Ekaterina Vasilyeva - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



In his youth, they say, Ekaterina Vasilyeva wanted to go to the monastery, but did not receive permissions from the private confessor. Now the actress belongs to a narrow circle of colleagues, which can choose roles and refuse not only from an incomprehensible project, but also if the blessing of the father is not given. The star "Come on me to see", "Crew" and "Cherryaev" threw a career in its very full swing, preferring spiritual search for material benefits. However, the actress in the cinema returned because it does not know how to make money differently, and you need help with close people.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Sergeevna Vasilyeva was born on August 15, 1945 in the family of Moscow intellectuals. Pope Sergey Vasilyev is a famous Russian songwriter, which was among the top ten most published in the USSR. Mom Olympiad Makarenko - Niece of the teacher and writer Anton Semenovich Makarenko.

Ekaterina Vasilyeva in youth

There were no own children from the founder of the colonies for the streets, and the Olympics after the disappearance of the Father, the White Guard officer, was brought up by Uncle. Ekaterina's parents met at the very end of the war. In addition to Kati, the family smashed the younger son Anton, subsequently became a publicist, director and ecologist.

When the Kate was 12 years old, Dad and Mom decided to divorce. Father did not help her family too much, and Catherine had to work to support mom. During the day, the girl spread the mail, and in the evening he ran to theatrical studio. The time for the lessons was catastrophically lacked, and Katya was not the best student. In 1962, Vasilyeva becomes a student of the famous Vgika.


In the theater university, Catherine fell into the workshop of Belokurov. Here she immediately takes place among the brightest and talented ones. Sergey Solovyov, who studied with Vasilyeva, recalled her as a completely irresistible and relaxed girl. At the same time, Katya, to put it mildly, did not hear an attractive. But high, with bright red hair and cigarette in the teeth, which did not consider to use a strong Material Sideways Vasilyev, surrounded all the attention. And the recognized beauties are spinning somewhere around it.

Ekaterina Vasilyeva in the play

Immediately after the end of Vgika Vasilyev, they admit to the theater named after Yermolova. In 1970, the actress goes to the "contemporary". For 3 years, she played many roles here, but in 1973 he left this theater for service in the famous Mkat.

Ekaterina Vasilyeva herself later recalls these years as the best in the creative biography, because at that moment the composition of Mkhat was truly star. Theater with experience remembers the actress in the performances of the "collapse", "trailer", "Tamada" and others. The magnificent was performed by Catherine Sergeyevna CliTeennesser in the play of Peter Stein "Ores".

Ekaterina Vasilyeva in the play

In 1987, the artist surprised fans, leaving the theater and cinema for the sake of the church at the peak of glory. Oleg Efremov, having heard the request of Catherine Sergeyevna to let her go, flatly refused to sign a declaration of dismissal. But Vasilyeva left, and before serving the theater in a large and long-term tour of Japan. Colleagues and friends actress did not understand, because at the time foreign tour was considered a good way to correct the family budget. To get into the number of tour was considered very honorable.

From that time, Vasilyeva is recognized, it works for money, and not from love for art, not at the sense of feelings. The actress Theater perceives through the prism of faith, as a mock over the church and the devilish phenomenon. Catherine never deified directorists, as some colleagues did, and does not take the opinion that the artist on the stage should die.

Ekaterina Vasilyeva and Evgenia Dobrovolskaya

The only director who shared the position of Vasilyeva - Krisistof Zanussi. With this person, who "was a big gap between what he does, and what he is inside, the actress felt easily. The result of joint creativity was the play "Games of Women" with the participation of Evgenia Dobrovolskaya and Mikhail Efremov.

Both artists are friends, Vasilyeva, according to Evgenia, made a conductor in matters of religion and agreed to become a godfather of Nicholas, the son of Dobrovolskaya and Efremov.


Catherine Vasilyeva cinematic biography began pretty early when she was still a university student. In 1965, the girl played in the film "On Tom Tomorrow's Street." The period when the actress gained popularity, steel 70-80s. And the same talented, she appeared in all roles - and comedy, and dramatic. Even episodes with Vasilyeva become bright.

Catherine Vasilyeva in the film

At this twentieth, the brilliant Ekaterina Vasilyeva performed memorable roles in the famous paintings "Bumbaras", "Taimyr causes you" and "Straw Hat". In the first Soviet film-catastrophe "Crew" woman played a caring and sensitive spouse of the ship commander.

Organic Ekaterina Sergeyevna fits in the role of modern heroines. It is clear from the films "Do not hurts the head of Dyatla", "Late Dates", "key without the right to transfer", "Wizard". But no less naturally looks like an artist in the image of Emilia in an "ordinary miracle." By the way, this work is considered one of the best in the career of Vasilyeva.

Catherine Vasilyeva in the film

A very successful critics consider the transformation of Catherine Vasilyeva in the tragic picture "Lady's visit" Mikhail Kozakova. Here the actress appears in the image of a millionaire returned to his native town to help her beloved person who once betrayed her.

The news that Million's favorite left the cinema and retired to the monastery, upset fans of Catherine Vasilyeva. It became known that in 1993 she left to serve as a treasurer in the temple of Sofia wisdom of God in the middle gardeners. The path of the priest chose and son Vasilyeva, who graduated from Vgik.

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Fortunately and the great joy of fans of the talent of the actress, in 1997 she returned to the scene. True, now Vasilyeva takes rare suggestions, asking for a blessing from a spiritual mentor.

The artist played a cunning intrigue and fanatical mother Ekaterina Medici in the series "Countess de Monsoro" and "Queen Margo". A year later, she starred in the picture of Valery Takeryov "Who, if not we". In the same period, Vasilyeva adopted the offer of Oleg Menshikov and took part in his scenic project "Woe from Wit".

In the 21st century, the filmography of the movie star was replenished with the main role in the comedy melodrama "Come to see me" with Oleg Yankovsky and Irina Kompanko. For the image of a disabled woman, gathered once to save the daughter from care to care for her, Vasilyeva nominated for "Nika".

Catherine Vasilyeva in the film

In the series "Under the roofs of the Big City", Ekaterina Vasilyeva, Larisa Udovichenko, Oleg Basilashvili, Vladimir Goriansky became members of one family. In the Sitkom "Luba, Children and Plant", the actress appeared in the image of the mother of the main character, in the drama "Joy and Sorrow of the Little Lord" - grandmothers of the main hero.

In 2009, Sergey Soloviev presented his reading of the novel "Anna Karenin" to the court of the audience. Vasilyeva in the film is assigned the role of Mother of Vronsky. The main role was performed by Tatiana Drubich.

Catherine Vasilyeva in the film

In the same year, Timur Bekmambetov attracted the famous actress in a black lightning action about a student who became the owner of a flying car. In Tandem with Valery, Zolotukhin Ekaterina played the creator of such a rare miracle of technology. The Queen Banditov, an artist, received the role of the Mother of the Mother of the City Market, and the local authorities, and criminal elements.

Vasilyeva did not refuse an invitation to the Mystical Drama "Rubezh" with Pavelilician and Semen Trescunov. She played the blockade, whose memories help the chief hero in search of confirmation of kinship with the fighters of the Red Army who died in the war.

In 2018, Catherine received a prize for the best female role of the International Film Farm "Together" in the Melodrame "Animator". Heroine Vasilyeva - a woman with a hard character, forgotten a star, looking for his age in a hospice.

Personal life

Personal life of Catherine Vasilyeva was not easy. The first husband was the director Sergey Solovyov. For a long time, the pair wandered over to removable apartments and, as Solovyov told, almost beaten. The marriage lasted for a long time, but the spouse broke up with friends. Sergey's former wife very much respected and responded only in a positive way.

The second official husband Vasilyeva - playwright and writer Mikhail Roshchin. In fact, Catherine led him from the family, and on the very first day of dating. Future spouses met in the restaurant, where they invited Oleg Efremov with his wife Alla Pokrovskaya. In this marriage, the only son of Catherine Vasilyeva - Dima was born.

Roshchin and Vasilyeva did not have their own angle and filmed housing. But when the glory and success of these two people became indisputable, and the money appeared, and the apartment, feelings ended. Spouses broke up in kind. Vasilyeva has friendly relations with former husbands and men who occur in life a noticeable place.

Mikhail later recalled that Catherine is a rattling mixture of illianity and incredible talent. Speaking of the first, the playwright meant the addiction of the actress to alcohol. Yes, and the woman herself agreed with the opinion that came to church with repentance:

"We were cried with life, taking God. If I knew what I would do, I would never live my life as I lived. Everything I did was from wormless, pride, vanity. "

Dmitry Roshchin tried to continue the creative dynasty, in 1995 he received the specialty of the actor and director in Vgika, but living next to the churchyard man, changed his views and attitudes towards the surrounding world. In 2001, the young man graduated from the Moscow spiritual seminary, served by Cleyrian, the abbot of a number of metropolitan temples, including the priest of antipas. There, Catherine helped her son as a treasurer.

Dmitry was married, and Vasilyeva Vladimir Volgin walked, Vasilyeva Vasilyeva, presented Ekaterina 8 grandchildren. Since 2016, hears the Office for Work with Public Organizations of the Synodal Department for the Relationships of the Church with Society and the Media.

As the actress told in a conversation with Yulia, Little in the program "Alone with everyone", she addresses "Father" to his son, as it should be called sung. Vasilyeva itself came to God by chance, thanks to acquaintance with the doctor Catherine Trubetskaya, who treated little Dima from a cold. The descendant of the noble family led Catherine to the temple, at 33 years old, the artist accepted baptism.

Such worldly things, as a social network, including "Instagram", Vasilyeva not interesting. The photo of the People's Artist of Russia is freely published on the net.

Ekaterina Vasilyeva now

In 2019, work is completed on the series "Petersburg Romance" about a woman who threw a husband on the eve of the anniversary of the wedding, and then there was a threat to stay and without housing. In addition to Catherine Sergeyevna, Sergei Chonishvili, Alexander Florin, Anatoly Cat was involved in the series.


  • 1974 - "Straw Hat"
  • 1976 - "The key without the right to transfer"
  • 1978 - "Ordinary Miracle"
  • 1982 - "Wizard"
  • 1989 - "Lady Visit"
  • 1996 - "Queen Margo"
  • 2000 - "Come to see me"
  • 2005 - "Bancirchers"
  • 2006 - "more important. than love "
  • 2007 - "Father"
  • 2008 - "My Autumn Blues"
  • 2009 - "Anna Karenina"
  • 2010 - "Hindu"
  • 2012 - "Marathon"
  • 2015 - "Fernary Flower"
  • 2017 - "Rubb"
  • 2018 - "Animator"
  • 2019 - "Petersburg Roman"

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