Anastasia Maximova - biography, personal life, photo, news, rhythmic gymnastics, "instagram", champion of Europe 2021



Anastasia Maksimova is a Russian athlete who has achieved great success in rhythmic gymnastics, national sport, which invented in the Russian Empire during the First World War. Now the woman pays a lot of time self-development, finally learned to love himself and do only what she likes.

Childhood and youth

Anastasia Ivanovna Maksimova was born on June 27, 1991 in Petrozavodsk, Republic of Karelia. Since childhood, a girl dreamed of becoming an Olympic champion, like Alina Kabaeva, and actress, like Natalby Oreiro. At 8, she went to national competitions, where the young gymnast was advised to hope for nothing, but Nastya occupied the 3rd place.

Olga Leonidovna's mother worked as a psychotherapist in the oncological dispensary, sherself sewed for Nastya swimsuits to save, and also required money on trips, food and accommodation, rope, hoops, and so on. Later, the mother of the athlete quit and began to sew clothes for gymnasts to order, the father worked the driver around the clock to feed the family.

Praded Gymnasts Egor Semenovich Sharapov fought with the fascists and returned from the front without a leg. Grandmother Elizabeth Egorovna was a worker of the rear in the collective farm, after the war in the Tambura train arrived at the Tete to Murmansk and learned to the librarian. On the distribution, I got into the city of Segezha in Karelia, married the grandfather Anastasia Leonid Petrovich Mironova, who, having only a secondary vocational education, became the deputy head of the paper factory. Later, the grandmother graduated from the historical faculty of Petrozavodsky State University, worked in the city council and was a deputy.

At the age of 12, Maksimov noted the coaches of the Nizhny Novgorod school, the girl went to another city, was engaged in the leadership of Natalia Borisovna Tishina, later the younger sister of Catherine joined her. They lived in three rooms, retracted in turn. The first training started at 8 am, then school classes up to half the fifth, the second workout up to eight, then dinner and homework.

Soon the student fell to the Russian Championship for candidates, where they took 2nd place. The first then took the team of Tatiana Gorbunova, which is now the director of the Center for Olympic Training on Rhythmic Gymnastics.


Anastasia's sports biography began in 2009 from the World Cup, where she won the first medals. In 2014, the gymnast became a champion of Europe. For their achievements, the athlete thanked the mentor Irina Alexandrovna Wiener, who, according to her, "from the laundry made Korolev."

In 2015, Maksimova performed at the first European games in Baku, where they created excellent conditions. The hall was speeches on artistic and sports gymnastics, acrobatics, aerobics, trampoline jumping. The Russian national team won in the all-around and composition with 5 ribbons, but in exercises with two hoops and six Bulav, only the 6th place occupied.

At the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, the Russian national team went for gold. Trainers locked the wards based on mobile phones, and the result was achieved. This was the considerable merit of the Tatiana Sergayev coach, the daughter of Natalia Tishina, who was engaged in Maximova in the School.

After the victory of Mother Anastasia called the Governor of Karelia Alexander Hudilainen with congratulations. Taking this opportunity, she complained that the daughter still lives in a hostel. The athlete was presented by the BMW X6 car (by the way, her father was taught driving) and promised to allocate land for the construction of the house.

Personal life

Gymnast has not so much time for personal life, nothing knows about her novels. According to Maximova, from men, they like hockey players most of all: they are attentive and know how to carefully care for girls.

Anastasia's growth of 175 cm, weight 50 kg.

Anastasia Maksimova now

In early 2021, Maksimova threw her page in "Instagram" and did not publish new photos, because she was preparing for the World Cup stage, which was held in May. The Russians won in all-around, the 2nd place was taken by the athletes of Bulgaria, and bronze took Belarus.

In June 2021, the Russian national team won the gold medal of the European Championship in rhythmic gymnastics, which was held in Bulgaria. On the first day, Russian "artists" received 90,250 points, the next day for a group performance with five balls - 47,275. In addition to Maximova, Anastasia Krnyuk, Olga Karaseva, Karina Miselkova, An Anastasia Tatarsheva, were included in the national team.


  • 2009 - Winner of the World Cup in the speech with hoops
  • 2013 - Winner of the Universiade in group all-around
  • 2013 - Winner of the Universiade in a speech with balls and ribbons
  • 2013 - Winner of the Universiade in a speech with Bulavami
  • 2013, 2014 - Winner of the World Cup in the speech with balls and ribbons
  • 2014 - Winner of the European Championship in the speech with balls and ribbons
  • 2014, 2016 - The winner of the European Championship in the group all-around
  • 2015 - Winner of European Games in Group Multipuriate
  • 2015 - winner of European games in speaking with balls
  • 2015 - winner of European games in speaking with ribbons
  • 2015, 2019 - Winner of the World Championship in Group Multi-Obory
  • 2015, 2019 - Winner of the World Cup in the speech with hoops and bulbs
  • 2016 - Winner of the Olympic Games in Group Multiple
  • 2021 - Silver meditance of the European Championship in the speech with balls
  • 2021 - Winner of the European Championship in the team all-around
  • 2021 - The winner of the European Championship in the group all-around

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