Yuri Galtsev - biography, personal life, news, photo, wife, age, Gennady Winds 2021



Yuri Galtsev - Russian pop artist and clowns, parodist, actor and movie actor. His bright comedy grank was repeatedly marked by Marami genre. At one time, Yuri Nikolayevich became the only artist who honored at the MORE SMEHA festival in the capital of Latvia of the Arcadia Raikina Cup from the hands of Mikhail Zhvanetsky.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Nikolaevich Galtsev was born on April 12, 1961 in the city of Kurgan. The birth of the future artist coincided with a significant event - the first flight into the space of Yuri Gagarin, in honor of which Gallets and got a name. In childhood, Yuri was a calm and approximate child.

Yuri Galtsev in childhood and youth

A boy without a skill attended school and studied in a music class. According to the artist, he simply did not have time to prank and hooliganism, but Yuri's childhood cannot be called boring and monotonous. Father tried to find the time to take his son to fishing or hunting, taught to handle rods and hunting accessories. In the school years, Galtsev was fond of modeling and technician.

After school, the future artist entered the Machine-Building Institute in his native Kurgan. Already at the 1st year, a talented student became interested in the public life of the institute, playing in a vocal-instrumental ensemble, as well as participating in theatrical circle. Over time, the young man headed the student theater.

Yuri Galtsev in youth

Galtsev managed to learn well and play on the stage, and the desire and desire to become an actor appeared at the university. After the end of the Engineering Institute, Yuri Nikolaevich went to Leningrad.

The cultural capital conquered the future artist. In the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema, the artist easily entered the first time. The 1st course of Yuri was constantly studied, and also tried to explore and know the Northern Palmyra. Gallets went around the entire Hermitage, was perfectly focused on the streets of the city and could easily hold excursions. On the 2nd year, the actor fell into the Buff Theater Troupe. Having received a diploma, the artist served for some time in the theaters of Leningrad. Soon the novice artist is invited to theatrical productions, and also offer to participate in filming movies.

The unique Mimica artist allowed to get the title of "Rubber Face" at the clown festival in France. Work in projects and television series brought Galcene an increasing recognition and fame. The humorist continued to develop talent and ability, participating in the humorous show. Over time, the artist gained popularity, performed with monologues and participated in production.

Humor and creativity

The artist served in many theaters, where he more than once got diverse roles. Today, Yuri recalls those times with warmth and smile. According to Galtsev, years in the theater helped better feel on stage, it is easy to build in the role that allowed in the future to skillfully pass the mood of the character to the viewer. Further improvement of skill will help the artist to reach a new level in a professional career.

Yuri Galtsev in the theater

Work in the theater Yuri Nikolaevich successfully combined with filming in various TV shows and TV show. Fame Galtsev brought the transfer of "Jurmalin" and "Anshlag", where Yuri made friends with Gennadia Wind. They together often worked on new monologues and scenes. At this time, Gallets gained all-Russian popularity, a turning point occurs in a creative biography.

The roles and performances brought a lot of awards to the artist, among them "Golden Nose", the Arkady Raykin Cup and the title of "Best Actor of the Year."

The love of the public Yuri Galtsev deserved, performing an unusual number about Zabelov. The audience was delighted by appreciation the clown facial expressions, the striking game and the sense of artist humor.

The ease with which the Galleans are getting home to any role is striking imagination. The artist cannot be submitted to a concrete role, because the parody of the universal state of reincarnation.

Yuri Nikolayevich was not once invited to act in the series and participate in the film screening. The images that the actor created were obtained by bright and unforgettable. A stunningly alive facial expression and a guide talent allow the artist to charming the viewer from the first minutes of the game.

The artist began his career in the cinema in the 80s, appeared in the episodic role in the comedy "Jack Evenzerkin -" American ". In 1998, Haltsev for the first time performed a major role in the Pobacca Suskerville film. Together with Yuri, Alexey Lebedinsky and Dmitry Nagiyev shone on the screen.

Among the work of the actor, roles in the copyright film "About freaks and people", the historical TV series "Empire under the blow", a detective "Deadly Strength". Here Yuri managed to embody the heroes of the dramatic role.

In the criminal film "All Gold Peace", Yuri Nikolaevich collaborated with Igor Livanov, Igor Sklyar and Polynah Kutetova. Later, the artist starred in the role of Muller in the comedy "Hitler Caput!", In the image of Buratino appeared in the Golden Key parodies. To the last comic appearances on the big screen include its roles in the melodrama "Divorce at your own request", the series "Such work", the children's film "Save Pushkin".

Yuri Galtsev and Elena Sparrow

Successfully applies Galders and musical instruments in his speeches. In addition to the accordion, the artist mastered the guitar, while being very young, at the same time, the first songs written by him appeared in the repertoire of Yuri.

It is known that Yuri Nikolaevich works as a teacher at the Academy of Theater Arts in St. Petersburg. Students love their mentor for light character and many interesting ideas. Since 2008, Haltsev since 2008, the artistic director of the Astrada Theater named after Arkady Rykin.

Each concert Galtseva collects the full halls, and the audience is looking forward to new speeches. Most spectators remembered the joint speech of Yuri with the actress of pop by Elena Sparrow. Artists have repeatedly pleased with funny and interesting numbers. A few miniature artist made together with his colleague Maxim Galkin, the most popular of which were the scenes "Red Hat at Grandma" and "Putin and the English Queen."

In the repertoire of the parody, there are images that have long been on the hearing. Galtsev's fans claim that the numbers "and hooligans are not!", "Managed" and "Wow, we left the bay" - the best of the artist represented on the scene.

In 2014, Galtsev became a participant in the entertainment project "Extremely". The artist appeared in 9 issues. During this time, he presented to the jury and viewers of Louis Armstrong, Lyudmila Zykina, Boris Moiseeva, Mikhail Muromov and others.

Concerts, video speeches, the benefits and monologues of Galtseva are relevant at all times. Together with the artists of the Estrada Theater, parodist went on stage in performances "Play Figaro!" and "imaginary patient."

In 2018, the music film "One Summer Day" came out with the participation of the comic on the screens, in which we were talking about a young ambitious girl who became acquainted in the capital with a famous artist. Young actors Tatyana Babenkov and Alex Comorowskiy were performed in melodrame.

Staying in demand by actor's actor, Yuri Galtsev worked on the role of the director of the school in the biographical film "Lev Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams ", the premiere of which took place in 2019.

Personal life

Charisma and charm allowed Yuri from adolescence to enjoy popular with the opposite sex. Nothing surprising is that the artist married first in early youth, in 19 years old, but after the birth of the son of Mikhail, the spouses divorced, Yuri left the family. The reasons for such a decision are not advertised and held in secret. The child stayed with his mother.

Yuri Galtsev with Son Mikhail and Kurgan Metropolitan Joseph

Later, Mikhail Galtsev faced drug addiction, which he managed to overcome. Now he works in the rehabilitation center, raises two children - the Son, who was named after grandfather and daughter. Yuri Nikolaevich supports Mikhail in his work, so there is often concerts for patients of a Kurgan recreational institution.

Yuri Galtsev and his wife Irina Rakshin

The second choices of Yuri became the actress Irina Rakshin. The glory of the harmonious woman and playboy almost influenced the future of the couple. Eternal fans who were not going to leave the idol alone at all, did not suit the chosen. But Yuri Nikolayevich showed perseverance, proving that the sake of his beloved was ready for amazing acts, as a result, a woman agreed to become his wife.

After 6 years after the wedding, Irina presented the Masha daughter artist. Molded, the girl received a journalist's diploma, but soon fond of fitness and began to work in a sports club.

Yuri Galtsev with his wife and daughter

In 2016, the personal life of the artist caused interest from reporters. Joint photos of Yuri Nikolayevich and young actress Mary Nasyrova appear in the network. The girl from Perm looked at the master on the course, and then joined the theater troupe led by Galtsev.

Artists have repeatedly seen together in secular events. Members of social networks immediately began to actively discuss the news, assuming that relations develop between colleagues on the creative workshop, but the celebrity themselves did not comment on such rumors.

Yuri Galtsev and Maria Nasyrov

Divened this myth Irina Rakshin, stating that in their family the warm relations are preserved and there are no prerequisites for parting.

Yuri Galtsev Site

Yuri Nikolaevich continues to perform with concerts, and often appears on the screens. The artist constantly appears in front of the audience in a variety of role, continuously glad the public by the skillful game.

In the new project "Koschei. The beginning ", the release date of which was postponed by 2021 due to a pandemic of coronavirus infection, Galters voiced the fairy-tale character of water. Voices other heroes of the first full-length animation film Franchy "Fairy Patrol" presented Nikita Volkov, Daniel Eldarov, Irina Star'shenbaum and others.

Given the music talents of the humorist, he allegedly decided to find them on the "Mask" show in the form of a non-mask - at least such assumptions expressed viewers and the jury. The character's character himself hinted at what was associated with the comedy sphere, told the prompt about the wind and sparrows. The audience considered: we are talking about colleagues Yuri Nikolayevich, Elena Sparrow and Gennady Winds. In addition, in March 2021, the artist set a shared photo with these pop stars.


  • 1986 - Jack Eight Girl - "American"
  • 1998 - "About freaks and people"
  • 2000 - "Dead Power"
  • 2000 - "Empire under the blow"
  • 2004-2005 - "Caution, asster!"
  • 2005 - "Twelve Chairs"
  • 2005 - "All Gold World"
  • 2008 - "Hitler Caput!"
  • 2010 - "Man with Capuchin Boulevard"
  • 2015 - "12 months. New fairy tale
  • 2015 - "Divorce at your own request"
  • 2017 - "Save Pushkin"
  • 2018 - "One Day Summer"
  • 2019 - "Lev Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams "

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