Gregory Dobrygin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Gregory Dobrygin - Russian actor, director, clipmerecer, screenwriter and producer, first fame received with the release of the film "As I spent this summer." The author's project Alexei Popogrebsky made the artist to the main role of popular and abroad.

Actor Grigory Dobrygin

A number of Western publications were dubbed Dobrygin "The most famous student of Russia." Later, the actor repertoire was decorated several Hollywood paintings.

Childhood and youth

Gregory Eduardovich Dobrygin - Kamchadal. He was born in February 1986 in a small village of fisherman (later Vilyuchinsk). His father was a submariner, Mom graduated from a ballet school. Later, the family moved to the suburbs, to the city of Zelenograd. Here, Grigory graduated from elementary school and was given to parents at the Metropolitan Academy of Choreography, where they were preparing ballet dancers for the Bolshoi Theater.

Up to 17 years old Grigory Dobrygin was engaged in ballet

Up to 17, Dobrygin was engaged in classic ballet, but a year before the end of his studies threw the Academy. In search of themselves, the young man falls into the Seminary of Adventist in the Tula region. But after 2 years, the seminarist decides to devote himself to acting profession.

At first, the young man entered the MHAT Studio School, but numerous absenteeism and frivolous attitude towards studying are the cause of deductions. Not having upset, Grigory Dobrygin with ease enters another theater university - Gitis, choosing an acting department. After graduating from him, immediately enters the same university, but already at the Directory Faculty. In his youth, thanks to suitable external data (with an increase in 187 cm, the weight of Dobrygin did not exceed 70 kg) Grigory worked as a model. The work brought the necessary income that allowed to continue to do your favorite thing.

Gregory Dobrygin - Graduate Gitis

First time after receiving higher education, Gregory participated in the troupe of the theater center "On Passion". Here he plays in the production of the "sad story of one pair", "Mammoth history" and "humiliated and offended. Part II. Nellie".


The rapid rise of the young actor Dobrygin on a professional staircase can envy any of his young colleague. Grigory begins to film back on the 2nd course of guitis.

At the theater festival of students, the actor met the Assistant of the director Alexei Popogrebsky and received an invitation to the samples of the new Arthaus project "How I spent this summer." A lot of heard about the work of the director Dobrygin arrived to participate in the casting.

Gregory Dobdygin in the film

At the same time, the novice artist passed the samples in another project called "Black Lightning". This is a blockbuster Timur Bekmambetova, calculated on the mass spectator. There is everything for success in the youth audience: bright special effects, elements of fantasy and militant. Hero Grigory Dobrygin - a student Dima Mikekov, confident that in this life the money decide everything.

"Black Lightning" went to the screens for half a year earlier than the picture of Popogreb. The film was warmly accepted by the audience, Dobrygina noticed and rated critics. But a truly famous artist is only after the exit of the tape "As I spent this summer."

Gregory Dobdygin in the film

It is believed that the actor was opened by Alexey Popogrebsky. By and large, the cinematic biography of Gregory Dobrygin begins with his film, which brought a multitude of significant awards, first of all - "Silver Bear" at the Berlin Film Festival ("Best Male Role" nomination). Then the Golden Eagle followed in the same nomination and "white elephant" - for the rapid takeoff in the acting profession.

The third course of guitis, on which both paintings were filmed, Gregory Dob Thygin because of the filming almost missed. But these films gave him an incredible professional start. Proposals from directories fell as out of abundance horns. From the proposed Roles, Dobrygin chose the work in the comedy picture "Atomic Ivan", which his peer was removed - director Vasily Vorkhatov.

Gregory Dobdygin in the film

In Ribe Grigory appeared in the form of physics scientist. The film was shown in London and deserved success. The Symposium of the World Atomic Association was chosen by the location of the show, where physicists from around the world were gathered.

From the bright works, Grigory Dobrygin is worth noting 3 films: the film "Four days in May" Achima von Borris 2010, the territory of Alexander Melnik 2013, which tells about gold miners, and, of course, Hollywood "the most dangerous man "

Gregory Dobdygin in the film

In addition to acting, Dobrygin does not forget about its second specialty - director. In 2013, he made his debut with the film "Treason", which was noted at the Festival of "Kinotavr" with a special prize.

A year later, a short film "Verpascungen" appeared in the filmography of the director, she was also marked by film critics. The play "Lacées", delivered by Dobrygin on the scene of the theater. Mayakovsky, turned out to be no less successful than his movie corrodes. And Grigory leads the program "Info" to the STS.

Gregory Dobdygin and Danil Kozlovsky

In 2017, the actor became a member of the film filming Alexey Teacher Matilda, in which he fulfilled one of the main roles - the Grand Prince Andrei Vladimirovich. In the film that was received by scandalous fame before going to the rental, Mikhalin Olshanskaya starred, Lars Idinger, Danil Kozlovsky, Evgeny Mironov and Ingeborg Dapkin.

Gregory Dobdygin in the film

According to the British magazine "Gardian" Grigory Dobrygin - one of the most promising actors in Russia.

Personal life

The personal life of Dobrygin Gregory is as saturated and bright, as well as creative. The actor is attributed to novels with the girls noticeable in the world in Russian cinema. In 2007, everyone on the lips were the relationship of Dobrin with an elevation church, which went to Gregory from Artem Tkachenko. This novel last 3 years, but the actress did not become the official wife of Dobrygin.

Gregory Dobrygin with Ravban Kurkova

In 2010, Dobrygin appeared in Cannes with Elizabeth Boyarskaya. They went on a red carpet together and did not hide their feelings. Gregory called Elizabeth his girlfriend, and she admitted that happy. But this novel ended. They say, the provocative photo session of the actor for Gay Edition "Quir" has become wilked.

After the photos of Gregory appeared on the cover of this magazine, Elizabeth ruined the relationship with a young man. Dobrygin himself later explained his act financial necessity.

Gregory Dobdygin with Elizabeth Boyarskaya

Dobrygin attributes another fleeting novel - with the "Girl James Bond" Olga Kurilenko.

Later in the life of the actor, a girl named Musya Totibadze appeared, the daughter of the artist Konstantin Totibadze. In 2015, Gregory became the director of the clip on the song "Radio", which Musya recorded. Since then, a couple often see together, despite the fact that they did not do official recognition.

Dobrygin also worked on the creation of clips on the songs of his Girl "Ballad of Children's Big Bears", "Dance, Vitalik!" And "stay with you." And Musya became the performer of the soundtrack for the film "Territory", in which Dobrygin played a major role. Pair until he thinks about the family, enjoying creativity and communication with each other.

Gregory Dobdygin and Musya Totibadze

Recently, the Eternally looking for Himself Gregory Dobrygin is vividly interested in Hinduism. The artist does not eat meat, does not eat alcohol and smoke only environmentally friendly indian bidi cigarettes. In "Instagram", the actor leads a personal blog in which posts dedicated to traveling.

Gregory Dobrygin now

Gregory today is less and less appearing on the big screen. He is ready to start working on a full-length picture as a director. The plans from Dobrygin - the creation of a documentary tape. Acting career departs for him to the background.

Nevertheless, in 2018, along with Igor Petrenko, Evgeny Tsyganov Grigory was tried to the role of Lion Yashin in the biographic picture "Lev Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams, "but lost the main role of Alexander Fokin, a graduate of the theater school. Shchukina.

Gregory Dobrygin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021 20914_13

For 2019, the output of the fantastic film Alexey Popogrebsky "I-Sayder" is scheduled, in which Gregory again awarded the lead role. Together with him, Elena Lyadov and Konstantin Khabensky will appear in the frame.


  • 2009 - "Black Lightning"
  • 2009 - "Pressure: Solo on a minefield"
  • 2010 - "How I spent this summer"
  • 2011 - "4 days in May"
  • 2012 - "Atomic Ivan"
  • 2013 - "Territory"
  • 2014 - "The most dangerous person"
  • 2014 - "Black Sea"
  • 2016 - "The same traitor, as we"
  • 2017 - Matilda
  • 2018 - "Lev Yashin. Goalkeeper of my dreams "
  • 2019 - "And-Sayder"

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