Dmitry Scherbina - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Dmitry Shcherbina is a very popular actor of the series, who fell into the world of cinema at the critical period of the development of the industry - in the early 90s. He also plays brilliantly on the scene of the Mossoveta Theater and is one of his leading artists.

Actor Dmitry Shhechina

Dmitry's life and career sometimes developed more interesting than the plot lines of his characters.

Childhood and youth

The family of the artist comes from the ancient Cossack kind, which the authorities smoked and expelled from Moscow. So the ancestors of the actor were in Baku, where the boy named Dmitry appeared on October 1, 1968. A truly native of this city for the future television star did not. The young man held his childhood there, and after the death of the father, Mom transported children to Minsk. Shcherbin was 7 years old, and he sharply experienced the loss of a loved one. Together with his older sister, he could support his mother, who did not recover after the death of the spouse and no longer married.

In the school years, Dmitry seriously carried away the theater and even walked in a circle of artistic amateur activities, performed in early production. Then the young man decided to associate his further life with the beautiful world of theatrical art.

Dmitry Scherbina in youth

After graduation, the future actor entered the Minsk Theater Institute, where he studied just a year. The remaining without university "armor" Shcherbin called for a service to the army, where the guy served the deadline.

After demobilization, the actor did not plan to continue studying in Minsk and went to conquer Moscow. The choice fell on the MCAT Studio School, where Dmitry came from the first attempt. The young man was lucky to get on the course of the great actor and the teacher of the avant-garde Leontyev, who became actually his father for his students. He cared, helped the guys even after graduation and arranged every student in the theater. In the Dmitry group, he was highlighted with high growth (206 cm), moreover, it turned out to be older in age, which, however, did not prevent him from land with future colleagues.

Dmitry Shcherbina in the film

Over time, some of the fellow students left an educational institution. Some were expelled for improper diligence, others realized that acting was not their way. But from the remaining in the course in the future there were a lot of movie stars, including Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and a close friend of Schcherbiny Sergey Schnyrev.


Dmitry turned out to be sustained by the actor, and in 1992, his talented game was noticed by Oleg Tabakov, artistic director of the Studio "Tabakcoque", inviting him to his troupe. The artist gladly agreed and, being a student, debuted in the play of the legendary director.

Dmitry Shcherbina in the theater

Soon, a serious struggle was launched for Shcherbin: his thesis work was interested in director Mark Vial. He invited Dmitry to the production "not joking with love." The painted actor came to Tobacco and asked permission to play on the scene of the Mossoveta Theater, but he turned out to be categorically against the participation of a guy in other projects.

In 1993, Scherbina graduated from the Studio School of MCAT and continued to cooperate with the "Tabacket", but after 2 years he left there.

Dmitry Scherbina on stage

According to the actor himself, he did not have a relationship with this institution, and he simply could not create anymore. Dmitry wrote a statement and after 2 days met with Wail, who almost hand led the talented actor to the Mossoveta Theater. The institution's management approved the candidacy of Shcherbina, and since 1995 he became one of the leading theater artists. The actor also often played in Anhydrize, while taking part in the play "Unnamed Star", but because of organizational gaps was forced to leave the project.

Dmitry's talents fell silent by some foreign directors. Eminent Englishman Declan Donnelan invited actors to the "Twelfth Night" project. A feature of the performance was exclusively male composition. Later, the director involved Shcherbin in the play "Boris Godunov". The artist expected to play the Grishka Frepeva, but Donnelana had his own vision of the painting, the master suggested the actor the role of Prince Kurbsky and was absolutely right in his choice.

Dmitry Shcherbina in the theater

Dmitry also played in the formulation of the "Hamlet" of an equally well-known director Petaire Stein. Here, the troupe arose some problems: among foreign languages, which mastered the Madre, did not turn out to be Russian, and the actors communicated with him through the translator.


In 1992, Shcherbina debuted in a detective picture of "three days outside the law", where immediately received a major role. During the work, under the start of Tabakkoy, the actor stopped shooting in the cinema and reappeared on the screens only in 1995 in the tape "Lady-Peasantka". After 2 years, Dmitry got on the shooting platform "Running from death", which brought him the first award in the nomination "Best Male Role".

Dmitry Shcherbina in the film

Despite the modest amount of roles played, the young artist was often invited to play basic characters. In 2002, the series "Two Fates" came to the screens, who gave Schcherbin fame and popularity. Melodrama dragged into a long 6 years and has been enjoying great popularity to the viewers throughout this time. As later, the executor of the leading role in the interview was told, at the meeting it was often called Stepan, but he would not speak about a special surge of love by the public.

Dmitry Shcherbina in the series

The scandal with the continuation of the television film called "Two fate. The abduction "did not spoil the overall impression. Then the screenwriter Semen Malkov accused co-authors in changing the storyline, which dispelled with his ideas. From family saga, the film turned into a detective, full of blood and violence. The shooting process stopped, barely started.

A year later, the series "Stiletto" came out, thanks to which the actor received the title of "Opening of the Year". Not less than the iconic for the artist became the project "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...", where he played Marat, the beloved of the main heroine of Lada Dance.

Dmitry Shcherbina in the film

In 2009, the Film "Admiral" about Alexander Kolchak, who gathered a truly star cast was released on the screens. Konstantin Khabensky appeared in the leadership, his beloved - Elizabeth Boyarskaya. The roles of the nearest associates got Sergey Bezrukov, Hiruj Beroev, Alexander Lazarev-younge. Scherbina received the role of the Fleet officer of the Fishery.

Kinokartina "Star of the Empire" provided Dmitry Chance to try on the role of the head of the temporary government of Alexander Kerensky. The cruise of the film was based on the biography of Ballerina Matilda Kshesinsky.

Dmitry Shhechina

In the historical drama "In one step from the third World War I", Dmitry was reincarnated in the scout working under covering in the US during the Caribbean crisis. A secondary role went to the actor in the detective series "Moscow. Three stations. " In the "Protection of Witnesses", his opera-soluble is a key character, along with the heroes of Andrei Smolyakov and Sergey Pustapalis. The director of the criminal tape "Investigative Committee" also saw a representative of law enforcement officials in Shcherbin.

Melodramas "Two ticket" and "go to return" allowed the artist to change the role of a man in the pursuit of a more peace-loving person. In the first case - children's, in the second - plastic surgeon.

Personal life

Dmitry does not like to talk about his personal life. And there are serious reasons, because in his fate there was a place not only to joyful events, but also unhappiness, which and now speak pain in the heart of the artist.

With the first wife, an actress Olga Pavloviec, Schcherbina met during the filming of the continuation of the series "Stiletto". According to the plot between their characters, the novel, who gradually flared up in real life. Lovers played a wedding on June 7, 2004, and after 9 months the son of Prokhor was born.

Dmitry Shcherbina and Olga Pavloviec and Son

After 5 years of life, Olga realized that Dmitry is not the person with whom she wants to live life and filed for a divorce.

In 2009, Shcherbina survived the tragedy - the death of his son. A 4-year-old boy died as a result of an accident. At that time, Dmitry consisted of civil marriage with another woman. Ksenia for 19 years younger husband, by profession an architect. And the mother of his beloved woman is a classmate of the artist. Officially, Dmitry Relationship did not issue, but in 2010 the couple was married. After 2 years, daughter was born.

Dmitry Shcherbina now

Dmitry Shcherbina's work is still a pavement. In 2017, the actor entered the acting ensemble of the Criminal Drama "Torgsin", telling about the ambiguous era of the 1930s, when one part of society bought delicacies, and the second exchanged a poor inheritance on a piece of bread.

Dmitry Shcherbina in the series

In 2018, Dmitry starred in the film about the famous dance band "Birch" in the role of the head of the competing ensemble of Boris Evseeva. The prototype of the character is Igor Moiseyev, the Ballet Master of the Bolshoi Theater.

Dmitry Shcherbina in the series

Another item in Shcherbins filmography is a Russian-Turkish melodrama "Sultan of my heart." In the center of the narration - the novel between the daughter of the official of the Russian Embassy in Turkey and the Ottoman Sultan. Dmitry fulfilled the role of the head of the diplomatic representation of Russia.


  • 1992 - "Three days outside the law"
  • 1995 - "Baryshnya-peasant woman"
  • 1997 - "Running from death"
  • 2002-2008 - "Two destinies"
  • 2003 - "Stiletto"
  • 2006-2007 - "Balzakovsky age, or all the men ..."
  • 2006 - "Stalin. Live »
  • 2008 - "Admiral"
  • 2010 - "Moscow. Three stations "
  • 2012 - "Passion for Capay"
  • 2013 - "Two ticket"
  • 2014 - "Go away to return"
  • 2017 - "Torgsin"
  • 2018 - "Birch"

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