Jim Kerry - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Jim Carrey is rightfully considered one of the best comedians of modernity. The actor took a unique niche in Hollywood and a lot of years happy with the audience with funny roles, special entertainment with the indescribable facial expressions and plastic artist. In his account, many prestigious premiums, while film critics note that the highest paid comedian "Grez Factory" has never become an applicant for Oscar.

Actor Jim Kerry.

Despite the permanent humor in the cinema, Kerry's biography is difficult to name cheerful and easy. The path of the actor to the celebrity was a thorny and full failure, which he passed with dignity.

Childhood and youth

James Eugene Kerry was born in early 1962 in a large family in the city of Newmarket. Jim has become a fourth child in the Catherine family and Percy Kerry, which loudly contained life. The boy's mother had once worked as a singer, but was forced to do household goods, raising children, so he did not return to the profession. The father was a successful accountant and the main breadwinner in the family.

From the small years, the future star of the movie adored entertain the surrounding paroding. Jim picked funny faces than invariably aroused smiles on the faces of classmates and teachers.

Jim Kerry in childhood

Parodies The boy recorded on the camera, and when more than 80 pieces had accumulated, risked to send to the popular humorous show Carol Barnet. At that time, Kerry was 11 years old. However, the invitations to the television program or at least an elementary response to the letters Jim did not receive.

The actor's family lived poorly, but the boy learned about the real problems with money in 14 years. Father Jim fired from work, and the family had to travel around the country in finding earnings. The family stopped in the suburbs of Toronto, where the elder Kerry got a guard at the company. Alas, the earning of the father was not enough, and the children also had to work as cleaners. At the same time, the young comedian was waiting for the first disappointment on a professional field. The father brought the Son to the Local Club "Yak-Yak", where Jim had an opportunity to speak on stage with her number. The public hiped the future star of Hollywood. It became the last straw for the young man, and he stopped the performance, closed in himself.

Jim Carrey in Youth

Fortunately, the period of failures and burden was held for the Kerry family, the children quit with hateful work, and his father found another source of earnings. Chid had to live in a trailer, but it was a small price for liberation from disrespectable work. Jim went to the Higher School of Eldershot and gradually got rid of the closetness, and also found work on the steel mill.

In 1979, the future actor, not having musical education, founded the Spoons group playing the style of the "New Wave". Jim also risked again to reach the stage in the same club, which he left the shame a few years ago. In the youth, a pretty and high (hemorist's height of 187 cm), the young man had every chance to become a musician or an artist of a romantic role, but Jim did not forget the dream of a comedy. This time the public turned out to be more favorable to young talent. Under its patronage of the artist, the manager of the Litrais Spivak, who made a real celebrity from him.

Jim Kerry in youth

People from all over Toronto came to the speeches of Kerry, critics in one voice called the actor ascending star. On the stage of the club "Yak-Yak" Jim noticed another famous comic Rodney Dangerfield and suggested performing herself to heal in Las Vegas. Jim agreed, but worked from Rodney for a long time, as Kerry Manil Hollywood, who was now very close. So the young man was in Los Angeles, where he began working in the humorous club Comedy Shop and visited all the available castings.


Kerry's debut on television took place in the humorous stedap show An Evening At The Improv in 1982. After some time, he was invited to the night talk show The Tonight Show. But the future actor dreamed of a "big meter" and participation in full-fledged paintings.

In 1983, Jim's dream partially came true, Kerry offered the major role of a young comedian in the painting "Rubber face" and another tape called "Mount Kupper". Both films were planned low-budget and left for home viewing.

Comic Jim Kerry.

In 1984, the artist was invited to the children's animation sitcom "Duck factory", which was closed a month later. But during the existence of the show managed to give Jim a lot of useful dating and pay attention to him not the last director in Hollywood. Further, the actor met the director of the Clint Ostudom, inviting comic to his club to parody him and other famous people. For some time, the artist worked at the club, but later stated that he did not want to become famous thanks to the parody.

Success and first world fame to Kerry came after participating in the Comedy "Ace Ventura: Pet Search" in 1993. The film came out ambiguous, from the very beginning the picture was haunted by the problems: the most famous comedians refused to participate in the comedy, and Jim agreed to the role only with the condition of full processing of the scenario and the edge of the chief character.

Jim Kerry in the film

The picture was very popular with the audience, cash charges surpassed the budget, and the performer received the first MTV Movie Awards award. But the critics were not so favorably: in the Pooh and the dust they were ruined, and the actor was awarded "Golden Malina" as the worst new star.

Subsequent tapes with Jim's participation could not leave indifferent even critics: films "Mask" and "stupid still dumber" became world hits, giving the love of the audience a new comedian star Hollywood. Kerry's junciation turned out to be more than appropriate in the film "Mask", where the protagonist from time to time turns into the Zelenolitz God Loki.

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Since 1996, Kerry became a star of the Saturday Night Live show, where he filmed humorous sketches and music clips. In Sketches, Jim parods popular films, celebrities and himself. The actor dances disco, ballet and pretended by a tourist, depicts a singer, a lifeguard or fitness coach.

Viral popularity acquired Sketch from the Roxbury Guys series, which appears more often called "What Is Love?" on refrain playing in the song video. Jim Carrey with Will Ferrell and Chris Katten played three brothers who are not able to meet girls at parties. Most of the clip of the clip takes place in the car, when the parties go from a party to a party. Sketches of this series were so loved by the audience that the full-length film "Night in Roxbury" was removed based on videos.

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In Big Cinema, the Character Fletcher Reed from the film "Litz, Litz", which came to rent in 1997. For the sake of this role, Jim refused another no less interesting film "Austin Powers: an international mystery man." Curious, but it was the first picture, where the audience were able to see the natural color of the hair of his beloved actor, before that, Kerry was shot either in wigs with unthinkable hairstyles, or with hair of wild flowers. The film brought the actor a second nomination to the Golden Globe and the next MTV Channel Award.

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Kerry has achieved great fame as a comedian actor. Most roles played by him have a humorous subtext, but Jim did not stop at the comedy role. In 1998 played a major role in the drama "Show Truman". The Kerry Herrah - a man who learned that his whole life turned out to be a decorated reality show. Truca sometimes allows themselves jokes and climbs, but it is definitely a dramatic character.

In 1999, Kerry played in Bayopic about the life of the comic of Andy Kaufman "Man on the Moon". The film showed the tragic side of the human life that seemed fun and funny viewers.

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In 2000, Jim returned to his popularity of the comedy genre and played a policeman with a split personality in the painting "I, I am I and Irene."

In the same year, the showing of the family film "Greench - Kidnapper Christmas" started, in which the comedian reincarnated in an evil creature, preventing residents of the provincial town to protect the favorite holiday. In 2003, the actor played one of his best comedy roles, a man who received Divine Forces, in the film "Bruce Almighty".

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In 2007, Jim again decided to experiment and starred in a mystical thriller Joel Schumacher "Fatal Number 23". Critics did not appreciate the actor's game and nominated Kerry to Golden Malina.

Another atypical for the role of Jim became the role in the drama "I love you, Phillip Morris," where Kerry played Stephen Russell, a guy with a non-traditional orientation. A lot of problems arose with the film, because of the frank scenes, the picture refused to show in cinemas, but still she went to the screens in 2010.

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Fans and critics reacted to the project cool, and the artist returned to the shooting in comedies. One of them was the family film "Penguins Mr. Popper", in which Jim fulfilled the role of the main character, the defender of animals.

In 2014, the actor appeared in the Peipet-2 comedy militant, where the leader of the followers of the main character, self-proclaimed heroes in masks, Colonel America.

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Over time, Kerry tries to act more in serious dramatic films. Fans associate this with the age of the artist and with the fact that the actor does not want to stay the hostage of one amplua.

In 2016, the comic filmography was replenished with a romantic thriller "Bad Party". In October of the same year, a presentation of the criminal drama with the participation of Kerry "This Crime" took place in the Polish Festival.

Personal life

In 1983, Kerry 8 months met with the singer Linda Ronstadt, but the relationship did not work out, and young people broke up. After 4 years in the personal life of the comedian, the actress and the waitress of the "comedy store" of Melissa Womer appeared.

Jim Kerry and Melissa Wife

Shortly after Dating, Jim made a girlfriend offer. And in September 1987, the spouses were born daughter Jane Erin. The relationship in the pair was not always smooth and accompanied by serious quarrels, which in 1995 led to the divorce. Kerry had to pay $ 7 million from the ex-wife.

Jim Kerry with her daughter

Divorce seriously affected Kerry's mental health, the actor fell into depression and began to use antidepressants, which soon ceased to help. Then Jim took a step towards a healthy lifestyle and engaged in sports, replacing antidepressants with vitamins.

Jim Kerry and Rene Zellweger

Kerry married a year later. The actress Lauren Holly became his chief, this marriage was also short-lived: after 10 months, the spouses divorced. In the future, Jim met with the famous ladies of Hollywood, among which the actress Rene Zellweger and the fashion model Jenny McCarthy.

Jim Kerry and Anastasia Volochkova

An artist's beloved one was the Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. According to her recognition, they had several romantic dates, but the complex working schedule of artists was the cause of their parting.

In February 2010, Kerry became a grandfather, the daughter of actor Jane gave birth to a boy named Jackson Riley.

Jim Kerry and Jenny McCarthy

The actor leads the official "instagram". On his page, Jim rarely lays out new photos. But in the open access, pictures from Kerry, who are popular with users appear. Karry's photograph is known and Stephen Hawking.

Jim Kerry and Stephen Hawking

On her, the comedian holds his leg, which accidentally fell under the wheel of a scientist's wheelchair. During his life, physics of celebrities supported a friendly connection, and the artist often visited his friend who had a non-standard sense of humor.

Jim Kerry in a swimsuit

Another shot from Kerry and his companion Jenny McCarthy was made on the Malibu coast. Seeing the paparazzi that did not lag behind the pair, the humorist decided to surprise them. He appeared in front of the camera in a swimsuit of a sweetheart, in which the girl in an hour tanned on the beach.

Jim Kerry now

The main premiere of 2018 with the participation of Jim Kerry was the comedy series "Just". In the film, the comedian received the central role of Jeff Picchirillo, the TV host of the children's show. The hero had to face a family tragedy - the death of his son, while he needed to maintain a high rating of his own transfer. At the end of the year it became known that the series will be extended for 2 season.

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Now work on the creation of the film "Sonic in Cinema" ("Yozh Sonic"), which is an artistic picture with elements of animation. The image of the antagonist of the main character, the villain of Dr. Ivo Eggman Rodotka, the screen recreates Jim Kerry. The premiere of the film was scheduled for autumn 2019.

Jim Kerry in 2019

The actor is also removed in the comedy "Ricky Staniki". The plot of the paintings tells about how 2 buddies invented a friend of Ricky, on which problems dumped and blame for misdeed. Already in adulthood, friends have to hire an actor on this role to convince others that they did not rotate closest from childhood.


  • 1981 - "Rubber face"
  • 1993 - "Ace Ventura: Pet Search"
  • 1994 - "stupid and more dumber"
  • 1994 - "Mask"
  • 1995 - "Batman Forever"
  • 1997 - "Liar, liar"
  • 1999 - "Man on the Moon"
  • 2003 - "Bruce Almighty"
  • 2004 - "Eternal radiance of pure mind"
  • 2009 - "I love you, Phillip Morris"
  • 2011 - "Penguins Mr. Popper"
  • 2016 - "This Crime"
  • 2016 - "Bad Party"
  • 2017 - "Jim and Andy: Another World"
  • 2018 - "Just"
  • 2019 - "Sonic in Cinema"

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