Daisy Ridley - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Films, Tom Beitman, Adam Driver 2021



Daisy Ridley is a young talented Hollywood actress of British origin. The world found out about her acting talent after the girl performed a major role in the 7th film of the cult fiction franchise "Star Wars". Nevertheless, Ray's role in the blockbuster JJ Jay Abrams is far from the first in the cinematic biography of Daisy Ridley: she starred in dozens of films, engaged in visible cartoons and appeared in the music clips.

Childhood and youth

Daisy Ridley was born in London, in the historic center of the city - the area of ​​Westminster. The date of the future star of the screen is April 10, 1992. She patronizes the sign of the zodiac Aries. Chris Ridli's father is professionally engaged in photography, at the time of the appearance of Daisy on the light he turned 52 years old. Mother Louise Fawner Corbett works in the field of into-official communications, in one of the central London banks.

Daisy is the youngest of children Louise and Chris. Senior sisters call Kika Rose and Poppy. Also, the Father has two daughters from the first marriage, which are the only girl's sisters. In the family of Ridley there is also their own celebrity. The cousin sisters - Arnold Ridley - was a famous actor of the popular British television series "Papashin Army".

Daisy went not to a general educational institution, and in a specialized choreographic school of performing arts of the Tring Park in Hartfordshire, which he graduated in 2010. As a child, Ridley was a naughty, a mischievous child, but in the Ting Park, they were able to captivate dancing and other arts, and also to do much more disciplined.

Carier start

After receiving the certificate of maturity, the girl for 2 years traveled around the world, lived in India, and then decided to realize himself in the acting career. As the star of the screen recalled, her first role was the character of a small video advertising cake with meat filling.

As Actress Daisy Ridley made his debut in 2013 in three television sitcom and several movies. Short tapes with her participation "Rescuer" and "Blue Season" were nominated at the British Academy of Cinema.

In the same 2013, Daisy starred in the music video clip of Raper Wilely on the song Lights ON.

The next year, the actress appeared in the 2 episodes of the detective series "Mulk Witness" and the British Comedy "Perryki 2", but when installing, all scenes were cut off with her participation. Then a teenage horror "Doodle" came out, in which the actress played one of the main roles. Participation in the filming of televisionilms Ridley combined with work in the London pub, where he carried out the duties of the bartender, and still proud of its skills.

"Star Wars"

In the spring of 2014, the press reported that the director of Jay Jay Abrams, relieving the continuation of the legendary fantastic saga "Star Wars: Awakening of the Force", decided to repeat the creative course of George Lucas and invited to the key roles in a new episode of only little-known to the public actors.

For this, he arranged large-scale listening among novice artists. Ridley successfully passed all the castings and played one of the central roles - the new character of Ray, around which the plot of the film will be built. Together with her, artists John Boyaega, Oscar Isak and Adam Driver appeared on the screen.

As subsequently recalled Daisy, before joining the composition of the fantastic blockbuster, its filmography has developed without much success. The girl was so accustomed to failures that on the casting in the "Star Wars" behaved in uncertain, without hoping that she would be chosen.

For participation in the filming of the episode of the "Star Wars", Ridley received four nominations for the MTV Movie Awards 2016 award, including for the best fight (paired with the hero of Adam Driver), and won in one of them - "breakthrough of the year." The film itself was successful - under the budget of $ 245 million, rental fees exceeded $ 2 billion.

Acting Career Daisy is tightly connected with "Star Wars". The celebrity voiced Ray in the animation series "Star Wars: Forces of Fate", which began to go to the television screen on July 3, 2017.

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The actress played in the 8th on the account of the Episode of Cosmoopers, the release of which was held in 2017. The film was called "Star Wars. Episode VIII: Last Jedies. " The picture has become a direct continuation of previous films and the 2nd part of the newest trilogy.

Thanks to the star role, the popular actress began to fall on the media pages - in 2017 she starred in a photo shoot for Vogue magazine, Ridley's photo appeared on the cover of the publication. Also pictures of Daisy could admire the readers of Gloss V Magazine, Elle and Hollywood Reporter.

The 9th episode of "Star Wars" entered the screens in the winter of 2019 and became, according to the execution of the executor, the last of her work in the popular franchise.


The actress receives a number of suggestions about the shooting and in other pictures.

In 2015, the actress was voiced by Hannu's cartoon character in the English full-length animation tape SCRAWL Peter Harn. The cartoon is created in the horror genre and fantasy.

In 2017, another project was started with the participation of Daisy - "Murder in Eastern Express" directed by Kenneth Brare in the same name Roman Agatha Christie. Ribbon tells about the investigation of the famous Belgian detective Erkulya Poirot. Ridley played the role of the governess of Mary Debenham, passenger trains, where a crime was committed. The acting ensemble amounted to Penelope Cruz, Judy Dench, Johnny Depp and Michelle Pfaiffer.

In addition, in 2018, the actress voiced the character in the family cartoon "Rabbit Peter", and also appeared in the "Ophelia" drama, a picture based on the famous play of Shakespeare "Hamlet", but outlined from the point of view of the Bride of Hamlet - Ophelia.

Personal life

Daisy Ridley has such a tight working schedule of filming that little time remains for personal life.

Nevertheless, in 2016, the artist was seen in the company Colleague Charlie Hammbletta. They rumored that Daisy and her guy even "lit up" in a jewelry store, where wedding rings were selected. But messages about the upcoming wedding fans of the artist never waited: Charlie did not become official husband Ridley, their novel ended.

In the summer of 2016, Daisy deleted her page from "Instagram". Before this, the actress supported the social campaign opposing violence and violence using firearms. Subscribers and other users of the platform poured the actress with negative comments, where accused the performer in sentimentality, hypocrisy and doublues.

According to commentators, the actress plays a major role in a franchise, where violence, fights and shootings are the main way to solve conflicts and issues. Therefore, her performance against this in "Instagram", while Ridley signed a contract for the continuation of filming in the "Star Wars", where the heroine of the actress is not bent to use violence, outraged even fans of the franchise.

Daisi did not tolerate the negative stream and deleted the page. Subsequently, the actress restored the account to write gratitude to those who supported her, and removed again.

Another reason for which Ridley does not like communication with fans through social networks, is criticism addressed to her shapes. Often, comments appeared on the artist page about the excessive thin Daisy, which it demonstrated in photographs in a swimsuit. When height 170 cm its weight does not exceed 55 kg. Subscribers reproached the screen of the screen in the fact that it adversely affects girls of adolescence, which to achieve ideal use hard diet and spoil health.

But the actress has grounds for problems with weight and status of the skin, Daisy shared with the public, that from adolescent age suffers from female disease - endometriosis. Despite all the attempts of treatment, the situation was only worsened by the acquisition of a new diagnosis - "ovarian polykistosis".

The appearance of the celebrity appears and overwhelms otherwise. The public compares Daisy with another British actress - Kira Knightley. And American Star Gemini Cole and Dylan in the picture of Ridley recognized themselves, thereby confirming the similarity with the girl.

The new portion of romance appeared in the life of Ridley on the site "Murder in Eastern Express". And although the girl itself even on direct press questions answered evasively, the belt producer accidentally revealed the cards, noting that something happened between Tom and Daisy during filming. Later, the paparazzi has repeatedly managed to remove the actress in the arms of Colleagues Tom Beitman, although the pair of official statements did not do.

Despite the fact that most of the time the celebrity spends in Hollywood, working on the creation of new pictures, Rain London remains at home. The girl likes to return to the native places after filming. In addition to the family, her pet is expecting her pet - blind dog Muffin.

Daisy calls himself Chegan, cutting Cheating Vegan, which means "vegan-deceiver". Most of the actress time holds a floral diet, but sometimes it allows themselves to retreat in the form of fish. The girl herself explains his gastronomic behavior by the fact that she was "a moral compass".

Daisy Ridley now

Now the celebrity career is rapidly developing, strengthening her confidence and demand in the profession.

In the adaptation of the trilogy of Patrick Nessa "Fight Chaos" Daisy happened to become the only girl in the world of men whose thoughts are obvious to others. In an interview to the outlet of the film, the actress shared the opinion that she had nothing against the strong half of humanity, but he believes that women would deal with such a whim better. The premiere of a fantastic tape fell at the beginning of 2021, and the main party with Ridley was divided by a young, but Already famous Tom Holland.

In connection with the series of successful rating projects among fans and in the press, there were rumors that the performer will take part in the new picture of Olivia Wilde on Marvel comics, the main character of which will be a spider woman. Ridley reported that hasty news about her struggle for this role is not true, but in general the prospect of such work actresses is interesting.


  • 2013 - "Rescuer"
  • 2013 - "Catastrophe"
  • 2013 - "Spen"
  • 2013 - "Toast from London"
  • 2014 - "silent witness"
  • 2014 - Mr. Selfridge
  • 2015 - "Doodle"
  • 2015 - "Star Wars: Awakening of Power"
  • 2017 - "Murder in Eastern Express
  • 2017 - "Star Wars: Last Jedies"
  • 2018 - "Ophelia"
  • 2019 - "Star Wars: Skywalker. Sunrise"
  • 2021 - "Fight chaos"

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