Boris Moiseev - biography, personal life, photo, news, now, "Blue Moon", health condition, singer 2021



Boris Moiseev - Russian pop star. So go against the current and "flasher" on stage few people decided on men's artists: skirts, feathers, rhinestones, exposure, bright makeup, who even women did not risk applying. True, now the singer argues that he has a feeling of shame for what has worked in his youth, only to notice and began to speak.

But from the attention of others not to go anywhere. The subject of discussion becomes both the health of Moiseeva. In this situation, the artist asks for one thing - not to invent the unprecedencies and not to spread gossip.

Childhood and youth

Biography Boris Moiseeva began in an unusual setting. The singer and dancer was born on March 4, 1954 in prison. From the parents of the boy was only the mother of Borisovna, who fell behind the bars, in the stories of the son, in political article.

However, Artist's countrymen from Mogilev told reporters that a woman, a Jewishman, who worked on a leather plant, was never prisoner. In addition, she brought up two more sons, which later left abroad and did not remember about the mother.

Moiseev grew up a weak, often ill-friendly child. Later, the mother gave the boy to the dance circle to somehow strengthen health. Since then, Boris realized that dancing is his vocation. He improvised a lot, arranged home concerts for neighbors. After graduating from school, the future artist gathered the suitcases and went to Minsk to study.


By moving in the capital of Belarus, Moses entered the choreographic school. There, the young man studied the classic dance from the ballerina by the surname Mladinskaya, comrades of the prima of the Mariinsky Theater Anna Pavlova. Boris succeeded in his studies, but constantly stretched to pop dance. It so happened that after receiving a diploma, a young man had to leave Minsk - it became a kind of exile for freedom and sharp tongue.

Beginner artist hit Ukraine. In the Kharkov Theater of Opera and Ballet Moiseev made a career from the ordinary dancer to the choreographer-director. But Boris is forced to leave this city, when after exclusion from the Komsomol, all the doors closed. In 1975, he moved to one of the most independent Soviet cities - Kaunas. There worked in the music theater, and a little later took the position of the Chief Chief Balletman Orchestra "Trinitas".

3 years after moving to Kaunas, Boris Moiseev created a dance trio "Expression", in which, in addition to him, 2 girls participated. Later, the trio began to cooperate with the song Theater Alla Pugacheva. The "expression" of Moses took part in a large number of contests and festivals that were famous for the whole world.

In the late 80s, the "Expression" trio came out from under the wing of Alla Borisovna, the artists decided to start the solo career. The idea was able to: the dancers performed in the clubs of Western Europe, they worked for a long time on the Italian RAI-2 TV channel within the Rafaelle Kara show. Very soon, Moiseev already worked in the profession in America, where he managed to try the forces in the role of the main director-director of the Municipal City Theater of New Orleans.

The artist has been preserved for club life for a club life for a long time. After a few decades, Boris Mikhailovich recalled that, leaving the dancer career, regularly headed into these institutions where life beat the key. The artist tried to find love and attention, simple human communication. Maniakal traction is in the thick of the events of Moiseev explained that the internally was always alone.


For the first time to play in the cinema Boris offered back in 1974. This is a small role in the melodrama "Yas and Yannina", in which the hits of the "Pesnyary" ensemble sounded first. Together with Moiseev, the leader of the Belarusian team Vladimir Muulavin debuted into the cinema.

The next time in the movie the artist appeared only after 11 years, immediately in two films - "came and say" and "Wonderland". In both, the songs of Alla Pugacheva sounded as musical accompaniment. In the Arthaus project "Revenge of the Shut", Moses got the main role. The painting was based on the Opera Juseppe Verdi "Rigoletto" and the work of Viktor Hugo "King is amused."

Moiseev gladly participated in projects on well-known plots. So, the singer starred in the musical "crazy day, or the marriage of Figaro" in the role of Gardener Antonio. Later, at the invitation of Veniamine, Zakhovah played Gypsy-fortune tune in the film "Ali-Baba and forty robbers."

Then the actor appeared in the famous "Day Dosor", where many stars of Russian show business lit up. In the popular Sitkom "Happy Together" Boris Mikhailovich played himself.

The musical "Goldfish" is part of the entertainment content of the channel "Russia" on New Year's Eve. In Moiseyev's film, I performed the interpretation of the song Lyudmila Sechina "Cinderella". The same character and picture of the "Golden Key", in which Boris Mikhailovich played a singer in a nightclub.

In the Dramati "School No. 1", the singer was filmed as a submarine father of one of the main characters. There is no children's musician. The story with the deaf-and-dead son Amadeus, allegedly living in Poland, Moiseyev himself and came up with when he decided that he was forgotten about him, the media wrote with reference to the personal assistant artist.

The artist appeared on the screen after illness. In 2018, Boris Mikhailovich starred in the episode of the fantastic film "Alien" with Andrei Smolyakov.


In 1991, Boris Moiseev returned to Russia. The screens came out the documentary "Expression" about the dance trio. It was this event that laid the beginning of the solo career of the singer in his homeland. In 1992, the trio was transformed into the show-project "Boris Moiseev and Ego Lady". After 3 years, the artist created his own show theater and presented the Debut Performance of the Vice Child. The first album of the artist with the same name came out in 1996.

The artist's speeches could no longer be called purely dance - at the concerts of Moiseev created a show, the audience was shouted with all sorts of extravagant outcomes. From the debut album hits became the song "Tango Cocaine", "Child Poboka", "Egoist".

In the late 90s, several hits appeared at once. Among them are "deaf-and-dumb love", he dedicated her mother. The "Blue Moon" Moses sang together with Nikolai Trubach. After the loud premiere, the site called the song of the Gay Gymnic of the Russian Federation. The "Nutcracker" hike appeared in the duet. The sign "Black velvet", presented to them a little later, became the sign in the work of the musician.

Later, the hit "Star Alya" appeared. When creating the SEXUAL Revolution composition, the Arrow Group participated. In 2004, Boris Mikhailovich, together with Lyudmila Gurchenko, released the song "Petersburg - Leningrad", which was marked by a number of premiums. Interestingly, the artists attributed the novel, but after the yield of his hat, they even managed to quarrel. In a duet with Nilda Fernandez, Moiseev sang another track "When you forget me" ("at the crossroads of two roads").

Later 2 albums were released, after which the creative break was followed in connection with the deterioration of health. In 2012, the artist recorded the "Pastor. The best of men, "distinguished by philosophical text depth. Soon Moiseev presented the track and the clip "Let me reason stay" in a duet with Christina Zbignevskaya.

Producer Evgeny Fridlyand, who collaborated with Moiseev from late 90s to 2010, told that Boris Mikhailovich acted as a phonogram. It was impossible to perform the compositions of the alive, because the artist moved a lot on stage. Yes, and he himself called his act comedy-dramatic performance. In addition to singing, Moiseev joked, told funny stories, in every way the audience had fun.

One of the pages of the singer, hidden from the eyes of the public, is charity. Being a wave of popularity, the artist listed funds to cancer children's centers, to the Mogilev tuberculous dispensary. Moiseev assisted veterans and made major contributions to the Union of Theater Workers.

Boris Mikhailovich is endowed with a healthy sense of humor and welcomes the appearance of high-class parodii on itself. So, in the show "One to one" Alexei Chumakov presented to the public an unforgettable image.

In September 2016, the artist appeared on the screens after a long break in the studio of the program of the Kudryavtsevaya "Secret per million". Moiseev intrigued the viewers, because not only did not answer the last question and destroyed the envelope, but at the same time looked shocked and even obscenely cursed.

In 2017, Boris Mikhailovich made one of the rare exits in the world and appeared in an unexpected amplua. The singer worked as a ticket cashier at the concerts of Hope Babkina. The fans were surprised to see the pop star in such a modest position. The performer was not embarrassed, joked and quickly inhabit the wishing.

Subsequently, it turned out that it was a special action "Star ticket office", in which the Hope and actor Sergei Kolesnikov behaved.

Personal life

Boris Mikhailovich became the first artist on the Russian stage, which openly declared his unconventional orientation. For many years, the audience believed without a doubt that the singer was gay. But in 2010, Moiseev made a sensational statement in which he admitted that he was not a homosexual and came up with a legend of the orientation to create a pecutive impatabous image and succeed. And in general, he is going to marry a citizen of America Adele Todd.

The image of Moiseeva was criticized by believers who believed that the appearance and scenic manners of the artist promote homosexuality and licentiousness. The singer responded to attacks and protests that he relates to religions and cannot afford to really insult a person.

Boris Mikhailovich's behavior condemned the LGBT community. Representatives of sex minorities outraged the fact that Moses creates a negative and caricature image of Gaya, forcing others to think that homosexual men behave mannerly and fearlessly.

Health status

At the end of 2010, Boris Mikhailovich fell into the hospital with suspicion of stroke. Joseph Kobzon helped with the medical institution, Alla Pugacheva, he regularly visited Alla Pugachev, and so that Moiseeva's ballet was left without salary, the team took Kristina Orbakak to him.

The diagnosis was confirmed, the state of the artist was rapidly deteriorating - the entire left part of the body was paralyzed. After 3 days, Moiseeva introduced into someone and connected to the device, artificially supporting respiratory process.

The disease retreated. The showman stayed in the hospital until February 2011, and after a few months he sang on the "New Wave". Fully recover from the death of the singer, unfortunately, could not. The photo is noticeable that Boris Mikhailovich scored overweight, he has broken the work of the muscles of the face, and it is also difficult to spell.

A healthy lifestyle does not save the artist from the second stroke, which happened in 2015. Today, the singer is engaged in special simulators, does not use alcohol, complies with the recommendations of doctors and regularly takes the necessary medicines. The musician, according to journalists, became a believer. As he himself admitted, his life changed dramatically after the suffered diseases and coma.

The media wrote that Boris Moiseev was going to move to Miami. In America, the musician called a friend, the businesswoman Adel Todd, with whom, by rumors, he again wanted to create a family. Later it turned out that the singer went to the USA, but not for the sake of addressing personal life issues, but for treatment and rehabilitation.

Boris Moiseev now

Now Boris Mikhailovich lives secluded in the apartment, which completely rebuilt after the disease. According to rumors, the PRIADONN OF THE RUSSIAN DRUGA is still financial support, as well as the widow of Joseph Kobzon Nelli.

In an interview, the singer said that he started an "instagram" from boredom to take free time when he could not act as often as before.

"And also wanted to be aware of news in the world of show business, watch colleagues. I love blogs of friends. "

The musician leads the life of a simple pensioner, Sergei Pea concert director told the press. He is responsible for leisure singer, does everything so that it is not bored. The artist sits on social networks for hours, goes to concerts and performances, every year he drives in Miami and Jurmala. At the Baltic coast and in Bulgaria, Moiseyev preserved real estate. Boris Mikhailovich plans to please the public with a traditional anniversary concert and will do it as soon as his health stabilizes.

After several years of oblivion, Boris Mikhailovich was still appeared in public. In May 2021, he visited the celebration on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of Christina Orbakayte, which was held in one of the metropolitan restaurants. The artist arrived at the event together with Sergey Pea. Unlike the rest of the guests, at the table Moses tried not to remove the black mask. Before the cameras, he rarely appeared. According to the director, the performer is often in nature, leaving for the city.


  • 1996 - "Calm Child"
  • 1998 - "Holiday! Holiday!"
  • 1999 - "Just Nutcracker"
  • 2000 - "Secret"
  • 2000 - "Swan"
  • 2002 - "Alien"
  • 2004 - "Favorite Man"
  • 2006 - "Angel"
  • 2007 - "Bird. Live sound"
  • 2012 - "Pastor. Best of Men »


  • 1985 - "Came and I say"
  • 1985 - "Wonderland" season
  • 2003 - "Mad Day or Marriage Figaro"
  • 2005 - "Ali Baba and forty robbers"
  • 2006 - "Day Watch"
  • 2007 - "The Best Film"
  • 2008 - "Golden Fish"
  • 2009 - Golden Key
  • 2018 - "Alien"


  • 2007 - "Bird: Live Sound"

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