Alexander Mogilev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Dance on TNT 2021



Alexander Mogilev is a dancer, choreographer, a teacher of modern dance, participant and winner of the project "Dance!". In the TV show "Dances" Mogilev as a choreographer-director collaborated with the team of Egor Druzhinin, and then moved to the team of Tatiana Denisova. Today, he is the leader of the "Russian company of modern dance", as well as the organizer of the Dance Festival "Sample No.".

Childhood and youth

Alexander Mogilev was born on June 2, 1986 in the city of Kandalaksha, the Murmansk region. Sasha late began to do dancing. As he says, his story is not as other dancers. Parents did not take his hand and did not lead to a dance studio. He himself came to acrobatics at 8 years old, but after half a year the coach went from the city, the circle was closed. The only thing that Mogilev managed to master the bridge and twine.

He went to a secondary school, studied well. His life may have elaborated if it were not for the second attempt. Alexander Mogilev was 12 when he came to the concert with his father. The girl danced on the stage, and her movements were so impressed by a teenager that he said:

"Dad! I want to dance on stage. "

They passed behind the scenes - the teacher suggested to come to the next year, because there was no suitable age group. An impatient Alexander did not wait for so long - it came to classes for babies, then on the lessons for adults, and in parallel I was engaged in break dance. Mogilev admits that he danced on the streets, in basements and garages, made his team. It was impossible to stop it.

In 2003, he entered the choreography of the Petrozavodsky School of Culture, in 2006 - in the Moscow State University of Culture and Arts. In class, he felt the depth of modern dances and imbued with their spiritual meaning. Then there was an study in the Austrian Ballet Conservatory.

In 2006, Alexander Mogilev received the Grand Prix at the competition "Winter Fantasies". Soon in the creative biography of the dancer stepped stability. Since 2007, he teaches modern dance in the choreographic school of Nikolai Ogryzkova, leaves for touring with solo performances in Russia and abroad, participates in television programs.


The Casting of the Dance project on the first channel Alexander came in March 2015. One of the jury members then asked him that she was looking for a choreographer in this show. Mogilev replied: "Not traveled". During the selection, Rada Pokhlitar noted that in the column "Favorite choreographer" half of the participants indicates Alexander Mogilev.

On the Dance project, the guy performed brilliantly and fell in love with tens of thousands of spectators. He was called a serious contender for victory, and Alexander acquitted the expectations of fans. According to the results of the vote, he won and received a 2 million contract with the Leningrad Center theater. The prize of the dancer did not use it.

Alexander Mogileva is called the top Russian choreographer, so the creative group "Dancing on TNT" invited him to participate in the new project. In the 1st season of the choreographic show, he had to create complex numbers for participants. One of the brightest Mogilev regulations is the number for Ilshat Shabaev, whom the participants called the Master of Revolutions.

Alexander did not know until the latter, would be invited to the 2nd season of "Dances". In one of the interviews, the choreographer said that TNT-Schnicky was offended by him for participating in the dance show of the first channel. But this is working moments. Negotiations were successful, because in "Dances on TNT - 2" Alexander invited. In the future, the choreographer continued cooperation with the project.

Personal life

About the personal life of the dancer and choreographer knows little. The media wrote that Alexander Mogilev meets with a colleague by Larisa Polunina. This information has not received confirmation. Now the heart of the artist is employed, but he does not open the name of the chosen. Joint photos with a beloved choreogram sometimes accommodates in "Instagram". The fact that the girl falls by the performer wife is not yet necessary to speak. The dancer also did not communicate about joint children.

Mogilev does not consider himself a star, calmly perceives when they recognize him on the streets. He tries to be as often as possible in the hometown of Kandalaksha, where he charged with energy and rests the soul. Alexander Mogilev says he is more pleasant to be necessary, demanded in the profession than popular. He recently admitted that if it were not for dancing, would become a pilot.

Talking about the phenomenon of its performance, Alexander joked that, most likely, his strength adds love to sweet. Despite the fact that the artist managed to abandon tea and coffee with sugar, not at all the cakes and chocolate does not work. And the Mogilev loves the oranges very much, who also add cheerfulness to him.

Alexander Mogilev now

In addition to participating in the television project "Dances", Alexander Mogilev is the organizer and head of the project "Sample No.". As part of this movement, festivals of dance art are held annually.
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In 2019, Mogilev decided to give his festival repertoire status. In February, the project participants with anchlage performed on the scene of the theater on Taganka. In June, the dancers took place a re-performance.

The choreographer project holds a high bar. For example, the participants of Olga Tymoshenko and Alexey Natto with the play "40" became the nominees for the "Golden Mask - 2019" premium. As part of the festival, Alexander Mogilev, as well as his colleagues Denis Boroditsky, Olga Nasyrov, Alexander Tronov, Victoria Mikhalets and others hold master classes.


  • 2014 - "Dancing"
  • 2015 - "Dance!"

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