Glafira Tarkhanova - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, children, husband, "ferryrs", main roles 2021



The shooter Tarkhanov is called an actress without age: being a large mother, still convincingly playing young heroines. The celebrity claims that he does not think about the years, but does not intend to maintain a two-way appearance with the help of plastic surgery. Tarkhanova is convinced that the plastic makes everyone the same, besides, the "corrected" beauty looks well on the screen, and in real life it makes an unpleasant impression in real life.

Childhood and youth

Glafira was born in the near Moscow factory city of Elektrostal in the fall of 1983, under the sign of Zodiac Scorpio. Tarkhanov, who served in the puppet theater, were dramatically distinguished on a general background. Parents gave unusual names to children. In addition to the older head, the daughter of Ilaria and the son of Miron grew in the family. Even the balls on the heads at the Glafira differed from those who were tied to classmates: thin and satin, made the hostess even more sophisticated.

From the early years, every day of Head was painted by the hour. The girl attended the synchronous swimming sections and figure skating, engaged in ballroom dancing, folk singing and went to a music school where he studied to play violin. Still managed to learn English, go to a physical and mathematical school and even six months spend at the local film school. There was no time to walk. But, as Tarkhanova recognized, everything that he learned in childhood and early youth, it was useful in adulthood.

Parents of Hearts dreamed of seeing a senior daughter by a doctor. Father blinded due to severe illness and died when the younger brother and sister Tarkhanova were small. The future actress had to help the mother. Glafira and herself wanted to go to medical, but before the end of the school changed his mind, deciding to become an opera singer.

Attempts to dissuade Tarkhanov did not succeed: when stepped off the shooter to scare and repel the desire to become an excursion to the Schukinskaya school, where the entrance exams gave themselves, then received the opposite effect. The girl strengthened in the desire to go this way.

Tarkhanova entered the College of Music and Theatrical Art named after G. P. Vishnevskaya by choosing the Opera Office. Later, the actress told that there was no formed opera voice at that time. But the bold applicant, who risked to act, despite the absence of the necessary data, apparently accepted in the form of an experiment. Heart, of course, did not grow up the opera singer, but considered years spent in college, an important stage in a creative biography.


In 2001, graduating from college. Vishnevskaya, Tarkhanova treated documents to theatrical universities of Moscow. From those in which she took, chose a MCAT school studio. The artist was crazy about the talented leader of Konstantin Raykin. Soon the noving star was entrusted with a small character in the "Shankler" stage, which was set in Satirikon. Glafira coped and received the following role.

The image of the polyca in the play "Recreation" highly appreciated critics and audience. Tarkhanov compared with Maria Babanova. The next bright heroine went to Richard III play. For labor and talent, the shooter was awarded the prestigious award "Crystal Turandot".

At that period, Tarkhanov had received proposals from film directories. But the performer often refused for employment in the theater. Glafira stage preferred the shooting area. For example, for the sake of work here, the actress refused to participate in the remake of "human amphibian", although the primary role was offered in a fantastic melodraman.

In 2005, at the end of the School-Studio MCAT, Tarkhanova officially received to serve in Satirikon. Today, Glafira is the leading theater actress. The most significant performances on this scene are "Masquerade", "King Lear" and "Wheel of Fortune", where the beloved of the writer Dukhov (Stanislav Bondarenko) was playing.


On the screens of Tarkhanov debuted in the student. At first, invitations were received on the role of the second plan in the paintings "Theater Blues" and "Joke". Almost immediately, the performer found its role of an elegant lyrical heroine. Glafira is pleased. The actress believes that the evil fury in the TV and so enough. The main cistern in which the Glakhira works - melodrama.

The more serious character Tarkhanova played in the "death of the empire". The film was for the beginner artist of the real school of mastery, because played at one platform with recognized masters: Konstantin Khabensky, Andrei Krasko, Nina Uncet and Marat Basharov. The tape had low ratings on the first channel. The general producer Alexander Faifman explained the failure of the high quality of the content, to which the mass spectator was not ready.

The Heroine Nastya helped the famous shooter was helped in the dramatic series of "Gromov", released on screens in 2006. After a successful image, a young performer was recognized on the streets, and the directories began to receive proposals from the directories.

Another significant work for the actress is filmman on the work of Fedor Dostoevsky "Demons". In the gloomy psychological and philosophical picture of Tarkhanov played Lizaven Stavrogin. Did not stop the book and the fact that to participate in the "demons" had to learn how to ride well.

In 2007, the shooter happened to appear in the foreground in the Criminal Project "For three days in Odessa". The Creator of the tape Alexei Pimanov shared that she planned to remove a "good film about love." After the premiere in the newspaper Kommersant, Lydia Maslova's article was published, in which the critic described the plot as a "good film about love for the rule of law."

In 2010, the filmography of the artist was replenished with the role of the director of the director of the Watchman "Divorce", where Glafira's partner worked on the site Danila Danunaev. Colleagues depicted spouses Natalia and Roman, who after 10 years of living together and the birth of two children discover that they became someone else's people. Fans of the genre left mixed reviews about melodrame.

Glafira Tarkhanova - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, children, husband,

From the projects in which Tarkhanova appeared later, it is worth noting the Motheric Music Film of 2014 "Courage". The author of the painting and the novel of the same name - Alexander Stefanovich. In the artistic work, the director reflected experience in the Russian show business and relations with the former spouse Alla Pugacheva. The main heroine of Gaul was played by the actress "Lenk" Alexander Volkova. Casting for a character was six months. With a wolver rival about 500 contenders.

In 2015, Glafira starred in the rating television series "Treason", which went on the TNT channel. The comedy Vadim Perelman and Alexei Volynsky turned out to be successful. The premiere seen every 4th resident of Russia aged 18 to 30 years. The critic of the "Komsomol Pravda" Anna Baluyeva called the film by intriguing.

In 2018, Tarkhanova pleased the fans of their creativity in a new way in a cinema detective. The actress performed the main role of the psychologist Ulyana Sinitsyn, the ideas of the doctoral dissertation of which helps the investigator Igor Levin (Sergey Gubanov) in the investigation of the confused murder. The picture show successfully started on the TVC channel, the following project seasons were almost immediately started. The fans of the genre generally responded positively about the plot.

Glafira Tarkhanova - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, children, husband,

Then the actress repertoire has replenished new melodramas, which started on the "Russia-1" and TVC channels. In the film "The Third Should Leave" Glafira embodied on the screen the image of an exemplary spouse that faces the husband's meanness. Anatoly Rudenko spoke out a partner on the set.

In 2019, Tarkhanov starred in the mysterious TV series "Witch". The picture at first attracted the audience a scenario, which left questions about the main heroine (Anastasia Stitch). But the execution of the plan did not like the users of the network. On the "Kinopoisk" project scored 5.5 points out of 10, and on the "Ozzovik" website - 2.4 of 5.

In March 2020, the "Ferry" telenovella came to the screens, in which Tarkhanov performed a major role. In an interview with Artist told that the film is a "maternal story about a strong woman", which is close to the glame.

Tele Show

In October 2016, Tarkhanova accepted a proposal from the leaders of the channel "Yu" on participation in the program "Save my child", in which the actress took the TV presenter. Each release of the transfer was devoted to a rare childhood disease and methods of treatment.

In 2016, the 10th season of the show "Dancing with the Stars" started on the TV channel "Russia-1", where Glafira participated. In the partners, the artist got a professional dancer and choreographer Evgeny Papunaishvili. The couple fought until the final, where he entered the top five winners.

Personal life

Personal life Tarkhanova has long been adjusted. With a future husband, an actor of the Small Theater, Alexei Faddeev, Glafira met on the set of the film "Chronicles of Ada" in 2005. For a long time to meet in busy colleagues, it was not found, and the confidence in the feelings turned out to be solid. Therefore, 3 months after the acquaintance, young people got married.

During filming, Tarkhanova was already pregnant with the first child in the picture "Beria Hunt". In February 2008, Glafira and Alexey had the firstborn of the roots. The birth was safely, despite the fact that the future mother practically did not sit on the decole: the shooting schedule remained dense to the very finals of pregnancy. In May, the artist has already returned to work, which had to take a tiny boy.

After 2 years, the second son of Ermolai appeared, and after 2 - Gordes. In children "in Tarkhanovsky" sonorous names. In the spring of 2017, the press appeared information that Tarkhanov was again in the position. In September, Glafira gave birth to younger Nikifora. The actress almost immediately appeared in public and went along with the baby on tour with entrepreneurship.

A year later, the artist appeared with the story about his life on the air of the program Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man". Tarkhanova denied rumors that he was pregnant for the fifth time, although he did not rule out that in the future one more baby would give birth to. The Glafira confirmed that in the frank scenes shown in the films of "Treason" and "Lovers", a double was filmed. Celebrity avoids appearance in the frame in nude.

The children of Tarkhanova were born in the home atmosphere with the participation of professional midwife. Similar experience experienced mother actresses. The decision not to go to the Majda Rodov explained the fear of the "conveyor" and the desire to obtain individual care and attention.

In the spring of 2019, Glafira became the guest of the Cyrus program of the Stouthern "Wife. The story of love, "where he told about the family and how to combine a career in the cinema and Satyrikon with the upbringing of kids. The origins of competent time planning are in childhood artist. Parents taught the girl to have a good time and paint the day in minutes.

Tarkhanova leads a personal account in "Instagram", where personal photos and the announcements of films are accommodated. Glafira is not only a talented actress, but also a bright model. The star often places pictures on the social network in a swimsuit and tight dresses, demonstrating an excellent figure. When height 172 cm, the weight of the performer does not exceed 57 kg.

As the actress told in an interview, the figure after every childbirth restored massages. And yoga exercises helped to lose weight on those extra 20 kg, which Tarkhanov gained during pregnancy. Looking at the account account, it is not difficult to guess that the hostess likes to participate in photo shoots. In addition, a "Russian Silhouette" charitable calendar was filmed.

Glafira Tarkhanova now

Now the actress is still in demand in the Russian TV series. In 2021, in addition to new projects, Tarkhanova was filmed in the continuation of the pool and "ferozhdar" by the audience. The heroine of the first film of Glafira loves the mind and talent, and the second is for honesty and maternal feelings.

Does not forget Tarkhanov and go to the scene. In the season of 2021, the celebrity decided not to stop at the native "Satirone" and go on tour in Russia. The most expected for theatrians was the performance of "Aventurers inevitable". Mainly due to the artist of the leading role of Paulil.


  • 2003 - "Theatrical Blues"
  • 2006 - "Demes"
  • 2006 - "Gromov"
  • 2006 - "Lovers"
  • 2007 - "Three days in Odessa"
  • 2007 - "Urgently in the room"
  • 2009 - "Other souls"
  • 2011 - "The best friend of the family"
  • 2011 - "Aliens Wings"
  • 2014 - "Golden Bride"
  • 2016 - "Letter of Hope"
  • 2017 - "Blues for September"
  • 2017 - "Good Intent"
  • 2018 - "Sichka"
  • 2018 - "The third must go"
  • 2019 - "Witch"
  • 2019 - "At the pier"
  • 2020 - "Ferry"
  • 2021 - "I will start everything first"

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