Polina Maximova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Russian Cameron Diaz is such a comparison of flattering, but also obliges a lot. Polina Maksimova holds a bar. Now no one risens the analogies between the actress and its on-screen heroine, silly blonde from the popular Sitkom. The celebrity is ready for "extremes and abnormalities" for the role, but if the action is not justified by drama, it will be easy to find a hundred reasons so as not to play.

Childhood and youth

Polina was born in the summer of 1989 under the sign of the zodiac cancer. The actors in the family were grandfather and parents. True, in the stories of the daughter, the development of their creative biography was prevented by restructuring. Father earned where it will have to, over time he became a traveler. ON, by the way, the second after Fedor Konyukhova is a person who has crossed the Atlantic Ocean on a rowing boat.

Mom, which, because of a magnificent appearance, take off the sister Polina, in the 2000s settled in the regional theater Noginsk. But her main role is the closest girlfriend, sincere interlocutor, satellite on parties and finely felt Bayer (in women one clothing size).

When the only choice was 12 years old, Vladimir and Svetlana Maximov divorced. Having learned that the fields are going to continue the dynasty, did not divert, only warned that the acting profession is unpredictable. The grandfather advised to accumulate the will and courage to steadily perceive the turns of the fate and storing the loyalty to the chosen case.

To learn the secrets of the Museum of Polina began in childhood in a circle, who attended after school classes. The question with the choice of the university was not stood - only a family alma mater, the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin. Maksimova easily entered the course of Nikolai Afonina, but subsequently regretted that he did not try to "Pike", Gitis and the Studio School MHT.

Studying was not easy, sometimes I wanted to throw it all. Despite the young age, the girl conflicted with teachers who considered it "clown and simply tried to erase into dust."

As an actress's infinite humiliation recalls about the first point in the filmography - Melodrame "Take me with you", in which the daughter of the heroine Anna Lezhelylova played. The film crew showed an amazing arrival at an inexperienced first quarter. Now Maksimova, murdering about cruel student youth, takes a beginner colleagues, the first offers help and stops those who make themselves the star.

Today Polina is sure that he could become a director.

"But this is very difficult. First you need to get an appropriate education, release such pictures by which people would understand what an actress I am. It is necessary to win a credit loan before giving tasks. The director must be an authority for the whole group, he must keep the entire platform. "

Personal life

The personal life of the artist does not differ in stability, in the press every year rumors about the new boyfriend appear. Maximova attribute novels with colleagues and representatives of other spheres.

In conversations with journalists, she willingly talk about their ideals and her husband requirements. She is attracted to a few satellites, Polina does not tolerate "pseudo-delicacy" and stupid nicknames like a bunny or a cat. The Uhager will have to tolerate the difficult character of an ambitious actress, which most of the time devotes to work.

In 2012, Maksimova announced that her boyfriend - Alexey Samsonov, with whom she met on the set of the series "Deffchonki". The actress was openly and described in detail the press, for which he loves the chosen one, celebrated the brutality of a man and the refusal of alcohol and cigarettes. Polina presented him with his parents, starred with him in the release of "House-2" and looked fascinated by the new chosen one.

Fans confused only Alexey's behavior: he continued to flirt with pretty girls. As a result, suspicions were justified. It turned out that the romantic attitudes of the acting couple are a fully adjacent PR-move of the TNT channel. Young people exactly performed guidance instructions: dates, joint photos and walks were part of contracts, and not real feelings.

At that time, Polina had a genuine novel with a well-deserved master of sports, a winner of the Olympic Games for Swimming Nikita Lobintsev. They met in London in 2012 and since then for a long time they did not part, although they lived apart. Young people admitted that it was love at first sight.

The athlete adored Maksimov and did not hide hot feelings. The couple spent all his free time together by visiting museums and theaters, walking through the beautiful places of the city. Nikita, according to the actress, respected her work, did not jealous to surrounding and popularity.

However, love at the distance was too heavy testing. The swimmer was trained in the USA, Maksimova starred in Russia. Despite the conversations about the ambulance, the lovers broke up.

In 2015, in an interview with Maxim Maxim, Polina admitted that she no longer lives with her mother, but there was no one. She found an ideal man, but in no hurry to disclose the identity of the new chosen one.

Soon, the actress was published with Maxim Gurov, whom Paparazzi declared a new boyfriend. According to the photo in "Instagram", the fans concluded that Maximov is pregnant. Rumors about children were exaggerated.

Polina did not deny that the spark between her and Alexey Vorobyev arose. More precisely, relationship with the dream of millions of girls she described as a firework.

In 2019, Maksimova began to live under the roof with Egor Koreshkov, the star of Gorky films and the Eleon Hotel. Partner for the series "257 reasons to live" first provided anonymous signs of attention. Ee bribed the words of a man that when looking at the bald Polina, he wanted to take care of her and defend her.

The extreme haircut of the actress made the sake of the role of a sick cancer. In addition, she also lost 10 kg to 10 kg, so that in another project a small head looked symmetrically in comparison with the body and limbs.

Friends of lovers reported that they had already met each other's parents. Most of all Maksimova was worried about how his father would be perceived. However, Vladimir found Koreshkov's suitable party for his beloved daughter. And shooting in the "Evening Urgant" in April 2020 he was heated assumptions about the soon replenishment in the family, especially since Egor mentioned readiness to continue.

Polina - the owner of a model figure (weight 52 kg with a height of 175 cm), which is not sin to demonstrate in a swimsuit. In 2013, the actress won the title "Sex Bomb TNT" at the "Star TNT" ceremony in the framework of the humorous transfer "Comedy Club". The victory of Maximova tried to challenge Alexander Rev in the form of Arthur Pupboy.

Since 2015, the celebrity is the leading program "such a movie" on the same channel.

Erotic images of spectacular beauty decorated the pages of the "playboy".

"Being on the cover of the famous publication honorable. I normally attribute to frank photo sessions, this is a professional shooting with a professional team, everything is aesthetic. I did not doubt the correctness and I do not regret anything. My parents treated it normally. "

The black and white photo session in the magazine "Maxim" was accompanied by a detailed interview. Polina said that a pretty appearance at the beginning of a career played a cruel joke: almost there were almost no roles in which the directors would not try to undress her.

Maksimova became a guest of the show "Pravda Detector" on Radio Energy, where he stated that he did not make plastic, and the polygraph confirmed that the actress was not lying. Polina with a laugh told about suspicions of Heyters in the "alteration" of the chest and nose, however, in the future she does not plan to resort to the help of surgeons, and the words about operations perceives as a compliment.

Similarly, Maksimova refused to make tattoos. For the heroine of the film "Without me", they had to draw.

The actress loves to experiment, overcome their own fears. In "Instagram", she laid out pictures in colored wigs, jumped from the bridge and with a parachute, dreams of playing a dumb or old man. The star says that you need to justify the surname and do everything to the maximum, 200%.

Theater and films

At the Polina Institute performed the first roles on the theater scene. In the graduation work, "Nrestannica" she reincarnated in Larisa Ogudov, then played in the play set on the play "Blaise" Claude Magnier. That's just in the troupe of the concrete theater Maximov did not join.

The actress flashed in the episodes of paintings "Love on Seine", "bombed", "Angel Wings", "Trail". In the criminal tape, "Citizen Chief" she starred in the role of prisoner prison, in the musical fairy tale "Adventures in the Thif of the Kingdom" - in the form of princes, in a detective "Symin. Retribution "- police investigator.

In the film "The Last Cordon" and the Melodrame "Night Guest" Polina appeared in the foreground.

The image of a representative of golden youth, glamor blonde Lilly Rzhevskaya from Sitkom "Deffchonki", made Maksimov popular. Her heroine was distinguished by the purposefulness, positive, burdens, the ability to "overslee", and then bring everything back to normal.

Polina said that if there was a man, no doubt would fall in love with such a woman. But Lyla is light in nature, and not in relation to life, the image of a fool is deceptive, this such cunning move, to which wise people resort.

The comedy "8 ​​new dates" is the continuation of the Russian-Ukrainian project "8 first dates" with Denis Nikiforov, Catherine Varnava and Svetlana Khodchenkova. In the painting of Marous Weisberg after another quarrel, the main characters receive new partners, sharply contrasting with the previous chosenses. Maksimova played a caring mistress and a sex bomb, the embodiment of the dream of a character of Vladimir Zelensky.

In the melodrame "SOS, Santa Claus, or everything comes true" we were talking about a girl who wants to pick up their parents. Here, the heroine Polina in his husband got a character Sergei Growth, according to the official scenario, who will have to make efforts to implement the pre-holiday child's dream.

The creators of the comedy "I remember, I do not remember" also stated the image of a near-minded beauty. What the actress was delighted, so this is the fact that in the plot in her heroine, character, personality is manifested. In the reviews for the film there was a parody talent of Maximova, exactly transmitted speech and gestures of Natalia Medvedev.

In 2015, the actress received a major role in the Melodrame "Princess from the North". Polina Character is a serious girl, a graduate student who studies the culture of the Arab country Adjahar. Getting there during a business trip, it attracts the attention of the local oligarch.

"Breakfast at Pope" is a comedy on the relationship of fathers and children. Here Maksimova tried on the role of the father's mother's mother's daughter, who from mercenary motives plays a happy family life. The artist played a woman with a fraction of "bitching", which does not have the concept of household and therefore often falling around.

Polina Maksimova and Daria Sagalova

Artyom Mikhalkov attracted Polina to work on the film "Bet for Love" about two buddies, whose friendship circumstances are experiencing on the fortress. The project involved KVN Dmitry Khrustalev star, Alexander Revva, Andrei Burkovsky, who changed the role.

The unattractive character of the cloofeliners from the actress in the Skatchkom "Zomboyashik". The main roles in critique critics were again received by former players of the club fun and resourceful, as well as Ivan Okhlobystin and Olga Buzova.

In March 2017, the spyware series "Devil Hunt" was released on the screens. Maximovoy fans appreciated this work as another step towards getting rid of the role of the sharp. ONO itself came to the site, when the shooting has already begun, and convinced the director to listen to it. As a result, he received the role of Finnish movie star.

Next to such partners, and Andrei Rudensky participated in Caste, Yol Sanko, Sergey Bezrukov, "When the mutual exchange of energy occurs, and play a talenter," actress said.

One of the leading roles got Polina in the detective "Countdown". The girl appeared in the image of the Lieutenant Inhi Gordeeva, which helps the investigator Konstantin Korsakov to keep complex and tangled. Yuri Kolokolnikov, Alexey Vedernikov and Anastasia Lazo became colleagues Maximova on the set.

Over the name of the character of the artist in the youth tape "Only not they" producers have not repeated for a long time. So called - blonde. And other heroes are called strange - botan, bitch, major and psycho. And such people burning lives in fun parties are destined to save the city from monsters and try not to die for themselves. In the fantastic comedy, Polina starred together with Yulia Chlynina, Vladimir Glotov and his grandson Danyl.

A number of critics believe that the path of Maximova to refuse the frivolous image into a movie is more professional from the point of view of acting. Daria Sagalova, for example, found himself in the family and dance. Maria Kozhevnikova survived the charge of acute criticism, becoming a deputy. And Polina is selected and forever dear, and if surprising, then the famous achievements on the screen.

The director who looked in her deep drama, Maksimova considers Kirill Plenev. Colleagues on the acting workshop before that were not personally familiar. Cyril sent Polina a scenario for which she was going to remove the drama "without me." She immediately chose the role of Kira and the first suggested to change the heroine hairstyle, because it believed that the woman was looking like on the verge of a nervous breakdown.

The Plentnev did not believe that the artist would want to make a luxurious lap, and subsequently agreed that Kira should be like a kid and drive on a motorcycle. Every day, for two months, Polina learned to manage a two-wheeled machine and worried not for himself, and for the passenger.

The complete opposite, soft and intelligent Ksyusha, played Love Aksenov. EE Maksimova considers almost a relative, so girls became friends on the set. In general, the actress received an unforgettable energy charge from partners.

According to the plot, Kira and Ksyusha are in love with the same young man (Rinal Mukhametov). Suddenly, the guy dies. After the death of his beloved girls come messages that only this person could send. In the hope of a miracle yesterday's rivals go on a trip, which should reveal the mystery of mysterious messages.

When the Pletnev called Maximov in the "Seven Dinners" painting, it was thinking. A stumbling block has become a frank scene. Contrary to traditions, the shooting was completed not festively, the psychologically project was given hard, although the film released in 2019 is a romantic comedy.

The identity of the director attracted the role of Mom's role to Elena Yakovlev.

"The main investigator of the country" became curious as people, "who were on the other side of the camera, manage and starve into the cinema, and manage the process."

In the plot after five years of living together, the family of the heroes of Polina and Roman Kurysina collapses. The girl does not withstand and asks the spouse to divorce. But suddenly the guy realizes that they are not ready to let go of such a native and loved one.

Then the husband offers her loved by the medical methodology to restore marriage: seven times to dine, but all the time in different conditions. If after this the wife will continue to insist on a divorce, she will receive it.

Music also found a place in the career of Polina. The actress knows as a star of Clips Alexei Vorobyov. The first was the movie to the song "Crazy", then the "most beautiful" came out, "I love you." The Iowa group invited a girl in the clip "Hurt you." She played a police officer, in love with a confectioner who turns out to be a robber.

In 2020 Maksimova sang a duet with a soloist of the Caver Group Just Band Sergey Hiro. The composition served as a soundtrack to the comedy "not only they".

Polina Maksimova now

Along with Anna Nevsky and Yulia Topolnitskaya, Maksimova's Most Talent was shone in the TV series "257 reasons to live." The actress reincarnated to Zhenya carpet, survived by a terrible disease, but an unnecessary nor guy nor her sister nor his colleagues.

Suddenly Kovrov finds a diary, which once wrote down the desire, what she wanted to do if cancer had won. And now she has a chance to realize dreams of life.

Polina noted in this film and a high-quality scenario, and an open position, filled with positive position in relation to oncology. The fact that society still perceives suffering from this disease as a lepers, testified the fact that in the transport from the vruit, the actress of the neighbors tried to transfer away, passersby cracked. Maksimova wore thin hats to confuse anyone.

The international premiere "257 reasons" the authors were going to combine the Caanneseries festival, however, because of the coronavirus pandemic, the look at the Cote d'Azur shutter to October 2020. In the fall of the same year, the long-awaited premiere of the 7th Deffchonok Seasons was held.

The actress is considered hardly the first in its generation in terms of liberty, humor and immediacy. However, with each convenient case, it mentions readiness to play meaningful roles. Therefore, the participation of Maximova in the thriller "Run" did not become unexpected news. The heroine of Polina is engaged in the search for a cruel maniac, and helps her in this athletics champion with paranormal abilities to see on the run past. Together with Evgeny Romantov, also withdrawn in this picture, Polina appeared in the Studio of "Evening Urgant". The actors shared some details of the work on the film.


  • 2008 - "Wings of Angel"
  • 2009 - "Take me with you - 2"
  • 2010 - "Citizen Chief"
  • 2011 - "The last cordon. Continuation"
  • 2013-2020 - "Deffchonki"
  • 2015 - "8 new dates"
  • 2015 - "SOS, Santa Claus, or everything will come true!"
  • 2016 - "Breakfast of Pope"
  • 2016 - "Countdown"
  • 2016 - "Devil Hunt"
  • 2017 - "Zomboyashik"
  • 2018 - "Without me"
  • 2018 - "Only not they"
  • 2019 - "Seven dinners"
  • 2020 - "257 reasons to live"

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