Clint Eastwood - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Clint Eastwood - actor, director, screenwriter and film producer. The name of the artist is firmly connected with the genre of Western, which many have accumulated in the repertoire of the artist. Firmly entrusted to the Hollywood sky in the image of a few cowboy, Eastwood went on. He successfully implemented his potential in the field of director. Thanks to the work as a director - the films "Unpassed" and "Baby on a million" - Clint managed to become a laureate of Oscar twice.

Childhood and youth

Clint Eastwood was born in San Francisco. Father Clinton Eastwood - the eldest was a worker steel plant. Mother Margaret Ruth Runner worked as an engineer. Clint's parents were pious people, although attended different churches. Father referred to the Presbyterians, and the mother belonged to the Mormon Church.

Since at that time, the great depression dominated America, the family often moved along the west coast hoping to find a highly paid job. In the younger and secondary school, Clint went to Piedmont. Here he first went on the school theater scene.

Senior classes visited in the Oakland technical school, which he graduated in 1948. After receiving the maturity certificate, the young man got working at the petrol station, later was a fireman and played the piano in various bars and California clubs.

In 1950, Eastud Jr. was called in the ranks of the US Armed Forces. It was determined in the aircraft unit, in which Clint passed flight training. He had to go to fight in Korea, but during one of the training flights, the aircraft was crashed. The young pilot saved and was able to sail about 5 km to the shore. After that, the guy was decided to leave in the training camp as a swimming instructor.

After demobilization, the clint enters the local Los Angeles College, but he studied there just a year there, because I decided to follow the advice of the colleagues Martin Milner and David Jansen, who recommended a representative looking young man (Clint's growth - 193 cm, weight - 86 kg) try yourself in acting craft.


In his youth, Clint Eastwood appeared in the low-budget films of horror, thrillers and Westerns - "Treari Revenge", "Francis on the Fleet", "Tarantul", "Ambet Canyon Canyon" and a dozen of other similar paintings. In 1956, the artist performs the first major role - Jack Rice in the comedy western "First Female Female". In 1958, the actor appears as another main character - China Williams in the western "ambush on the passage of the Simarron".

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In 1959, Eastwood fulfills the main role in the television series "Syrmate Leather". The film project itself was not particularly popular, but it was here that the actor noted the Italian film director Sergio Leone, who invited clint in 1964 to the role of Cupboy Joe in his film "For a hassle of dollars."

This tape has become popular in Europe and the United States, so 2 sequel came immediately - "a few dollars more" and "good, bad, angry." The last picture became famous for the fact that in 2001 the quotation of the artist's leading role "I'Ve Got Sunshine in A Bag" ("I wear happiness in my bag") was used when creating a single Clint Eastwood of the Virtual British group Gorillaz.

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In the future, those films with the participation of Clint used more often successfully, in which he played a bold and purposeful "good guy with a gun." In Westerns, the actor continued to play the main roles, gradually becoming an icon of this genre. Such paintings were "Rooting them higher", "Two Moula for Saint Sister", "Rider from High Plans", "Josie Wales - Man Outside Law" and Criminal Militants "Bluff Kugan", "Kelly Heroes", "Dirty Harry", "Sloba and Football", "Sanction at the Peak Eger" and others.

Somewhat differed from the same type of images The role of Rezidivist Frank Morris in the Drama Thriller "Escape from Alcatraza". The film talked about the first escape from the impregnable fortress-prison Alcatraz, from which it was considered impossible to escape for 30 years from the moment of its construction. It was built on the island and isolated from the outside world. The film is based on the biography of the robber of Frank Morris banks, which was the first to run out of this prison.

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From 1980 to 1990, Clint plays the main roles in all films in which only the picture "Passage of Broken Hearts" was the exception of 1986. Spectators remember him as the central hero of the "Pink Cadillac" films, "game in death", "the name of him death", "a sudden blow," "in any way, how can you" and others.

Almost until the end of the 80s, Clint was a kind of icon of cinema, entered the list of the most popular Actors of Hollywood. But then the popularity falls. In the future, the artist will play only in films in which he speaks as director. From these works it is worth allocating the drama "Perfect World", the Madison County Bridges and the Drama film "Absolute Power".

Clint Eastuda (frame from Madison County Bridges)

For the detective "Mysterious River" as director Clint Eastwood was nominated for Oscar. Western "Unpredictable" in 1993 brought the treasured statuette as director, as well as a nomination as an actor. Repeated this success sports drama "Baby a million", which came out on the screens in 2004.

A big event in American cinema was Triller Gran Torino, created by the director in 2008. The director himself reincarnated on the screen in the main character of the narrative - the elderly American Walt Kovalski, the veteran of the Korean War, subsequently worked at the Ford 50 years. The old man lives in the suburb of industrial Detroit, which is overwhelmed with Asia and African Americans.

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The character does not hide his hostility towards them, but gradually he is tied friendly relations with neighbors, Hmongs by nationality. To save a new friend from the defaults of a local gang, Walt sacrifices his life. Film received positive feedback from film critics and impressive cash receipses.

Last time in the filmography of Clinta, work appeared in the film of another director in 2012. She became a role in the sports drama "Twisted Ball", where the actor plays the main role - an aging baseball scout.

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In 2014, the historical drama "SPAPER" was the sign director's work. This film was nominated for Oscar in 6 categories and received a reward for the best sound installation. The picture is based on the biography of Sniper's 3rd team of Seal from Texas Chris Kayla, who became the record holder in the number of those killed during the service in Iraq opponents and received the nickname from Ramadi nickname from Iraqis.

Also in 2014, Eastwood directed the film "Guys from Jersey". This is also a biographical film, the music drama tells about the formation of the group of The Four Seasons, which became a symbol of generation. In 2015, a picture of the Bringing the War Home: The Cost of Heroism was published in American rental, the director of whose director again called Clint. It was not translated into Russian.

In 2016, Eastwood acted as director and producer of the Drama "Miracle on Hudson". The film became the screening of the autobiography of Cescy Sally Sallenberger and Jeffrey Zasslow "Higher Debt: My search for what is really important" and talked about the incident of 2009 with US Airways-1549.

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Pilot Sallenberger made an emergency landing on the water on the Hudson River in New York. At the same time, 155 people are passengers and crew members - survived. The landing was called "Miracle on Hudson", but instead of gratitude sallenberger received a trial and threat to a career. The drama tells about the events after landing and about doubts about the actions of the pilot hero.

The role of Cescy Sallenberger played Tom Hanks. Other main roles were performed by Aaron Eckhart and Laura Linny. The film was released on the screens on September 9, 2016 by Film Company Warner Bros. Pictures.

Personal life

In 1953, without becoming a famous actor, Clint Eastwood married Actress Maggie Johnson. They had two children: the son of Kyle Clinton and the daughter of Alison. Officially, Clint and Maggie divorced in 1984, although they parted much earlier. Back in 1964, the actor had a kimber daughter from a short-term novel with a dancer Roxana Tunisia, and since 1978 for 4 years, Clint lived in a civil marriage with the actress Sandra Lok.

In 1985, Eastwood became acquainted with the flight capacity of Jacqueline Rivz, with which he lived in an actual marriage for about 3 years. Two children were born: the son of Scott and the daughter of Catherine. In the early 1990s began to meet with the actress Francis Fisher, who gave birth to Clint daughter Francescu. In 1995, the couple broke up.

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In 1996, Eastwood officially married TV presenter Deine Riza, who was the younger actor for 35 years. Another daughter was born in this marriage - Morgan. It seemed in the personal life of the actor there was a pacification. Clint and Dina lived together until 2013, when the wife filed for a divorce due to the fact that the spouse began to change it. After the divorce, the 83-year-old artist began to meet with actress Eric Fisher.

The artist's children chose creative professions. The eldest son of Istuda Kyle became interested in music and is now a reputable jazz musician, whose account is extensive discography. Fame received Alison Eastwood, which became an actress and producer.

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The younger son Scott began his professional path as a model. At one time he collaborated with the Hugo Boss brand, later began to appear on the screens. At his account of the roles of the "Self-suicide detachment", "Snowden", Furçazh-8. The media glory has conquered Francesca Eastwood, which has become a member of the realistic show "Mrs. Eatvud and the company". In 2013, she was awarded the "Miss Golden Globe" award.

Clint, except for director and acting, is also fond of jazz. He even composed several compositions, which sound in some director films. In addition, a man is a successful businessman, owns a restaurant and a hotel in Karmel. By the way, Clint Eastwood was the mayor of this town from 1986 to 1988.

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The main hobby of the actor - golf and transcendental meditation. The celebrity carefully monitors health, about his excellent condition can be judged by the last photo. Unlike his heroes, he does not smoke, besides daily trained in the gym. On each shooting area, Eatsewood places for classes a small platform with simulators.

Despite its screen image of a "steep guy", in the life of Eastwood fear of insects. The artist is famous for its conservatism, for movement it prefers not a premium car, but an old Cadillac.

Clint Eastwood now

On the eve of the 90th anniversary, the actor was surprised by the fans of his creativity. Clint removed the criminal drama "Drug Trade", in which the main character played. As the artist explained in an interview, he eats the thought of participating in fantasy films, where big roles for the elderly actors appear. Otherwise, modern cinema does not make it possible to reveal its potential at such a moon.

The script of the picture seemed to the director with decent film release. An elderly American, mired in debt, decides to earn money on shipping. The old man does not suspect that the goods will be drugs. Now his task is to break the vicious circle.

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Film crimits saw in the plot of echoes Other Film Foods Istoda - "Gran Torino", only unlike her hero, the main character "DrugCurr" made a mistake for which he had to pay expensive. The premiere of the new work of Istuda took place in the United States at the end of 2018, the audience saw the film in February 2019.

The last directorial work of the clint belongs to the movie "Train to Paris", created in the genre of the dramatic thriller. In the picture, it was about the case of preventing the terrorist act, which occurred in 2015. The main roles of three friends played real participants in those events.


  • 1964 - "For a hassle of dollars"
  • 1965 - "For a few dollars more"
  • 1966 - "Good, bad, evil"
  • 1971 - "Dirty Harry"
  • 1976 - "Josh Wales - a man out of law"
  • 1978 - "No matter how cool - lose"
  • 1979 - "Escape from Alcatraza"
  • 1980 - "In any way, how can you"
  • 1982 - "Man from Trit"
  • 1992 - "Disposable"
  • 1993 - "Perfect World"
  • 1995 - "Madison County Bridges"
  • 2000 - "Space Cowboys"
  • 2004 - "Million Baby"
  • 2012 - "Twisted Ball"
  • 2018 - "Drug Travel"

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