Katya Sambuka - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Katya Sambuka - Star Show Business, famous for erotic photo shoots and shows. Participant and winner of European pornographic festivals, singer, TV presenter of the channel "2x2", the prototype of the British Bobby doll.

Childhood and youth

Ekaterina Dolgova, more famous under the pseudonym Katya Sambuk, was born in St. Petersburg in August 1991 in a simple family. Dad worked as a builder, Mom - housewife, former gymnast. According to the girl, she has Swedish-Estonian roots on her grandmother.

Katya visited the city school, where Polish was inepended. After the 8th grade, the girl entered the local culinary lyceum, but it was not possible to get an education: at the end of the 1st year, the student was expelled. According to some information, due to the release of the scandalous program about the porn industry. Middle education Katya did not receive.

During training in the culinary lyceum, Dolgova passed the practice in the restaurant "Liverpool". According to Kati, there the girl saw the Soloist Rolling Stones Mick Jagger and invited to go with him to America. It is known that the 15-year-old Katya was chosen by the prototype of the Bobby doll, which is produced in London. Previously, the line of popular dolls did, using the appearance of Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alby and Avril Avalanin.


The pseudonym Sambuka from Kati appeared after a meeting with the St. Petersburg film director for adults Sergey Mikhailov, famous for the show-business under the pseudonym Bob Jack. Acquaintance with the director played an important role in the development of the girl's biography. Cooperating with Mikhailov, Dolgova acquired considerable popularity. Sambuk began to regularly appear on erotic festivals.
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Frank photo girls were published in men's magazines, among the most famous - Ukrainian "XXL" and Estonian "QOQO". Unlike other stars, Porn Katya did not starred in adult films. Sambuk spun the image of a sexy blonde with appetizing forms.

In 2007, the director and producer porn films Bob Jack released the book "Por-No!" Edition of 5 thousand copies, where he outlined his own attitude to sex, biography details and interesting facts of film directions. One of the heroines of Roman Bob made a spouse Katya Sambuku. The popularity of the model was gaining momentum - in 2011 it was named the most attractive girl of the social network "VKontakte".

In 2012, 2 pictures of provocative content were published with the actress - the film "Silicon", in which the girl played himself, and the video called the "deep hole", where Anatoly Shmel made a partner of the Sambuki, the actor of the comedic project of the TV channel "2 × 2" Reutov TV. " The last picture was created in a humorous genre.

In 2013, Katya Sambuk made his debut as a TV host project "Fashion Device" on the 2x2 channel. Next year, the actress opened the Center for Women's Rehabilitation in Estonia. In the same place, in the Estonian city of Haapsalu, in 2014 the bronze statue of the Mermaid Russian sculptor Alexander Vrublevsky appeared. The statue has a face and figure of Kati Sambuki.

In the same 2013, the artist visited Barcelona with an erotic show. The festival held in Catalonia in autumn days, collected about 100 thousand spectators. As a result of the speech, the girl received the Grand Prix at the XIV International Adult Film Festival FICEB "Klic-Klic". In addition to the main award, the artist who was present at the ceremony, being absolutely naked, was also awarded award in the nomination "Special Guest of the Festival" and the prize of auditorial sympathies.

In 2015, Katya Sambuk continues to build a television career and receives the place of leading the transfer of the TV channel "2x2" "The wealth of chicken". The program was created in the format of a brutal video dress for men, in which the sexual leader told about new products in the field of fishing, hunting, auto industry, technology.

The actress from St. Petersburg has become the only Russian porn gnawed in the Western world. In 2014, men's T-shirts of the authorship of the German designer Philippe Plein, on which Katya Sambuk was depicted in nude was depicted. The actress did not agree to the use of the image, so he threatened the plane by a trial. But it seems that it did not take place.

In 2015, the film "Egor Shilov", where Katya Sambuk fulfilled the role of the authority's wife. The girl for the sake of some scenes was revealed before the camera, but kiss and hug a partner in the frame refused. The director of the militant was the film in Chuvashia Yuri Spiridonov.

The cinematographer invited the actors unknown to the general public. After the failed premiere of the film, the creators of the picture decided to recharge and supplement the video.

In 2016, at a concert in Kirov, the celebrity shocked the public. A few thousand residents of the city came to the speech of Sambuki at the local nightclub. On the scene Katya showed candid numbers, including with the audience from the hall.


Since 2010, Katya launched his own music project. Artist, together with the team of girls-models, prepared a number of numbers for the show. With concerts, the Sambuki group began touring the country. The singer's speeches came to the public, which is interesting not so much the vocal abilities of the star show business, how many seductive forms of soloist. The music team visited 70 cities of Russia.

The girl was fascinated by electronic music. Among the popular smbush songs, the compositions "went to Lam", "Homoboy", "I love to dance". These hits, including on the songs "Tale", "I Queen", Katya recorded clips.

Personal life

For the director Sergei Mikhailova (Bob Jack) Katya married at a young age. The municipal council of St. Petersburg was decided to allow debt and Mikhailov to sign before the entry of Catherine in the age of adulthood. The reason was weighty: the pair had a daughter's daughter.

In the summer of 2015, the scandal struck. On the own page in Vkontakte, the Sambuk reported that he ran away from her husband, taking the daughter of the name. The actress posted a photo where abrasions and bruises were visible on the face and body. According to Katya, the bruises appeared due to regular cases of beam jack beam.

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Sergei Mikhailov himself soon replied that Katya would not run away for the first time. "Beatings" on the face and body of the artist are traces of rejuvenating injections and plastic operations. And the meaning of the scandal, arranged by his wife - PR-action. Personal life of Kati Sambuki because of escape and beating and really caused a lot of noise and raised the ranking of the stars.

Today, the actress and the model gained real family happiness - along with the new chosen one she brings up two children. In May 2018, Katya informed his "instagram" subscribers about the birth of the second daughter. At the time of publication of the post, the girl has already been 8 months old. The name of the father of the child actress left secret.

Sambuka also told that after several months of feeding the child experienced problems with the form of the breast. Deciding with the size of implants, Katya decided on plastic. To do this, she found an experienced surgeon with great experience.

Katya Sambuka now

In 2018, Katya Sambuk became the main character of the clip of the Netherlands Singer Alex Simons on his song "Sword." In the musical composition was affected by the theme of the poveling by girls with plastic procedures. According to the plot, the artist's character returns his bride into a natural state, removing implants from silicone from the chest. The director of the roller spoke Valentin Grosu.

Many videos involving Kati are available to the subscribers of its "Twitter". The artist profile in "Instagram" is now temporarily closed due to hacking hackers. For their fans, she opened a spare page, the fan account also acts on her behalf.


  • 2012 - Silicone
  • 2016 - Egor Shilov


  • "K.s."
  • "2012"
  • "Katya sambuca"

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