Donald Trump - Biography, Personal Life, News, Former US President, Impeachment, Twitter 2021



Donald Trump is an American billionaire businessman, famous in society a frank style of communication and an extravagant lifestyle, which do not particularly spoil the image of a successful and purposeful person. Today, he is known as the 45th US President who broke the Ronald Reagan's age record, applying for 70 years and has not previously occupy any state or military post.

Childhood and youth

Donald John Trump was born on June 14, 1946 in the largest Boro of New York, Queens. The boy appeared in the family of a millionaire. By nationality, Donald is an American with German roots.

The parents of Fred and Mary, he was not the first child, there were five children in the family. As a child, Donald was considered a unknown child, so it was determined to the military academy, where the boy managed to teach to the discipline.

After the Academy, the Trump arose about higher education. At first he wanted to receive acting education, but stopped at Fordem University. In 1968, Donald became a bachelora in economic sciences and began working at the company Father. From the first days, the future billionaire understood that he got into his element, so in his youth career biography of Trump began to be built in this direction.


Donald Trump began to participate in business projects under the patronage of the Father. The first deal allowed the future construction magnate without investments to earn $ 6 million, which strengthened the guy faith in itself and a bright future.

The first major construction sites who oversaw Donald became the construction of the Grand Hyatt Hotel and the 58-storey skyscraper with a 80-foot waterfall called Trumptower. Later, Trump Plaza Hotel & Casino has been rebuilt.

Having survived the financial crisis in early 90s, Trump began to build a 262-meter TRUMP World Tower, which grew opposite the UN headquarters in Manhattan. The second time the entrepreneur failed to cover debt spending in the mid-2000s. Businessman filed a lawsuit on bankruptcy and left the company's board of directors.

Nevertheless, by 2009, the billionaire finished the construction of the hotel-skyscraper in Chicago, which became the third in height of America's building and the tenth highest building in the world.


In 2015, the American billionaire expressed his intention to run for the presidency of the United States. He paid for the election campaign from his funds that he was distinguished from other candidates who lobbying the interests of the sponsors. Trump did loud statements that he could become the best American president and make every resident of the country rich. At the same time, he devoted separate attention to Russia - he said, he will be able to establish relations with the Russian head of Vladimir Putin.

The election campaign of the Trump, which saved the fame of the fame of eccentric "belief" in society, was saturated with solid scandalous statements. But the billionaire always showed himself as a true patriot, and many of his judgments about the greatness and determination of the Americans became quotes.

Donald planned the tightening of laws in relation to migrants in the country. Regarding the internal policy of the USA, Trump adhered to position, which was contrary to the acting. It concerned and the notorious medical reform, the Barack Obama, and the return of production bases in the United States.

The main theses of their election campaign of Trump outlined in the book "Imposed America", which was published in 2015. Most Americans believed in Donald, and on November 8, 2016, he won the election by a majority vote.

The US Congress according to the law approved the voting results on January 6, 2017, and the 45th US President Donald Trump began on January 20 to its direct responsibilities. A businessman became the richest head of state, the state of which at the time of entry into position was estimated at $ 4.1 billion.

In September 2019, Trump froze all payments to the Ukrainian side, which were supposed to be used by the country's military needs. The US President argued his act that European countries list smaller amounts than America.

In addition, the head of the states indignant corruption, which reigns in Ukraine. In a telephone conversation with Vladimir Zelensky, Donald mentioned the name of Hunter Bayiden - the Son of the presidential candidate Joe Bayden from the Democratic Party, which he suspected in laundering money through the administration of Peter Poroshenko.

About the statements of Trump became known in Congress. Senators regarded the words of the head of state as "betrayal of national security and integrity of elections." Speaker of the Chamber of Representatives of the US Congress Democrat Nancy Pelosi called on the presidential impeachment procedure.

Previously, such a proposal has already been made at the meeting of the Chamber John Lewis. In turn, Trump assured senators, which will provide a complete decipher of his call to the Ukrainian president. Many authoritative media counted calls for impeachment by provocation, as it is known that Donald Trump intends to re-participate in the presidential elections in 2020.

And at the beginning of the 2020, it became known that impeachment did not take place: the Senate voted against previously nominated accusations.

Personal life

Donald's personal life is not so cloudless as a career. High blonde (Trump's growth - 191 cm) always showed interest in modeling girls. The first marriage of the billionaire took place in 1977, his wife became the Czechoslovak model of Ivan Zelnichkov, who gave birth to the construction magnate three children: the Ivanka Trump, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. It did not save the relationship of the couple, and in 1992 the family broke out due to the businessman's novel with actress Marla Ann Maples.

In relations with the first spouse, Trump went to the trick. He had already had a wedding plans with a new lover, so he persuaded to sign an Ivan's new marriage contract, which envisaged a smaller payment to his wife after a divorce. The woman agreed, since he did not suspect the intentions of her husband.

In 1992, Donald and Marla played a wedding. The common daughter Tiffany Trump was born from the beloved a year later. But this did not make a seven strong, and after 6 years of marriage spouses divorced.

In 2005, Trump married the fashion models of Melania Knauss, which is worth 24 years old. The billionaire called the third wife with the love of his life. A wedding gift for melania was a ring with diamonds weighing 13 carat for $ 1.5 million, which he received as an advances from the Jewelry company GRAFF. A year after marriage, the son of Barron William Trump, who became the fifth birthday of the billionaire, was born.

During the election campaign, Donald was not without scandals in his personal life. Frank photo of the wife of Melania Trump came to the press, which in 1998 was naked to cover Max magazine. The billionaire calmly responded to these pictures and stated that the staff were made before the acquaintance with Him.

Trump is known in social network activity. Now for the posts and tweats of the former leader of America monitors the numerous audience in "Instagram" and "Twitter".

Presidential Elections - 2020

On November 3, 2020, the presidential election was held in the United States, Democrat Joe Biden was held by the main opponent of Trump. On November 7, before the official announcement of the election results, it became known that Donald Trump lost the presidential race with a result of 214 electoral votes. His opponent Biden received at least 290 electoral votes due to the victory in the "fluctuating" Pennsylvania.

Donald Trump began to challenge the results of elections in the United States and filed judicial claims in some states. In addition, the election results caused a wave of discontent and rallies in the country. And on January 6, 2021, on the eve of the official approval of the victory of Bayden in Congress, the supporters of Trump began to storm the Capitol, burst into the building itself. As a result of this action, 5 people were killed, one of them is a policeman. As a result, the security officials managed to displace the protesters, the victory of Baiden was approved.

Numerous violations and protests led to the fact that Donald Trump closed access to many social networks, including his accounts in "Instagram" and Twitter. In addition, the Banov wave touched upon supporters of the former president. The leadership of these online platforms referred to the inadmissibility of appeals to violence and disorders.

A few days later, the Chamber of Representatives of the Congress declared the Trmmpa impeachment, accusing politics in incitement to metension. Thus, he became the first US president who was subjected to impeachment twice.

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