Oleg Popov - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, clown



Oleg Popov - Soviet clown, a student of the legendary pencil, who for the time of his career managed to conquer the international arena. He was applauded by the Queen of England Elizabeth II, in Munich and Brussels, the streets called him named. In the Guinness Book of Records, he is listed as the most popular clown of the planet. In addition, on his account - several works in the cinema. The artist starred in the films of the "Adventures of the Yellow Suitcase", "Mom", "Blue Bird" and others.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Konstantinovich Popov was born on the last day of July 1930 in the village of Cubevo Kuntsevsky district of the Moscow region, which is currently belonging to the urban settlement Odintsovo. Soon his parents gave an apartment in the capital, not far from Dynamo Stadium. Oleg Popova's father worked at the time plant. In the late 1930s, he was arrested and went to jail, and his mother married another man and changed the last name.

Oleg Popov in youth

Oleg's family barely reduced ends with ends, so the boy went early to work. For the first years, he traded in the market with soap, which illegally cooked his neighbor. Being a 12-year-old teenager, Popov got a job in the printing plant of the newspaper "True" as an assistant lock. During the war, people had to starve, did not reach Oleg. Once the boy is so weakened that I almost died, mother barely left the son. After this incident, it was decided to give a teenager to the sports section.

Oleg Popov in youth

So Oleg Popov got into the circle of acrobatics of the Palace of Sports "Wings of the Soviets". During classes, it became clear that much the boy was lighter than the rest. Once, the head of the circus school, inviting him to the entrance examinations on a flexible and hardy guy. Weighing arguments in favor of the choice of educational institution were bread cards: students of the school relied on 100 g of bread more than the work plant.

In 1944, Popov went to study at the State Circus Art School. This educational institution Future artist graduated after 5 years, its specialty - "Eccentric on the wire". During his studies, the artist mastered various circus techniques, which subsequently used, speaking in the arena: juggling, elements of acrobatics and equilibristics.


In his youth, after the end of the circus column, Oleg Popov got on the distribution to the Tbilisi Circus. There, he began his artist's path as an equilibrist comedian, and after 2 months he returned to Moscow. Until 1953, he assisted the famous Master of the comic genre pencil in a circus on color boulevard. The place of the assistant Maratus was held by Yury Nikulin before that, but after the conflict with the head of the Star "Caucasian Captive" had to free it.

Clown Oleg Popov

In 1954, a fateful case occurred in the creative biography of the artist. Popov had to replace Pavel Borovikova - a colleague on a circus that broke the edge on the eve of the speech. The young clown improvised, paroded juggler, manipulating forks, spoons and frying pan. Success was stunning, and after that, the number was finally formed by his role of a cattle clown, which was recognized on the bright striped pants and the original head leaving - a checkered cap.

Since the mid-1950s, Oleg Popov actively toured abroad, directed circus performances. After performances in the UK in 1968, the nicknamed solar clown was entrenched. In the 1970s, he worked in the Greater Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky Boulevard. His most successful and loved viewer reprises became the "Cook", "Sleep on the Wire", "Drill", "Whistle", "Luche".

Circus cooperation on color boulevard did not work. Yuri Nikulin, being his director, for unknown reasons, did not invite Oleg Popov on the famous arena. After the death of the comedian in 1997, a sunny clown in a conversation with reporters expressed bewilderment on the fact that Maxim Nikulin became the head of the creative team, before that did not participate in the circus life.

In the early 1990s, the artist, being depressed by the absence of prospects and low incomes, immigrated to Germany, while maintaining Russian citizenship. After moving, he did not leave his career. In the city of Eglofstein Popov began working clown under the scenic name Happy Hans.

Clown Oleg Popov

The actor talent was manifested not only in scenic art. Oleg Konstantinovich became interested in music. From the end of the 90s, Popov recorded several comic works: "Song about the circus", "Song about the repair", "open eyes". Music compositions hit the author's collection of children's songs.

In June 2015, after more than two decades, the famous Oleg Popov visited his homeland. He pleased with his spectators with the spectators who gathered in the circus of the city of Sochi at the International Professional Circus Prize "Master." The talent of the solar clown was awarded award in the nomination "Circus Legend". As later recalled Popov, in Russia, a crowd of fans waited for him at the airport, which the artist did not expect to see. Lovers of creativity of the Great Comic learned even without makeup and a wig.


When Glory came to Oleg Popov, he began to be filmed in television programs. In addition, the artist played in more than 10 films. The success of a young clown was so great that his circus number was included in the documentary "Arena Bold" (1953). This work has become his debut in the cinema.

Oleg Popov and Lyudmila Gurchenko (Frame from the film

The most famous paintings with his participation were "Kosolapiy Friend" (1959), "Last Jolong" (1966), "The Adventures of Yellow Suitcase" (1970), "Carnival" (1972), "Mom", "Blue Bird" (1976) , "Foreign entrance is allowed" (1987). Most often, the artist played in the films of himself, appearing in his famous checkered cap, which was an unchanged attribute of his image.

Personal life

For a long time, the personal life of the artist was associated with the name of one woman. In 1950, Oleg Popov first married. His choices called Alexander, she was a violinist in the circus orchestra. The spouse gave birth to Popov Girl Olga, who since 13 years old decided to go in the footsteps of the Father and later became the Circus Dancer on the Wire. Now the daughter of the legendary clown lives near Frankfurt. Having created a family and giving birth to children, she left a circus career. Oleg Popov has grandson Eugene, the granddaughter of Faith and Light Maximilian.

In 1990, Popov's wife died from cancer. For the last 10 years of his life, she had to fight a mistreel, her husband on the tour was no longer accompanied and lived in Moscow. At the time of death, Alexandra Ilyinichna Oleg Popov was speeches in Hamburg and as a result of persuasion, Impresario did not interrupt the tour for the sake of a farewell to the spouse.

In 1991, Oleg Popov married a second time. His wife became Gabriele Lehman, German Nationality, which under the clown for 32 years. They met during the speech of the Russian state circus. The girl came to the event as a spectator, she did not have enough space and had to watch the view in the aisle.

Speaking Popov noticed standing girl and raised her chair. Then Gaby went to thank the artist - their accidental acquaintance turned into real love, despite the language barrier. The spouse of the artist also reached the playpen - she resigned from the pharmacy and began to help Oleg Konstantinovich on speeches. Couple lived in Germany.

Oleg Konstantinovich spent his free time. On the plot where the artist's mansion was standing, he had a pony, pigeons, dogs and rabbits. He did not learn German, but communicated with his wife in Russian.


November 2, 2016, Oleg Popov died of a heart stop. The death of the 86-year-old legendary clown came in Rostov-on-Don. He came there with a new program "Let the Sun will always be" in the framework of the All-Russian touring tour.

Monument to Oleg Popov in Rostov-on-Don

The next day, funeral in the Temple of John Kronstadt in Rostov-on-Don and civil servid in the city circus took place. Mother's grave is located in the German city of Eglofstein. On it, instead of the usual monument with the photo, a monument was installed with a sculpture of Oleg Popov, which looks out of the curtain.


  • 1953 - "Arena bold"
  • 1959 - "Kosolapiy Friend"
  • 1966 - "Last Jolong"
  • 1968 - "Visiting Moscow Militia"
  • 1969 - "Abduction"
  • 1970 - "Adventures of Yellow Suitcase"
  • 1972 - "Carnival"
  • 1976 - "Mom"
  • 1976 - "Blue Bird"
  • 1987 - "Foreign entrance is allowed"

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