Fred Dread - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Group "Limp Bizkit" 2021



Fred Dust is a scandalous vocalist of the popular American rapccor group Limp Bizkit, a film director, whose account of the Trabek Film Festival.

Fred Dest

He raises the public and colleagues with rude statements, at the same time enthusiastically responds about Russia, enjoys the creation of tattoos.

Childhood and youth

Fred Dread was born on August 20, 1970 (for some sources - 1971) in Jacksonville, Florida. The boy's father left the family a few weeks after the birth of a child. Freda raised his mother who was called Anita. The first years of the life of the future celebrity were awesome.

The lack of money, at home and work forced Anita with her son to join the church attic, feeding the food that the parishioners sacrificed. When Fred was 2 years old, his mother met the second husband, police officer named Bill.

Fred Durst in childhood

The boy has already demonstrated musicality in early childhood, often imitating his favorite parents to performers. When Fred and his brother have grown, both became fans of rock music, in particular the KISS group.

When the young man came to go to high school, the family moved from Jacksonville to Gastonia, which in North Carolina. Here is the beginning of his passion for hip-hop culture. During learning, the dertend even formed a break dance group called Reckless Crew. A huge contribution to the future of the young man was a mother's gift - a mixer, on which Fred tried to mix his first tracks.

Fred Durst and his younger brother

Then the turret begins to participate in rap competition. After the recession of the popularity of break culture, the guy with friends found a new passion - skateboarding. It is at this time that the musical tastes of Freda change in favor of heavier music. The musician began to devote much more time to mix, but writing deep, interesting texts.

After graduating from school, Fred tries himself in absolutely different areas. By enrolling in the Gaston College, he begins to work out in fast food, DJ and skateboarding classes. However, the dertste is not delayed for a long time and decides to go to serve in the fleet, especially since the physical form of a young man approached the necessary parameters. With a height of 175 cm, the guy weight did not exceed 70 kg.

Fred Durst in Youth

After the service, Fred returns to Gastonia and again begins to engage in hip-hop. Then, along with a friend, organized a rap duet. The guys even recorded Promovideo, which did not help them get a studio contract.

The dertst is distressed by failure, returns to Jacksonville and becomes a tattoo master. By the way, it was he who became the author of the tattoo with the logo of the Korn group on the back of her vocalist Brian Velch. Fred himself already began to decorate her body with various tattoos. Among the notable images are portraits of Elvis Presley and Kurt Kobein, which decorated the breast of the rapccor group soloist.

Fred Durst worked as a tattoo master

Love for tattoos shared and friend of DRET - Frontman of the Linkin Park Group Chester Bennington, who also owned the club of the club tattoo.


The beginning of the legendary Limp Bizkit group was put in 1994, when the dertste met at Sam Rivers, the future bassist. Sam invited the Brother John Otto's team, who became the drummer. The next participant was Borland, and supplemented the composition of DJ Lethal, who joined the guys a year later.

The first hit of the group was a Caver on the song George Michael called Faith. A special popularity of this composition brought a long broadcast on MTV. The team has many hits, among which the mansion is the gentle and lyrical "Behind Blue Ice". In addition to the main work of the vocalist, the dertext has segged most of the video clips "Limp Bizkit", and was also a director of some Korn rollers.

Another passion of the musician is the design of touring scenes for the team performances. A distinctive feature of the scenic costume of the musician itself was the skate style attributes - wide pants and a cap, which the turret wears and now.

Initially, the artist chose a red baseball cap, then headdives of other colors appeared in his wardrobe.

In the 2000s, the DRST often agreed to cooperate with colleagues. He became one of the heroes of Eminem's clip to the single "The Real Slim Shady", ridicuing the stars of the American pop scene. The twins of Pamela Anderson, Tommy Li, Britney Spears and others starred. A musician appeared at the concerts of Christina Aguilers.

The creative biography of the destruction is not only music. Fred also tried himself as an actor. Among his filmmaker, episodic roles in the television series "Dr. House", in the project Revelations and other films.

Also Fred owns its own recording studio Flawless Records, the GEFFEN RECORDS division. The studio has contracts with many famous performers.

Fred Durst in the series

In recent years, the musician is trying to realize his potential of the film director. The first full-length picture in his filmography was the work entitled "Education Charlie Gengza". The drama brought it to the Creator the Prize of the Traybek Film Festival in the category "Best Art Film about New York".

Fred Dörst and Christina Aguilera

In 2008, sports kinocartine "Outsiders" came to the screens, in which we were talking about the first woman participating in the Pop Warner football tournament. Later, a 10-year-old broke occurred in the destruction-director's career.

The musician will hear as a scandalous person. Provocative statements at concerts and the press, late and promotional insults of colleagues are an incomplete list of conflict situations with a dertstone.

Fred Durst in Cap and without

The apotheosis of the scandalous aura of the Solist was a 3-minute video that came to the Internet, which shows the sexual joy of the musician. But there is an opinion that it is Fred himself for heating the interest in his own person posted a roller to the network.

Personal life

With the first wife Rachel Tergesen, he met at the age of 20, when he served in the fleet. The family life of newlyweds began in California. They had a daughter Ariadne, but soon the marriage collapsed. In the early 2000s, the new chief of the singer was the girl named Jennifer Rezero. She gave birth to Dallas's Son.

As for his personal life after acquiring popularity, then here you can get lost among rumors. A bright example was the alleged Roman Fred with Britney Spears. But the information was refuted by the singer. The dertust could not not add the "highlight" to these rumors, saying that, although there was no relationship, but sexual connection with Britney had a place to be.

Fred Derst and Britney Spears

In one interview, the musician stated that he wants to find his wife from Russia, arguing this statement with love for Russian traditions and Russian cuisine. In 2009, his wife for 3 months was Esther Nazarov. And in 2012, the singer took Ksenia Ksenia Ksenia Ksenia. The girl in early childhood, together with his parents, moved closer to the Black Sea from the Kemerovo region. Later received the profession of makeup artist, now working beauty-blogger.

Fred Durst with the wife of Ksenia Chumps

And in August 2015, the singer was finally established in his commitment to Russia, submitting documents to Russian citizenship after a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The musician planned to organize a business in Crimea associated with the production of television serials that intended to supply the international market.

For 6 years of living on spouses, children did not appear. In 2018, the derton declared a divorce with Ksenia. According to Fred, after the dissolution of marriage, he will stop financing the ex-wife on which she insisted.

Fred Durst in Russia

The artist is racing the public in everything, including posts from pages in social networks. The official account of the singer in "Instagram" is devoted to publishing photos of rare cars.

Fred Dust now

In 2018, Fred Dread began shooting the next full-length tape "Elk". This is a thriller, in which the theme of the persecution of a popular musician is affected by a fan.

Fred Dread - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Group

The script was based on the story that happened to Fred himself a few years ago. The main character, madman who destroys the life of his idol, played John Travolta. For a new image, the famous actor thoroughly worked on the image. It is assumed that the film premiere will be held in 2019.


  • 1997 Three Dollar Bill, Yall $
  • 1999 Significant Other
  • 2000 Chocolate Starfish and The Hot Dog Flavor Water
  • 2003 Results May Vary
  • 2011 Gold Cobra.


  • 2001 - "Exemplary Male"
  • 2005 - "Be cooler!"
  • 2005 - "Revelations"
  • 2006 - "Population 436"
  • 2007 - "Education Charlie Banks"
  • 2008 - "Dr. House"
  • 2008 - "Outsiders"
  • 2019 - "Elk"

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