Kate Winslet - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Kate Winslet received world popularity after filming in the Titanic drama, instantly became the classic movie. Oscar Actress got from the 7th attempt, but the work noted by this prize in the picture "Reader" critics unanimously recognized as masterpiece. British is one of the few who were awarded three of the four largest cinematic premiums.

In addition to the story about the aristocrat, who fell in love with Proshitin, in the filmography of Winslet there are projects that have long been talking about. No one was insured against errors, there were also failures. But Kate escaped the fate of the actress of one image and his own labor and talent proved that it has the right to play what he wants. Sometimes she is filmed for free, as it happened with the film "Dive", while at that time the owner of BAFTA Awards herself asked the director to choose a role for her.

Childhood and youth

Kate Elizabeth Winslet is a real British. She was born in the city Reading Berkshire County in October 1975. Parents Kate Roger Winslet and Sally Bridges were little-known actors who had to work on other work during periods of lack of roles in the theater and cinema. In addition to Kate, three more children were adjusted in the family - daughter Beth and Anna and Son Joss. They all went to the footsteps of their parents, but only Kate reached tangible success in the profession.

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Kate Winslet has grown among decorations. On the scene, the girl appeared at the age of 5, at first playing angels. As a child, the actress was "pynes", which often became a reason for ridicule classmates. And yet she knew that he would be an artist, since the age of 11, he studied the Aza of acting in the theater school and regularly performed on stage. The first success of Kate felt after the play "Peter Pen", where Vendie played, and on the screens appeared in advertising dry breakfasts.


Kate Winslet's cinematic biography began in 1991, when she was barely 16 years old. At first she starred in small roles of different television series. One of them is the "dark season" - was sci-fiction. But the real debut of the actresses took place in the heavenly creature thriller in 1994.

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The Winslet played Juliet Hume - the young killer of his friend's mother, who suspected a homosexual communication between girls. The picture was removed on the real events that happened in 1952 in New Zealand. For this work, Kate Winslet received a reward from London film critics.

The following year is a new project, which brought success: Melodrama "Mind and feelings" on the work of Jane Austin, where Kate played one of the three sisters - Marianna. The role of an older sister went to Emma Thompson. The film was considerable popularity and $ 134 million in the box office. 21-year-old Winslet Picture brought 3 awards, one of which is the prestigious BAFTA, and the first nomination for Oscar.

The following 2 paintings, published in 1996, were successful. This is a melodrama "Jude", filmed by the latest work of Thomas Hardy, and the tape "Hamlet" Kenneth Bran. The director invited Winslet for the role of Ophelia. Brana's film was a considerable success, but he was a meal next to the one who fell on the artist after the "Titanic" exit James Cameron.

Kate Winslet woke up the star Hollywood, whose name was known all over the world. Together with her in a film-catastrophe, which received 11 Oscar premiums, starred Leonardo di Caprio. After the yield of Titanic, the actress was nominated for the second time for the most prestigious filmmaking.

From this point on, the Winslety has the opportunity to choose projects in which she wishes to participate. For example, two of them are "Shakespeare in love" and "Anna and King" - she rejected the sake of filming in the drama "Express to Marrakesh", which I later regretted. Instead of Kate in these ribbons, Gwyneth Paltrow and Jody Foster starred.

The actress further preferred to be filmed in the paintings, which considered not only profitable, but first of all interesting. In 2000, Kate appeared in the historic ribbon "Pen Marquis de Garda", telling about the last years of the legendary libertine. The girl appeared in the image of a hospital maid, caught behind the famous Marquis in a psychiatric hospital. Critics highly appreciated the skill of all actors engaged in the project.

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In 2001, Kate fans saw it in two tapes - Enigma and Iris. In the first film, the Winslet played a friend mathematics. Critics and viewers unanimously recognized the picture of the failure. "Enigma" gathered at the box office only half the amount spent on its production. But "Iris" about the novelist Iris Murdoch completely justified the assured hopes. A preferential Iris played Gloria Stuart. Both actresses were nominated for Oscar and Golden Globe. The film gathered a lot of awards and laudatory reviews.

Then the failure and success again followed. The criminal dramatic project "Life of David Gale", which also came to the number of nominees to the main award of the Berlin Festival, but was criticized by the audience.

But the melodrama "Eternal radiance of pure mind" brought Kate Winslet to the third nomination for Oscar. In this film, the British actress starred along with Jim Kerry, who came beyond the usual comedy role. In the same successful 2004, Kate received the 4th nomination to the main filmmaker. It happened after the release of the painting "Magic Country", in which it is involved with Johnny Depp.

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In the 5th time, the Winslet fell into the nomination for Oscar for work in the tape "like small children", while playing the heroine of Sarah Pier, who changed her husband. And again the lined statuette slipped out of the hands. Successful and warmly adopted by the comedy romantic ribbon "Exchange Vacation", in which Kate Winslet was starring along with Cameron Diaz, Jack Black and Jude Low. In Russia, the comedy was seen in 2006.

At the end of 2008, the film "The Road of Change" was released, in which Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio again met. They presented a couple in love. The picture had a huge success, and the actress was awarded the Golden Globe. In the same year, Kate received a bonus from the guild of actors and the Golden Globe. And in February of the same year, the British movie star was waiting for the real triumph: Kate Winslet was awarded the long-awaited Oscar.

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The actress continued to remove. In the following years, the paintings of Roman Polanski and the mini-series "Mildred Pierce" became the most famous works of her works, for participation in which the Winslet was handed over to Emmy and Golden Globe. And after entering the screens of the tape "Labor Day", the artist received the Order of the British Empire from the hands of Queen of Great Britain.

In March 2014, the actress appeared a personal star at the "Alley of Glory" in Hollywood. Famous film critic John Foot called British the greatest actress and put it in one row with Meryl Streep, saying that there were no roles with whom she could cope.

In 2015, Kate played Tilly Dannej's main role in the Drama "Revenge from Couture", also known as "Portnikha". The Winslet received the role of a woman who returned to his native city after years after he was expelled in his youth, accusing in the murder of a classmate. The heroine conquers the recognition of fellow countrymen by the talent of the dressmakers and is trying to figure out what happened in that fatal day.

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In February 2016, the premiere of the criminal drama "Three nines", in which Kate played a major role. The name of the film goes back to the danger of "999", which denotes the killing of the policeman. Such a distracting maneuver wants to use a criminal grouping to accomplish an almost impossible robbery.

In 2016, Kate is newly nominated for Oscar, Golden Globe and BAFTA Award for the secondary role of Joanna Hoffman in the Bayopic "Steve Jobs". The last two Actress Prizes won.

In December of the same year, the Winslet was in the lead role in David Frenkel Drama "Ghost Beauty". The surrealistic drama tells about the life of a businessman who, after the tragic death of the Son begins to write letters of death, love and time, and most importantly - to receive answers. While the main character communicates with supernatural creatures, finding out the questions of being, the friends of the businessman are trying to return the man to normal life.

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In the film also played Will Smith, Edward Norton and Keira Knightley, but the star composition did not save the ribbon from sharply negative ratings. Artists of the main roles received a nomination for the anti-refremb of "Golden Raspberry" with the original wording "the whole composition of once respected actors," since the classic nominations of the ceremony do not allow to put a complete acting ensemble, nominating only individual artists or duets.

In the adaptation of the Roman Charles Martin "between us Mountains", the Winsletyt starred in Tandem with the brilliant compatriot Idris Elbe and an equally famous musician of the little girl. In the center of the plot - a pair of passengers of the aircraft survived after the catastrophe in the mountains. To get to civilization, young people will have to go on a dangerous journey, overcome disagreements, and in the final they understand that they can no longer part.

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In the drama Woody Allen "Wheel Miracles" critics noted not only the bright game of Kate, who got the main role, but also its partner James Belushi. Star composition added Juno Temple and Justin Timberlake. The film takes place in the 50s of the last century in the United States. The viewer appears the difficult relationship of the failed actress, her husband, who does not see anything, except for work, stepper, drawn into criminal disassembly, and the young air guard amusement park.

The world premiere took place on the birthday of the director. Unfortunately, to enjoy the next masterpiece of the Great Allen, it did not work out: a wave of protests against harassment under the slogan #metoo rose in Hollywood, and Woody recalled the novel with the adopted daughter. The film was not hijacked, then critically disassembled framework. Neither the presence of "one of the most powerful actresses of modernity" nor the operator genius Vittorio Storaro, who worked with Bernardo Bertolucci, did not help.

Personal life

The first serious Roman Kate Winslet began during filming in the painting "Dark Time". It was then that she met with actor and writer Stephen Tredrom. Kate at that time turned 16, Stephen 28. The couple met for 4 years, but this novel was not crowned with marriage. After some time after parting, Tredr fell ill and died of oncology.Embed from getty images

In November 1998, Kate was married for the first time. Her chosen was Jim Triplton, the director, in whose film Winslet starred a year earlier. In this marriage, the daughter of Mia appeared on the world, but after a year, the spouses were separated.

The second husband of the British actress was also a director. The wedding with Sam Mendez took place in the spring of 2003. In December, the family was replenished with the son of Although Winslelet Mendez. After his birth, the couple lived in marriage until 2010 and broke up.

Kate Winslet's personal life has improved in 2011, when she met on vacation with Non Rocknroll, a British millionaire, which is 3 years younger than the actress. In December 2013, they had a son Bear Blaise Winslet. Family chose the UK standing destination.

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During pregnancy, the actress once again confirmed the view that it is a real pros. Kate persistently transferred tests on the shooting platform for the militant "Divergent" and even wished to perform a couple of dangerous tricks. According to Colleagues, Sheilly Woodley, such courage, of course, was impressive, but then the director decided that the Winslet's self-sacrifice is unacceptable.

Kate is known as a commitment of vegetarianism and a supporter of the Reta - an organization leading the struggle for the merciful handling of animals. Winslet has repeatedly advocated the boycott of restaurants, in the menu of which fua-gras are offered.

It is not indifferent to the Winslet and to human life. The actress critically refers to the profession and advocates the change of Hollywood beauty standards. Kate does not want to maintain norms, pushing women to anorexia, prohibits photoshop his own figure in glossy magazines, and on the premiere of "Titanic", despite the perspective of managers, came in an open dress and weighing 90 kg.

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Over time, Kate had to lose weight to stay in the acting profession and not be displaced by new faces. In an interview, the Winslety admitted that she didn't care as she looks in a swimsuit, and despises himself for clever for roles. Today, the actress has a weight of 65 kg with a height of 169 cm.

The most massive account in the "Instagram" under the name of the actress has hundreds of thousands of subscribers and honestly declares, which is the official fan of Kate Winslet. There are footage from secular events with the participation of celebrities, promofoto and video of new paintings and other publicly available materials. The movie star herself either ignores the social network, or does not advertise its presence.

Kate Winslet now

Now it is no longer a secret that Kate resumed cooperation with James Cameron in the continuation of the regulatory film in the history of the movie "Avatar". It is known that Sigurney Weaver will rise in Sikvel, and part of the action will unfold under water. The film crew has hurried to declassify the dates of the premiere paintings - December 2020, 2021,2024 and 2025. At the same time, the release of the last two depends on whether the spectators will like the previous ones and will pay off the cost of creating such complex projects.

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Kate returned to the television with the role of the detective in the TV series "Horse Entortune". At the same time, it is working on the Black Drozd drama, in which Dian Kyton became the on-screen mother, and the sister is Mia Vasikovsk. The film tells about a deadly sick woman who decided to Euthanasia and gathered a family for a farewell dinner.

In 2019, the Winslet began shooting in the ammonite drama. Briton will try the image of a nurse for a sick girl from a rich family, the relationship with which will turn into love. Given that the action takes place in the 19th century, both threatens the scandalous exposure and collapse of reputation. Partner Kate on the project is Sirsha Ronan.


  • 1994 - "Heavenly Creation"
  • 1997 - "Titanic"
  • 2000 - "Pen Marquis de Garda"
  • 2001 - "Iris"
  • 2004 - "Eternal radiance of pure mind"
  • 2006 - "All Royal Raint"
  • 2008 - "Reader"
  • 2011 - "Infection"
  • 2013 - "Labor Day"
  • 2014 - "Divergent"
  • 2016 - "Three nines"
  • 2017 - "Wheel of Miracles"
  • 2019 - "Black Drozd"

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