Nicholas Cage - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, News, Roles 2021



Now, not only Hollywood believes Nicholas Cadeja Cudakan. For the sake of role, he is ready to eat insects. About his personal life, it is convenient to shoot a film in the spirit of Passion filled with passions and unexpected turns of Indian cinema. Egor Obsession comics and expensive cars for young city managers An example of how not to dispose of finances. But the actor does not lose: negative experience is the basis for positive.

Childhood and youth

Nicholas Kim Coppola was born in 1964 in the dancers family and professor of literature. The actor, director and producer took the name of the Hero of Comic Cage to distance themselves from famous relatives - the author of the "godfather" Francis Ford Coppola and grandfather's grandfather Karmina Coppola.

In his youth, Nicholas was a Sorvigolova and anarchist, splashing the energy in tricky and since then does not represent life without a sense of risk. The guy will have a creative biography, they talked to participate in school productions and classes on theatrical courses. At 17, Cage passed the final exams ahead of schedule, after which she went to conquer Hollywood.


The debut of the actor in the movie came in 1981 in the TV series "Best Times". Then there were several more film collections that did not bring special fame. No matter how hard Cage tried to remove from related ties, it was Francis Ford Coppola who helped in a career, offering to play in the "Fight Fish", "Cotton club" "," Peggy Sue married. "

World fondness came to Nicolas after filming in the "wild heart" David Lynch. The drama "Leaving Las Vegas" brought "Oscar", he received another nomination for the tragic comedation "Adaptation". The actor collaborated with Martin Scorsese, Brothers Cohen, Brian de Palma, John Wu.

The best in his filmography is considered the "rock", "Air Prison", "The City of Angels", "sake in 60 seconds", the fee for which was $ 20 million. Action "Without face" about the confrontation between the terrorist and the Special Instant FBI in the performance of Nicholas and John Travolta is included in the list of 100 brightest features.

In the new century, the attention of the audience was attracted somehow or otherwise based on the real events of the "Twin Towers", "Armory Baron" and "Frighteous Earth". In all Cage played the main roles. With Nicole Kidman, he starred in a thriller "What hides a lie", with Anton Yelchin - in the "Dying Light", with Tay Sheridan - in Joe.

The subsequent projects of Nicholas caused sharp hostility from critics. They awarded the actor with a nomination for "Golden Malina" for both parts of the "Ghost Rider", "Snowden", "left". Too gloomy considered and the picture "Mirror". An exception was the horror film "Mandy".

At the Festival in Toronto in the summer of 2019, a film "Color from other worlds" is presented, a combination of horror and fiction. In the screening of the story of Howard Lovekraft Cage performed a major role.

Another painting-thriller with the participation of Nicholas - "prisoners of the country of ghosts" about the criminal with an unexpected name of the hero, saving humanity.

The action movie "Primitive" is a story about a dangerous killer hiding from justice. Fake the fugitive instruct the hero of Cage. The problem is that before that he caught exclusively wild animals.

Personal life

On a High Growth Men (183 cm) and with an unusual appearance (someone finds in Nicholas similarity with the "king of shock" Marilin Manson) women always paid attention. Senior of children, Weston Coppoll Cage, celebrities gave birth to actress Christina Fulton.

The first official wife became Patricia Arquette. Cage made an offer hour after the acquaintance. The couple could not buy tickets to Cuba, where the wedding was planned. At the airport, the actor began to scandal, and the bride, taking advantage of the moment, ran away.

Repeated meeting occurred in 1995. In fact, the marriage collapsed in 9 months, and only in 2000 Nicholas gave a divorce, but then he took a statement. Then the paper was designed by Arquette.

For the second time, Cage married Elvis Presley's daughter, Lisa Mary, after she left Michael Jackson. This Union has existed 109 days.

The third wife of Nicholas became the waitress by Alice Kim, Korean on nationality. In 2005, a woman presented the actor of the Son. The boy was named Cal-Ela, in honor of the superhero comic. The couple broke up in January 2016.

In March 2019, the star of Hollywood registered relations with Eric Koyake. Eccentricity from Cage did not diminish: Not only that, according to lawyers, at the time of making a decision to marry he was drunk "and did not give a report to actions", so he broke the anti-robe of the divorce.

The media found out that the chief of Nicholas for 32 years is younger, received a conditional period for driving drunk, with a scandal broke up with the first husband who was often self-todded. After 4 days, rubrev and learning these details, the actor asked for marriage to cancel. It is clear that Erica demanded compensation, stating that such a brief marriage damaged its reputation.

The spouses were spread soon, and how the financial question was settled, unknown. With Cadzha's money serious problems. The tax service accused the actor in non-pay more than $ 6 million, because of which he had to sell yachts, cars, real estate, the famous comic collection. Claims on loans for tens of millions presented banks. The lawsuit against Nego filed and Fulton - Nicholas tried to evict the mother of the eldest son from the house that bought her, but designed for his name and also wanted to sell to pay off debts.

On February 16, 2021, the actor was married for the fifth time, his chosen was the native of Japan Rico Shibatu. The proposal of the beloved Cage made the video call on the pandemic of coronavirus infection.

Nicholas Cage now

Cage Fan Accounts in "Instagram" are filled in most part by photos resembling its old projects. The American press notes that the actor began to take the films of low-budget, non-scenario, nor the names of the participating persons. So, in the Thriller "Between the Worlds" of the public, except Nicholas, is familiar with the potential franc.

He himself says that he does not want to sit on the boring, monotonous "kinodiete".

"I like to surprise the audience and myself. I try to play as many roles as possible as many different characters as possible. My goal is to try all types of characters, all styles: militants, romantic comedies, art films. "

Nostalgia about the past turned out a fighter "Cocaine Baron". United Native Good Will Ambassador to Drug Control Played a Carrier of Deathly Potion.

In November 2020, the film "Jiu-Jitsu: Battle for Earth" was released, in which Nicholas played a major role. A fantastic fighter is based on the same comic Dimitis comic and Jim McGrath.


  • 1983 - "Film Fish"
  • 1990 - "Wild Heart"
  • 1995 - "Leaving Las Vegas"
  • 1996 - "Rock"
  • 1997 - "Without face"
  • 2000 - "Honest in 60 seconds"
  • 2004 - "Treasure of the Nation"
  • 2006 - "Braided man"
  • 2011 - "Hungry Rabbit Attacks"
  • 2013 - "Joe"
  • 2016 - "Snowden"
  • 2018 - "Mandy"
  • 2019 - Cocaine Baron
  • 2020 - "Jiu-Jitsu: Battle for Earth"
  • 2021 - "The story of the swiss words"

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