Aristotle - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, philosophy



Aristotle is an ancient Greek thinker, a student of Plato, after the time he joined him in controversy, the founder of the peripatetic school, the mentor Alexander Macedonsky. His contribution to science is invaluable. For over 2 millennia, philosopher scientists enjoy the conceptual apparatus created by it, its ideas formed the basis of natural sciences. Aristotle's legacy includes about 50 books that have come down to us thanks to the efforts of his students and followers.

Childhood and youth

Aristotle was born in the city of Stagir, which is located in the Greek colony of Frakia. Because of the names of the native city, afterwards Aristotle was often called Stagirsky. He came from the dynasty of healers. His father Nikomah was a court doctor of the Macedonian king Aminte III. The mother of festideo had noble origin.

Portrait of Aristotle. Artist Francesco Aec.

Since in the family, medicine was transferred from generation to generation, no one was going to do a doctor and from his son. Therefore, from orphanage, he taught the boy the basics of medicine, as well as philosophy, which the Greeks were considered mandatory science for each shekar. But the plans of the father were not destined to be fulfilled. Aristotle early orphaned and was forced to leave stagger.

At first, the 15-year-old young man went to Maly Asia to the guardian of the proxy, and in 367 BC. NS. settled in Athens, where he became a student of Plato. Aristotle studied not only politics and philosophical flows, but also the world of animals and plants. In total, he stayed at the Plato Academy for about 20 years.

Formed as a thinker, Aristotle rejected the teaching of the mentor about the ideas of the disembodied entities of all things. The young philosopher put forward his own theory - the primaryness of the shape and matter and the inseparable soul from the body. Portrait of two thinkers, leading dispute, enthusized Master of the Renaissance - Rafael Santi on the Madrid "Athens School".

Aristotle - portrait, biography, personal life, cause of death, philosophy 20659_2

In 345 BC Aristotle leaves for the island of Lesbos, in the city of Mitilen, because of the execution of his friend Hermia, also a former student of Plato, who started the war against Persians.

After 2 years, Aristotle goes to Macedonia, where King Philip invited him to raise the heir - 13-year-old Alexander. The period of the biography of the thinker, which he dedicated to the training of the future famous commander, lasted almost 8 years. Upon returning to Athens, Aristotle founded his own philosophical school "Lickey", which is also known as the peripatetic school.

Philosophical doctrine

Aristotle divided science on theoretical, practical and creative. He referred to physics, mathematics and metaphysics. These sciences, according to the philosopher, are studied for the sake of the knowledge itself. To the second - politics and ethics, since thanks to them the life of the state is being built. To the last, he attributed all kinds of art, poetry and rhetoric.

Aristotle and Alexander Macedonian

The central rod of the teachings of Aristotle is considered to be 4 main originates: matter ("What" from what "), the form (" what "), which produces the reason (" then, from where "). Depending on these originated, it determined the actions and subjects as good or atrocity.

The thinker became the founder of the hierarchical system of categories. They allocated 10: essence, quantity, quality, attitude, place, time, possession, position, action and suffering. All things are distributed to inorganic education, the world of plants and living beings, the world of various types of animals and man.

From the ideas of Aristotle began to develop the fundamental concepts of space and time as independent entities and as a system of relations formed by material objects when interacting.

Aristotle with Bust Homer. Artist Rembrandt.

For several subsequent centuries, the types of state devices were relevant, which described Aristotle. The image of the ideal state, the philosopher presented in the composition "Politics". According to the theory of thinker, a person is implemented in society, as it lives not only for himself one.

With other individuals, blood, friendly and other bonds bind him. The purpose of civil society is not so much economic prosperity and the part of individuals, how many universal benefit, "Eudemonism". It is possible only due to the streamlining of life by civil law and moral laws.

It highlighted 3 positive and 3 negative versions of the board. To the right, haunting the goal of a common good, he attributed a monarchy, aristocracy and politics. To the wrong, haunting the private goals of the ruler, attributed tyranny, oligarchy and democracy.

Aristotle. Artist Paolo Veronese

The fabrications of the philosopher touched and art spheres. The thinker described his own view on the development of theatrical genre of drama in the composition of the "poetics". Only the first part of this work reached this day, the second, presumably, contained information about the structure of an ancient Greek comedy. Reflecting on the theater and the art as a whole, Aristotle puts forward the idea of ​​the existence of a imitation phenomenon, which is characteristic of man and gives him pleasure.

Another fundamental essay of the philosopher is called "about the soul". In the treatise, Aristotle reveals a number of metaphysical issues related to the life of the soul of any creature, determining the difference in the existence of a person, animal and plants. Also here, the philosopher describes 5 senses (tanging, smelling, rumor, taste and vision) and 3 abilities of the soul (to growth, feeling and reflection).

In addition, Aristotle managed to study and reflect on all the sciences available in his time. He left the works in logic, physics, astronomy, biology, philosophy, ethics, dialectics, politics, poetry and rhetoric. The collection of works of the great philosopher is called "Aristotelian Corps".

Personal life

The nature of the scientist can be judged by some memories of his contemporaries. According to the loyal followers of Plato, Aristotle did not hold back the emotions when the case concerned the philosophical disputes. One day, the thinker even quarreled with a mentor so hard that Plato began to avoid a chance meeting with the student.

Aristotle. Artist José de Ribera

About the personal life of the thinker's descendants remained scarce information. It is known that Aristotle had two wives and two children. In 347 BC e., at 37 years old, Aristotle married Pythiad, adopted daughter of a close friend of Hermia, Tirana Assos in the Troadade. Aristotle and Pofiada had one daughter of Pythiad. After the death of the first spouse, the philosopher began to cohabit with the servant Herpellda, who gave him the heir - the boy of Nikomakh.


After the death of Alexander Macedonsky, Bunta against the Macedonian domination are increasing in Athens, and Aristotle himself, as a former teacher Alexander, accused of wormless. The philosopher leaves Athens, as it assumed the possibility of repeating the fate of Socrates - poisoning poison. The phrase "I want to save Athenians from a new crime against philosophy" became the famous quote.

Monument to Aristotle in the well

The thinker moves to the city of Halkis on Evie Island. To show the aristotle to his support, followed by a huge number of his students. But the philosopher did not live for too long. 2 months after the resettlement, he dies on 62 years of life from severe stomach disease, which recently tormented him.

After the death of the mentor, his school "Lickey" was headed by a dedicated student Theophrast, who developed the Teachings of Aristotle about Botanic, music, history of philosophy. He took care of the preservation of the works of the thinker.

Philosophical works

  • "Categories"
  • "Physics"
  • "About heaven"
  • "On the parts of animals"
  • "About the soul"
  • "Metaphysics"
  • "Nikomakhova Ethics"
  • "Politics"
  • "Poetics"


Gratitude quickly olds. Blothon is a friend, but the truth is more expensive. To wake the conscience of a villain, we must give him a slap. The magnitude is the main advantage of speech.

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