Carrie Fisher - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, Filmography



Carrie Fisher - American actress, who became deafening famous, playing the role of princess lei organs in the chronologically first films of the cult fantastic Saga "Star Wars". Carrie Fisher continued the acting career, but no longer achieved such popularity. In Hollywood, Fisher became much more in demand as a screenwriter and "scenario doctor" - the actress read and the rules of the scenario of popular films. Also Carrie Fisher also implemented a writer talent, making a number of artistic books.

Carrie Fisher in youth

Carrie Fisher was born in the famous California city of Beverly Hills. Her father Eddi Fisher was a pop singer, and Mary Francis's mother - actress, known under the pseudonym Debbie Reynolds. Carry has a native younger brother Todd. When the girl was not yet 3 years old, the parents divorced because of a loud scandal associated with the novel of the Father with American actress Elizabeth Taylor.

The native father later had several marriages, from whom Fisher had two step sisters - Joeli and Trisha. All children of this family also became film actors. Debbie Reynolds married Millionaire Harry Charles, who brought up Carrie and her brother.

Since childhood, Carrie wanted to go in the footsteps of the mother and become an actress. From 12 years old, the girl was regularly behind the scenes of Debbie's performances, for the sake of acting craftsmanship, it took a private high school, which was visited by Beverly Hills.

Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher

For the first time Fisher came out on stage at 17, in the music play "Irene", in which her mother played one of the main roles. In the same year, the girl became a student of the London Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, but he studied there only a half course.


Carrie Fisher made his debut in 1975 in 1975, in the Drama "Shampoo", in which she got an episodic role of Lorna's girl. But the next role is the princess of lei organs in a fantastic blockbuster "Star Wars. Episode IV. New hope "- made an actress famous, and she is filmed in two continuations -" Star Wars. Episode V. The Empire shall cause a response "and" Star Wars. Episode VI. Return Jedi. "

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The image of Princess Lei became a revolutionary and breakthrough for Hollywood cinema. Princess Carrie Fisher has become not a classic Virgin in trouble, but a talented politician, revolutionary and warrior. The classic image of Princess Lei includes both white dress and a complex hairstyle and a large-caliber weapon.

In addition, the image of the slave lei is a princess suit, consisting of a top and loose dressing, in which Leia was dressed after the abduction - brought Carrie Fisher's title of the main sex symbol of the GIC community.

Between the episodes of "Star Wars" actress participated in the musical "Blues" and a romantic comedy "under the Rainbow".

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Then there were central roles in the comedy "Garbo tells", the horror film "suburb" and a musical comedy "When Harry met Sally." There were also many small roles in the comedy "Man in one red shoe", the melodrame "Hannah and her sisters", the criminal militant "Police of Hollywood", the fantastic Sketch show "Amazon on the moon", a detective "date with death", a romantic comedy "Hero-lover", comedy "Sisters, rival rivals", the youth "horror" "Creek 3" and the comedy "Harmful Fred".

In the new millennium, she starred in the comedy melodrama "Hearts", the youth comedy "Jay and Silent Bob strike a retaliatory strike", the musical "undeclusive", adventure comedy "Fanates", the horror movie "Creek in a hostel", the melodrama "Once in the US" and Thriller "Enlightenment White".

The last movie Carrie Fisher is the continuation of the famous Saga "Star Wars: Awakening of Power", in which the actress again plays a leu author.


As the writer Carrie Fisher made his debut in 1987, making an artistic autobiographical book "Postcards from the edge of the abyss", in which in literary form spoke about complex relationships with his mother. After three years, based on its relationship with the only official husband by Paul Simon, she wrote a novel "Pink Capitulator".

Carrie Fisher at the presentation of his book

The next semi-autobiographical novel "Mailings of Grandma" was released in 1993 and told about the pregnant Writer Core Sharpe. The book traces the connection of Karry itself with her daughter Brian Lurden's father. Almost a 10-year-old break, she released the books of "Hollywood Mommy" and "the worst", which are a literary continuation of the debut book.

Harrison Ford and Carrie Fisher

The only non-artistic book, which dismissed Carrie Fisher from the pen, is his own biography "Thirsty to drink." Subsequently, the actress and the writer decided to write a book of memories of filming in the famous movie "Star Wars". The book "Princess Diaries", in which Carrie Fisher described the shooting days of the old trilogy of "Star Wars" and his short-term novel with Harrison Ford, appeared on the shelves of bookstores in the fall of 2016, a month before the death of the actress.

Personal life

Since 1977, within 6 years, Carrie met with a singer and a musician by Paul Simon, then they broke up, as the actress met the Canadian comic officer Dan Eicroyd, with whom he was engaged. But soon she terminated the engagement, returned to Simon and married him in 1983. This marriage existed for 11 months.

Carrie Fisher and Billy Lourdes

In 1990, Fisher began to meet Brian Lourd, an Agent of actors from Creative Artists Agency. In 1992, they were born daughter Billy Catherine Lourdes. But Carrie and Brian did not register their relationships and after a while they broke up.

Subsequently, Billy Lourdes went in footsteps and also became an actress. In 2014, Billy appeared in the film "Star Wars. Episode VII. Awakening of force, "where the role of the young Princess Lei played, the mother's heroine. Lourdes argues that it will appear in the further paintings of this franchise, but not in the role of Lei or her daughter suddenly introduced into the script.

In 2003, the actress consisted in a romantic relationship with the singer James Blante, who was henger for 15 years. In 2005, Fisher had a connection with a politician from the republican party Greg Stevens, who was found dead from the overdose of drugs on her Villa in Beverly Hills.

Carrie Fisher

Repeatedly in an interview and various talks-show Carrie Fisher discussed his problems with drugs and alcohol, which she had in the late 70s and early 80s, after unexpectedly embraced fame. Drug addiction turned out that the actresses have several times there were an overdose of drugs, once she fell into a short-term one.


On December 23, 2016, the heart of the actress stopped on board the aircraft, when Carrie Fisher flew from London to Los Angeles. The stopping of the heart was noticed near the passenger who said the crew that the actress stopped breathing, and also did a woman cardiovascular resuscitation until the arrival of the physicians. Subsequently, doctors found out that the actress suffered apnea in a dream, which was the cause of the tragedy. In addition, according to the report of pathologists, traces of three types of drugs - cocaine, MDMA and heroin have discovered in the body of the actress.

Funeral Carrie Fisher

In Los Angeles, the actress immediately transported to the Reagan Medical Center, where they connected to the machine of artificial ventilation of the lungs. These events did not give the desired effect and four days, December 27, Carrie Fisher died. The cause of death became a stroke.

The next day, also from a stroke, the mother actresses died, Debbie Reynolds, right during the organization of the funeral of his daughter.

In his own book "Supporting Drunkenness", Carrie Fisher expressed wishes about the neccratologist. The actress hoped that her necrologist would sound like this: "She drowned in the lunar light, strangled by his own bra." As a result, necrologists and retrospectives seem to listen to this wishes of the actress and contained the phrase invented Fisher. All over the world passed mourning events in which fans of actress and fans of "Star Wars" participated. Cinemas, clubs and antikafa arranged unplanned shows of the episodes of "Star Wars" with the participation of Carrie and retrospectives about actress.

Actress Carrie Fisher

Already after death, the actress continued to shoot the film "Star Wars. Episode VIII. The last Jedi "- the last with the participation of Carrie Fisher. The film will be released in December 2017. The actress managed to be held in part scenes in the form of lei organs, in other scenes, the heroine will be removed from the script or replace computer graphics.


  • 1977 - "Star Wars. Episode IV. New Hope"
  • 1980 - "Star Wars. Episode V. Empire shall cause a response "
  • 1983 - "Star Wars. Episode VI. Return Jedi »
  • 1984 - "Garbo tells"
  • 1986 - "Hannah and her sisters"
  • 1989 - "Submissory"
  • 1989 - "When Harry met Sally"
  • 2001 - "Jay and Silent Bob are dealt with a retaliatory strike"
  • 2009 - "Enlightenment White"
  • 2014 - "The Theory of Big Bang" (Season 7)
  • 2015 - "Star Wars. Episode VII. Awakening of force "
  • 2017 - "Star Wars. Episode VIII. Latest Jedies »

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