist is not interested in the cinema, in which the conscience disappeared, there are no heroes and ideals, "where the viewer does not understand why Anna Karenina rushed under the train."

Irina Muravyova - a deeply believer man

Irina Muravyova, according to colleagues, after the death of her husband often sick: she has serious problems with vessels. Physical and moral relief The woman feels in the temple, in worship.

In 2003, after the actress performed the role of the candlestones in the melodrama "saved under the birch", rumors crawled around that Irina goes to the monastery. Muravyova reassured fans, asking not to believe the media and not to carry out the parallel between the cinema and personal life.

Irina Muravyeva with sons

The Great Artist remains human and attentive to others. In 2016, Muravyova supported the young colleague Irina Leonov, which serves in the Small Theater. That heavily worried about parting with her husband Evgeny Tsyganov and was forced to return to the scene from maternity leave ahead of time.

Irina Muravyova on stage

In the summer of 2017, the actress fell into black lists of the Ukrainian Peacemaker's website for the fact that "consciously violated the state border" in 2016, when he arrived in the Crimea on tour.

Irina Muravyova now

Now only 2 performances with the participation of Irina Vadimovna - Gogol's "marriage", where the actress plays Gogol's "Marriage", where the actress plays the wise match of Fekla Ivanovna, and the detective drama "eight loving women" about the guests of the manor suspected of the murder of the owner. Muravyeva's partners on stage are Lyudmila Titova, Olga Pashkov, Inna Ivanova, Svetlana Amanova.

Irina Muravyova in the play

In the fall of 2018, the artist closed from the press opened in the author's program Igor and Vadim Vernikov on the Culp channel. Irina Vadimovna admitted that he refused to frank with journalists, fearing to say something superfluous and thereby cause parental discontent. And then, when it became famous, even mom asked why the daughter does not interview.

In 2019, Irina Muravyeva celebrates anniversary. The solemn date coincides with the tour in Israel. The promised actress is brought to the land of an entrepreneurial production "on rain strings."


  • 1974 - "Pure English murder"
  • 1979 - "Moscow does not believe in tears"
  • 1981 - "Carnival"
  • 1985 - "The most charming and attractive"
  • 1990 - "We met strangely"
  • 1993 - "This woman in the window"
  • 1999 - "Love Evil"
  • 2002 - "Casus Belli"
  • 2005-2006 - "Do not be born beautiful"
  • 2007 - "Lenin's Testament"
  • 2008 - "One Night of Love"
  • 2009 - "Chinese Grandma"

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