Arthur Vaha - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, films, nationality, Victoria Romanenko 2021



Arthur Vaha is the famous Russian actor and cinema actor, Honored Artist of Russia, the leader of the Music Group "Flying". He pleases the fans with irrepressible talent, in which expression and temperament harmoniously intertwined with St. Petersburg intelligence.

Childhood and youth

Waha was born in Leningrad on January 13, 1964. He is a leaving of the creative family. The mother of the will of Vasilyevna, Ukrainian by nationality, became the famous director and acting teacher, although in his youth realized as an architect. Father Victor Waha, whose ancestors were Estonians and Germans, was an actor. An unusual last name is translated from Estonian as "wax". Parents failed to preserve the family and when the son turned 3 years old, diverged. Arthur remained with his mother.

Most of the childhood, Waha Jr. lived in a communal on the Robespierra embankment. At that time, the boy did not even dreamed about going at the footsteps of the parents. He wanted to become a surgeon and treat people, but to embody this desire was able only to the TV series "Lines of Fate", where Suzdaltsev's doctor played.

At school, Arthur did not develop with study. Because of his restlessness, four educational institutions had to change. He also visited a music school, but also there was no longer a long time: the guy was predetermined creative biography.

Waha's first went on stage at 7 years old. The first experience for him became a surprise. When a schoolboy once came to the rehearsal of the mother, he noted directed by Vladimirov, who worked as an assistant to Waha.

Since Arthur did not like to learn, in his table for the 8th grade there were alone troops. Nobody wanted to translate it further, and the young man did not burn in vocational school. Therefore, he gathered with the forces and went to Nizhny Novgorod to enroll in the theater school, but also could not bring the work started to the end.

It was not allowed before exams, the young man was forced to go home. To do was able only to the Music-Hall Studio, where his mother was taught. There Waha received the first acting skills. He studied the art of a conversational genre and parallel to the exteronic ending the "decade".

In 1980, Arthur was able to become a student of Ligitmik, where Vladimir Petrov became a mentor. His classmates were Larisa Guzeeva and Alexander Lykov. In this school, the guy first felt that he could play and interest the viewer.


When Waha graduated from the institute, he was invited to work in the St. Petersburg Comedy Theater named after Nikolai Akimov. There, the actor entrusted a serious work - the image of Sir Eggikik in the play of Shakespeare "Twelfth Night". Arthur has tried not to resemble the famous artists who have already played this role, but to play it in a new way, adding their own paints and personal vision of the main character.

In addition, the artist in the comedy theater had many famous images, among whom it is impossible not to mention Clert in "Passion on Molver", shadow in Schwartz's play, characters in the "generation talents" and "eat filed". Once Arthur even managed to play five roles in Antenpuriza "Death of Tarelkin".

Arthur Viktorovich served in the theater until 2002. After that, applied for dismissal, but did not stop playing the comedy theater. The artist has become a kind of "free artist" and only in 2005 replaced his native scene to the theater. Lensovet.

Arthur Waha and Yuri Stoyanov

The first role in the new place is Andrei Babich in the "Sleeping Conspiracy". Many critics still consider this work the most important and best for all the time of Creative career Wahi on stage. The artist was also busy in such productions as "Barbaras", "Reserve", "Death of the Comm Worved".

In 2015, Arthur Viktorovich, together with colleagues and friends, created the Music Group "Flying File" ", with which he successfully performs on theatrical stage of the Northern Capital.

The creativity of the collective is striking his fans by the atmosphericism of the execution of copyright works, as well as songs on the verses of famous poets: Alexander Bloka, Nikolai Gumileva, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Joseph Brodsky, Eduard Bagritsky. Photos from the speeches of the group often fall on the personal page of the actor in "Instagram".


The debut work of Wahi in the cinema - the embodiment of one of the heroes of the Comedy "Benbankda" Yuri Mine. Up to this point, he appeared several times in episodic roles of small telecons, but they were all minor. Then on Arthur fell from directories. The film at the film Artist was becoming more popular.

The actor's real popularity brought his role a bold and gambling player, the present conqueror of female hearts in the movie "named Baron". And the director, and Arthur Viktorovich himself was delighted with the result, which received their joint creative work. And in the picture "Female Roman" Waha played honest Peter Soldatanov. After the death of his wife, the hero falls into depression, to get rid of which a new love helps him.

In 1999, Arthur Viktorovich became a well-deserved artist of Russia. But for him the status is not important, the main thing is love and recognition of the viewer. The artistry and the skill of reincarnation allow the celebrities to create a variety of images on the screen - from military, rockers, pimps, doctors and criminal authorities to alcoholics, as in the popular criminal detective "Mentings of Wars - 3" (2007).

Vakha doubled the role of Brezhnev - in the tapes "Brezhnev" (2005) and "Furtseva" (2011). According to the artist, it took him without samples into these projects, due to the external similarity of the makeup was minimal - only the eyebrows were stuck.

The actor is often invited to serials with star composition, which are simply doomed to success. For example, in the military drama "Goodbye, boys" (2014), Vladimir Vidovichekov, Andrei Sokolov, Maria Shukshin, and others became colleagues.

Arthur Vaha - biography, personal life, photo, news, actor, films, nationality, Victoria Romanenko 2021 21137_2

Celebrity repertoire is calculated by hundreds of work. Most Kinokartin Waha played the role of the second plan, but there is in his filmography and projects with central characters: "Hare, fried in Berlin", "Lucky Pasha", "dear", "Angel jokes", "satellites", "Forgotten Woman "," Moth "," Wind of Changes "," Five minutes of silence ".

In 2018, the audience could see the actor in such projects as "one" detectives, "five minutes of silence. Return ", Melodramas" Deception "," Shutchiks. Continued "," just a novel ", the spyware" say goodbye ", the criminal drama" Kupchino "and the Thriller" House with black cats ".

In a detective, "Kupchino", in which Arthur Viktorovich appeared in the image of the local authority of Dmitry Samoilov, the action occurs in the early 80s. In the center of events, two militiamen are fundamental to Vasilich (Alexey Kravchenko) and an intern Fyodor (Grigory Nekrasov). The hero of a similar role, an artist presented in the melodrama "Shutchiks. Continuation".

In 2019, the Comedy "Baker and Beauty", "Holop", Melodrama "Step Fortunately" came out with the participation of the actor, "Pregnancy - 2", "Snow Queen", drama "in a cage" and more.

Then, in the piggy bank of the roles of Arthur Viktorovich, criminal detectives "Hunting for the singer" were added, "Women's version. Catcher shower "," Green van. A completely different story ", Ironic detective" old frames "and many others.

Personal life

About the personal life of the actor knows a bit. He has a daughter Mary, with which the celebrity supports friendly relations. Waha listens to the opinion of his daughter and is attentive and caring father. Mary even once played with him in the play "Rustic Wife". But with her mother, the actress of the comedy theater Irina Tsvetkov, Arthur Viktorovich since 1996, in a divorce, but they remained friends.

After parting with his wife, Waha repeatedly repeated that his heart was open to new relationships, but she does not consider himself. He will be happy if he could find a woman with whom will create a family where children will appear. However, for the sake of the notorious "glass of water" Arthur Viktorovich does not intend to compromise with chosenses.

Waha prefers outdoor activities. Friends know how much the actor loves motorcycles. In the interruptions between the filming, he constantly drives on the iron horse, travels and discovers new places. In his free time, pays attention to extreme sports - diving and parachute jumps. Arthur Viktorovich has a hard character, but at the same time he himself is an easy to rise and surround himself with the same people.

In 2018, rumors appeared in the media that the actor was the second time for the second time. The supposedly of Ivan's Son from him gave birth to Victoria Romanenko, known by the lead role in the television film "Svetlana". In November 2019, in an interview with Boris Korchevnikov, Waha confirmed this information to the "Fate of Man". Moreover, Arthur Viktorovich said that in the future intends to make Victoria offer. The difference in the age of lovers is 24 years old.

Arthur Waha now

Now the actor filmography is replenished with serials. In 2021, the premiere of the 16-serial drama "An hour before dawn", in which Waha, Konstantin Khabensky, Andrei Burkovsky, Arthur Smolyaninov, etc. The plot unfolds in 1946 was played. Returning from the war Lieutenant Zhuravlev is satisfied with the service in the police. The department under the command of Major Societary was tasked with at any cost to bring order in the city and destroy the tick gang.

In 2021, the actor's theater repertoire included the drama "fake note" and "breasts".


  • 1990 - "Benbard"
  • 2002 - "named Baron"
  • 2005 - "Brezhnev"
  • 2009 - "Palm Sunday"
  • 2012 - "Eighties"
  • 2012 - "Freud Method"
  • 2014 - "Gena Concrete"
  • 2014 - "Pregnancy Test"
  • 2015 - "Battalion"
  • 2015 - "Tikhonov Investigator"
  • 2016 - "Irckka"
  • 2016 - "Shutchiks"
  • 2017 - "Salute-7"
  • 2018 - "Kupchino"
  • 2018 - "I will not say goodbye"
  • 2019 - "Pregnancy Test-2"
  • 2019 - "Hop"
  • 2019 - "Step Fortunately"
  • 2020 - "Women's version. Catcher Shower »
  • 2020 - "Notes Hotelier # Gelving"
  • 2020 - "Mawai"
  • 2020 - "Just imagine what we know"
  • 2020 - "Burning bridges"
  • 2020 - "Old Frames"
  • 2020-2021 - "An hour before dawn"

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