Anna Chapman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Spy 2021



Anna Chapman - a mystery of the modernity, which legends goes not only in Russia, but also around the world. The biography of Anna became widely discussed after a loud scandal with a failure special operation of Russian intelligence in the United States, as a result of which it was deported to her as a spy in 2010 from states. The mysterious history of the TV presenter is closely intertwined with her career - the documentary project "The Secrets of the World with Anna Chapman", based on the disclosure of sensational facts in the environment, is popular and attracts interest in the person of his author.

Childhood and youth

Chapman Anna Vasilyevna (nee Kuchenko) was born on February 23, 1982, under the sign of the zodiac fish, in Kharkov in an intelligent family. Her father worked as a diplomat in African countries, although later Anna mentioned his cooperation with the KGB. Mother taught mathematics. Grandmother was engaged in the education of the future TV presenter, as Parents of Vasily and Irina were forced to leave for the border due to the peculiarities of the father's diplomatic career.

School years girls were saturated with change, like her adult life - to get secondary education, Anna had to change a number of schools, and graduation class and finish at all in Moscow. At the end of the school, Chapman entered the Russian Friendship University of Peoples to the Economic Faculty, which graduated in 2003.

Immediately after receiving a diploma, the girl moved to the UK, as a year earlier married Alex Alex Chapman's British. In Britain, it carried out work in the profession for 5 years. She had an increased thrust for the material well-being, which made her return to his homeland and create a number of own projects, the initial capital of which the money was reversed after the sale of personal jewels.

However, the founded Anna "real estate search engine" turned out to be unprofitable and did not bring the expected results, which pushed Chapman to create Time Venchures, which was supposed to search for Russian companies to open American branches on their base. For his promotion, she moved to the United States. According to the American investigation, this project has become the cover of the girl in America - it was repeatedly noticed in collaboration with the Russian representatives of the UN, with which she allegedly exchanged secret information and encrypted files.

Spy scandal

In June 2010, Chapman became the main defender of the most loud spyware scandal, as a result of which the FBI agents were arrested as a employee of the Russian special services. She was accused of working on the foreign intelligence service of Russia, in particular, in an attempt to obtain secret information about the US policy regarding Iran, about American nuclear service, as well as the disclosure of the personal data of the congressmen and CIA leaders. The foreign media repeatedly pointed out that the cause of the failure of Anna's spy was Barack Obama, to which she was closest.

Arrest Chapman passed in Manhattan. Then, her and even ten people, among whom Wicks Pelas, Donald Hitfield, Mike Zotolly, Mikhail Semenko and Patricia Mills, accused of working for foreign special services and support contacts with Russian specials. True, legally, according to American law, Anna does not mean a spy, as the US Gostai cannot declare.

In July 2010, Russia agreed with the United States on the exchange of several prisoners accused of state treason and espionage, which allowed Chapman and a few more people to officially extradite from the United States to their homeland, where she was not going to linger, returning to the UK.

The transition of the Russian spy did not take place - after accusing spying, she lost British citizenship. It is known that the failure of Anna's spy mission took place after her appeal to the police with a statement about an attempt to recruit it into "Russian scouts".

However, the FBI claims that the arrest Chapman took place as a result of a special operation - an American officer of the intelligence service was sent to her, which, under the guise of a Russian intelligence, asked Anna to convey a false passport to another "colleague" in the established location, where he was organized by an ambush on the spy.

At the end of 2010, it became known who passed the girl CIA. Anna's exposure of the activities of the Russian intelligence officer Alexander Poteev, who in 2011 in Moscow was sentenced in absentia by the 25th year of imprisonment in absentia.

In Russia, the first and deported from the USA, Russians met at that time Prime Minister Vladimir Putin. He highly appreciated the work of the scouts, calling their victims that they bring to the altar of the Fatherland invaluable. This is a thorough study of a foreign language, and work without covering, and participation in operations that may pose a threat to life. Later, in a conversation with reporters, the head of the Russian government confirmed that he was executed with the participants of the meeting "where his homeland begins".

Journalism and television

After the liberation of the American prison and return to Moscow, the Russian spy received many offers in the field of show business. At the same time, she starred in several erotic photo shoots for the "playboo" and "heat", after which it began to call "Agent 90-60-90".

In the same period, the woman entered the Council "Young Guard of United Russia", in the ranks of which took up the patriotic education of Russian youth. In 2011, the ex-spy became the TV presenter and the author of the documentary project "Secrets of the World" coming out on the Ren-TV channel.

All issues of "Secrets of the World" with Anna Chapman are sensational and mysterious stories that reveal the riddles of the modern world, in which high-ranking officials are involved. In the new role, the legendary Russian spy tells the audience the whole truth about each attribute of everyday life used by people.

The documentary film "Secrets of the World" with Anna Chapman has a multi-million-dollar audience, which is eagerly awaited by a new edition of the transfer. More than 120 issues of the program came to the air, in each of the plots, the TV presenter personally participated in hazardous experiments and disclosure of mystification stories. The programs of the "Sunset of Dynasty" cycle are particularly popular, "Tweets in Tweets", "not joking with karma", "Sunset of Europe".

In addition to the project "Secrets of the World", Anna works as chief editor in publishing Venture Business News, and also writes a book about innovation. Along with the journalistic, it has been part of the Board of Directors of Forsservisbank, which specializes in the rocket and space industry. In the summer of 2015, the bank fell under the reachesum of Roskosmos, with the result that all presidential advisers, including Chapman, were forced to stop working with the FSB.

Personal life

Personal life Chapman, like her biography, full of mysteries and mystery. In 2002, she married the son of the British businessman Alex Chapman, an employee of recording studio. According to media information, this marriage was fictitious and organized with the aim of obtaining a Russian spy of British citizenship. The groom himself came to the girl to Russia, where they lived together after the marriage. At the same time, a young husband worked in Moscow English tutor. In 2006, the spouses divorced for unknown reasons.

Anna Chapman and her first husband Alex Chapman

At the same time, Anna Chapman was in search of a satellite of life and reported that he did not mind if her husband and the father of her children became an ex-CIA officer Edward Snowden, who hides from persecution by American special services in Russia. She made a proposal of the hands and hearts "Wrestle for ideals" in his "Twitter". The programmer immediately responded to the offer and stated that she was ready to marry Chapman, no matter what.

In 2015, the media appeared in the media that Chapman gave birth to a son. The former spy until the latter was trying to hide pregnancy, but later on social networks admitted the audience, which became a mother, and thanked fans for congratulations. Being pregnant, Anna did not go to the shadow. She created a nominal brand of women's clothing. The first Showerum of the trademark was opened on the territory of the design plant "Flacon", later boutiques appeared in the areas of Moscow.

Celebrity maternity leave decided not to take. In the suburban cottage Anna settled her mother Irina Kushchenko, on which there was concerns about the grandson. Soon after the birth, Chapman began to work on television as the author and the leading project "Secrets of the World".

Anna leads a personal account in "Instagram", where it is divided with subscribers of innermost thoughts and reflections on the theme of intelligence. At the same time, it does not miss the opportunity to please the fans of bright photos in a swimsuit, which demonstrates an attractive figure (with a height of 170 cm, the weight of Chapman does not exceed 57 kg). Anna considers himself a fan of a seafood and trying every winter in southern edges. Now a favorite place on the globe remains Nai Harn, next to which the Best Beach of the Mountain Island Phuket is located.

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Chapman is a poker game lover. In a conversation with reporters, the former intelligence reported that he was able to master the emotions during the party, so the rivals do not know when maps came to her. For this feature, friends gave her nickname Poker Face.

In an interview, Anna noted that he had a large share of bitching and had not yet learned to pretend helpless. If Chapman feels in the interlocutor of the slab, then does not hide his contempt for him. At the same time, she does not lose hope to meet an equal partner. It is possible that its chosen one will be 20 years old.

Anna Chapman now

In 2019, Anna Chapman's debut took place in the cinema. The former spy starred in the film "Balkan Rubb", where he played the role of a journalist, which arrives in Yugoslavia during a military conflict in 1999. Colleagues Chapman on the film became Gosh Kutsenko, Milos Bikovich, Anton Pampusny, Goyko Mitich, Ravshan Kurkova. The former intelligence reported that she was led by acting and was going to build a career in cinema.

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