Kevin Spacei - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, filmography, scandal, main roles, "Envelope" 2021



In one of the interviews, Kevin Spacy said that he was not interested in heroes who do not have fate, character, what is called Action. He could not assume what drama would blow his own life. The Oscar owner and the Golden Globe, followed by the glory of the most secretive artist in Hollywood, committed Caming-Out. At another time, the audience may admire such courage, but the moment of Revelation Spacey coincided with the growing struggle with the Harassment and the wave of accusation of him in harassment.

Childhood and youth

Kevin Spacy Fowler was born in the municipal town of South Orinzh, New Jersey. Thomas Jeffrey Fowler, the father of the actor, was interrupted by the random earnings of the compiler of technical documentation. He contained the family of Kathleen Ann Natson, who worked secretary and had time to educate three children (Kevin had Randall's brother and Sister Julia).

When it was time to go to school, Spacy was enrolled in the school of San Fernando. But because of the problems with the behavior, parents were transferred to the Son to the Military Academy for the boys of Northridge, which was located in Los Angeles. The local strict education system did not affect an expressive teenager, and in the year of the future actor were expelled.

The young man returned to the previous place where the world of theatrical art discovered for himself, began to participate in all school productions and realized that it did not want to do anything other than a hypocrisy. After the role in the play on the play Arthur Miller "All my sons", the leadership of the Chatsurat school invited Kevin to a specialized drama class.

After school, Fowler enrolled in the Los Angeles College of Valley in, from where it was immediately transferred to New York, to the Juliar School. In this institution, he played in the performances of the "sounds of music" and "perfect husband". At the same time, the pseudonym spacey - the maiden named Grandma appeared. Having studied 2 years, the young man threw his studies to focus on professional performances in the theater.


In 1981, Kevin concluded a contract with the theater agency and began to perform on Broadway. At his piggy bank on the play of William Shakespeare "Heinrich VI" and the comedy of Mizantropra Moliere. In the Chekhov "Chaika", the actor fulfilled the role of Trepleva, and in the Drama of Henric Ibsen "Ghosts" - Oswald.

Having played together with the famous actors of Jack Lemmon and St. Gallahher in the production of "Long Day goes to night", Spacy received an invitation to try the cinema forces. But he did not leave the theater in 1991 for participating in the play "Lost in Jonkers" received the Higher Theater Prize "Tony".

For 12 years, Kevin led the Oldest London Theater "Old Vic". On this scene, he shiny reincarnated in the main heroes of William Shakespeare "Richard II" and Richard III.

"In the movie shifted views ... no rhythm. No ritual. Theater is another matter. People with whom you meet every night on stage become members of your family. "


The actor debuted on television in an episodic role in the TV series "Criminal Stories", and then starred with Jack Nicholson and Meryl Strip in the Relodrama "Jealousy."

In the Drama "Americans" ("Glengarry Glen Ross") Al Pacino, Alec Baldwin and Ed Harris made partners. The film with a budget of $ 12.5 million was removed in 39 days on the scenario, the author of which he received a Pulitzer Prize for him. The actors agreed to work for very modest fees. For example, Baldwin paid $ 250 thousand instead of traditional $ 2-3 million.

The first recognition for Spacey came in 1995 after entering the screens of the Thiller "Seven", in which the actor, replacing Vala Kilmer, fulfilled the role of Serial Killer John Dow. For this image, he received the MTV Movie Awards premiums, the National Council of Film Crims of the United States and the New York Critics Society.

With Benicio del Toro and another representative of the Baldwin family, Stephen, Kevin starred in an union detective "suspicious faces". Another secondary role of the villain brought him the first statuette of Oscar in the category "Best Actor of the Second Plan" and the nomination for the Golden Globe. The American Film Institute included the film in the top ten most visible in its genre.

In 1999, the psychological drama "Beauty of American", having a deafening success, was released on the screens. The Spacey project first appeared in front of the audience. The picture won fifty awards of various professional communities and "Oscar" in five of the eight nominations. The prize in the category "Best Male Role" went to Kevin.

Later in the filmography of the artist, a comedy "Austin Powers: Goldmumber" appeared, in which Kevin played the family of Ozzy Osborne. Another nomination for the "Golden Globe" and on Bafta, he was awarded the role of a loser in the Melodrame "Ship News".

At the hero of Spacy Professor Mathematics Mickey Dew, like most characters from the tape "Twenty One" were real prototypes. The story of the film was taken by the story of Mit students, who managed to deceive the gambling establishment described by Ben Mesrych in the Roman "Casino strike".

Kevin Spacei - biography, personal life, photo, news, films, filmography, scandal, main roles,

He taught Spacy and outside the set - taught everyone who wanted acting. Lessons broadcast the paid video service MasterClass. There are records of how to overcome the casting, avoid predictability and create a character, deleted after the actor became a fraction of scandalous disassembly.

An interesting project for Kevin was the drama about the abolition of the death penalty in Texas "Life of David Gale", where he embodied on the screen of the activist and leader of the local movement with a high purpose. The tape itself failed at the box office, but the main soundtrack for the film called The Life of David Gale became incredibly popular and was not yet used in the cinema.

There are two directing work on Spacy. In 1997, he presented the film "Albino Alligator" by calling on this thriller to the main role of Matt Dillon. In 2004, the artist issued a biographical project "by the sea", in which the main character himself played - singer Bobby Darina. Interestingly, the whole musical material of the film Kevin performed himself.

Also, film critics noted the Russian-American short-drawing tape "Envelope", talking about the unusual case of the famous writer Evgenia Petrov. Kevin Spacy played the role of the glorified co-author of the "12 chairs" and "Golden Calf".

The central character of the criminal comedy "Casino Jack" is also a real face, a businessman-bribener Jack Abramoff, who was 6 years old in prison for fraud. Getting Started, the actor visited Jack in conclusion, communicated with the team with which he worked in parliament, as well as with people who hated him.

Spacey approached with such a scrupulousness approached the role of a trader in the "Risk limit". At the heart of the script of the picture (marked, by the Word, Oscar - the story of Lehman Brothers Holdings, Inc., the largest financial conglomerate, founded in the mid-19th century, whose bankruptcy led to the 2008 global crisis. The actor took advantage of the fact that the film was filmed in Manhattan, and met with employees of banks located there.

The fantastic tape "Planet Ka-Peks" did not pay off at the box office, but he brought the patient's role to the patient's role of a psychiatric clinic nomination for the Academy of Scientific Fiction, Fantasy and horror films.

The large-scale work for Kevin became popular worldwide political series "Cardhouse". Spacy and Robin Wright brilliantly played the worship of Anderwood, who will not stop before the sake of the target - total power. Fans call the film most successful in the creative biography of the actor.

At the same time, the comedy "nine lives" on the reincarnation of a person in the body of a cat, published in 2016, according to some fans, became the worst project in the Spacy career. Perhaps this was facilitated by the fact that almost 70% of the film were created on the computer.

Shortly before the scandal buried the scandal, Kevin starred in Bayopic about Jerome David Sallingere "For the Gone in Rzya." He received the role of a teacher who discontinued the writer's talent of his student, the author of Bestseller "Above the Absurement in rye."

In 2017, the premiere of two film was held with the participation of the actor: the comedy militant "Kid on the drive" and the 5th season of the series "Card House". The director of the first painting, which began to shoot in the "Agriev" Michael Douglas, planned to attract it to a new film, but received a refusal. Then Edgar Wright arrived at the playground of the second picture and enlisted Kevin's support. Spassi's partner received the popularity of Elagel Elagort, Jamie Fox and Eys Gonzalez. The creators of the "kid" brought nine-fold profits.

The image of the billionaire Jean Paul Ghetti could bring Kevin another Oscar or the British Film Academy Prize. But Ridley Scott ruthlessly cut out of the drama "All Money World" frames with an actor. The director, although he recognized that Spacy played inimitably, fantastically, was afraid for the reputation of the film. War like the one that was blocked around Harvey Weinstein, Kevin was touched by that time.

Social activity

The actor used the lovely image in public promotions. In 2016, global policies, economists and journalists were traveled to Kiev at the 13th Forum "Yalta Economic Strategy" (YES). As a special guest arrived at the event and spacey. During the speech, he said that if he became president of the most powerful state in the world, he would have tried to overcome political corruption."Even in the US, the money disappears in the government, and it is so shocked, because we could feed the world for these funds," Spacey said from the forum stands.

Responding to questions from journalists regarding radical sentiment in Europe, the American stressed that it is much better to cooperate with each other, and not fight.

Personal life

Spacy thoroughly hid a personal life, never parted with the story of a bachelor, did not appreciate the relationship and appeared on the parties, accompanied by Mother. The artist believed that the less the audience knows about him, the easier it is to convince her that he is exactly the hero on the screen. This allows the viewer to penetrate the film and believe in what is happening.

"No one has the right to make me talk about yourself what I do not consider it necessary."

According to rumors, in his youth, the actor met with the colleague Eypril Winchell and the Writer Diane Dreier. Roman with the latter stretched for 9 years, but during this time the paparazzi never found a couple of out of one house, on a walk or in a restaurant. And if so, is it worth talking about the presence of true feelings. Of course, rumors crawled down that Spacy - Gay. Publications in the press only fastened suspicion.

On the pages of magazines appeared photo of Kevin, sunbathing in the park in the company of youth. The satellite at the same time hugged the actor by the shoulders. A certain bartender told how Spacy showed him genitals. Hints on his homosexuality met even in cartoons, open gays called for a man to stop hypocrite.

Representatives of the British edition of The Daily Mirror reported that the name of the Hollywood star fell into a list of famous homosexuals, which is used as part of the prevention of homophobia among high school students. Soon the program executives apologized to Spacey, calling the error that occurred.

In 2017, Kevin publicly admitted to unconventional sexual orientation. Such news now is not surprising anyone, however, the situation with the actor acquired another color. Shortly before that, he found himself in the epicenter of gay scandal, as a result of which turned into a burden. The LGBT community accused Spacy in the mercenary use of his position, in an attempt to distract attention from the essence of the story that happened specifically with him. And then it was about harassment to minors.

Kevin loves sports. He is a fan of tennis, American and European football, basketball and baseball. The fact that the actor prefers not to go out on the field, and to hurt for the favorite athletes in the podium, does not affect his own physical data. Space though not an athlete, but a rather slim man (height 178 cm, weight 75 kg).

Sexy scandal

In October 2017, the actor Anthony RPP accused the senior colleague in harassment. According to Starrek's star, drunk Kevin tried to join him, then a 14-year-old teenager, in an intimate connection, but he was reversed. In response, Spacey published in Twitter and Instagram accounts post with the words that he does not remember what happened, and if it was, he asked for forgiveness.

Sex scandal received a continuation. In addition to the RPPP, the accusations of the artist presented another 14 people, among whom were colleagues on the project "Card House", as well as the former son-in-law of the King of Norway. Employees of the California Prosecutor's Office said they would not be initiated by criminal cases of crimes whose limitations exceeded a quarter of a century. But in the UK, where 6 accuses were put forward against Spacei, investigations began.

In August 2018, Kinokartina "Club Billionaires" was released, where Kevin played one of the roles. The filming of the film was held in 2016, even before unpleasant events in the life of the artist, release it on the screens only after 2 years. Despite the fact that among the performers of the main roles, such stars like Jeremy Irvin, Taron Egerton and Emma Roberts, Drama turned out to be the worst picture of the year in cash collecting. The first weekend brought it to the creators of a little over $ 600.

A TV presenter from Massachusetts filed to the court to the artist. In 2016, Kevin bowed to the proximity of her son, who was 18 years old at that time. The trial began in 2019. Despite the fact that Spacey asked permission not to attend the case, the judge ordered the accused to appear on the hearing.

The actor himself denied his guilt. The petition for the printout of the victim's calls of that period, which could shed light on the innocence of Kevin, was satisfied. Space's repeated hearing was allowed not to come.

Opan, in which Spacy got, grew like a snowball. In collaboration, he was refused by his spokesman Stacy Wulf, Creative Artists Agency and Netherlands Bank Ing. Netflix stopped working on the film "Mountains". The total loss of companies with which Kevin collaborated was estimated at $ 30 million. And this is not counting how much he lost himself.

They were also those who in the sea of ​​the negativity uttered the words of support to the artist. This is Robin Wright, with which he starred in a "card house", British actress Judy Dench, Christopher Plammer, replaced Spacey in the film Ridley Scott. Kate Mara noticed that he did not expect such noise around Kevin and feels emptying. He continued cooperation with the artist and his manager Evan Lovenstein.

Brian Cranston believed that the actor deserved a second chance, only he should be treated. Representatives of celebrities reported that he went to the same clinic as Weinstein.

Nevertheless, the scandal undermined the authority of the actor. The international telecademy has changed his mind handing him Emmy Founders Award. The creators of the "card house" terminated the contract for the shooting of the 6th season and quietly got rid of the character of the artist, Zakodrovko declaring him dead.

Another after a break published a video in the Yutiub-channel video in the format "Let me be Frank", where I broke from the face of my hero from the series - Frank Andnderwood. Turning to the public, Kevin said that despite hostility, betraying in the press and even his own death (I had in mind the death of the hero) feels surprisingly well.

In the summer of 2019, with Spacy, who threatened a 5-year-old imprisonment for the seduction of the son of the TV host, was charged. The prosecutors were calculated on the video stored in the phone of the young man, but the gadget was disappeared. The mother of a young man later admitted that he deleted the record. The actor's lawyers suggested that the destroyed information could testify just in favor of the client, this was explained by the act of a woman.

On the eve of 2020, Kevin posted a roller in the social network, in which he advised not to hurry with response actions towards ill-wishers, because "you can kill kindness." According to the strange coincidence with those who accused Spacey in harassment, even before that began to occur, and sometimes tragic things: a sudden death, suicide, one woman died under the wheels of the car, the other prosecutor refused his words without explaining the reasons.

In Hollywood, even an evil joke appeared that to make complaints of Kevin Space himself.

Locked with one charge in sexual harassment, Kevin received a new one. Two men - Anthony RPP, who had once again opposed Spacei, and a person who did not want to open his personality - filed an actor to the court on the case that occurred in the 1980s. According to Anonymous, under the guise of the acting lesson, Spacy bowed him to intimate intimacy.

Kevin Spacy now

Now the artist surrounds the atmosphere of uncertainty. He continues to communicate with the public, but the negative background of his scandalous reputation is still strong.

The celebrity does not throw the Youtyub-Channel. In Christmas circulation, on the eve of 2021, he supported people who were thinking about suicide. Listing feelings and events that encourage people to suicide, he reminded that there is a way out of any situation.

The main news in the career of the artist was the return to the cinema. The Italian director Franco Nero shared in an interview that he was looking forward to starting working with the star Hollywood, which he offered a role in the drama about pedophilia "The man who drew God."


  • 1986 - "Jealousy"
  • 1991 - "Henry and June"
  • 1995 - "Seven"
  • 1995 - "Suspicious faces"
  • 1996 - "Time to kill"
  • 1999 - "Beauty of American"
  • 2001 - "Planet Ka-Pax"
  • 2003 - "Life of David Gale"
  • 2009 - "psychoanalyst"
  • 2010 - "Brilliant Dad"
  • 2013-2017 - "Card House"
  • 2016 - "Nine Lives"
  • 2017 - "For the abyss of rye"
  • 2017 - "Baby on Drive"
  • 2018 - "Club billionaires"

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