Woody Allen - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Woody Allen is a cult American film director, to be held in the films of which they consider honoring Hollywood's stars, the creator of the genre of the "intellectual comedy". The proof of world recognition of his talent is a lot of prestigious premiums, including four Oscars, none of the ceremony of which he never visited. All rewards director sent his parents, preferring to engage exclusively by creativity. In addition to movies, Allen is fond of writing books, studying modern art and the game on the clarinet.

Childhood and youth

Haywood Allen Stewart Konigssberg, who is known as Woody Allen, was born in New York in December 1935. His grandmother and grandfather, Jews by nationality, were German emigrants and talked to Yiddish and German. Haywood Allen Stewart was the firstborn in the Netti family and Martin Konigssberg.

After 8 years, the daughter of Letty was born (now she producer Woody Allen films). Parents of the future director were born and grew up in Manhattan, then moved to Brooklyn. Netti worked by an accountant in the confectionery shop owned by the family. Martin worked as engraver and jeweler.

The first 8 classes Konigssberg Jr. studied at the Jewish school. As a child, the peers called him redheads for the color of the hair. Haywood could stand up for himself, although, judging by the photo, seemed weak. He was a baseball player and played basketball. And the guy earned the authority to his congenital sense of humor.

He wrote comic notes for the school newspaper, taking the pseudonym Woody Allen. They brought the first earnings to the young writer. At the age of 16, Allen noticed the comic artist Milt Caman. He arranged Woody in Side Sizar's show as a humorist writer.

After graduating from school, Woody Allen becomes a student at the University of New York, where the Faculty of Cinematography is chosen. He lasted there for a long time, since he did not differ. For some time, Woody visited one of the colleges of New York, but also he was not palpable with her studies. The young man was forced to earn.

In his youth, he wrote Sketch for newspapers, appeared as a comedian in the nightclubs of the city. One of these speeches saw Producer Charles Feldman. He suggested a witty woody to add an incomplete comedy. A year later, the tape "What is new, pussy?", In which Allen debuted and as a screenwriter, and as an actor.

The first success inspired Woody Allen. He began to be filmed in the episodic roles in the cinema and to take over the revision of other scenarios. But soon the guy realized that he was able to build a career and make films.

Personal life

Despite some oddities in communicating and various phobias, Woody Allen has always been popular with women. In the youth attractive young man (the growth of the director - 163 cm, the weight is 68 kg) interested the girls with his non-standard sense of humor.

The first spouse director became Harlin Rosen. Young people met early youth. The first meeting occurred at the jazz concert.

The couple played a wedding in 1956 in Hollywood and moved to New York, where Harlin went on a course of philosophy, and Woody wrote humorous sketches and scenarios. Marriage lasted 5 years and collapsed. After the divorce, Rosen has repeatedly sued her ex-husband for his caustic statements about her, appreciating his offense of $ 1 million.

The second marriage of Woody Allen with actress Louise Lasser lasted even less. After 3 years, the couple was separated, during this time the artist managed to play in several paintings of her husband, including the films "Give money and run" and "Everything you always wanted to know about sex, but they were afraid to ask." Until 1997, Woody Allen did not marry.

In 1970, the director met Dian Kiton. She had a considerable impact on the work of the director and starred in many of his paintings, the brightest of which - Annie Hall. By the way, the name of the film is a real name of the actress. The picture presents biographical episodes from the collaboration of the stellar pair. The relationship ended, but Allen and Kiton parted their friends and subsequently continued to communicate and cooperate.

In 1980, Woody Allen had an affair with Mia Farrow. The actress played in the 13 tapes of the director, among which the most popular Purple Rose of Cairo and Hannah and her sisters. Together the couple lived 12 years, without registering relations. Mia gave birth to Allen of his sole son of Ronana Shamus Farrow.

They also adopted two children, Malone and Misha. Completion of relations was accompanied by a loud scandal and several trials. The former civilian wife nominated against the Woody accusations of juvenile plants, but the evidence did not provide.

The only son of Allen and Farrow Ronan Shemus Farrow in 2011 fell into the list of Forbes magazine, which marks the most successful young people under 30 years old. He was an adviser to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Youth Affairs and awarded Rhodes Scholarship, which allowed him to study at the University of Oxford.

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In 2014, the media appeared in the media, associated with Woody Allen. The public found out about the blatant case relating to the personal life of the film director. The memories of his adopted daughter Dylan (Malone) Farrow turned out to be more than piquant: she argued that he was persecuted by stepfather, being a 7-year-old child.

On the side of the consolidated sister, the sister of the director got up, but Woody Allen himself denied this statement. He clarified that only once put his head on his knees Dylan, but this event happened in sight of the TV film surrounding during the general viewing of the television. The recognition of the director did not convince the members of his family, they are still confident that Dylan's words right.

The director's name is connected with one scandalous history. In 2018, the model of Christina Englhardt accused Allen in the 16th age he was subjected to harassment. Nevertheless, the actress recalls this connection, which later lasted several years, without charge to celebrity.


The real reason for the gap with MIA was a novel Allen with Sun and Prevev. This is a receptional daughter of Farrow and her former husband Andre presented. In the late 90s Woody Allen and Song and Prevev got married. Together they brought the adoptive children of Bezhe and Meni.

About the relationship with the current wife Allen told in the memoirs of Aproopos of Nothing ("not to the place"), which they saw the light in March 2020. The release of the book was accompanied by a scandal: publishers denied the director in collaboration due to the accusations of the harassment of his adopted daughter Dylan. But the literary work Woody Allen still saw the light.

In the book, the author described the beginning of the novel with Sun and Prevev. At that time, the director turned 55 years old, and the girl was only 21 years old. The couple could not tear away from each other, experiencing a real passion. According to the director, despite the fact that relations with Sun and were condemned by the public and the previous wife of Allen, he does not regret what he married the adopted daughter.


The cinematic biography of Woody Allen, began a comedy of Feldman, is rapidly developing. In 1966, he makes a parody of the picture "What happened, Tiger Lilia?" Director Sankty Taniguti. And after 3 years, Allen removed the film "Grab Money and Run". He not only worked on writing a script for this tape, but also played a major role in it.

Further Woody Allen takes the whole process of creating films into their own hands: he himself writes scripts to them, removes them and participates as an actor.

So his tapes "Love and Death" appeared, "All you wanted to know about sex, but were afraid to ask," Manhattan "," Sexy Comedy in the Summer Night "," Broadway Denny Rose "," Purple Rosa Cairo "," Husbands and wives "and many other films, warmly accepted by both viewers and critics. In 1998, a black and white tape "Celebrity" was removed, where the young Charlize Theron shone.

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A special place in the cinematic biography of Woody Allen is occupied by the Ribbon "Annie Hall". With the release of this picture began turning director from comedy to a deeper drama and a new quality of humor. The film won 4 Awards American Film Academy and many other awards. Diane Kiton removed in the lead role is nominated as the best actress.

Annie Hall entered the list of "100 best films" chosen by the American Film Academy, taking the 35th place. And in the list "100 best comedians" the picture hit the 4th place. Filmists consider ribbon the best of all who removed Woody Allen.

The film became a breakthrough in the quarry of the director and received nominations for 4 Oscar awards. The pictures of Allen are traced "Corporate" directing style: this is an intellectual comedy with elements of psychological drama, absurdity and satire. Before Allen, no no such films shot.

From the 90s Allen, it becomes more and less as an actor. And in the 2000s he even committed himself with acting, focusing on writing scenarios and director. In the second half of the 2000s, Woody creates films, which critics are conventionally called the "European Cycle". These are the pictures that are based on events in major cities in Europe.

"Match Point", which director himself considers his best film, starred in Britain. In 2006, the film "Sensation" appeared, in which Scarlett Johansson and Hugh Jackman starred.

Later there were tapes "Be what will be", "Roman Adventures", "Midnight in Paris". The last work in which Owen Wilson starred, in 2012, collected $ 150 million at the box office and was awarded four Oscar prizes and the Golden Globe.

In the summer of 2013, a picture of Woody Allen "Jasmine" was shown on world screens. Critics wrote a lot of laudatory review reviews. Next year, the Hollywood Association of Foreign Press awarded Allen Prize Cecil B. de Mill.

At the same time, the film "Under the Maskoy Zhigolo" appeared, in which Sharon Stone starred, and after 2 years, the film "Irrational Man" came to the screens with Hoakin Phoenix in the lead role. The brilliant duet of Colin of the Firth and Emma Stone was presented in the project "Magic Lunar Light" project.

After the time of the film, created in the spirit of comedy melodrama, was released on the screens. The main roles in the film were played by Jesse Aisenberg and Kristen Stewart. At the same time, the show of the series "Crisis in six scenes" started, in which Allen himself appeared as the chief performer.

One of the last completed works in the director's filmography of Woody Allen is the picture "Wheel of Miracles", released on screens in 2017. The film unfolded a love drama between the wife of the amusement park owner and a young rescuer, which also falls in love with Padderitsa by the elderly heroine. The main roles were presented by Kate Winslet, Justin Timberlake, Juno Temple and James Belushi.

Woody is known not only by the films created, he also wrote a lot of books, created a series of collections of plays and stories. And a man is a big fan of jazz music. Allen himself plays on clarinet and saxophone. From time to time he acts in clubs and in concert venues. In the fall of 2008, Woody first set the opera "Janni Skisci". Her premiere took place in Los Angeles. Critics recognized the formulation of the most significant event of the year.

Scandalous news caused the discrimination of the director in Hollywood. Amazon Studios In 2018, the contract was terminated with Allen, according to which the release of five cinematographer tapes was to provide.

As a result of a breakdown of the release of four paintings, including the film "Rainy Day in New York", where Timothy Shalama was filmed and Selena Gomez, Woody decided to submit to the Court. He presented a 68 millionth law studio. The lawyers of the director appealed to the fact that Dilan's statement became aware of the public 2 years before signing the contract.

While in Hollywood, the doors closed, the Spanish Production Company MediaPro concluded in His contract with him, which previously participated in the creation of paintings "Vicky, Christina, Barcelona" and "Midnight in Paris". Photos of Backsteja creation films appeared in the Instagram account, registered in the name of Woody Allen. The film saw the light in 2019.

The director did not lose the presence of the Spirit. In addition to the main directing activity, he has prepared a program for concerts as a clarinetist, which took place in the summer of 2019 in Europe.

Woody Allen now

Now Allen is spent most of the time at the desk. The last news in the creative life of Woody became the yield of his memoirs. An unexpected support for the American Cinema Found in Russia. The editor-in-chief of the RT TV channel Margarita Simonyan declared his readiness to help with the publication of the book.


  • 1969 - "Grab money and run"
  • 1977 - "Annie Hall"
  • 1979 - "Manhattan"
  • 1985 - "Purple Rose of Cairo"
  • 1986 - "Hannah and her sisters"
  • 1992 - "Husbands and Wives"
  • 1994 - "bullets over Broadway"
  • 1999 - "Sweet and ugly"
  • 2008 - "Vicky Kristina Barcelona"
  • 2011 - "Midnight in Paris"
  • 2012 - "Roman Adventures"
  • 2014 - "Magic Lunar Light"
  • 2016 - "Silent Life"
  • 2017 - "Wheel of Miracles"
  • 2019 - "Rainy Day in New York"

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