Prokhor Dubravin (Vitaly Emahov) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, Actor, Filmography 2021



Prokhor Dubravin - the Russian actor and cinema actor, who glorified the main role in the series "Princess Circus". There he played under his real name Vitaly Emahov, but later decided to change it to a more spectacular. This did not prevent the audience to find out the artist in other projects and to love his courageous, decisive heroes.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Emahov, or Prokhor Dubravin, was born on July 18, 1976 in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. In addition to the mother, he had no one. Victoria Pavlovna worked at the Foundry Plant Secretary. The woman brought up his son alone and coped well with this.

As a child, Prokhor did not experience problems with academic performance. The class specialized in physics and mathematics, these sciences Dubravin and was going to devote his life. After graduating from school, he went to study at the Kamsky Polytechnic Institute and planned to work in the specialty "Industrial and Civil Construction" after the end of the university.

The financial situation of the family did not give the opportunity to make a conceived. The future actor threw the institute after the 1st semester and settled to work for the mother to the plant. There he worked, stamping refractory bricks. After six months, Yemahov came the agenda to the army. High (height 186 cm) and physically strong guy were distributed in airborne troops. Prokhor served 2 years and returned home in 1996.

Personal life

Personal life Prokhor arranged in 2003, marrying actress Evgenia Serebrennikova. Choosing an actor for 6 years younger than the family of musicians. Over the years, the spouses became real partners, complementing friendship with strong love, together they starred in the series "MAVR did his job." Both loved the journey, the wife often satisfied the Dubravin trips-surprises.

As stated on the official website Evgenia, the marriage collapsed in 2013. On the Prokhor's page of information about what he divorced, no. For 10 years, the couple did not have time to get a couple. Liberately now the heart of the actor is unknown.

"Instagram" and the page in Vkontakte, the artist replenishes reluctantly, on the published photo we can conclude that Dubravin loves sports, friendly companies and advocate for a humane attitude towards animals.

The actor carries its current name since April 2011. About what prompted such a step, he answered briefly in an interview: "Personal desire. The name of Prokhor liked a long time ago, especially in combination with the surname of Dubravin. "

Fans often celebrate the external similarity of Dubravin with artists Ilya Shakunov and Kirill Safonov. They really have the same type and similar manner of the game. Also on the network there is a funny photo of Prokhor in a female image - in dress, wig and makeup. The fans unanimously decided that he was similar to Dmitry Nagiyeva from the series "Caution, Modern!", Only the "lady" performed by Dubravin softer and not so caricature.


After the Army, Prokhor was looking for a place in life for several years, I tried many different classes, repeatedly changed the place of work. In 1999, Dubravin decided that he would like to become an actor, and came to the Yaroslavl State Theater Institute, entered the course Vyacheslav Sergeevich Shalimov. To delve into the essence of the chosen profession deeper, participated in the production of the local Volkova Academic Theater.

In 2003, the actor graduated from studying and went to Moscow, where he almost immediately settled in the "KinOSPext" theater, which was devoted for 2 years. At the same time, Prokhor began to film.


In the youth, Dubravin made his debut on television as a leading children's transfer "History of an old attic" on the "Star" channel. At the same time, he was invited to shoot in a series of serials.

In the film "Adjutants of Love" about the era of Napoleon Bonapora Prokhor, appeared in the episode. Philip Bay told about the former operative involved in the investigation of a friend's murder. Yaroslav Boyko and Konstantin Khabensky became partners of the young actor on the site. Then followed the "March of Turkish" and "mad", melodramas "Mascot of Love" and "Night is beautiful."

A short film was not hit by a short film with Prokhorom in the lead role, which was removed on Alexander Tikhomirov's poem, called the "Winter Vacation".

At the Festival "Kinotavr" the picture has won the Grand Prix in the "short meter" nomination. The mystical drama "Somewhat simple desires" did not receive a well-deserved audience, where the company Dubrevin was Elena Podikynskaya and Maxim Averin, although the film was included in the extraction program of the Mirror Festival in 2009.

The awareness and the first mention in the press brought the series "Princess Circus", in which Dubrevin embodied the diametrically opposite images and character characters. The Romanov Brothers grew up in one family, but one is a pet, and if they don't take the second, then, in any case, be happy to send abroad, hiding behind the interests of the business. Even in a relationship with the same girl in men completely different plans.

I gained positive feedback, the work of Prokhor in the drama "Veronica will not come" about the once popular journalist, the living eyelid in the nursing home. Rimma Markova starred in the title role, and Dubravin received an invitation, because he was late for casting. The director was looking for just such a windy, nothing worried about a young man.

The actor often says that he loves shooting in extreme conditions that bring adrenaline and the adventure dose, which is not enough in real life. It does not resort to the help of Cascaders, if he understands that he can perform a trick himself. There is a bit of the colleagues of the artist, which the process of filming in the forest, on water or in the basement brings so much pleasure as a prohor.

This and I had to deal with the performer of the role of the cook in the mystical drama "Closed School". This is the first project, where the actor acted already as Prokhor Dubravin. By the way, his character in the series also two names. In the frame, the company artist amounted to Julia Agafonov, Agatha Motition and Paul Sillychny.

After the release of the melodrama "General therapy", evil tongues said that Emashov love with the partner of Anna Snatina not only in the studio walls. In these films, the artist demonstrated all the verge of talent, reincarnated to representatives of completely different professions.

It is believed that changing the name is an attempt to change the biography. To some extent with Prokhor, it happened. Critics and fans noted that the actor began selectively approaching the choice of roles, try to expand the role. The picture "Mechanic", where Dubravin played an uncompromising and cruel killer, compared with the militant of the same name with Jason Steatera. At the same time, they note that in persuasiveness of the character of the character of the hero, the Russian is almost not inferior to the Hollywood colleague.

As much straightforward character at Prokhor in the film "Game". According to the plot, the actor catches the hired killer, whose role was performed by Pavel Barshak. In the 2nd season, the hero has to issue a criminal from prison to save children.

With Ukrainian cinematographers, the actor collaborated in dismanting tapes "I will give you a dawn" and "midfielder." In the last hero of Dubravin - a lawyer, but therefore "sex" that he himself has problems with law enforcement agencies, lies and falls into different situations. In "Happiness under the Agreement", Prokhor played a husband's husband, decorated to surrogate motherhood.

In 2019, the film "I go save people" on the screens. In the project, Prokhor Dubravin received the main role of the first President of Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev.

In addition, the actor was involved in the Detective Dram "idealist" with Sergey Puuskapalis, in the painting "such as everything" about the publisher of the glossy magazine, infected with HIV, and in the series "Bailiffs", telling about the methods of work of wrestlers with defaulters of debts.

Prokhor Dubravin now

Now the actor is busy mainly in television series. In February 2020, a new series "Women's Secrets" came out, in which the audience saw the creative duet of Prokhor with Valeria Lanskaya again. Director Maxim Mehleda called his work with a melodrama with a social overtone.

Another news from the artist was his participation in the 4-serial film "Labyrinth", the premiere of which was held at the beginning of the 2020 on the TV channel "Ukraine". Also, Dubravin noted the role in the series "Strong You", published on the TV channel "Russia-1".


  • 2006 - "Do not be born beautiful"
  • 2007 - "Mad"
  • 2008 - "Princess Circus"
  • 2009 - "Invaders"
  • 2010 - "Hedgehog out of fog"
  • 2010 - "General therapy"
  • 2011 - "Game"
  • 2012 - "Closed School"
  • 2015 - "Punts for Bun"
  • 2017 - "Twelve Miracles"
  • 2018 - "We will still be together"
  • 2018 - "I will give you a dawn"
  • 2019 - "I go save people"
  • 2019 - "Such as all"
  • 2019 - "Student of Correder"
  • 2020 - "Labyrinth"
  • 2020 - "Women's Secrets"
  • 2020 - "Strong You"

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