Ivan Poddubny - biography, photo, personal life, film



Ivan Poddubny - a professional wrestler, an athlete and an artist of the circus. Legend man, whose performances were collected by the Achlags in Russia, France, Italy, Germany and America. Ivan Maksimovich Poddubny was born on September 26 (according to the old style) of 1871 in the village of Bogudovka Poltava province.

Circus Artist Ivan Poddubny

Ivan was inherited from the father, the descendant of Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. Future stronghold from childhood was accustomed to the difficult peasant work, from 12 years old Batracil. Ivan's mother had a beautiful voice. Slim musical hearing passed and son. On Sundays, Bogatyr Poddubny sang in the church choir.

Ivan Poddubny

At 22, the guy left his native village in the Crimea, Love pushed Ivan to this step. Alena, the girl he loved Ivan, grew in a wealthy family, so her father made a categorically against marriage with the poor poddubny. Ivan dreamed of earning a lot of money, get rich and return to the girl, but shortly after leaving a young man forgot about her. 3 years Future athlete worked as a loader in the ports of Sevastopol and Feodosia. There the poddubny met the sailors who told about the training system.


For the first time, the rings poddubnaya came out in 1896, when the circus was toured in Crimea. From this point on, athlet's sports career began. The port loader Ivan followed the performances of athletes. After the number of the entertainer, he turned to the hall with a proposal to participate in the duel. The poddubnika came out and surpassed titled athletes speaking "on the belts". The beginning of a wrestling career was laid.

Wrestler Ivan Poddubny

In 1903, the Chairman of the Athlete Society in St. Petersburg invited Ivan to participate in the World Championships in Paris. For 3 months, Brestz had to master the French style of struggle. Training were intense.

Ivan poddubny in youth

In Paris, the Russian Bear spoke against titled athletes. Ivan Maksimovich won 11 kits, but lost the Frenchman Bush. Before the fight, Bush went to the trick - smeared the body with oil so that the hands of the opponent slid on it. The judges awarded the victory Bush, and Ivan Poddubny received a lesson for life. Since then, Ivan has become an enemy of dirty methods in the ring.

In 1905, an international championship was held in Paris, Ivan's victory on it was triumphant. In the next 3 years, the winch will continue. The poddubny was invited to competitions in different countries. Journalists wrote about the athlete not otherwise as a "champion of champions". The life of the Bogatyr took place in the road, but he dreamed of his own home, the family and in 1910 decided to leave the sport.

Circus career

The podbuty returned to the circus arena in 42 years, he worked first in Zhytomyr, then in Kerch. In 1922, when Ivan Poddubnoy was already 51 years old, the strongman was invited to the corpse of the Moscow Circus. After a medical examination, doctors said that athlete had wonderful health, no contraindications.

World Champion Ivan Poddubny

Then there was work in the Petrograd Circus. A difficult financial situation forced Ivan Poddubnoy to agree on touring Germany and America. Speeches were held with anchlage, but in 1927 the athle decided to return to Russia. It is assumed that in the US, the wrestler earned considerable money, which remained on the account in the American bank.

Ivan Poddubny acted in a circus to 70 years, and it was a personal record of the artist.

Personal life

The first love of Ivan to the girl from his native village was short. Rather, not even love, but youthful love.

For the second time the athlete fell in love with Rattle Emily. The girl was older and more experienced Ivan, thinly playing the feelings of the young man, forced the athlete to indulge her whims and whims. Soon on the horizon of Emilia, a rich fan appeared, with whom a woman and left.

Ivan poddubny in old age

After the flight of Emilia Ivan moved to Kiev. Here the man met a fragile gymnast Masha. The miniature girl answered a man with reciprocity. The couple made plans for the future, but fate ordered otherwise. During the speech, Masha fell off the trapezium and crashed.

Ivan poddubny with brothers

At 40, Ivan Poddubny married for the first time. His wife became beautiful Antonina Kwitko-Fomenko. Spouses bought a plot of land, built a house and started the economy. The marriage lasted for 7 years, until Antonina met the officer and did not escape with him - at that time the poddubnoy toured in Odessa. A few years later, Antonina wanted to return to his spouse, but the man did not forgive her.

Ivan Poddubny and Maria Mashonina

The last love of Ivan Poddubny - the widow of Maria Mashonin, his student's mother. Silly shook the beauty and sensuality of a woman. The spouses lived on the shore of the Azov Sea, in Yeisk, where the house bought a house after the American Athlete Tours. With Maria, Russian Bogatyr lived to death. There was no children at the poddubny, but to the son of Mary Ivan Maksimovich treated with his father's tenderness.


The poddubny died on August 8, 1949 from a heart attack. Food soldering, which was issued in those years, Athlete's body was lacked for normal operation.

The grave of Ivan Poddubny

After the death of the champion, the wife was able to pay a simple grave without a monument. And only when in the press they wrote that the champion is resting in the grave, overgrown with weeds, Ivan the poddubnye installed a monument. The inscription on the tombstone says: "Here the Russian Bogatyr lies."

Interesting Facts

  • Since childhood, Ivan Maximovich has established a hard sports mode. A fighter with a height of 185 cm weighed 120 kg. The contemporaries of the poddubnika repeatedly told that strongman was constantly carried with him a steel cane weighing 16 kg. By 1910, the athlete had already won a large number of awards and trophies. It is assumed that by that time the overall weight of the icons and gold medals athlet was equal to two plows.
  • In 1919, the poddubnoe tried to shoot drunk anarchists in the Zhytomyr circus. A similar incident occurred later in Kerch. The fighter shot an officer who was in a state of intoxication, and a year later athlete fell into the dungeons of the Odessa CC. The black strip in the life of Ivan Maksimovich continued his wife's treason.
Usa Ivan Poddubny
  • The wrestler stood his famous mustache in 1898. For such a radical step, a man agreed, having listened to the Council of the Kiev circus of Akim Nikitin. He advised the athlete to change appearance, pointing to the roots of the artist who came into with Zaporizhzhya Cossacks. Then the famous photo of the poddubnye with mustache appeared, in the Cherkysk with the dagger and gazery.
  • When the poddubnaya turned 53 years old, the wrestler lost to Ivan Chootystov, the famous Ryazan fighter. After heavy fight, Ivan Maximovich told the opponent:
"Eh, Vanka, I did not lose you, and your old age."
Monument to Ivan Poddubnoe in Yeisk
  • During the Great Patriotic War, an athlete remained in the territory, which was occupied by German troops. Despite this, the poddubny continued to carry the Order of the Labor Red Banner. The Germans respected the merits of celebrities, allowed to even open a billiard hall at a military hospital, and also offered to go to Germany to prepare local athletes, but he answered briefly:
"I am a Russian wrestler. They will stay. "
  • In 2014, the film was released on the screens, telling about the life of the legendary fighter. According to the plot, the painting in many details repeats the Soviet film "Wortrest and Clown", which was created in 1958.
  • The documentary film "Tragedy Soluba became popular. Ivan Poddubny ", in which the creators told about interesting facts from the life of the legend.
  • When the athlete died, an indication of Ivan Maksimovich came from Moscow with honors, but the "king of fighters" (the nickname of Ivan Poddubny) was behind the cemetery fence. Up until the beginning of the 70s, the athlete remained abandoned while the Air Force officers did not remind everyone about the tragic fate of the legend. Today, the folk trail does not overgrow the tomb of the bogatyr.

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