Irina Rodnina - Photo, Biography, Figure, News, Personal Life, "Instagram" 2021



Irina Rodnina is a Soviet figure skater, which for achievements in sports is home to all over the world. The tenfold world champion, the three-time Olympic champion and eleventh-time European champion in the pair skating joined the story as not a single sportswoman's tournament, for which she was brought to the Guinness Book of Records. At the end of the sports career began political activities.

Childhood and youth

Irina was born on September 12, 1949 in Moscow in the family of personnel military and physician. The girl's father was from the Vologda region, mother, by the nationality of the Jewish, from Kharkov. Parents brought up two children - the figure skater has an older sister of Valentine, which by education is a mathematician engineer.

Irina Rodnina - Photo, Biography, Figure, News, Personal Life,

In childhood, the athlete was weak on health. After the pneumonia got 11 times, the parents decided that the daughter should be saved, and decided to take her to the rink, so that with the help of exercise would naturally strengthen the child's immune system.

This decision of the parents has become a fateful for the girl. After the Rodnina first came out on the rink, which happened in 1954, her biography is inextricably linked with sports. At first, she was given to the school figure skating, then to the CSKA figure skaters, then the girl graduated from School CSKA, and in 1974 he became a graduate of the State Central Institute of Physical Education.

Figure skating

The sports career of a miniature Irina Rodnina (her growth was 152 cm, the weight - 57 kg) started in 1963, when she took the 3rd prize in all-union youthful competitions. Then its coaches were Czechi Milan and Sonya Valun, and Oleg Vlasov's partner. After the first victory, the future Olympic champion became the pupil of Stanislav Zhuk. Together with the new coach, the Rodnina has changed the figure skating partner, Alexey Ulannov became.

Over the next 10 years, Irina Rodnina and Alexey Ulanov won gold medals at the European Championships and the Olympiad, becoming with every victory leaders in the international sports arena.

In 1972, the injury of Irina Rodnina separates it with a partner in figure skating. After a 3-month break in the sports partner of athletes, Alexander Zaitsev becomes. Together they became the legends of figure skating and reached brilliant results on the rink, which could not be achieved by any modern figure skaters.

In the mid-70s, the duo passed under the leadership of the young coach of Tatiana Tarasova, who made focus on the art component of each number. New ideas allowed the pair to most fully reveal their potential and take another two Olympic gold - in Innsbruck in 1976 and Lake Placid in the 1980s.

In 1981, the figure skater went into a large professional sport and became a well-deserved coach in figure skating. From the 1990s to the 2002th lived in the United States and led coaching activity. Its best coaching result in the international arena is considered to be victory at the World Championships of the Pary of Rada Kovarzhikova and Rene Novotny from the Czech Republic.


Since 2003, Irina Rodnina has tried to break through into the Russian political arena, but twice in the election of deputies to the State Duma failed. In 2007, she still managed to become a deputy from the United Russia party from the Omsk region and take the post of deputy chairman of the Education Committee in parliament.

In 2011, she again was re-elected by the State Duma deputy and became part of the Committee on Women, Family and Children. At the same time, in United Russia, the figure skater is headed by several internal projects dedicated to the development of Russian sports.

Rodnina entered the Council on Physical Culture and Sport under the President of the Russian Federation. She became a member of the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Sochi. Former figure skater and the famous hockey coach Vladislav Tretyak lit the Olympic Fire.

Personal life

The personal life of Irina Rodnina is not as successful as her brilliant sports career. The athlete was married twice, but figure skating was a barrier and in the first and in the second marriage.

The first husband of the world champion in figure skating was her partner in the rink Alexander Zaitsev. In 1979, they had a son Alexander, who in the future became a ceramics artist. He lives in Russia, married and raises his daughter Sonya. The marriage of Sinnina and Zaitseva was filled with family problems due to the fact that the spouse could not accept the success of his wife.

Soon the athlete reopened the heart to meet female happiness, falling in love with the businessman Leonid Minkovsky, who had nothing to do with the sport. In 1986, the pair had a daughter of Alena.

In 1990, the Olympic champion at the invitation of the American International Center for Figure Skating Together with the family moves to America, but one year later one - Minkovsky went to another woman.

This period of Rodnina recalls as one of the most severe in life. She had to sue her husband for a long time to prove his right to raise her daughter. The relatives managed to stay along with Alena, but the girl was forbidden to travel from the United States. There she received a higher education and stayed. Now Minkovskaya works the leading American news Internet resource HuffPostLife.

Irina Rodnina now

Irina Konstantinovna continues to contribute to the development of children's sports in Russia. In May, she took part in the XVII International Festival of Sports Cinema Krasnogorski, in July visited Khanty-Mansiysk, where the V World Games of Young Compatriots were held.

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Rodnina continues to support the "Yard Coach" project, in which sports organizations of 60 regions of Russia took part in 2019. And in September, the deputy was noted at the opening of the X Youth Games of the Asia-Pacific region, which took place in Vladivostok.

In the summer, the champion entered the Russian delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, which was headed by Peter Tolstoy. The powers of the Russian Federation were returned in full. This event Irina Rodnina illuminated on the page in "Instagram", placing the corresponding photo.

Achievements and awards

Parabe with Alexey Ulanov

  • 1972 - Prize-winners of the Olympic Games
  • 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972 - winners of the world championships
  • 1969, 1970, 1971, 1972 - European Championship winners

Paired with Alexander Zaitsev

  • 1976, 1980 - Prize-winners of the Olympic Games
  • 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977 - winners of the world championships
  • 1972, 1973, 1974, 1975, 1976, 1977, 1980 - winners of the European Championships

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