Roman Mayakin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Movies for Roman Mayakina - a way to make life more interesting. Perhaps, therefore, the actor has such a variety of images from a drug addict to the investigator, from Biker to real estate agent. He is ready to be filmed in projects regardless of the genre, but between family and work will choose the first.

Childhood and youth

Roman Mayakin was born in the small industrial near Moscow town of Noginsk under the sign of the zodiac twin. Parents are people with technical education. No one in the family was not connected with art, unless not counting the sister, which went to the TV presenters, is true, unsuccessfully. While the novel studied at school, no one came to mind that the simple Noginsky boy in the future would become an actor, and also famous for the whole country.

School love has led him to the acting profession. The girl who he liked was engaged in the studio at the Noginsky Theater. In Love Mayakin came there following her and dragged himself. Love passed, and the theater remained. When the student graduated from school, he did not have any doubts about choosing a future profession.

The young man filed documents at once to five theatrical universities of Moscow and the competition was held at all. The choice in front of the applicant was not easy, but in the end the MCAT studio fell on the Studio School, because Oleg Tabakov studied a friend of the future actor.

In Mkate, Roman entered the course of People's Artist of the RSFSR Alla Pokrovskaya, who played Vladimir Vysotsky's mother in the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for living, "and two honored artists of Russia - the novel Kozak and Dmitry Brusnikna.

The director Brusnikin immediately drew attention to the student and offered him a small one, but a serious role in his own detective TV series "Moore is Moore." It was the debut of the novel to the cinema, and the young artist endured him adequately, proven himself to a professional.

Having received a diploma of higher education, Mayakin joined the Taroupe of the Moscow Academic Theater named after Mossoveta.

Personal life

To the chagrin of many fans and surprise of lovers to identify the actor with the hero, whom he plays, Roman Mayakin is an exemplary family man. Although it is difficult to say, for example, according to the celebrity account in "Instagram", where the photo of his wife and children is rare. The page is dedicated to work and shooting, and thousands of subscribers are followed by updates.

Together with his wife, Elena Kouleheva, he lives in his own house under Noginsky and raises four children - Andrei, Anna, Julia and Misha. Elena has his own small business. Older children are engaged in music.

Roman is joking that the real musical group will grow up. The younger Misha parents lead to the sports section.

Before marriage, the novel had a serious relationship with a colleague on the workshop. Life with the actress reminded the theater, and in the end it is tired of it. With Elena Mayakina introduced a relative. At that time, the future spouse of the artist was married, and three older children appeared in her first marriage.

In his youth, Roman survived the tragedy - the mother died from cancer, the father was killed, then sister died in an accident. By 17, the young man remained alone and experienced the need for care and mental intimacy with an understanding person.

"Under the word" care "I mean not the fact that she was washing socks and borshed. This is a broader concept that the love and feeling of heat, security implies.

In 2019, it became known that Roman and Elena parted. Moreover, the gap occurred a year ago, and all this time the ex-spouse hid information from the public. The actor did not call the exact cause of the divorce:

"I suddenly realized that I began to move in another direction. But Lena did not go after me. "

Mayakin told: on their general son, the gap did not affect. He spoke with Michael on this matter, and the boy realized that parents parted, but still love him. With Elena, the actor retained the warm relationship.

Immediately after that, rumors appeared that the novel occurs with a colleague of the anfisa of black. They filmed together in the show "The Last Hero". Once a man called her "Paradise bird that decorates the team." And then they appeared together at the end of the premiere of Tht-Premier Studios projects. The actors held hands, cute talked and did not leave each other all evening. However, official confirmation of relations did not follow.

In 2020, Mayakin found happiness in his personal life. In early February, in a secrecy event, he was noticed with a charming stranger. It turned out that the girl is called Sofia Cofman. It works in the field of Piara and has nothing to do with show business.

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It seems that the novel took serious momentum. Couple spends a lot of time, travels. And in one of the interviews, the actor said at all that he was thinking about the wedding. True, he does not want to arrange a lush celebration. There will be a modest dinner in a circle of loved ones and native people.

Immediately after filming in the TV series "Let's find each other", in March 2020, the novel, together with his girlfriend Sofia went on holidays in Asia. The couple planned to spend a couple of weeks abroad, but Quarantine broke all the plans. When Mayakin and his chosen was reached by Angkor Wat, Russia closed the borders for foreign citizens. And since Sofia is a citizen of Germany, at least many years live in the Russian Federation, the pair had to stay in another country for several months.

Quarantine Roman and Sofia decided to wait for Bali. They managed to avoid infection with coronavirus infection. However, the pair picked up another terrible disease - dengue fever, which is transferred to mosquitoes. I had to lie down with high temperatures and weakness for two weeks.

When quarantine measures began to weaken, Roman and Sofia flew to Singapore. Mayakin admitted that it was impressed with this city. For several decades, he turned into the largest global business center from a small village. And in mid-July, the couple returned to Russia.


Probably the most memorable role of Mayakina in the theater them. Mossoveta became King Herod in the musical based on the famous rock opera Andrew Lloyd Weber "Jesus Christ - Superstar".

An convincingly played a young actor and Hermorord in a familiar to any student of the comedy Nikolai Gogol "Auditor". In the play "collapsed", the novel embodied the image of Don Rodrigo, and in the play "Sirano de Bergerac" - Gii and Brisayl.

Almost all the time the artist gave the family and filming, so only episodic roles received on stage, and in the troupe, it was listed as an invited actor. Mayakin confessed in an interview that he lost interest in the repertoire of theater and plans to leave him soon.

Artist is interesting to ultra-modern theatrical experiments, so it cooperates with young and no one with not well-known directors.


The actor filmography includes many works. Roman starred in the "Marsha Turkish", "Glukhara", "wedding ring", "eighties", "always say" always "" and in many other familiar to the viewer of multi-sized films. In the series "Toys" he got one of the main roles - a friend of Dima Misha Suvorov, who in the 40th series marries Vare.

Invited artist and in a serious full-length movie, and not someone, but Nikita Mikhalkov himself. In the sequel "tired by the Sun" Roman played a cadet. Static (height 185 cm, weight 95 kg) and a pretty young man reliably conveyed the desired image.

With Christina Brodskaya and Alexander Feklish, Roman starred in the melodrama "Tatianin Night" about the only daughter of Professor Moscow State University, who became a call girl. In the TV series "Shopping Center", Mayakina got the role of the fiance of the main character, he played the same character in the comedy "traffic light".

The actor's real love of the viewer brought the image of Vadik in the melodrama "Sweet Life", successful in the work and unavomable in a romantic relationship. Mary Shumakova played his wife, and his mistress - Lucheria Ilyashenko. Interestingly, running through the script for the first time, the novel wanted to refuse a role, but then changed his mind, which never regretted. The artist sees in this entertainment, at first glance, the project is a serious mission - to teach the viewer not to repeat the figurative scenarios, but such typical mistakes typical in real life.

The first season of the series came out in 2014. He received positive feedback and sufficient rating for the TV channel approved the continuation. In May 2015, the fictional biographies of six 30-year-old Muscovites who live, without refusing themselves, received long-awaited development.

Heroes face problems, the series emphasizes the attention of the audience on what is happening if you live just as you want. As a result, men turn out to be at the very bottom and in different ways they are trying to return to the comfort zone.

In May 2016, the 3rd season of "Sweet Life" came out. Story lines of characters receive natural development. Part of the heroes trying to return the former carefree existence, part of the surrender, the part finds other meanings. But the main idea of ​​the season becomes the fact that after the upheaval life does not develop the same as it was before.

In the comedy "to change" a character, causing pity, came to change the appearance of women - the victim of family tyranny Sergey. Anna Tarautkina was performed in the role of the wife of the chief hero.

In the same 2016, Roman Mayakin fulfilled the role of a hypocritical Parashka Igor, the enemy of the main character, in the comedy TV series "You all mess me." The picture tells about the journalist Sone (Svetlana Khodchenkova), which is distinguished by an unpleasant, plump and prickly character. At the same time, even a drop of alcohol turns sophia into a friendly and cute girl, which is extremely annoying a journalist.

Then the actor together with his wife Elena visited the show "Where is the logic?". They played against Garika Harlamov and Timur Batrutdinov.

In 2017, Roman fulfilled the main role in the comedy TV series "Favorites" on how a former ambulance doctor falls into the veterinary clinic, which does not like four-legged patients. The project is devoted to the daily life of veterinarians, shows both the difficulties of communication and diagnosis of patients who cannot tell themselves about the disease, and introduces the viewers with a professional humor and with joy from the fact that another fluffy patient will happily live a healthy life.

In November 2017, the comedy series "Psychologies" came to the screens. The main characters are three graduates of the Faculty of Psychology, who met 10 years after the end of the university. They saw that knowledge would not help to establish a personal life, and decided to unite to provide psychological help to each other. The novel appeared in the image of a married man in whom, despite professional ethics, heroine Anastasia Panina falls in love.

Another film with the participation of the actor was the short criminal comedy "Rusiano", the title of which was the neologism invented by Dmitry Medvedev.

In 2018, the artist performed a major role in the psychological drama "Trigger" ("provokator") about the psychologist (Maxim Matveyev) with copyright treatment of patients - an insult and provocation to aggression. Along with Matilda, Alexei Master, TV series "Major" and "ordinary woman" film is represented in Cannes in the international television content of MIPcom.

In the criminal drama "Perfect Enemy" Mayakin played a businessman's bodyguard who is forced to join the investigation of the murder of his wife, because it is suspected of a connection with the husband of the investigator. The main roles in the picture were performed by Maria Mashkova and Dmitry Ulyanov.

In the same year, the novel finished working on the TV series "Presumption of Nevinosity", in which Olga Budina, Nikita Panfilov, Alik Zhukhova, Daniel Svivakovsky became its partners. The action unfolds around the lawyer who fell into disfavor to the police after successfully "otmazal" from prison as a killer.

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In September 2019, the novel gave a frank interview with Boris Korchevnikov in the program "The Fate of Man". He spoke that during the pregnancy of the first spouse was thick - his weight was 130 kg. When the artist felt that he had reached a certain bottom, he decided to take a weight loss - bought a subscription to the fitness room and sat down on a tough diet. He expressed special thanks to Elena, who supported him in that difficult period. The fight against extra kilograms was successful: the novel managed to throw 50 kg.

In 2019, the actor was pleased with the fans of the Comedy "Lovers" with the participation of Alexandra Bortich, Paulina Andreva and Maria Shalava. Women are going to revenge former husbands, and then decide to put the exposure of incorrect. The latter fell and the hero of Mayakina. After a 4-year break, Nikita Jigurd appeared in front of the camera, the music for the painting was written by Diana Arbenin.

The novel is involved in the production project Alexander Tekalo called "Port". The detective talks about the customs officer-a bribemer, which turned out to be in front of the choice - to give up blackmail or losing a favorite woman.

The series "257 reasons to live" received a prize in the nomination "Movement. Towards "at the Festival of Motion Cinema. 257 is the number of items in terms of the future, composed of a child with cancer. Roman Mayakin plays with Anna Nevsky and Polina Maximova, who had already met in the Sitkom Deffchonki. The award the creators of the picture were divided with the authors of the thriller "Dead Lake", where the main role was performed by Evgeny Tsyganov.

Roman Mayakin now

The main premiere of 2020 was the series "Trigger", in which the novel played a friend of the main character. Leading roles in the dramatic project went to Maxim Matveyev and Svetlana Ivanova.

August 31 on the TV channel "Russia-1" started a new series "Let's find each other", where Mayakin played one of the main characters. By the way, caste melodrama can be called starry. In addition to the novel, Alexander Nikiforova, Artem Tkachenko, Andrei Sokolov, Ivan Stebunov, Tatyana Lutaeva took part in the filming.

The series consists of 16 episodes. Shots organized Cosmos Studio film company, they were mainly carried out in the Crimea. Dmitry Cherkasov became the director.

The plot of melodrama is acute and fascinating. Anna Novikova is in love and is preparing to become a wife of Maxim Maxim. Together with the chosen one, she comes to the seaside town to get acquainted with his parents who are in those edges very influential people. The girl is able to charm the head of the Boris Vershinin family and brothers of the groom. But the owner of the house Nina Georgievna is not glad at all.

However, the conflict with mother-in-law is Polwy. The city in which the girl came, brings the memories of the murder of her family. Anna has a desire to find a criminal and reveal the circumstances of the death of parents. She begins to investigate. Requireless actions of the girl lead to the fact that it will twist the secrets of the verthin. Once a strong and friendly family turns out to be on the verge of split, and the Anne itself threatens a deadly danger.

For 2021, the release of two paintings with the actor participation is scheduled. Got a continuation of the series "257 reasons to live." In the 2nd season, the main heroine of Zhenya will meet two important people in her fate - the father of Alexander, with whom the relationship interrupted many years ago, and the new Uhager Maxim. The girl will again be drawn into the whirlpool of other people's problems.

Now in the production is the series "Clinic of Happiness". He tells about Alena Lipnitskaya - a professor-sexologist and an endocrinologist, the founder of the "clinic of happiness". Woman you will not give more than 35 years, whereas in reality it turns 50. She developed the author's technique, which literally returns the youth and joy of life.


  • 2007 - "Law and Order: Department of Operational Investigations -2"
  • 2007 - "Turkish March"
  • 2009 - "Ceremc"
  • 2010 - "Trees"
  • 2010 - "Tired by the Sun 2: the upcoming"
  • 2011 - "Eighties"
  • 2011 - "Riddle for Faith"
  • 2012-2017 - "Deffchonki"
  • 2014 - "Sit"
  • 2014 - 2016 - "Sweet Life"
  • 2016 - "You all take me away"
  • 2017 - "Psychologies"
  • 2017 - "Rusiano"
  • 2018 - "Trigger"
  • 2018 - "Presumption of Innocence"
  • 2019 - "Lovers"
  • 2019 - "Highly Over France"
  • 2019 - "My Angel"
  • 2020 - "257 reasons to live"
  • 2020 - "Let's find each other"
  • 2020 - "Crystal trap"

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