Jason Momoa - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Wife, Lisa Bone, TV series 2021



Jason Momoa is an American actor. Popiously brought to him the role of Khala Drew in the epic series "Game of Thrones" based on the cycle of books "Song of Ice and Fire" George Martin.

Childhood and youth

Joseph Jason Namacaha, familiar to fans like Jason Momoa, was born in 1979 in Hawaii, in Honolulu. His father is by nationality of the Native Havaen. Mom of mixed origin: she has Indian, German and Irish roots. Parents lived together shortly. Mother left, taking a son, in the American staff Iowa, when the future artist was a completely child.

Children's and youthful years of Jason passed in Nolro. In this city, he graduated from school, and after her graduation he entered the college. But at the last rate of Momoa suddenly threw a school and left for the Hawaiian Islands, explaining such a decision to exist without the ocean and the beach.

Jason's education was completed in one of the prestigious Honolulu colleges. In the same place in the young Moma, who had a height of 193 cm, began a career model. Having worked at the Japanese designer Tajo Kobayashi and winning the title model of the year of the islands, the young man decided to start a career of the film actor.


The cinematic biography of Jason started in 1999 in the popular TV series "Malibu Rescuers". Exotic handsome appeared in the 10th and 11th seasons. Such a debut could envy every novice actor, because the appearance of Malibu's rescuers guaranteed fame.

It is natural that after the participation in the TV series I received an offer to play in the full-length comedy directed by Christopher Erskina "Vacation of Johnson". This tape came out on large screens in 2004 and received many flattering reviews of critics and the attention of the audience. The real success came to the young actor next year when he appeared in the Drama "Star Gate: Atlantis". In this popular TV series Jason starred for 5 years. He played Ronana Dex.

The first major role came to MMOA in 2007. He played her in the picture of Jordan Alan Pipelin, but this film cannot be called very successful. Where much glory, the actor brought the tape "Game of Thrones" in 2010. After participating in this dramatic fantasy series, in the form of Barbara named Khala Drow, the Havaleman woke up famous.

The role of the brightest character went to Jason easily. On the samples he did not have to pronounce replicas from the script. He just danced the ritual dance of the New Zealand tribe Maori. After that, other applicants for the role of the leader's tribes were immediately strain by the film producers.

The role of the wife of Varvara - Princess and Khalisi Daerews Targaryen - played Emilia Clark. Unlike a partner, Jason appeared only in the same season of the series, which was due to the plot, but Khal Drew managed to remember fans of the franchise. After entering the screens, the project becomes cult, and the actor himself in 2011 receives a well-deserved award of the Cinemacon festival in Las Vegas.

In the same year 2011, the remake of the tape on the legendary Kona Barbar. On the set of Momoa met and worked with Rhon Perlman. Jason played the main character - Conan's fearless warrior. The restart of the popular franchise, in which the young Arnold Schwarzenegger shone at the beginning of the 80s, was successful: critics positively appreciated the efforts of the film crew and the acting.

Another of the successful works is the picture "irrepressible." The main role in this tape went to Silvestra Stallone. In the film, Jason is transformed into a killer Kigan, who dies from the hand of the main character.

You can also note the projects "Path in Palom" and "Wolves", which came to the screens in 2013. These are the short films of Pride of Gypsies producer, one of the founders of which is Moma himself. In the original role, the actor appeared, starring in the episode of the comedy series "Drunk history", where Derek Waters and Benny Arthur also played.

Later, the performer appears in the leading role in the Canadian horror movie "Debag". This is a fantastic picture in which we were talking about a group of hacker prisoners sent to a distant spacecraft. The command is the task of restarting the computer program. But in a new place, the heroes face artificial intelligence, which behaves aggressively towards people. Moma has reincarnated in an employee of a space station affected by a virtual virus.

In the late 2015th - early 2016th online photos and video from Moma as Aquamena, acting as teasers to a new project on the DC Universe, appeared. Stormy attention of comic fans The image of Jason attracted the inconsistency of the canon. Aquaman has always been free-skinned slim blond with a short haircut. Nevertheless, fans franchise warmly accepted the actor, assessing the talent and the image of MOMOA.

In March 2016, a comic fighter "Batman vs. Superman: at the dawn of justice", in which Jason played the episodic role of Superhero Aquamena. The role was the announcement and in anticipation of the solo film about this hero.

In September 2016, the premiere of the romantic anti -topia "Bad Party" took place at the Venetian Film Festival. Jason played in the painting of the main character - cannibal surviving in postpocalyptic America and suddenly faltered loved to the sacrifice designed to eat.

In October 2016, the world premiere of the comedy militant "His dog's business" was held, in which the actor also played a key role. A month later, the fans saw Jason in the series "Border", the plot of which is devoted to the fur in North America at the beginning of the XVIII century. The artist played the main role of the Robber of Declan Harpa, who is trying to destroy the monopoly on the trade in Canada, established by the Gulza Hudsonov.

Moma continued to appear on the screens as aquamena. In November 2017, a premiere of the film "League of Justice" was held on the unification of the five famous Heroes of Comic DC, and in 2018, a comic fighter "Akvamen", fully dedicated to the hero. The project was so successful that at the cash gathering overcame the mark of $ 1.14 billion, becoming the most profitable project of the extended DC Universe. In addition to Jason, in the main acting ensemble shone Amber Herd, Patrick Wilson, Willem Defo.

Another successful page filmography of the actor was his work in the Canadian militant "Wild". The Hero of Momoa - Lesnik, who has to enter into an unequal battle with the challenge of narcodylers.

In 2019, a fighter "See" was published, which tells about the distant future: due to the virus, humanity almost dies, and the survivors lose their eyesight. Blind people are forced to rely on other types of feelings. Birth in one of the tribes of Mixed twins provokes war. In order for the game to look reliable, the artists trained the choreography of the fighting for months, invited blindness consultant and built a whole village for filming on the island of Vancouver.

In the same year, Momoa fell out the honor of announce the winner at the Oscar award ceremony in the nomination "The best performer of the women's role of the second plan". He rose to the scene along with Helen Mirren. Interestingly, Jason was named the most stylish male event. The actor appeared in a pink suit from a gentle velor, and on his hand, a female gum was concerned alongside.

Personal life

Jason's personal life is associated with the name of his wife Lisa Bone. The story of their novel is interesting. Artist younger than his emission for 12 years. For the first time he saw her and immediately fell in love at a young age. It happened when the series "Cosby Show" was released on the screens, where Bona played a major role. Then Lisa was the wife of the musician Lenny Kravitsa. At the time of dating from Moma, the actress has already grown up the daughter of Zoya Kravitz.

The first meeting of future spouses took place in 2005 in one jazz club of New York. All subsequent night Jason and Lisa spent in the bar behind the conversation. It seemed that they knew each other all their lives. With the wedding decided not to hurry.

A couple of 2 children: in 2007 they had daughter Lola Ayolani, and in a year the son of Nako-Wolfe Manakoapo Namakhaha appeared in the family. Wedding ceremony husband and wife spent in 2017. It was a chamber wedding, which was attended only the closest people.

Lovers look unusual together. If the actor's growth has reached without a small 2 meters, and the weight is 110 kg, then the growth of his miniature wife is only 157 cm. In addition, Jason has a brutal, simultaneously frightening and attractive appearance. Nevertheless, Moma and Bona is a beautiful couple that journalists love.

Momoa - Buddhist. He often happens in Tibet, where he gets spiritual knowledge. Also Jason is a big mountain bike lover, snowboarding and roller skates. It is known that the popular artist is thoroughly prepared for each role. He studied various combat techniques before appearing in the image of Conan Barbara, as well as before the role of Aquamena. In 2018, the Contractor began to study Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.

In the break between the shooting Momoa likes to draw. For some time he studied pastel painting in Paris. It is noteworthy that there is no TV in the house of actors, which they consider the useless and harmful thing for their children. Nevertheless, Jason is getting liberated with technology and new technologies. The artist leads the official account in "Instagram".

Before each role requiring an impressive musculature, the artist sits on a diet with a large amount of protein, and carbohydrate consumption decreases. The only reflection in the diet is a favorite Jason beer. Momoa also pays a lot of time training, which is developing his personal coach Stewart Walton.

Long hair and beard actor were an element of its brutal image. If the artist's beard in 2019 decided to get rid of, then the hairstyle remained unchanged. Most often, Moma leaves the strands of the tails and even pigtails. The brutal hero of films about superheroes said in an interview that he would not walked his hair, otherwise his wife would donounce him.

In 2019, the artist found himself at the center of the scandal: Folloviers in social networks decided that Moma was too actively hugging her daughter at the premiere of the film "Akvamen" in Hawaii, and suspected him in pedophilia.

The actor has its own security service. But the pictures of Moma, along with his bodyguards, cause laughter from users: Against the background of Brutal Jason, men look "miniature".

Jason Momoa now

Now Jason is a sought-after artist. In 2021, the actor's filmography was replenished with another history of superhero from the Comic Comic DC "League of Jack Snidder's Justice". Characters performed by Moma, Ben Affale, Ray Fisher, Henry Caville oppose the invasion of the steppe wolf and his army of Parademov.

This fighter is a directed version of the "League of Justice" released in 2017. The Snider who went from the post from his post was replaced by Joss Odon, who partly releasing the project, cut his duration up to 120 minutes, and he failed at the box office. Having spent $ 70 million on refinement, Zack took off its original version.

Moma appeared in the acting staff of the fantastic film "Dune" - the next film by the novel of Frank Herbert's novel.


  • 1999-2001 - "Malibu Rescuers"
  • 2005-2009 - "Star Gate: Atlantis"
  • 2011 - "Conan-Barbarian"
  • 2011-2012 - "Game of Thrones"
  • 2014 - "Wolves"
  • 2015 - "Sugar Mountain"
  • 2016 - "Batman against Superman: at the dawn of justice"
  • 2016 - "Border"
  • 2017 - "His dog business"
  • 2017 - "League of Justice"
  • 2018 - "Wild"
  • 2018 - "Aquamen"
  • 2019 - "See"
  • 2021 - "League of Justice Zack Snider"
  • 2021 - "Dune"

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