Tom Hanks - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Tom Hanks is one of the most sought-after actors. The publications telling about him, operate with terms like "God" and "Icon". His heroes for the most part positive, but every time unpredictable. She played immediately six characters in the "cloud atlas" and regrets that in Apollo-13 - only one. And how it would be great to control space and time, Hanks recognized.

Childhood and youth

Thomas Jeffrey Hanks - the third of four children (he has a sister Sandra, the elder brother Larry and Junior Jim) Chefs of the restaurant Amos Mieford Hanks, Englishman by nationality, and hospital employees, Portuguese Janet Marilyn Freger. After the divorce of the parents, he stayed with his father, he often moved, got used to quickly get acquainted and say goodbye to people.

At every new place of study, Hanks was recorded in the theater circle. After school, he entered the University of California to study dramatic art, participated in the annual Shakespeare Festival. As soon as the acting troupe from Cleveland made him, Tom left Alma Mater and went to conquer theatrical layouts.

Personal life

In the personal life of the actor there are two periods associated with the first and second marriages. In 1978, Tom married a classmate at California University Samantha Lewis. The son of Colin and daughter Elizabeth Ann was born in the family.

Later, he recalled this union as "very serious from beginning to end." Spouses dealt due to financial differences. In his youth, the actor could not ensure all the needs of the family, which was for her husband and wife test.

Colin Hanks - Star of the TV series "Fargo" and "The City of Aliens", Fantasy "Jumanji: Call of Jungle", Nominee for the Golden Globe. Now he is married to a journalist, brings up the daughters Olivia Jane and Charlotte.

Elizabeth Ann works as a literary editor, tries forces on the writing field.

The second wife of Rita Wilson presented the actor of the sons of Truca theodore and Chester Marlon. Even survived alcohol and narcotic dependence, he is fond of hip-hop and likes to demonstrate a commitment to this culture on the Internet, for which he earned the nickname new emine.

In one interview, Tom told that she suffers from diabetes and therefore rejects the attitudes on the shooting in which it is necessary to lose weight or get better. He is already "left up to 100 kg and then dropped by 30" for the sake of the role of a patient AIDS and it does not intend to repeat such experiments. Now the weight of the actor is within 75 kg, the growth is 183 cm.

Hanks's social networks are configured peacefully, started the page in Twitter and Facebook, enjoys the gadgets of the last models. The photo posted by him in "Instagram" collects a lot of comments. Removed next to the old cars is the tradition. In the collection of Tom, there is even a UAZ-"loaf", still occurring on the roads of Eastern Europe and beloved in Russia for high permeability.

The star of Hollywood is a fighter for the purity of the environment. As a child, the actor began to engage in separate garbage collection, hardly the first in America began to use the electric car and the Tesla car.

The wife of Toma Rita Wilson is a Greek in origin, so the couple often happens on the historical homeland of the actress. The family of Star Hollywood chose Antiparos Island. Here Hanks erected a house in which he spent every summer together with relatives.

For the religion, Tom was a Catholic for a long time, after which he accepted Orthodoxy under the influence of his wife. Today, the actor is a parishioner of the Sophia Cathedral of Constantinople Patriarchate. The change of confession allowed the spouses to get married. In 2019, the artist received Greek citizenship.


The first in the creative biography of Hanks was the work on television. The actor was filmed in the TV series "Taxi", "Happy Days" and "Family Tives".

The recognition of this was brought by a romantic comedy "Splash", and the film "Big" made a star. For the role of a 13-year-old teenager in an adult body, the actor awarded the "Golden Globe" and nominated for Oscar.

The following paintings "Turner and Huch", "Bonfire Vanity", "Joe Against Volcano" are encountered critics and spectators cool, although the edges of the Hanks talent every time opened in a new way.

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However, it was time to "not sleeping in Seattle", "Philadelphia" and "Forrest Gampa", and Tom turned into a national hero. The psychological drama of Robert Zemkisis about the mentally retarded Youth received at once six "Oscars" immediately, one was due to the leading role. For the sake of her, Hanks refused to be filmed to Jerry Maguyer, and because of the "not dreaming" did not get into the caste of the "Groundhog Day". There brilliantly played Bill Murray.

"Save Private Ryan", entered in the US Cultural Heritage List, Green Mile, the screening of Roman Stephen King, the project Stephen Spielberg "Terminal" about the character, which because of the change of political course stuck at the airport, are considered the best in the actor filmography.

The adventure drama "Robert" was very popular, in which Tom Hanks tried out the image of modern Robinson - a former office worker who had fallen into an uninhabited island.

Tom's popularity in the new century is not inferior to the one that has accompanied youth. He worked with Leonardo di Caprio in an adventurous comedy "catch me if you can", with Julia Roberts in Larry Krane, with Emma Thompson in the film "Save Mr. Banks."

The most partners of the artist became the best representatives of Hollywood - Meg Ryan in the romantic comedy "Letter", Holly Berry in the film "Cloud Atlas", Emma Watson in the Thriller "Sphere".

The new round of Glory Hanksu provided the Cycle of Dan Brown, which includes the "Da Vinci Code", "Angels and Demons", "Inferno". For the role in the Thriller "Secret Dossier", the actor put forward on the Critics' Choice Movie Awards and Golden Globe.

Tom successful as a producer, screenwriter and director. Hundreds of millions of dollars, dozens of awards and nominations he earned in the pictures "Mamma Mia!", "My big Greek wedding," where the monsters live "," What does Olivia know? ".

The drama "Beautiful day next door", the shooting of which was completed in 2019, devoted to the favorite of American television viewers, leading and preacher Fred Rogers. Tom Hanks played a major role in the film.

It was interested in the script in 2011, but the producers were waiting for the right moment to start working when the audience would be happy with superheroes and want to see the movie about the good man.

For the Military Ribbon "Greyhaound", the actor wrote a script, also performed the producer. Hero Hanks - the captain of the destroyer of the US Army, guarding ships in North Atlantic. The premiere of the film took place in 2020 in order to avoid competition with the "captain marvel".


The actor is known for his charitable activities, while he tries to help without the involvement of journalists. It is known that Tom participated in the collection of funds to victims of fires, which happened in Greece in 2018.

Previously, he provided targeted assistance to the Marathon Athlete, a disabled person from Yakutsk, which carried out around the world. The star of Hollywood is trying to help those people who are nearby. For example, it often suits for visitors Lunch cafes at its own expense when there is a fast food restaurant with family.

The artist tries to the patronage of the artist. Together with Paul McCartney, he took part in charity Shakespeare's readings. All received funds for the evening were transferred to youth and veteran funds.

In 2016, the artist together with Robert de Niro, Michael Jordan, Bill Gates became the owner of the presidential medal of freedom, which is the highest civilian award of the United States.


In the spring of 2020, Tom Hanks began real injury associated with the abduction of children and pedophilia. According to the theory of conspiracy, Harvey Weinstein, arrested about harassment, went on a deal with a consequence and issued many accomplices who were engaged in the plant of minors.

It was supposedly on the island, where the estate of Jeffrey Epstein, a financier, who was previously convicted of girls trading. The entrepreneur was closely familiar with many politicians and Hollywood stars who participated in secret orgies. Among them are Madonna, Hillary Clinton and her spouse, Beyonce, James Franco, Ben Affleck, Demi Moore, Will Smith and Tom Hanks.

The purpose of Masons was to obtain a special substance - adrenochma, which was allegedly produced in babies with terrible torment. For sectarians, he is an elixir of immortality that prolongs life and youth. Allegedly, all participants, in addition to sexual harassment and bullying of children, in the end of the orgy drew the blood tortured.

Tom Hanks and Bill Murray

At the representatives of show business, including Tom Hanks, accusations fell. There was information about the secret language of the conspiracy participants, on which, under the word "Pizza" means a boy, and "pasta" is a girl.

Followers "Instagram" Tom Hanks have long paid attention to his account, where the actor often lays out strange posts. The artist takes pictures left on the street. Children's things - socks, toys, shoes, clothes and even pacifiers for newborns.

In some pictures there are faces and figures of children. All frames actor accompanies the phrase "What is missing?". In the comments, furious haters call the star of Hollywood pedophile and are not shy in the most bold wishes to him and his family.

Added food for reflection by your message some Sarah Ruth. She reported that in childhood was sold by his father to participate in secret orgies, on which Tom Hanks was also present. Another proof of the involvement of the Hollywood actor to the secret society was tattoos on the body of his son Colin. A young man decorated his torso unequivocal images of masonic symbols.

According to conspiracres, in 2020, Adrenochroma was infected in Uhani Koronavirus, after which people relevant to the secret community began to hurt. The audience also suggested that all the noise with quarantine is just a cover for the operation to identify those involved in the orgy of persons, which the US intelligence began a real hunt.

Tom Hanks now

In March 2020, being in Australia, along with his wife, Tom Hanks felt ailments. His spouse also complained of weakness and temperature rise. The artists decided to pass the test for Coronavirus, the result of which was positive for both. Departing laid 2 weeks on quarantine, spouses flew to America.

According to the public, since then, Tom has not come to contact personally. He reports that it is located at home with his wife and does not contact anyone. Even his video came out on which the inventive fans saw some differences between the usual Tom Hanks and his image on the screen. The version appeared that the actor was not filmed in the video, and his younger brother, who previously sometimes performed as a dubler performer.

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Fans suspect that Hanks is under house arrest, he even threatens the prison. But there is still no evidence of this version. Nevertheless, Hanks in the posts in "Instagram" reports that his state of health is normal. Together with Rita, he became a blood donor to obtain a vaccine from its plasma to COVID-19.

Cinematic news from the life of the actor includes his shooting in the film about Elvis Presley. The artist is also involved in the main role of the BIOS fantastic drama, whose premiere was expected in 2020.


  • 1984 - "Splash"
  • 1988 - "Big"
  • 1993 - "Noteping in Seattle"
  • 1993 - "Philadelphia"
  • 1994 - "Forrest Gump"
  • 1998 - "Save Private Ryan"
  • 1999 - "Green Mile"
  • 2000 - "Izgoy"
  • 2002 - "Catch me if you can"
  • 2009 - "Angels and Demons"
  • 2012 - "Cloud Atlas"
  • 2013 - "Save Mr. Banks"
  • 2015 - "Spy Bridge"
  • 2017 - "Sphere"
  • 2019 - "Perfect day next door"

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