Ivan Krylov - biography, personal life, photo, creativity, fables, rumors and latest news



Ivan Andreevich Krylov was born in February 1769 in Moscow, in the family of a poor army officer. Showing heroism and courage during the ability to Pugachev Bunt, Andrei Krylov did not receive any awards and ranks. After retirement, he entered the civil service and moved with his wife and two sons in Tver. The position of the chairman of the magistrate did not bring tangible income, the family lived in poverty. The wings-senior died in 1778 in the rank of captain. The life of the widows and children (the older son of Ivan was fulfilled only 9 years old) became even the poores.

Ivan Krylov

Ivan Andreevich Krylov did not have the opportunity to get a good education. From his father, he adopted great love for reading, having received inheritance only a huge chest with books. West sophisticated sophisticates allowed Ivan to attend the lessons of the French language, which were given to their children. Thus, Ivan Krylov was tolerable learned French.

The future Basinista began to work very early and knew the severity of life in poverty. After the death of Father Ivana, they took a gonlyerist in the provincial magistrate of Tver, where the senior wings worked before. Copeful content allowed not to die with hunger. After 5 years, the mother of Ivan Krylova, grabbing children, went to St. Petersburg to bother about the pension and arrangement of the eldest son to work. So Ivan Krylov received a new position by setting up an ordinary servant in the official chamber.

Ivan wings in youth

Young wings, without having received any system education, persistently engaged in self-education. He read a lot, he learned to play different tools. At the age of 15, Ivan even wrote a small comic opera, writing journals for her and calling "Coffee Night." It was his first, albeit unsuccessful, but still debut in the literature. The language of writing was very rich, what the wings are obliged to pushed their love among the simple people at fairs and different milk fun. "Thanks" poverty, Ivan Andreevich was perfectly familiar with the life and nuts of ordinary people, which in the future he was very useful.


Moving Ivan Andreevich Krylov to St. Petersburg coincided with the appearance in the city of the public theater. A young man who stretched to art immediately visited the theater opened. There he met some artists and sinceimes lived in the interests of this temple of art. It was seriously looking for a career on a new treasury service, the wings did not want, all his interests were directed completely to the other side. Therefore, the 18-year-old young man resigned and took up literary activities.

Basinista Ivan Krylov

At first she was unsuccessful. Ivan Krylov wrote the Filomela tragedy, imitating classics. There were some glimpses of the talent and fretsiness of the beginning of the author, but in terms of literary "Philomel" was a very mediocre work. But the young writer was not going to stop.

There were several comedies for the tragedy. "Family Family", "Pumps", "Writer in the Hallway" and others also did not hit readers and critics by giving. But the growth of skill in comparison with "Filomela" was still noticeable.

The first fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov were printed without signature. They appeared in the magazine "Morning Watch" in 1788. Three works, called the "shame player", "the fate of players", "the newly planned downtry" were almost not seen by readers and did not receive the approval of critics. They had a lot of sarcasm, indifference, but not skill.

In 1789, Ivan Krylov, together with Rachmanin, begins to publish the magazine "Mail of Spirits". He seeks to revive the strong satire that Novikov magazines have previously demonstrated. But the publication is not successful and in the same year stops its way out. But it does not stop Krylov. After 3 years, it creates another magazine with a group of like-minded people, calling him the "viewer". A year later, the Journal of St. Petersburg Mercury appears. In these editions, some prose articles of Krylov were printed, the brightest of which the story "Kaib" and a pretty bolder of the grandfather "coming speech", implanting the landowner, is pretty bold.

Journal Ivan Krylova

It is unknown that it was the cause of temporary departure of Ivan Krylov from literary activities, and why he left St. Petersburg. Perhaps, some oppression of the authorities began, and maybe the literary failure pushed the writer to leave the city, but before 1806 the wings almost abandoned the writhe. In 1806, the wings return to active literary activities.

He writes rather talented translations of the Lafontena Basen "Oak and cane", "picking up the bride" and "old man and three young people." Translations with the Foreign Recommendation Ivan Dmitrieva prints the capital magazine "Moscow Spectator". In the same 1806, Ivan Krylov returned to St. Petersburg and put the "fashionable shop" comedy. The following year, one more - "lesson daughters". Society, in connection with Napoleonic wars, who experienced the rise of patriotic senses, meets the production with great enthusiasm. After all, French is ridicule.

In 1809, the real creative takeoff of Ivan Krylova begins. The first edition of his Bassen, consisting of 23 works (including the well-known "Elephant and Pug"), enjoys great popularity. Since then, the wings become a famous Basinist, whose new works are looking forward to the public. Ivan Andreevich returns to the public service. At first, he enters a noticeable post in the Mint Department, and after 2 years - to the Imperial Public Library, where he worked from 1812 to 1841.

During this period, the wings and internally changed. Now he is complacent and restrained. It doesn't like to quarrel, very calm, ironic and more and more lazy. Since 1836, Ivan Krylov has nothing written. In 1838, the literary public solemnly honors the 50th anniversary of the creative activity of the Basinista. The writer died in November 1844.

Ivan Krylov, Alexander Pushkin, Vasily Zhukovsky and Nikolai Galotich

From under the feather of Ivan Andreevich Krylova, more than 200 Bassen came out. In some, he cried Russian reality, in others - human defects, others are simply poetic anecdotes. Many tallery valve expressions over time entered the speaking speech and enriched Russian. His fables are very people and are generally understood. They are oriented at all, and not only on the highly educated intelligentsia. During the life of the author, almost 80 thousand copies of the Basen published collections were ruled. At that time - an unprecedented phenomenon. The popularity of Ivan Andreevich Krylova can be compared with the lifetime popularity of Pushkin and Gogol.

Personal life

About the scattering, negligence and incredible appetite of Ivan Krylov went legends and there were anecdotes. It was quite in his spirit to put a night cap in his pocket instead of a handkerchief, pull it out during his stay in society and unimportant. Ivan Andreevich absolutely indifferent to his appearance. It would seem that such a person could not use the attention of the ladies. Nevertheless, the information of his contemporaries, which argued that Ivan Krylov's personal life was preserved, although it was not violent, but certainly was not absent.

Ivan Krylov

At 22, he loved the daughter of a priest from the Bryansk county Anna. The girl replied to him. But when young people decided to marry, Native Annes have opposed to this marriage. They were in distant relationship with Lermontov and, moreover, are consistent. Therefore, they refused to marry a daughter for a poor rhymety. But Anna so walked that parents finally agreed to marry Ivan Krylov, whom they were telegraphed into St. Petersburg. But the wings answered that he had no money to come to Bryansk, and asked to bring Anna to him. Native girls were offended by the answer, and marriage did not take place.

Ivan Wings and Empress Maria Fedorovna

The contemporaries of Ivan Krylova wrote that the famous ladies were not indifferent to a slopful and mad-like Basinow. It was supposedly loved by Ballerina, who was the content of the Grand Duke Konstantin Pavlovich. But the Basinista missed that it was not suitable for marriage. They say that the Empress Maria Fedorovna itself was very sympathetic to the charming fat man. And this is despite the fact that Ivan Andreevich dared to appear in front of her in a holey boot, from which he was sticking out his finger, and even sneeze when I kissed the arm of Empress.

Monument to Ivan Krylov

Ivan Krylov never married. Officially, he has no children. But contemporaries of the Basinist residents argued that Ivan Andreevich was still composed civilian wife. It was his housekeeper feathers. It could not marry her wings, as the Society would condemn it. Nevertheless, the Fenia gave birth to a girl Sasha, which is considered to be an extramarital daughter of Krylov. The fact that this may be true, says the fact that after the death of Feniya Sasha remained to live at Krylov. And after her marriage, the wings gladly nursing her children and rewrote all his property addressed to her husband Alexandra. During the death of Ivan Krylov, his bed had Sasha, her husband and two children.


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